Book Title: Concept of Paryaya in Jain Philosophy
Author(s): S R Bhatt, Jitendra B Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 77
________________ Paryaya : A Doctrine of Parinama 65 modes of consciousness, such as those of knowledge, self-awareness, etc. in the former and those of color, such as blue, yellow etc. in the letter respectively43. Soul undergoes transformation by its capacity of sentiency (cetanasakti) into various forms of consciousness (upayoga) like modes of knowledge, self-awareness, etc. while matter undergoes transformation by its capacity of color (rupasakti) into various forms of color like blue, yellow etc. The capacity of sentiency cannot be separated from soulsubstance and other capacities which are inherent in it. Similarly, the capacity of color (rupasakti) cannot be thought of apart from mattersubstance and other capacities which are inherent in it44. Various forms of consciousness of different times like traikalika series of knowledge, self-awareness, etc. have got one capacity of sentiency (cetana) and the series of effective modes (karyabhutaparyaya) of that capacity (sakti) are associated with consciousness (upayogatmaka). In matter also the series of various modes of color like blue, yellow etc. are the effects of one causative capacity of color (karanabhutarupasakti)45. Like the series of consciousness in soul, there are continuing together i.e. taking place together in it the series of feelings, such as happiness, sorrow, etc. the series of desires, etc. For this reason, infinite capacities of qualities are comprehended by taking into account each individual causative capacity or quality inherent in it - capacity like, sentiency, the causative joy, energy etc. of the series of infinite modes like the modes of color, smell, taste, touch etc. take place. For this reason infinite capacities or qualities are cognized by admitting each individual causative capacity or quality of individual causative capacity or quality of individual series like that of the capacity of color, that of smell that of taste, that of touch46. Various modes of capacities like sentiency, joy, energy, etc. can be found to operate in soul, but modes of different consciousness of capacity of sentiency or those of feelings of one capacity of bliss (anandasakti) cannot be experienced to function at the same time, i.e. simultaneously; for only one mode of an individual capacity is manifested at a time. Similarly, in matter also various capacities or qualities like color, smell etc. take place at a time, but different modes like blue, yellow etc. of one capacity or quality of color (rupasakti) do not take place in it simultaneouslyA7


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