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________________ namana MY BOOK OF PRAYERS
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________________ THE ESSENCE OF PRAYER Children in their formative and most impressionable years can be trained while still young. We can inculcate in them a reverence for our ancient culture, an aspiration to live upto it and a correct understanding of the deeper implications of life. Prayer, it has been found, is the most effective and productive technique of kindling the essential beauty and brilliance inherent in them. Through prayer, we can try to create in children a selfconfidence to serve, generate in them a true affection in all their relationships, inculcate in them personal discipline and a true spirit of leadership. We can hone their ability to express themselves and to assert their individuality. Moreover, the powers of prayer to weed out psychological fears in children still very young, have been proven over the years. This book is a humble attempt at trying to create for our growing children a healthier intellectual and physical climate, where they can grow with nobility- both physical and emotional through the elevating medium of PRAYER. samasta jana kalyANe nirataM krunnaamym| namAmi cinmayaM devaM sadguruM brhmvidvrm||
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________________ (Contents dainika vandanA 4-18 * zAnti mantram * gaNeza vandanA * sarasvatI vandanA * guru stotram * mahA-mRtyuMjaya mantram * pArvatI stuti * gAyatrI mantram * zrIrAma stuti * zrIkRSNa stuti * prAta: vandanA * adhyayanAt prAk * bhojanAt prAk * zayanasamaye kSamApaNam * kalyANa prArthanA A Prayers and Hymns 19-33 * God be in my head... Lead Thou me on... * Now before I run... * O Lord, keep me... * God make my life... * Lives of great men... * God made the earth... * Father, we thank Thee... * Creator of all joy... * Lord, make me... * King of the world... * No man is an island... * O! When the saints... * Abide with me... * Jesus, tender shepherd... * When the mists... * For this new morning... * Little words of kindness... * The more you give... * Little drops of water... * Keep pushing-... * Our Father, ... * The day returns... * Lord, receive our prayers... * This is my prayer... * There are numerous strings... * All things bright and beautiful... * Make me a channel... * More Prayers 34-40 * bhajana aura preraNA-gIta 41-55 * rASTrIya gIta 56
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________________ dainika vandanA zAnti mantram * OM saha naavvtu| saha nau bhunktu| saha vIryaM karavAvahai / tejasvinAvadhItamastu mA vidvissaavhai|| OM zAntiH zAntiH zAntiH!! Meaning OM - Om. Symbol of the Para Brahman; saha - together; nau - us both; avatu - may He protect; saha - together; nau - us both; bhunaktu - may He look after (the fruits of scriptural study); saha - together; vIryam - put in effort with enthusiasm; karavAvahai - exert together (to find the true meaning of sacred texts); tejasvi - lustrous; nau - of both of us; adhItam - study; astu - may be; Hifafgaat - (may we two) never quarrel Om, may He protect us both (teacher and the taught). May He look after us both to enjoy (the fruits of scriptural study). May we both exert together (to find the true meaning of the sacred text). May our studies be fruitful so that we acquire lustre. May we never quarrel with each other. Om Peace be ! Peace be !! Peace be !!!
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________________ gaNeza vandanA * vakratuNDa mahAkAya suurykottismprbh| nirvighnaM kuru me deva sarvakAryeSu srvdaa|| Meaning vakratuNDa - curved trunk; mahAkAya - large bodied; sUryakoTi - million suns; samaprabha - with the brilliance of; nirvighnaM - free of obstacles; kuru - make; me - my; deva - Lord; sarvakAryeSu - in all work; sarvadA - always O Lord Ganesha of large body, curved trunk, with the brilliance of a million suns, please make all my work free of obstacles - always."
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________________ sarasvatI vandanA ___* yA kundendu tuSArahAra dhavalA yA zubhra vstraavRtaa| yA vINA vara daNDa maNDitakarA yA zveta pdmaasnaa|| yA brahmAcyuta zaGkara prabhutibhiH devaiH sadA vnditaa| sA mAM pAtu sarasvatI bhagavatI niHzeSa jaaddyaaphaa|| Meaning yA - who; kunda - white Jasmine flower; indu - moon; tuSAra - frost, dew; hAra - garland; dhavalA- white and pure; zubhra - white and radiant; vastrA - clothes; AvRtA - adorned with; vINA - Veena; vara - beautiful; daNDa - arm; maNDita-adorned; karA- palm; zveta- white; padmAsanA - lotus throne; brahmA- Brahma; acyuta - Lord Vishnu; zaMkara - Lord Sankara; prabhutibhiH - beginning from; devaiH - by the Lords; sadA - always; vanditA - respected; sA - she (That); mAM - me; pAtu - protect; sarasvatI- Saraswati; bhagavatI - Goddess; ni:zeSa - without any remnant; GIST - lazy; 39146T - remove; May Goddess Saraswati, who is fair like the Jasmine coloured moon and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops, who is adorned with radiant white clothes and on whose beautiful palm and arm rests the Veena, whose throne is a white lotus, and who is surrounded and respected by Gods beginning with Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Mahesh, protect me. I beseech Her to totally remove my laziness and sluggishness.
