Book Title: Agam 19 Upang 08 Niryavalika Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar

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Page 21
________________ Nirayaavalika-Upang-8- Chapter-1 a count of 20. This is because in his works 'Sarva Sangh ke Samast Acharya Sanghayan' and Visheshavati' Shri Jinabhadra Gani Kshamashraman mentions that some acharyas do not accept that the term "kodi' means crore. They believe that it is a noun coined for some specific number. The evidence for this is that even in modern times a count of twenty is called "kodi'. Also, in Maharashtra five annas make a kodi (five annas have twenty paise). As kodi represents a specific unit, it would not be surprising if the term 'shatsahastra' also represents some such unit. In the statement that the number of ascetics liberated from Shatrunjaya is five kodi, the term kodi means some specific unit. In the same way 56 kodi (koti) Yadays is also some specific unit. The use of the terms kodi', and 'shatsahasra' with reference to the armies of King Kunik and King Chetak also denote some specific units. Therefore it is not proper to believe that one word has just one meaning. Jinabhadra Gani Kshamashraman provides authentication of this view. "It is possible that the term "kodi' (koti) has been used to indicate a group of soldiers exactly as terms like company, battalion or brigade are used in modern army terminology. The exact number of soldiers forming a company or other such group varies from army to army and is not fixed universally. In the same way the number of soldiers in a kodi may also not have been fixed. Anyway, the exact meaning was known only to the omniscient." [19] Meaning Gautam Swami again asked—"Bhante ! Where will Kaal Kumar go from the fourth hell ? Where will he reincarnate? "Gautam ! Like prince Dradhapratijna he will be born in the Mahavideh area, in one of the clans that are affluent, brilliant, influential, and wealthy. He will then attain perfection, enlightenment, liberation and nirvana ending all miseries." (For the story of Dradhapratijna, See- Rayapaseniya Sutra) Shri Sudharma Swami concluded- "Long lived Jambu ! This is text and meaning of the first chapter of Niryaavalika narrated by Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir, who has attained the eternal abode of the Siddha-state. (Mox)" 0-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-O Meaning with Commentary of Chapter - 1- [Kaal] Compiled by Muni DeepratnaSagar is Finished Aagam - 19 - Nirayaavalika Compiled by - Deepratnasagar [20]


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