Book Title: Bhagavana Mahavira and his Relevance in Modern Times
Author(s): Narendra Bhanavat, Prem Suman Jain, V P Bhatt
Publisher: Akhil Bharat Varshiya Sadhumargi Jain Sangh
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Mahāvira and His Relevance
matter, streams of
6. Şukşma-Sukşma-Extra fine
indivisible matter? (Parmanu).
Number of Elements :
Before the investigation of Nuclear (Paramanu) Science (Protons, Electrons, Neutrons etc.), the Physicists and the Chemists divided matter into three main classes of solids, liquids and gases.. An element was then assumed to be a substance which has not been resolved or split up by chemical analysis into two or more simple or dissimilar substances. 8 Originally these elements numbered 92, beginning with Hydrogen (H) as the lightest and Uranium as the heaviest with atomic weight 235, but further this list has been exten led to 105, Larsium 103 (Lw Atomic weight 254) and an artificial product of Kurchatovium 104 (Ku Atomic weight 257).9 The last has not yet been nained. From the electronic point of vie'w an element is meant to be a substance which consists wholly of atoms having the same nuclear charge. Later on by the discovery of Einstien's theory of Energy-Mass x Velocity of Light? (mc2), it has been proved that mass and energy are interchangeable. One element can be converted into another element or into Energy. Just as radiant energy possesses double nature of wave and particle, matter also has particle and wave. The Jain seers have long before proclaimed that these modifications are covered by the capa ity of Pudgala adopting all various phenomena.10 :
शब्द बंध सौक्षम्य स्थौल्य संस्थान भेद तमश्छायाऽऽतपोद्योत वन्तश्च ।।।
Manifestations of Pudgala (matter) take the form of sound, union (bondage), fineness, grossness, figure, divisibility, darkness, shade or image, heat, sunshine and moonlight. Maiter exists either in the form of indivisible elementary form (Aņu) or their combinations (Skandha). Literally speaking Aņu according to Jain idea, is the last indivisible particle of matter which cannot be further subdivided. It has got one colour, one smell, one taste and two touches. In the common usage it may be called Paramāņu The atom of modern scientific nomenclature is not Aņu. It is a molecule (Skandha) a combination of many elements. J. K. Thomson in 1897 discovered that an atom consists of Electron (negative charge) and Proton (positive charge). Juliot and Madam Curi discovered the existence of Neutron. In 1932, Anderson discovered Positron an opposite of Electron : Yukava of Japan found Messons. Now-a
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