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________________ guru stotram * gururbrahmA gururviSNuH gururdevo mahezvaraH / guruH sAkSAt parabrahma tasmai zrIgurave namaH // Meaning Prostrations to the Teacher who is Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha. He alone is the Supreme Reality. tvameva mAtA ca pitA tvameva, tvameva bandhuzca sakhA tvameva / tvameva vidyA draviNaM tvameva, tvameva sarvaM mama deva deva // Meaning You alone are my mother, father, brother and companion. You alone are Knowledge and Prosperity. O Lord, you mean everything to me. 7
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________________ mahA-mRtyuMjaya mantram OM tryambakaM yajAmahe sugandhiM puSTivardhanam / urvArukamiva bandhanAt mRtyormukSIya mA'mRtAt // Meaning OM - Om. symbol of the Para Brahman; tryambakaM - the three eyed one - i.e. Lord Shiva; yajAmahe - we all worship; sugandhiM- full of fragrance; puSTi-strength; vardhanam - One who increases; urvA - ripe cucumber; arukam - ready to be plucked; iva just like; bandhanAt from bondage; mRtyo: - of death; mukSIya - bestower of salvation; mA - never; amRtAt - towards eternity Om. We worship Lord Shiva (the three eyed one) who is full of fragrance and who nourishes all beings; may He liberate me from death, for the sake of immortality, just as the ripe cucumber is severed from its bondage (of the creeper). This prayer is addressed to Lord Shiva the three eyed one, whose third eye indicates Knowledge which destroys our ignorance and releases us from the bondage of the cycle of death and rebirth. May we be never separated from immortality. 8
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________________ pArvatI stuti OM sarvamaMgalamAMgalye zive sarvArthasAdhike / zaraNye tryaMbake gauri nArAyaNi namo'stute // Meaning O ! Goddess Parvati, consort of Lord Shiva, you who do good to all and fulfil the wishes of all - take me under your benediction. Before Thee, I prostrate myself. 9
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________________ gAyatrI mantram OM bhUrbhuvaH suvaH tatsaviturvareNyam / bhargo devasya dhImahi dhiyo yo naH pracodayAt // Meaning OM - Om. symbol of the Para Brahman; bhU:- Bhu-Lok (Physical Plane); bhuvaH Antariksha-Lok (Astral Plane); sva: Svarga-Lok; tat That, Transcendent Reality i.e. Paramatman; fag:- Sun i.e. Pratyaksha Narayan, Isvara or Creator (as we cannot see God with our mortal eyes); vareNyam - worthy of choosing for worship and adoration; bharga: - remover of sins and ignorance; bestower of glory and effulgence; - resplendent (Jnana-Svarupa) shining; dhImahi we meditate (with intelligence); dhiyaH - totality of Buddhi and understanding; ya: - which (who); na: - our (to entire Universe); pracodayAt - enlighten, guide, impel (forceful existence of darkness in its totality) - We meditate on that Isvara's (i.e. Pratyaksha Narayan's Symbol i.e. Sun) glory who has created the Universe; who is fit to be worshipped; who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light, who is the remover of all sins and ignorance. May He illuminate (enlighten) our (entire universe's) intellects. 10
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________________ zrI rAma stuti * mAtA rAmo matpitA rAmacandraH svAmI rAmo matsakhA raamcndrH| sarvasvaM me rAmacandro dayAluH nAnyaM jAne naiva jAne na jaane|| Meaning Ram is my mother, my father, my master and my friend. Ram, the compassionate, is verily everything to me. I do not know anyone else but Ram. * dakSiNe lakSmaNo yasya vAme ca jnkaatmjaa| purato mArutiryasya taM vande rghunndnm|| Meaning On whose right side stands Laxmana, on whose left Sita and in front of whom prostrates Hanuman, to that Ram my salutations.
