The easiest, most effective, and most important thing you can do to stop this cruelty, is to buy alternatives to dairy products. With the abundance of choices nowadays, it is becoming easier and easier to remove cruelty from your diet.
For vegan recipes, visit vegweb.com, vegcooking.com, or simply Google away. There are thousands of different recipes online, for every cuisine or taste imaginable.
One can make at home very delicious youghurt and ice creams from Soy Milk. We have been doing it for many years.
Many celebrities and famous artists have embraced the vegan lifestyle and commitment to cruelty-free food; these include: Joaquin Phoenix, Jessica Biel, Orlando Bloom, Alicia Silverstone, Natalie Portman, Liv Tyler, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Connelly, Elizabeth Berkley, Woody Harrelson, AFI, Common, Benji and Billy of the band Good Charlotte, Weird Al, Thom Yorke, Fiona Apple, Erykah Badu, Moby, Shania Twain, Fugazi, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Dennis Kucinich, President Bill Clinton and former US Vice President Al Gore, Chelsie Clinton (daughter of President Clinton) and many more.
Resources, and for more information visit:
www.factoryfarming.com www.viva.org.uk
"Unseen they suffer, unheard they cry.
agony they linger, in silence they die.
Is it nothing to you, all ye who pass by?"
These lines above express the pain and suffering of the animals that are being exploited and tortured for the need of the human greed.
Now you decide; is this consistent with Ahimsa.
An Ahimsa Crisis: You Decide