and Vikramāditya", Dr. Krause has established the contemporaneity of Siddhasena Divākara and Vikramāditya on the basis of Guņavacanadvātrimśikā of Siddhasena, which was according to her composed to address a royal patron who is revealed as such a unique personality, standing out in bold relief against a background of warfare, empire building and ingenious rule. On the basis of these qualities of a king Dr. Krause infer that this Gunavacanadvātrimśikā is composed by Siddhasena in the honour of Samudragupta, the father of Candragupta II, the Vikramāditya. She has supported her thesis on the basis of some Jaina and non-Jaina literary and epigraphical sources. Regarding the date of Siddhasena Divākara, she is of the firm opinion that he belongs to fifth century A.D. I also favour this date of Siddhasena, which I have already proved in my Introduction to Dr. Shriprakash Pandey's Hindi work “Siddhasena Divākara : Vyaktittva and Krtittva” published from Vidyāpītha in 1997. If we accepts that Siddhasena Divākara belongs to fifth century A.D. then there is no difficulty in accepting the contemporaneity of Siddhasena Divākara and Candragupta II, the Vikramāditya. The Ksapanaka, one of the nine jewels of Vikramāditya was no other than Siddhasena Divākara, as she has concluded.
This article of Dr. Krause is really a master piece of her research work. It is well documented and supported by 205 references from Jaina and non-Jaina sources, literary as well as epigraphical.
The eighth article, “Jāvada of Māņdu”, is about a person who lived in sixteenth century of Vikrama era and was famous for his charity. In this essay Dr. Krause has presented the biography of Jāvada on the basis of some literary and epigraphical evidences found in Jaina sources. In his biography Dr. Krause has mentioned his lineage, official and social position, his pilgrimages, welcoming the Guru and acceptance of the twelve vows. While accepting the fifth vow of the limitations of one's property, Jāvada reserved following quantity of his possessions for his lifetime 1,00,000 mounds of
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