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________________ zrI kRSNa stuti * mUkaM karoti vAcAlaM paMguM laMghayate girim| yatkRpA tamahaM vande prmaanndmaadhvm|| Meaning Salutations to Shree Krishna, who is the personification of Supreme Joy. By His grace even the dumb can become eloquent in speech, and the lame can cross over mountains (of obstacles in life). 12
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________________ prAtaH vandanA Early morning (on getting up) * karAgre vasate lakSmI: karamUle srsvtii| karamadhye tu govindaH prabhAte karadarzanam // Meaning kara - palm (complete); agre - at the tips (of all the fingers); vasate - resides; lakSmI: - Lakshmi - Goddess of Prosperity; kara - palm; mUle - at the base of; sarasvatI - Saraswati - Goddess of Knowledge; madhye - centre; tu - indeed; govindaH-Govinda - Lord Krishna, Controller of Senses; prabhAte - in the morning; kara - palm; darzanam - see with reverence On the tips of the fingers resides Goddess Lakshmi, On the wrist resides Goddess Saraswati, In the centre of the palm resides Lord Govinda Himself, Every morning one should look at the palm with reverence.
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________________ adhyayanAt prAk (Before studies) * sarasvati namastubhyaM varade kaamruupinni| vidyArambhaM kariSyAmi siddhirbhavatu me sdaa|| Meaning Oh ! Goddess Saraswati, my humble prostrations unto Thee, who are the fulfiller of all wishes. I start my studies with Thy worship and always pray for success.
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________________ bhojanAt prAk (Before meals) * bahmArpaNaM brahma havirbrahmAgnau brahmaNA hutm| brahmaiva tena gantavyaM brhmkrmsmaadhinaa|| Meaning brahma - Brahman; arpaNam - the oblation-offering; haviH - the clarified; brahmAgnau - the fire of Brahman; brahmaNA - by Brahman; hutam - is offered; eva - only; tena - by him; gantavyam - shall be reached; brahma- by the man who is absorbed; karma - in action which is; samAdhinA - Brahman Brahman, Himself is the oblation (offering, pious donation); Brahman, Himself is the clarified butter etc. constituting the offerings; by Brahman Himself is the oblation poured into the fire of Brahman; Brahman verily (in truth) shall be reached by him who always sees Brahman in all actions. 15
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________________ (zayanasamaye kSamApaNam (Night prayer for forgiveness) karacaraNakRtaM vAk-kAyajaM karmajaM vA zravaNanayanajaM vA mAnasaM vaa'praadhm| vihitamavihitaM vA sarvametat kSamasva jaya jaya karuNAbdhe zrImahAdeva shNbho|| Meaning O Lord, kindly forgive my wrong actions done knowingly or unknowingly, either through my organs of action (hands, feet, speech) or through my organs of perception (ears, eyes) or by my mind. Glory unto Thee, O Lord, who is the ocean of kindness.
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________________ (kalyANa prArthanA * OM sarveSAM svstirbhvtu| sarveSAM shaantirbhvtu| sarveSAM pUrNaM bhvtu| sarveSAM maGgalaM bhvtu|| Meaning OM - Om; sarveSAM - may all be; svastiH - auspicious; bhavatu - become; zAntiH - attain peace; bhavatu - became (attain); pUrNaM - complete in all respects (perfect); maGgalam - blessed Om. May all become auspicious; may all attain peace; may all achieve perfection; may all be blessed. * OM sarve bhavantu sukhinH| sarve santu niraamyaaH| sarve bhadrANi pshyntu| mA kazcit du:khabhAk bhavet // Meaning OM - Om; sarve - all; bhavantu - may be (became); sukhinaH- happy; santu - may be (became); nirAmayAH - free from disease (healthy); bhadrANi - prosperity, auspiciousness; pazyantu - may see, enjoy, experience; mA - not; kazcit - any body; du:khabhAk - experiencer of misery, sorrow, unhappiness; bhavet - may be (become) Om. May all be happy; may all be healthy; may all see auspiciousness; may none suffer. Om. Peace be ! Peace be !! Peace be !!! 17
