ARDHA-MAGADHT READER 3. Ascetics and Hermits 1. Now these Vánapattha' ascetics living on the banks of the Ganges, as for instance, those who perform agnihotra, who lie on earth, who wear robes, who perform sacrifices, who perform sraddha, who carry a bowl, who carry a pitcher of water, who use their teeth as mortar to grind grain with them, who stand in waters, who sink in waters, who dip in water again and again, who rub their limbs with clay, who live on the right bank only, who live on the lett bank only, who blow a conch at meals to invite others, who blow conch at a river's bank, who hunt deer, who kill an elephant to live upon its flesh for a long time, 2 who keep their staves raised, who sprinkle water in the directions, who clothethemselves in bark of trees, who live in water, who live in holes, who live in water, 3 who live on the seashore, who live at the bottom of trees, who live on water, who live on air, who live on moss, who live on roots, who live on bulbs, who live on bark, who live on leaves, who live on flowers, who live on withered roots, bulbs, bark, leaves and flowers, who harden their bodies with frequent baths, who reduce themselves so as if roasted on burning coals, in a pan or up to the neck by exposing them. selves to five kinds of fires. 4 They live this life for
1. Skt. alagru, third Asrama or stage of life. 2. Believed to be a sect of the Buddhists. 3. Seems to be a wrong reading. 1. Four fires and the sun. .
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