Book Title: Bhagavana Mahavira and his Relevance in Modern Times
Author(s): Narendra Bhanavat, Prem Suman Jain, V P Bhatt
Publisher: Akhil Bharat Varshiya Sadhumargi Jain Sangh
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Mahavira and His Relevance
So far as Karmic phenomena is concerned, the operand, the operator and the transform becoming spaces come under the study of volition (Yoga) becomings and affection (Kaşāya and Moha) becomings of a mundane soul. There are maximum and minimum domains and ranges of combinatroial situations of such becomings (known as leśyā - Bhāvas) at their various stations. The accomplishable soul, in times to come, is able to tend its volition and affection becoinings to zero, 9 resulting in various types of Karmic and non-Karmic phenomena, at various control stations (Guņasthānas).
The performance of the dynamic system of a mundane soul depends upon operations of Karmic bound matter 10 (the five types of bodies) or upon those of body, organ of speech and mind.11 Such operations are called volitions (Yogas) 12 and bring input (creation) and instantaneous bond of Karmic matter into the points of the kinetically active soul every instant, subject to life-stay and recoilimpartation bond as well if accompanied with affections (Kaşāyas and Moha).13 Thus necessity arises to define the unit of inflow (creation) of Karmic matter, or else the unit of outflow (Annihilation) of Karmic matter, the unit of volition becoming, and the unit of affection becoming. Further the unit of bond, the unit of outflow and those of the becomings effecting the clos' re of inflow (creation), accelerating the rate of inflow or that of outflow, and many operations will be considered.
First we define the least effective volition or a neo-quantum of volition 14 Let all the points of a soul (having a volume measure equivalent to the set of all points of the universe (Loka) be established. Among all such points, let the point be traced out where the least volition becoming exists. Take such a point and extend the volition becoming found at that point by abstraction. Find out the point containing such a volition becoming which may be greater than the least volition or a neo-quantum of volition becoming. The increase in difference between the least volition and the greater volition becoming so found (setting an order through inequality relations) is called an indivisible - corresponding - section (AvibhāgiPraticcheda) of volition becoming. This is the quantum of volitionaction. The least effective volition or a neo-quantum of volition contains non-summable universes of indivisible-correspondingsections of volition becoming. This neo-quantum of least effective volition is called a basic vector (Varga),15 The successive neoquanta of volition then form a sequence of an additive semi-group
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