Book Title: Book Reviews
Author(s): J W De Jong
Publisher: J W De Jong

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________________ REVIEWS 217 the poetical figures of the second chapter of the Kävyädarśa will also be published in the People's Republic of China. This should allow for a future appreciation of Dpal-khang Lo-tsa-ba as a poet. Finally, the publishers should be congratulated for the outstanding quality of the publication of this lexicon. It is perhaps a matter of slight regret that, in contradistinction to Skyogs-ston's Li-shi'i gur-khang, no index was added to Dpal-khang-pa's work. Hamburg LEONARD W. J. VAN DER KUIJP NOTES 1 For a comprehensive listing of such works, see Dmu-dge bsam-gtan, Brda-sprod blo-gsal dga'ston, Lanzhou: Gansu People's Publishing House, 1981, pp. 213-216, L. Chandra, ed., Materials for a History of Tibetan Literature, Part Three, New Delhi, 1963 (hereafter MHTL), Nos. 13007-13020. To my knowledge the following Tibetan lexicons have been published in the People's Republic of China: Skyogs-ston Rin-chen bkra-shis, Brda gsar-rnying-gi rnam. gzhag li-shi'i gur-khang, ed. Mgon-po rgyal-mtshan, Beijing: People's Publishing House, 1981, 'Jigs-med dam-chos, Dag-yig shes-bya rab-gsal, 2nd ed., Lanzhou: Gansu People's Publishing House, 1981 - 'Jigs-med dam-chos was a student of Dkon-mchog 'jigs-med dbang-po on whom see below note 2 - and Gsung-rab rgya-mtsho, Dag-yig dang 'brel-bar gzhon-nu dag-la nye-bar mkho-ba'i tshig- 'ga'briod-pa, Xining: Qinghai People's Publishing House, 1982. 2 The same volume of his collected works contains on pp. 567-791 his critical bilingual edition of the Amara kośa. According to its colophon (p. 790), it was completed at some time during 1724 to 1725. The colophon, however, is a later addition to this edition for it explicitly states its indebtedness to Ngag-dbang brtson-'grus' biography which was compiled by his successor, the second 'Jam-dbyangs bzhad-pa'i rod-rje, Dkon-mchog 'jigs-med dbang-po (1728-1791), for which see the Mkhas-shing grub-pa'i dbang-phyug kun.mkhyen 'jam-dbyangs bzhad-pa'i rdo-rje'i rnam-par thar-pa ngo-mtshar skal-bzang jug-ngogs in The Collected Works of Dkon-mchog 'jigs-med dbang-po, Vol. 2, New Delhi, 1971, pp. 270-271. At around this time Ngag-dbang brtson-'grus also wrote his commentaries to the Kätantra and the Candravyákarana. However, Dkon-mchog 'jigs-med dbang-po's listing of his writings found on p. 300 of this biography mentions neither his edition of the Amarakośa, nor his work on the MNSM. 3 See the MHTL No. 16313: dag-yig thams-cad-las khyad-par-du 'phags-pa ni dpal-khang lo-tsa-bas mdzad-pa'i mkhas-pa'i ngag-sgron po-ta-la zhol-gyi par-ma de-yin /. 4 These are taken from Si-tu Pan-chen Chos-kyi 'byung-gnas / 'Be-lo Tshe-dbang kun-khyab, History of the Karma Bka brgyud-pa Sect - Sgrub-brgyud karma kam-tshang brgyud-pa rin-po-che' rnam-par thar-pa rab-'byams nor-bu zla-ba chu-sel-gyi phreng-ba, Vol. 2, New Delhi, 1972 (hereafter History), and Dpa'-bo gtsug-lag phreng-ba, Mkhas-pa'i dga'-ston, Part 3, New Delhi, 1961. 5 The first two are listed in the bibliography to Dung-dkar Blo-bzang 'phrin-las' Snyan-ngag-la jug-tshul tshig-rgyan rig-pa'i sgo-'byed, Xining: Qinghai People's Publishing House, 1982, p. 621 and were at least available to the author when this work was completed in 1962. There Dpal-khang Lo-tsa-ba is styled Dpal-sgang Lo-tsa-ba Chos-dpal rgya-mtsho. The orthographic variant of "Dpal-sgang" is also met with in 'Jigs-med nam-mkha'i rdo-rje's Gangs-can bod-kyi brda-skad ming-gzhi gsal-bar ston-pa'i bstan-bcos dgos-'byung nor-bu'i gter-chen (completed in 1954), in Bonpo Lexicographical Works, Dolanji, 1976, p. 293. 6 The first Karma-'phrin-las-pa (1456-1539) was recognized and so designated by the seventh Rgyal-dbang Karma-pa Chos-grags rgya-mtsho (1454-1506), and subsequently installed at the monastery of Chos-'khor lhun-po. He later founded the famous college of Legs-bshad-gling. The third Karma-'phrin-las-pa (1631-1700?) was the nineteenth abbot of Yangs-pa-can monastery, and the fourth is presently residing in Toronto, Canada.


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