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________________ * OM asato mA sdgmy| tamaso mA jyotirgmy| mRtyormA'mRtaM gmy|| OM zAntiH zAntiH! zAntiH!! Meaning OM - Symbol of the Para Brahman; from that which is not real; mA - me; sad - to ultimate reality; gamaya - lead (guide); tamaso - from darkness resulting from ignorance; jyotiH - Light of Truth; mRtyo - from death as a result of not understanding reality; 374974 - to immortality with the cessation of ignorance Om ! Lead me from untruth to Truth, from darkness to Light, and from death to Immortality. Om ! Peace be ! Peace be !! Peace be !!! * OM pUrNamadaH pUrNamidaM pUrNAt puurnnmudcyte| pUrNasya pUrNamAdAya puurnnmevaavshissyte|| OM zAntiH! zAntiH! zAntiH!! Meaning OM - Om. Symbol of the Para Brahman; pUrNam - infinite (whole); adaH - that; idam - this; pUrNAt - from the infinite (whole); udacyate - becomes manifest; pUrNasya - from the infinite (whole); 371629 - is negated; ta - alone; 37afgreid - remains Om. That is whole; this is whole; from the whole, the whole becomes manifest. From the whole when the whole is negated, what remains is again the whole. Om ! Peace be ! Peace be !! Peace be !!! 18
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________________ Prayers and Hymns God be in my head, And in my understanding; God be in my eyes, And in my seeing; God be in my mouth, And in my speaking; God be in my heart, And in my thinking; God be at my end, And at my departing. * Jesus, tender shepherd, hear me; Bless Thy little lamb tonight; Through the darkness be Thou near me, Watch my sleep till morning light. All this day Thy hand has led me, And I thank Thee for Thy care; Thou has warmed and clothed and fed me; Listen to my evening prayer
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________________ & Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom Lead Thou me on: The night is dark and I am far from home, Lead Thou me on. Keep Thou my feet, I do not ask to see The distant scene; one step enough for me. I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou Shouldst lead me on; I loved to choose and see my path; but now Lead Thou me on. * When the mists have rolled in splendour From the beauty of the hills, And the sunlight falls in gladness On the river and the rills, We recall our Father's promise In the rainbow of the spray; We shall know each other better When the mists have rolled away. 20
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________________ * Now before I run to play Let me not forget to pray, To God who kept me through the night And woke me with the morning light. Help me, Lord, to love Thee more than I ever loved before, In my work and in my play Be Thou with me through the day. Amen. For this new morning and its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends, For every gift your goodness sends, We thank you, gracious Lord. Amen. * O Lord, keep me from trampling The tender feelings of friends, Whether at school or at play. Amen. 21
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________________ e Little words of kindness How they cheer the heart ! What a world of gladness Will a smile impart. Little acts of kindness Richest gems on earth Yet when they are wanting Life's best charm is lost. Little acts of kindness Richest gems on earth Though they seem but trifles Priceless is their worth. * God make my life a little light Within the world to glow, A tiny flame that burneth bright Wherever I may go. God make my life a little flower That bringeth joy to all, Content to bloom in native bower Although its place be small. God make my life a little song That comforteth the sad, That helpeth others to be strong And makes the singer glad. 22
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________________ The more you give, the more you get The more you laugh, the less you fret - The more you do unselfishly The more you do abundantly. The more of everything, you share, The more you'll always, have to spare - The more you love, The more you'll find That life is good And friends are kind.... For only what we give away Enriches us from day to day. Lives of great men all remind us We can make our life sublime, And departing leave behind us, Footprints in the sands of time. Footprints that perhaps another, Sailing o'er life o' solemn main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again. Let us then be up and doing With a heart for any fate, Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labour and to wait. 23
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________________ Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean, And the pleasant land. Thus the little minutes, Humble though they be, Make the mighty ages Of eternity. Little deeds of kindness Little words of love, Make this Earth an Eden With the Heaven above. God made the earth, He made the sky, God made the fish and birds that fly, Animals, flowers and trees so tall, God made everything great and small. All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.
