Now please read this. This should be an eye opener. By the rule of nature, cows give birth to male and female babies in a near fifty-fifty proportion. In present days, due to electricity, tractors, the mechanization of agriculture and transportation of goods, 90% of these cows' male offspring (calves) have no more humane societal and economic use and hence are only an economic burden. As a result, just after birth, male calves are sold to slaughterhouses for tender meat such as veal; thus, the life of a calf can be counted in hours, days, or weeks only.
Dairy Products
Source is Cow Cow gives birth to
prepare for Veal Meat
Within 6 months
End of Milking Cycle
5-7 years
Within one week
Slaughter House
Meat & Leather
Fate of Cow's Children
An Ahimsa Crisis: You Decide