Book Title: Agam 19 Upang 08 Niryavalika Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar
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Nirayaavalika-Upang-8- Chapter-1
He took the costly gifts suitable for great men; he had brought along and entered the outer assembly where King Chetak was sitting. He joined his palms and greeted the king with hails of victory. After this he submitted—My lord ! King Kunik humbly submits that prince Vehalla has come here with Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace without informing King Kunik... and so on up to... please send prince Vehalla back."
On hearing the emissary's submission King Chetak said—"Beloved of gods ! As King Kunik is the son of King Shrenik and Queen Chelana and my grandson, so is prince Vehalla. (In other words, both are same for me.)
"King Shrenik had given Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace to prince Vehalla during his life time. Therefore if King Kunik wants to take these two things he should give prince Vehalla half of his kingdom and state. Once he does so, I will return Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace to King Kunik and also send back prince Vehalla.
With this candid reply King Chetak dismissed the emissary with formal greetings and honour.
After being dismissed by King Chetak the emissary came where his four-bell chariot was parked. He boarded the chariot and passing through Vaishali city, resting at suitable places, taking his breakfast and meals at proper time arrived at Champa city. There (coming to King Kunik) he greeted the king with hails of victory and said—"My lord ! King Chetak has said-As King Kunik is the son of King Shrenik and Queen Chelana and my grandson, so is prince Vehalla. (and he repeated King Chetak's aforesaid message)' Therefore, my lord ! King Chetak is not prepared to either return Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace or send back prince Vehalla."
On getting this reply from King Chetak, King Kunik once again called the emissary and said, "Beloved of gods ! Go to Vaishali once again. Reaching there convey this message to my maternal grandfather King Chetak-My lord ! King Kunik submits this request—whatever gems (valuables) are found in a kingdom traditionally belong to the king. During his reign and ruling over his subjects King Shrenik had obtained two gems, namely Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace. Therefore, my lord! Following the norms of royal tradition you should kindly return Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace. Also send back prince Vehalla.'"
The emissary listened to and happily accepted King Kunik's order. He then went to Vaishali and conveyed King Kunik's message - My lord ! King Kunik once again submits his request that whatever gems (valuables) are found in a kingdom traditionally belong to the king. Therefore, kindly return Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace. Also send back prince Vehalla."
King Chetak said to the emissary—"Beloved of gods ! As King Kunik is the son of King Shrenik and Queen Chelana and my grandson, so is prince Vehalla...." and so on as he had said earlier, and dismissed the emissary with formal greetings and honour.
The emissary returned to Champa city and after greeting King Kunik submitted— "My lord ! King Chetak has said Beloved of gods ! As King Kunik is the son of King Shrenik and Queen Chelana and my grandson, so is prince Vehalla.' (and he repeated King Chetak's aforesaid message) Therefore, my lord ! King Chetak is not prepared to either return Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace or send back prince Vehalla."
Aagam - 19 - Nirayaavalika
Compiled by - Deepratnasagar