Book Title: Agam 19 Upang 08 Niryavalika Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar
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Nirayaavalika-Upang-8- Chapter-1
I have committed an extremely evil deed by putting my god-like and loving father, King Shrenik in prison. My father, King Shrenik, died because of me. I am the singular cause of his death."
After that, weeping, wailing, mourning and moaning surrounded by luminaries including numerous chieftains, administrators, princes, knights of honour, landlords, village heads, family heads, businessmen, merchants, commanders, caravan chiefs, ambassadors, and diplomats he performed the last rites and cremation of King Shrenik ceremoniously and elaborately with due honour and respect.
Deeply affected by this grief prince Kunik, loaded with funds and household equipment, left Rajagriha with his family and retinue and came to Champa city (in order to forget his sorrow). (This indicates that he shifted his capital from Rajagriha to Champa) Under the influence of mundane enjoyments and comforts of life, his grief and sorrow were consigned to oblivion in due course.
[16] Meaning- One day King Kunik invited his ten brothers including Kaal Kumar and divided the kingdom, state, army, carriers (elephants and horses), treasury, granaries, retinue and population into eleven parts. Taking charge of their individual shares all the brothers lived happily governing their respective people and enjoying the wealth and grandeur of their respective states."
[17] Meaning- In Champa city lived prince Vehalla, the younger brother of King Kunik and son of King Shrenik from Queen Chelana. He was charming and handsome.
When King Shrenik was alive he had given the majestic elephant Sechanak and an eighteen string necklace to prince Vehalla.
That prince Vehalla and his family used to ride Sechanak elephant and passing through the roads of Champa go to the banks of river Ganges. As a routine he would enter the river for taking his bath. During that period (of enjoying the bath) Sechanak elephant would lift the queens with its trunk, place one on its back, one on its shoulders, another on its neck and still another on its head. It would also put one of them on its tusks and swing one between tusks with its trunk. It would also shower water on some. Thus it played with them in many ways.
Many citizens standing on the trisections, crossings and roads of Champa city (seeing the playful activity of prince Vehalla with Sechanak elephant) said, spoke, chatted, and criticized—"Beloved of gods ! This prince Vehalla, along with his family, enjoys various playful activities with Sechanak elephant. In fact it is prince Vehalla who is truly enjoying the pleasures and joys of the royal wealth. In spite of being the sovereign, King Kunik appears to be unable to enjoy the royal wealth to its fullest.
Commentary- There is an inconsistency regarding the name Vehalla in the available scriptures. In this Niryaavalika Sutra the story of this battle is connected exclusively with prince Vehalla. In Niryaavalika Tika, Bhagavati Tika and many other books two names have been mentioned with this incident-Halla and Vihalla.
In AnuttarAupapaatik Sutra Vihalla and Vehayas are shown as sons of Chelana and Dharini respectively. According to Niryavalika Tika and Bhagavati Tika both Halla and Vihalla were sons of Chelana. What is the reason for these discrepancies is a matter of research.
0-Meaning- When Queen Padmavati heard these rumors prevailing among the citizens, she thought—"It is certain that prince Vehalla entertains himself by playful activities with Sechanak elephant. Thus it is, indeed, true that it is prince Vehalla and
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Aagam - 19 - Nirayaavalika
Compiled by - Deepratnasagar