O' Lord! you have completely destroyed the karma the souls' enemy, responsible for extreme infliction, hardships and passions. You are worthy of obeisance, eulogy, bowing, worship and veneration and capable of spiritual perfection -- Siddhi. You are venerated by the best of the kings of humans, gods and demons. You are patient and forbearing and free from the flaw of indecision. Therefore, O' Arihanta! you are worthy of worship and veneration. (Verses 6-8)
3. Arahanta - O' Jinendra! you are free from Raha (Ratha) chariot all types of possession and attachment and (being omniscient) from ignorance that can be compared to the dense darkness in a deep mountain cave. You have defeated even the death by following the path of renunciation and attaining the supreme all revealing knowledge (omniscience) and, thereby, you have realised the true Self. You are neither attached to pleasurable sounds nor averse to the painful ones; your mind, speech and body remain continuously engaged in the contemplation of the fundamental principles. You are the venerable Arahanta because you are worshipped and venerated by the kings of gods and the gods of the ultimate heavens and because you are capable of transcending even the ultimate heavens (to reach the abode of the perfected souls - Moksa or Siddhasifa). (Verses 9-12)
Deva O' Lord! you are Deva (divine) because you play with the lady-liberty (Siddhi-vadhu), you have conquered the class of enemies that the mundane attachment is and because you have gained the merit of eternal bliss. (Verse-13)
Jain Education International
5. Jina O' Lord! you are Jina, the Spiritual conqueror, because you have expelled the enemy called mundane attachment through renunciation and equanimity. (Verse - 14)
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