Book Title: Contribution Of Jaina Writers To Nyaya Vaisesika Literature
Author(s): J N Jaitley
Publisher: J N Jaitley

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Page 19
________________ Contribution of Jaina Writers etc. 123 Katandi is the name of a commentary on Vaiseșika Sūtras. However this is altogether a new name. It should be noted that as shown above Simhagaņi also' quotes Nyāya-Sūtras. ___ इदानीं सूत्रकारमतं समर्थयता वाक्य-भाष्य-टीकाकाराणां मतानि समाहृत्य प्रधानानुगामित्वाच्छेषाणां सूत्रकारमतमेवेत्थं द्वे[दू]षयितुमाह तत्वोपनिलनयात् सदाद्यभिधानार्थ कारण[णे समवेतस्य वस्तुन उत्तरकालं सत्तासम्बन्ध इति बहूनां मतम् । वस्त्वस्तू त्युत्पत्तिकाल एव इति तु वाक्याभिप्रायोऽनुसृतो भाष्यकारैः । सिद्धस्थ वस्तुनः स्वकारणः स्वसत्तया च सम्बन्धः इति प्रशस्तमतोमतेर भिप्रायः । अस्मदभिप्रायस्तेषां त्रयाणामप्यसत्यतेति । कस्मात् ? परस्पर विरुद्धार्थत्वात्..."कुमार ब्रह्मचारिपितृत्ववत् । द्वा. न. च. टी. पृ. ३०१ Here from the phrase arathETA4TETTİ we can say that there was a Vākyakāra, Bhāşyakāra and a Tīkākāra. In short there must have been three types of commentaries on Vaiseșika Sūtras viz. Vākya, Bhāşya and Tīkā. Of these three Vakya is a new type not hitherto known. Bhāşya may be probably a Bhāşya on Vaiseșika Sūtras. As he quotes the opinion of Prasastamati separately, here Bhāşya may mean perhaps some Bhāşya other than that of Prasastapäda. Tīkā means the Tikā Katandi which is referred to in the above quoted passage.1 These passages are enough to show that Jaina logicians remained in close contact with the contemporary Nyāya and Vaiseșika literature. Acārya Haribhadrasūri who is known as Yakinimahattarā-Sūnu was a prolific writer in the history of Jaina literature. His works also show his familiarity with Nyaya-Vaisesika schools. In his Saddarsanasamuccaya, the first compendium of Vedic and non-Vedic Darsanas, he devotes one chapter to Nyāya and one to Vai eşika schools. In his Šāstravārtāsamuccaya we find that he, after refuting Isvarakartrtva theory, makes peace with it by viewing a Tirthaikara in the terms of Isvara and Kartā. This is typical of Jaina writers. The passages of Sinhagani's commentary are taken from the MS of the same which lies at present with Muni Sri Jambūvijayajī, the learned Editor of Dvādaśāra. 2 The following verses of Sāstravārtāsamuccaya shows his adaptation of the idea of Iśvaratva and Jagatkartstva : ईश्वरः परमात्मैव तदुक्त व्रत सेवनात् । यतो मुक्तिस्ततस्तस्याः स्याद् गुणभावतः ।। तदनासेवनादेव यत्संसारोऽपि तत्त्वतः । तेन तस्यापि कर्तुत्वं कल्प्यमानं न दुष्यति ।। कर्ताऽयमिति तद्वाक्ये यतः केषाञ्चिदादरः । अतस्तस्थानुगुण्येन तस्य कर्तृत्ववेदनम् ॥ पारमैश्वर्य युक्तत्वान्मत आत्मैव चेश्वरः । स च कर्तेति निर्दोषः कर्तृवादो व्यवस्थितः ॥ शा. वा. स. का. २०८-२०७


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