Book Title: Bhagavana Mahavira and his Relevance in Modern Times
Author(s): Narendra Bhanavat, Prem Suman Jain, V P Bhatt
Publisher: Akhil Bharat Varshiya Sadhumargi Jain Sangh
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Ne: Nemicandra, Gommatasara Jivakanda, Gommatasara Karmakanda, Labdhisara and Ksapanasara, (abbr. as G. J. K., G K. K., L. S. and K. S. respectively), alongwith three Gandhi Haribhai Deokarana Jaina Granthamala, Calcutta, (Publication year not mentioned. Appears to have been published round about 1910).
The above texts belong to Digambara School. For a bibliographic list of the texts belonging to Svetambara school, cr: Jhl: Jain, H. L,, Bharatiya Samskriti men Jaina Dharma ka Yogadana, M. P. Shasana Sahitya Parisada, Bhopal (1962).
procured :
Mahavira and His Relevance
Jj Jaini, J. L. and Br S. Prasad, The sacred Books of the Jainas, Gommatasara Karmakanda, vol. iv, Pt. I (1927) vol x Pt. II (1937) Central Jaina Publishing House, Ajitashrama, Lucknow. Abridged Hindi available without
transliterations of the original verses of 'Ne' are also mathematical details :
For a convenient reading, English editions of Karmakanda may be
Jk: Jain, K. C. Gommatasara (Jivakanda), Rajchandra Ashram, Agas, (1959).
Lm1 Lal, M., Gommatasara (Karmakanda), Param Shruta Prabhavak Jain Mandal, Bombay (1929).
Lm2 Lal, M., Labdhisara, Parama Shruta Prabhavak Mandal, Bombay (1916).
Cf. Ne, Op. cif.
Dai Datta, B. B., The Jaina School of Mathematics, Bul. Cal. Math. Soc., Calcutta, vol. xxi, (1929), pp. 115-145.
Da2 Datta, B. B. Mathematics of Nemichandra, The Jaina Antiquary, Arrah, vol. i, no. ii, (1935) pp. 25-44.
Si Singh, A. N., Mathematics of Dhavala, Satkhandagam, (Pu) book iv, (1942), pp. v-xxi.
Si Singh, A. N. History of Mathematics in India from Jaina Sources, The Jaina Antiquary, vol. xv, no. ii, (1949), pp. 46-53; and vol. xvi, no. ii (1950), pp. 54-69. The Central Jaina Oriental Library, Arrah.
Sji Sikdar, J. C., The Jaina Concept of Time, Research Journal of Philosophy, Ranchi, vol. iv, no. 1, (1972), pp. 75-88.
Sj2 Sikdar, J. C. Jaina Atomic Theory, Indian Journal of History of Science, vol. 5 No. 2 (1970), pp. 199-218.
J11 Jain, L. C. Tiloya Pannatti ka Ganita, Reprinted from introduction
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