Book Title: Contribution Of Jaina Writers To Nyaya Vaisesika Literature
Author(s): J N Jaitley
Publisher: J N Jaitley

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Page 13
________________ Contribution of Jaina Writers etc. इच्छा - दोस - पत्ता कम्भं तयं च पंचदिहं । उक्खेवण- मक्खेवण पसारणा कुंचणं गमणं ॥ सत्ता - सामण्णं पिय सामण्ण विसेसिया दिसेसोय । समवायो न पयत्था छच्छात्तीसप्पभेदा य ॥ 117 (1) Bhu-earth, (2) Jala-water, (3) Jalana-fire, (4) Anila-air, (5) Naha-sky, (6) Kala-time, (7) Diśa-direction, (8) Aya-soul and (9) Mano-mind are the nine Dravyas. (1) Rūpa-colour, (2) Rasa-taste, (3) Gandha-odour, (4) Fasa-touch, (5) Samkha-number, (6) Parimāṇa-measure, (7) Puhuttaindividuality, (8) Sanjoga-contact, (9) Vibhaga-separation, (10) Paratta-priority, (11) Aparatta-posteriority, (12) Buddhiknowledge, (13) Suha-happiness, (14) Dukha-misery, (15) Iccha-desire, (16) Dosa-fault, (17) Payatta-effort are the seventeen Guņas. (1) Ukhevana-tossing up, (2) Akhevana-tossing down, (3) Pasarana-spread, (4) Akuncaṇa-contraction and (5) Gamana-gait are the five Karmas. (1) Sattāsāmānya-generality having two types.1 (1) Visesa-particularity and (1) Samavaya-inherence. These are the six categories with their thirtysix sub-divisions. categories shown above are of Vaiseṣika school. The This discussion based upon the references from the Agamas, the earlier Niryuktis and Bhāṣyas clearly point to the fact that the Jainas continuously kept themselves familiar with the schools of thought other than their own. Their familiarity with Pramaņas, Hetus, Avayavas and other topics of Nyaya school as well as with the Vaiseṣika categories of Dravya, Guṇa, Karma, Samanya, Viseşa and Samavaya became of great use to them in systematizing and putting their school of thought in line with Brāhmaṇical and Buddhist schools. Jaina Darsanikas showing the influence of Nyaya-Vaiseṣika schools: Now we shall take up the works of a few prominent Jaina Dārśanikas in which the influence of Nyaya-Vaiśeṣika schools of thought and literature is clearly seen. 1 Dr. A. B. Dhruva also in his intropuction of Syādvāda-Mañjarī (footnotes on p. XLV) quotes a passage showing three types of Samanya which was also imported by Rohagupta, the founder of the sixth schism, into Jainism. In that passage opinion of someone is stated as follows: अन्ये तु व्याचक्षते महासामान्यं द्रव्यत्वादि सामान्यविशेषः पृथिवीत्वादि । According to Vaiśeṣika Sāmānya is of two types, Para and Apara.


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