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________________ Keep pushing-- 'tis wiser Than sitting aside, And dreaming and sighing, And waiting the tide. In life's earnest battle They only prevail Who daily march forward And never say fail ! In life's rosy morning, In manhood's firm pride, Let this be the motto Your footsteps to guide. In storm and in sunshine Whatever assail, We'll onward and conquer, And never say fail ! 25
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________________ * Father, we thank Thee for the night, And for the pleasant morning light, For rest and food and loving care, And all that makes the world so fair. Help us to do the things we should, To be to others kind and good, In all we do, in work or play, To grow more loving everyday. Amen. Our Father, who art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy name Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done On Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil. Amen. 26
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________________ * Creator of all joy and beauty, we thank Thee this morning for Thy bright world, for the sunshine on the hills, for the mists on the rivers, for bird and beast, mountain, plain and forest, all giving glory to Thee in the radiance of the new dawn. We thank Thee that we may look, as Thou lookest, upon all the beauty of the earth. O Master, lover of beauty and joy, make our hearts simple and trustful, make our wills lowly and pure, that we may share in Thy will, whereby is created and upheld all the joy and the beauty of this, Thy great universe. J. S. Hoyland * The day returns and brings us back to our round of duties. Help us to play the man, help us to perform our tasks with laughter and kind faces. Let cheerfulness abound with industry. Help us to go blithely on our business all this day. Bring us to our resting beds weary and content and undishonoured, and grant us in the end the gift of sleep. R . L. Stevenson 27
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________________ * Lord, make me an instrument of Thy purpose. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, forgiveness; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; not so much seek to be understood, as to understand; not so much seek to be loved, as to love. For, it is in giving, that we receive; it is in forgiveness, that we are forgiven. St. Francis of Assissi Lord, receive our prayers for our school and our country. Protect the innocent, restrain the greedy and the treacherous, and lead us out of our tribulations into a quiet land. Look down upon ourselves and upon our absent dear ones. Help us and them. Prolong our days in peace and honour. Give us health, food, bright weather, and light hearts. If we plan to do evil, frustrate our will. If we plan to do good, further our endeavours. Cause injuries to be forgotten and kindness to be remembered. Let us lie down at night without fear, so that we awake and arise tomorrow full of strength and joy. R. L. Stevenson 28
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________________ King of the world, we thank Thee for the beginning of a new day, for the dim twilight, the glowing sunrise, for the new hopes and the new opportunities, for the new consciousness of Thine abiding care. Give us courage and strength for our work today. Give us steadfastness of purpose, patience and humility, and help us to speak the truth. J. S. Hoyland * This is my prayer, my Lord, strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart. Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service. Give me the strength never to disown those who are poor and weak, or bend my knees before insolent might. Give me the strength to raise my mind high above little things and to learn to live with nobility, with courage and with truth, and give me the energy always to work towards my ideals so that in my life I may reveal some glory and wonder that has shone in the lives of the great men of the past. Rabindranath Tagore 29
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________________ % No man is an island No man stands alone Each man's joy is joy to me Each man's grief is my own. We need one another So I will defend Each man as my brother Each man as my friend. % There are numerous strings in your lute, Let me add my own among them. Then when you smite your chords, My heart will break its silence, And my heart will be one with your song. Amidst your numberless stars, Let me place my own little lamp. In the dance of your festival of lights, My heart will throb, And my life will be one with your smile. Rabindranath Tagore 30
