I Agamas. A. Text:
(1) A complete set of 45 Agamas (perhaps with the exception of Súrya-,Candra-prajnaptis and the Cheda Sútras) was published about fifty years ago by Rai Bahadur Babu Dhanpat Singh of Bálúcár (District Murshidabad, Bengal). All the works of this set were accompanied by one or more Sanskrit commentaries and a Gujrátí paraphrase. In the introduction to his edition of Uvásagadasáo, Professor Hoernle remarks that this set “is worthless as an edition, being made with no regard whatsoever to textual or grammatical correctness both in its Sanskrit and Prakrit portions. Some of the volumes of this set were printed on loose sheets in manuscript form, while others were bound in book-form. These sets were distributed free among Jain Sádhus aud lib. raries. A number of copies were, however, sold, Copies of this set are not available now for purchase.
(2) Another set has been published in recent years by the Jainagamodaya Samiti, Bombay. All the works in it are accompanied by a Sanskrit commentary, and are printed in MS. form. It is decidedly better than Rai Dhanpat Singh's set. Copies of this set also are difficult to get as only a limited number of copies are printed.
(3) The Jains of Hyderabad (Deccan) have brought out a set of 32 Agamas (excluding the Paipnas) accompanied by a Hindí translation. All the volumes of this set are printed in MS. form. In textual correctness, this set is inferior even to No. 1.
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