in us, an apprehension, oonsisting in a negation of all beings other than a cow. The primary function of the word, "COW" is thus to remove from our mind all our ideas about beings other than a cow.” Now, the word, "cow" no doubt, does shut out the ideas of creatures other than the cow. This negative function of a word is philosophically undeniable and the Buddhists were right in inviting pointed attention to this negative aspect in the significance of a word. But they were wrong in denying the positive significance in a word and its importance and the Nyaya and the Jaina oriticism of the Buddhist Apoha doctrine was accordingly just. The fact is that a word has two distinct significances each of which is real and important in its own ways. On the one hand, it refers to the positive features found in the object signified by it and on the other, it distinguishes that object from those in which these features are negated. As the Nyaya thinkers say in their criticism of the Buddhist Apoha doctrine,-" you ( the Buddhists ) contend that a word is exclusively negative in its significance; but this is not what our knowledge tells us...From words o. g. Cow, Gavaya, Elephant, Tree eto., arise on the contrary, positive verbal knowledges. If you say that the
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