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________________ O! When the saints Go marching in O! When the saints Go marching in I want to be in that number When the saints go marching in. O! When the drums, begin to beat - 2 I want to be in that number... O! When the stars, come out at night - 2 I want to be in that number... All things bright and beautiful All creatures great and small All things wise and wonderful The Lord God made them all. Each little flower that opens Each little bird that sings He made their glowing colours He made their tiny wings. The purple-headed mountains The river running by The sunset and the morning To brighten up the sky. 31
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________________ Abide with me. Fast falls the eventide The darkness deepens Lord with me abide. When other helpers Fail and comforts flee. Help of the helpless O' abide with me. Swift to its close Ebbs out life's little day Earth's joys grow dim Its glories fade away Change and decay In all around I see O' thou who changest not Abide with me. 32
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________________ Make me a channel of your peace Where there is hatred Let me bring your love Where there is injury Your pardon, Lord And where there's doubt True faith in you. O' Master grant That I may never seek So much to be consoled As to console To be understood As to understand To be loved As to love With all my soul. 33
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________________ Sikh Prayers satinAmu karatA purakhu nirabhau niravairu akAlamUrati ajunI saibhaM gura prasAdi // japa // The Only Infinite One, The Only Supreme Being (God), The Eternal, The Universal Spirit, The Creator, The All-Pervading, The Sovereign, The Harmonious, The Immortal, The Embodiment, The Unincarnated, The Self-Existent, The Enlightener, The Bountiful. Mul Mantra Adi sacu jugAdi sattu / hai bhI sacu nAnaka hosI bhI sattu // He was Eternal before time was born, He was Eternal when time began to run its course, He is even now Eternal, and He will be Eternal for all times to come. 34 Japji Sahib
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________________ thira ghara baiso hara jana pyAre sataguru tumhare kAja saMvAre duSTa-dUta paramezara mAre jana kI paija rakhIM krtaare| bAdazAha zAha saba vasakara dhIne amRta nAma mahArasa piine| nirabhau hoe bhajo bhagavAna sAdha-saMgata mila kIno daan| saraNa pare prabhu aMtaryAmI nAnaka oTa pakarI prbhu-svaamii|| Meaning When you take the name of the Eternal One in solitude and with faith, He is sure to put right all that concerns you. He does away with evil and evil-incarnates and upholds the honour of the faithful. Even kings and nobles are in this power when they chant His name devoutly. Nothing seems as sweet as His name when chanted with devotion -- not even amrit. Chant the name of the Lord fearlessly. Keep the company of saints and gurus which is always beneficial. __Those who take shelter under the Omnicient, Omnipresent, All-pervading Lord -- on them shall He shower His blessings. 35
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________________ A Buddhist Prayer When someone is wronged, he must put aside all resentment and say, "My mind shall not be disturbed; no angry word shall escape my lips; I will remain kind and friendly, with loving thoughts and no secret spite." 36
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________________ A Muslim Prayer The Daybreak Revealed at Mecca In the Name of Allah, the Beneficient, The Merciful Say : I seek refuge in the Lord on Daybreak from the wrath of that which He created. From the evil of darkness when it is intense. And from the evil of malignant witchcraft. And from the evil of the envier when he envieth. 37
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________________ A Parsi Prayer To think a good thought, to speak a good word, to do a good deed is good. It is the best thing; it is ever-lasting happiness; ever-lasting happiness comes to him who is virtuous for the sake of virtue, which is best. Zend Avesta
