Book Title: Ashtapad Maha Tirth 01 Page 249 to 335
Author(s): Rajnikant Shah, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: USA Jain Center America NY

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Page 69
________________ मडयं मयस देहो, तं मरुदेवीए पढम सिद्धो त्ति । देवेहिं पुरा महियं झावणया अग्गिसक्कारो य ॥ ६० ॥ सो जिणदेहाईणं देवेहिं कतो चितासु थुभा य । सो य रुण्णसद्दो, लोगो वि ततो तहाय कतो, ततो तथा भगवदेहादिदगधस्थानेषु भरतेन स्तूपा कृता, ततो लोकेऽपि तत आरभ्य मृतक दाह स्थानेषु स्तूपा प्रवर्तन्ते ।। आवश्यक मलय ।। भ० ऋषभदेव, उनके गणधरों और अन्तेवासी साधुओं की तीन चिताओं पर पृथक्-पृथक् तीन चैत्यस्तूपों का निर्माण करने के पश्चात् सभी देवेन्द्र अपने देव-देवी परिवार के साथ नन्दीश्वर द्वीप में गये । वहाँ उन्होंने भगवान् ऋषभदेव का अष्टाह्निक निर्वाण महोत्सव मनाया और अपने-अपने स्थान को लौट गये । " वैदिक परम्परा के साहित्य में माघ कृष्णा चतुर्दशी के दिन आदिदेव का शिवलिंग के रूप में उद्भव होना माना गया है । " भगवान् आदिनाथ के शिव पद प्राप्ति का इससे साम्य प्रतीत होता है । यह सम्भव है कि भगवान् ऋषभदेव की निषद्या ( चिता स्थल) पर जो स्तूप का निर्माण किया गया वही आगे चल कर स्तूपाकार चिह्न शिवलिंग के रूप में लोक में प्रचलित हो गया हो । * Kevalgyan : 2 Rushabhdev traveled extensively for a period of 100 years into Arya and Anarya Desh to annihilate the four Ghati Karmas. All along, he led an austere life, walking barefoot and freeing his mind of evil thoughts, such as pride, greed, lust and fear. He observed perfect celibacy and exercised full control over mind and senses. Most of the time he maintained complete silence (Maun-vrat) as well as fasting for days. A considerable amount of his time was spent in the highest kind of meditation. Finally he observed Attam Tap (penace consisting of three consecutive days of fasting) sitting under a banyan tree in deep meditation and on the eleventh day in the second half of the Fagun he attained Kevalyan (absoute knowledge.) Indra & other Gods thronged there to celebrate the fourth Kalyanak (Kevalgyan) They constructed a divine Assembly Hall known as Samovsarana for Adinath Bhagwan's first sermon. Samovsarana is either circular or square. There are three levels, lower is silver, middle is gold and upper is of precious stones. Lower one is for parking, middle one is for animals and uppermost for Sadhu-Sadhvis and Devta & human beings. During one of his sermons Adinath Bhagwan explained to Bharat about forth coming chovishi and 24 Tirthankars. *Moksha-Nirvana: When he learnt that his life was to come to an end he went a top Mount Ashtapad along with 10000, Jain Munis for santhara ( fasting unto death). When third era was short of three year & eight half month, on the thirteenth day of second half of Maha under the influence of Abhijeet Nakshatra -after six days of fasting, Bhagwan attained Nirvana (Salvation). ७. जंबूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति और कल्पसूत्र १९९. सू. ८. ईशान संहिता (क) माघे कृष्णे चतुर्दश्याभादिदेवो महानिशि Shri Ashtapad Maha Tirth शिवलिंगगतयोदभूतः कीटिसूर्य समप्रभः ।। तत्कालव्यापिनी ग्राह्या, शिवरात्रिवते तिथिः । (ख) माघमासस्य शेषे या प्रथमे फाल्गुनस्य च। कृष्णा चतुर्दशी सा तु शिवरात्रिः प्रकीर्तिता ॥ ( कालमाघवीय नागरखण्ड) 277 Jain Dharma ka Maulik Itihas


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