mentions are clearly found to the effect that Mahāvira preached the doctrine in Addhamagahi dialect. Admitting on these authorities that the language of the Jain Canon is a dialect called Ardha-magadhi, the questions naturally arise as to why it came to possess this peculiar name, why it does not conform to Magadhi proper, which was the prevalent dialect of the country where Mahāyira taught his doctrine and what are then its distinguishing characteristics.
The characteristics of Magadhī have been described by Hem. VIII. iv 287–302. The main characteristics that stand out foremost are (1) The nom. sing. g Magadhizzi in Maharastrí (2) The Change of Ito and Ę to I invariably in cotrast to Mahārastrı where and a - both are preserved, (3) Hemcandra prescribes that all prescriptions excepting those given by him are to be followed according to intera (Hem. VIII. IV. 302.)
The earliest literary evidence (200 B. C.) of the existence of Magadhi is the inscription of Jogimar Cave, 26 The language of this inscri
26. As quoted by S. K. Chatterji ‘The origin and devolopment of Bengali language P. 59. Intro: ' शुतनुका नाम देवदाशिक्यी, तं कामयित्थ बालनशेये देवदिन्ने गाम लुपदक्खे'।