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________________ Baha'i Prayers Thou seest, O Lord our suppliant hands lifted up towards the heaven of Thy favour and bounty. Grant that they may be filled with the treasures of Thy munificence and bountiful favours. Forgive us, and our fathers and our mothers, and fulfil whatsoever we have desired from the ocean of Thy grace and Divine generosity. Accept, O Beloved of our hearts, all our works in Thy path. Thou art, verily, the Most Powerful, the Most Exalted, the Incomparable, the One, the Forgiving, the Gracious. 39 Baha'u'llah
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________________ * O God, guide me, protect me, illumine the lamp of my heart and make me a brilliant star. Thou art the Mighty and Powerful. he Izvara, merA mArgadarzana kara, merI rakSA kara mere hRdayadIpa ko pradIpta kara de aura mujhe eka dedIpyamAna sitArA banA de| tU zaktizAlI tathA balazAlI hai!
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________________ bhajana aura preraNA-gIta prema mudita mana se kaho rAma rAma rAma, zrI rAma rAma rAma, rAma rAma rAma, zrI rAma rAma rAma // 1 // pApa kaTe du:kha miTe, leta rAma nAma bhava samudra sukhada nAva, eka rAma nAma rAma rAma rAma, zrI rAma rAma rAma // 2 // pAyo jI maiMne rAma-ratana dhana paayo|| vastu amolika dI mere satagurU, kirapA kara apnaayo|| janama-janama kI pU~jI pAI. jaga meM sabhI khovaayo|| kharacai na khaTai, vAko cora na lUTai, dina dina bar3hata svaayo| sata kI nAva, khevaTiyA sataguru, bhavasAgara tara aayo|| mIrAM ke prabhu giridhara nAgara harakha harakha jasa gaayo||
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________________ he jaga trAtA vizva-vidhAtA, he sukha-zAnti niketana he ! prema ke sindhU, dIna ke bandhU, duHkha - daridra - vinAzana he ! nitya, akhaMDa, anaMta, anAdi, pUraNa brahma, sanAtana he ! jaga-Azraya, jaga-pati, jaga-vaMdana, anupama, alakha niraMjana he ! prANasakhA, tribhuvana - pratipAlaka, jIvana ke avalaMbana he // mAM zArade 5 S mAM zArade haMsavAhinI, vINApANi, brahmabhAminI, kalAsvAminI / jagatAra de 5 S S mAM zArade 5 S S hRdaya gagana meM, martya-bhavana meM, mukta pavana meM janajIvana meM jana jIvana meM razmi kara de mAM zArade 5 S S S jJAna hIna meM dhyAnahIna meM muktihIna, vivekahIna meM vivekahIna meM jJAna bhara de mAM zArade 5 SS vivekahIna meM jJAna bhara de // 42
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________________ kAhe re ! bana khojana jaaii| sarva-nivAsI sadA alepA, tohI saMga samAI // puSpa madhya jyoM bAsa basata hai, mukura mAhiM jasa chAI // taise hI hari basaiM niraMtara, ghaTa hI khojo bhAI // bAhara bhItara ekai jAnau, yaha guru jJAna btaaii| jana nAnaka bina ApA cInhe, miTe na bhrama kI kAI / / vaiSNava jana to tene kahiai, je pIDa parAI jANe re-- paraduHkhe upakAra kare toye, mana abhimAna na ANe re-- sakala lokamA~ sahune baMde, nindA na kare kenI re-- vAca kAcha mana nizcala rAkhe, dhana dhana jananI teNI re-- moha mAyA vyApe nahi jene, dRr3ha vairAgya jenA manamAM re| rAma nAma zuM tAlI lAgI, sakala tIratha tenA tanamAM re-- vaiSNava jana to tene kahiye, je pIDa parAI jANe re|| gujarAtI gIta
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________________ mata kara moha tU, hari-bhajanako mAna re / nayana diye darasana karane ko, zravaNa die suna jJAna re // badana diyA hariguNa gAne ko, hAtha die kara dAna re // kahata kabIra suno bhAI sAdho, kaMcana nipajata khAna re // jhInI jhInI binI cadariyA // kAhe kai tAnA, kAhe kai bharanI kauna tAra se binI cadariyA | iMgalA piMgalA tAnA bharanI suSamana tAra se binI cadariyA | ATha ka~vala dasa carakhA Dolai pA~ca tatta, guNa tinI cadariyA // sAIM ko sIyata mAsa dasa lAgai Thoka Thoka ke binI cadariyA | so cAdara sura nara muni or3hI or3hI ke mailI kInI cadariyA | dAsa kabIra jatana se or3hI jyoM kI tyoM dhari dInI cadariyA | 44
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________________ * zrI rAmacandra kRpAlu bhaja mana haraNa bhava-bhaya dAruNam , nava-kaMja-locana kaMja-mukha , kara kaMja, padakaMjAruNam // 1 // kandarpa agaNita amita chabi nava nIla nIraja sundaram , paTa-pIta mAnahu tar3ita ruci zuci naumi janaka-sutAvaram // 2 // bhaja dIna-bandhu dineza dAnava daitya vaMza nikandanam , raghunanda Ananda-kaMda kauzala-caMda dazaratha-nandanam // 3 // zira mukuTa kuNDala tilaka cAru udAra aMga vibhUSaNam , AjAnu bhuja zara cApa-ghara saMgrAma-jita khara-dUSaNam / // 4 // iti vadati tulasIdAsa zaMkara zeSa muni-mana raMjanam mama-hRdaya-kuMja nivAsa karu kAmAdi khala-dala gaMjanam // 5 // Thumaka calata rAmacandra-2 bAjata paijaniyA kilakI-kilakI uThata dhAya, girata bhUmi laTa-paTAya dhAya mAtu goda leta, dazaratha kI raniyA~ / aMcala raja aMga jhAri, vividha bhA~ti so dulAri tana-mana-dhana vAri vAri, kahata mRdu vacaniyA~ / vidruma so aruNa adhara, bolata mukha madhura subhaga nAsikA meM cArU, laTakata laTakaniyA~ / tulasIdAsa ati Ananda, dekha ke mukhAravinda raghuvara chavi ke samAna, raghuvara chavi baniyA~ // 45
