8. The Path S. B. E. S., VOL. XLV p. 310. 1. What is the Path that has been preached by the wise Brahmaņas (ie. Mahávíra), having correctly entered upon which path a man crosses the flood of Samsára which is difficult to pass ?
2. O monk and great sage, tell us this best path which leads to liberation from all crisery, as you know it!
3. Tell us how we should describe that path, if somebody, a god or a man, should ask us about it!
t. If somehody, a god or a wan, ask you about it, tell them the truth about the path. Listen to me!
5,6. The very difficult path explained by the Käsyapa2, following which some men from this earth have formerly passed over the Samsára like traders over the ocean, pass over it even now, and will pass over it in future ; this path which I have learned, I shall explain in due order ; men, listen to me!
7. Farth-lives are individual beings, so are water-lives, and wind-lives ; grass, trees, corn.
8. And the remaining, (viz.) the movable beings; thus are enumerated the six classes of living beings; these are all the living beings ; there are no more besides.
1 The word Brahmana (Jáhana) is here, as in many other passages, a mere honorific title which could be rendered by ascotic 2 Pelonging to the Kásyapa gotra ie. Lord Mahavíra.
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