Book Title: Agam 19 Upang 08 Niryavalika Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar
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Nirayaavalika-Upang-8- Chapter 1
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[18] Meaning- On hearing King Chetak's reply from the emissary King Kunik turned red with anger. Gnashing his teeth he called the emissary a third time and said "Beloved of gods! Go to Vaishali city and deliver this letter to King Chetak after kicking his throne with your left foot and pointing the tip of your spear at him. After delivering the letter display your anger by gnashing your teeth and raising your eyebrows to make three lines appear on your forehead. Expressing your anger thus, tell him—Desirous of untimely death, 0 unfortunate and shameless King Chetak ! King Kunik commands you to either return Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace and send back prince Vehalla or prepare yourself for a war. Soon King Kunik is coming here with all his military might including army, infantry and all, ready to wage a war."
As he had done earlier, the emissary accepted King Kunik's order joining his palms. He rushed to Vaishali and visited King Chetak. After hails of victory and formal greetings he said-"My lord ! I have expressed my modesty, devotion and courtesy for you. But King Kunik has ordered me to kick your throne with my left foot, display my anger, and deliver you his letter with the tip of my spear. Also to tell you that prepares yourself for war. He is soon coming here with his army."
Hearing this threat from the emissary and pondering over it King Chetak was filled with anger. He raised his eyebrows and said "I will neither return Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace nor send back prince Vehalla. Yes! I am ready for a war." With these words he summarily dismissed the emissary to leave through the rear gate as a token of insult and dishonor.
Getting this news from the emissary and pondering over it, King Chetak was filled with anger. He then called the ten princes including Kaal Kumar and said "Beloved of gods! I would like to inform you that without informing me prince Vehalla has eloped from Champa with his family, household things, Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace. He has gone to Vaishali and settled there under protection of Arya Chetak. I had sent an emissary to King Chetak to return Sechanak elephant and the eighteen string necklace and also send back prince Vehalla. But King Chetak refused to return Sechanak elephant, the eighteen string necklace and prince Vehalla as they are under his protection. Not only this, he insulted and dismissed my third emissary through the rear gate. Therefore, 0 Beloved of gods ! We should now fight a war with King Chetak and punish him."
The ten princes including Kaal Kumar humbly accepted King Kunik's proposal.
Then King Kunik said to the ten princes including Kaal Kumar—"Beloved of gods! Go to your respective kingdoms and after due lustration by taking bath and performing other rituals ride the best of your elephants. After that each one of you should assemble his army consisting of three thousand elephants, three thousand chariots, three thousand horses and thirty million soldiers. With all your opulence and grandeur along with the great army leave your respective kingdoms and march with drum beats to join me.
On getting these instructions from King Kunik the ten princes including Kaal Kumar returned to their respective kingdoms and after due lustration by taking bath... and so on up to... and thirty million soldiers. With all their opulence and grandeur along with the great army they left their respective kingdoms and marched with drum beats and sounds of a variety of musical instruments to join King Kunik at Champa city, the capital of Anga state. Arriving there they joined their palms and greeted him with hails of victory.
King Kunik called his attendants and instructed"Beloved of gods ! Prepare for me the best of elephants suitable for use of a monarch. Also call the four prong army with the best of horses, elephants, chariots, and warriors to attention or a state of readiness.
Aagam - 19 - Nirayaavalika
Compiled by - Deepratnasagar