Book Title: Agam 19 Upang 08 Niryavalika Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar
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Nirayaavalika-Upang-8- Chapter-1
When the child was thrown on a forlorn heap of trash the garden was filled
with a glow.
When King Shrenik got this news he rushed to the garden. When he saw the child lying on a forlorn heap of trash he turned red with anger. Burning with anger and gnashing his teeth, the king lifted the infant in his palms and came to the place where Queen Chelana was sitting. He scolded and reprimanded Queen Chelana in angry and harsh tone. After that he said "Why did you manage to throw my son on a forlom heap of trash?" After these contemptuous words he made her take an oath and said "Beloved of gods! Bring up this child with due and proper care."
Hearing the harsh and contemptuous words from King Shrenik, Queen Chelana was ashamed of her deed. Like a humiliated wrong-doer she joined her palms and accepted King Shrenik's command humbly. She commenced bringing up and protecting the child taking due and proper care.
[13] Meaning-When the child was thrown on a forlom heap of trash a cock had pecked j the tip of his finger and injured it. Blood and pus were intermittently oozing from the wound. This made the child scream and wail with extreme agony. Hearing the wailing of the child and knowing the cause, King Shrenik used to come near the child and lift him. Then he would take the injured finger in his mouth, suck the blood and pus, and spit it out. This would give relief to the child and he would stop crying. This way whenever the child wailed, King Shrenik came near the child, lifted him, and sucked out the blood and pus. This gave relief to the child and he stopped crying.
Later, on the third day (of the birth ceremonies) they performed the ritual ado rational beholding of the sun and the moon... and so on up to... On the twelfth day they performed the naming ceremony giving the child a virtue based name "As the tip of the finger of this son of ours was cut by a cock when he was thrown on an isolated heap of trash his name should be Kunik (one with a cut finger)." Thus the new-born was formally named Kunik by his parents.
After this the traditional birth related ceremonies were concluded. As he grew Kunik enjoyed all comforts of life in the palace. He was married to eight princesses and his parents gave him marriage gifts in sets of eight. (all details as per the story of Megh Kumar in Jnata Dharma Katha Sutra)
[14] Meaning- Once while awake around midnight prince Kunik thought"Due to interference and restrictions from King Shrenik it is impossible for me to enjoy the power and wealth of the kingdom as I desire. Therefore, to handcuff, shackle, and imprison King Shrenik and ascend the throne by crowning myself in an elaborate coronation ceremony would be to my benefit." He turned the idea into a resolve and started looking for faults and lapses in the king's security and an opportunity to catch him unawares.
As time passed he failed to either find faults and lapses in the king's security or any opportunity to catch him unawares. Then one day he invited ten princes (his ten brothers) including Kaal Kumar in his personal palace and took them into confidence-Beloved of gods! Due to interference and restrictions from King Shrenik we are being deprived of enjoying the power and wealth of the kingdom. Therefore, beloved of gods ! it would be to our benefit to handcuff, shackle, and imprison King Shrenik. After that we should divide the kingdom, state, army, carriers (elephants and horses), treasury, granaries and population in eleven parts and govern the people enjoying the wealth and grandeur of the state."
The ten princes including Kaal Kumar listened to idea of Kunik and humbly accepted Aagam - 19-Nirayaavalika
Compiled by - Deepratnasagar