Book Title: Bhagavana Mahavira and his Relevance in Modern Times
Author(s): Narendra Bhanavat, Prem Suman Jain, V P Bhatt
Publisher: Akhil Bharat Varshiya Sadhumargi Jain Sangh
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Mahāvira and His Relevance
The theory of material bonds has been discussed in details by G.R. Jain as well; Vide Jgr : Jain G.R., Cosmology old and new, Central Jaina Publishing House, Lucknow, 1942.
The details are given from page 208 to 222. Sj, loc. cit. may also be consulted for other Indian metaphysical works. The above related verses are from Umaswami (Umaswati)'s work, Tattvartha Sutra, ch. V: स्निग्ध रूक्षत्वद्वन्धः ।।33।। स्निग्धरुक्षत्वगुण निमित्तो विद्यु त । is a sentence from Sarvartha Siddhi, v. 24, loc. cit. Cf. Jgr, p. 209, footnote. 7 TOFU TUTA 113411 TT ATT AÇIFTH 113511 fifa TAI D 113611 Trasferit giffa71 7 113711
-Cf. also, Sj2 The levels of affine and anti-affine controls (analogous to positive and negative electricity or charges concept) are as follows :
All Levels
Even Levels
Odd Levels
Here all is Sarva, Level is Ansa, Even is Sama, Odd is Visama, Affine is Snigdha, Anti-affine is Ruksa. The symbol I stands for infinite (Ananta), S stands for Summable (Samkhyata) and A stands for the Non-summable (Asamkhyata) Cf. Ne, Todaramala, Artha Samdrsti, (G.K.K.) p. 184 (*)
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