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________________ carana-kamala bandauM hari rAI / jAkI kRpA paMgu giri laMghai; aMdhe ko saba kachu darasAI // bahiro sunai; mUka puni bolai; raMka calai sira chatra dharAI // sUradAsa svAmI karunAmaya bAra-bAra bandauM tehi pAI // a~khiyA~ hari darasana kI pyAsI dekhyo cAhata kamalanainako nisidina rahata udAsI // 1 // Aye Udho phiri gaye A~gana DAri gaye gara phA~sI kesari-tilaka motina kI mAlA vRndAvana ko vAsI kAhUke manakI koU na jAnata logana ke mana hA~sI sUradAsa prabhu ! tumare darasa bina leha karavaTa kAsI 46 // 2 // // 3 // // 4 // // 5 //
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________________ sumirana kara le mere manA / teri biti jAti umara, harinAma binA // kUpa nIra binu, dhenu chIra binu, dharatI meha binA / jaise taruvara phala bina hInA, taise prANI harinAma binA // deha naina bina, raina candra bina, mandira dIpa binA / jaise paMDita veda bihInA, taise prANI harinAma binA // kAma krodha mada lobha nihAro chA~r3a de aba saMtajanA / kahe nAnakazA, suna bhagavaMtA yA jaga meM nahiM koI apanA // bhajo re bhaiyA rAma govinda harI japa tapa sAdhana kachu nahiM lAgata kharacata nahiM gaTharI saMtata saMpata sukha ke kAraNa jAse bhUla parI kahata kabIra jA mukharAma nahiM vo mukha dhUla bharI 47 11 // 1 // // 2 // // 3 //
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________________ * mo sama kauna kuTila khala kaamii| jina tanu diyo tAhi bisarAyo aiso nimakaharAmI // bhari bhari udara viSaya ko dhAvauM, jaise sUkara graamii| harijana chA~r3a hari-bimukhanakI nisi-dina karata gulAmI // 1 // pApI kauna baDo hai moteM.. saba patitana meM naamii| sUra patita ko Thaura kahA~ hai, suniye zrIpati svAmI // 2 // prabhu ! more avaguNa citta na dhro| sama-darazI hai nAma tihAro, cAhe to pAra karo // eka nadiyA eka nAra kahAvata mailo hI nIra bharo / jaba mila karake eka barana bhaye surasari nAma paryo // ika loha pUjA meM rAkhata, ika ghara badhika paryo / pArasa guNa avaguNa nahiM citavata, kaMcana karata kharo // yaha mAyA bhrama-jAla kahAvata sUradAsa sagaro / abakI bera mohiM pAra utAro, nahi, prana jAta Taro //
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________________ mere to giradhara gopAla, dUsarA na koii| dUsarA na koI, sAdho, sakala loka joI // bhAI choDyA, baMdhu choDyA, choDyA sagA soI / sAdhu saMga baiTha baiTha loka-lAja khoI // 1 // bhagata dekha rAjI huI, jagata dekha roI / a~suvana jala sIMca sIMca prema-beli boI // 2 // dadhi matha ghRta kAr3hi liyo, DAra daI choI / rANA viSa ko pyAlo bhejyo, pIya magana hoI // 3 // aba to bAta phaila par3I, jANe saba koI / mIrAM prema lagaNa lAgI, honI hoya so hoI // 4 // cU~ghaTakA paTa khola re ! toko pIva mileNge| ghaTa ghaTameM vaha sA~IM ramatA kaTuka vacana mata bola re // dhana-jobana ko garaba na kajai jhUThA pacaraMga cola re // sunna mahalameM diyanA bArile Asana soM mata Dola re // jAga juguta soM raMga-mahalameM piya pAyo anamola re // kahai kabIra Ananda bhayo hai, bAjata anahada Dhola re // 49
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________________ mAI maiMne govinda lIno mola, govinda lIno mola // koI kahe sastA, koI kahe maha~gA, lIno tarAjU tola // 1 // koI kahe ghara meM, koI kahe banameM, rAdhA ke saMga kilola // 2 // mIrAM ke prabhu giradhara nAgara, Avata prema ke Dola // 3 // rAma-nAma-rasa pIjai, manuA rAma-nAma-rasa pIjai / taja kusaMga sata-saMga baiTha nita, hari-caracA suni lIjai // kAma krodha mada lobha moha kU~, bahA citta soM dIjai / mIrAM ke prabhu giradhara nAgara, tAhi ke raMga meM bhIjai // 50
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________________ * tuma merI rAkho lAja harI / tuma jAnata saba antarajAmI // karanI kachu na karI // 1 // auguna mose bisarata nAhi, pala china gharI gharI / saba prapaMca kI poTa bA~dha kari apane sIsa dharI // 2 // dArA suta dhana moha liye hauM sudhi-budhi saba bisarI / sUra patita ko bega ubAro, aba merI nAva bharI // 3 //
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________________ AratI jaya jagadIza hare ! bhakta janoMke saMkaTa china meM dUra kare om jaya jagadIza hare! jo dhyAve phala pAve, dukha vinase mana kA sukha saMpati gRha Ave, kaSTa miTe tana kaa| mAta-pitA tuma mere, zaraNa gahU~ kisakI, tuma bina aura na dUjA, Asa karU~ jisakI-jaya... // 1 // tuma pUrana paramAtmA, tuma antarayAmI pArabrahma paramezvara, tuma sabake svaamii| tuma karuNA ke sAgara, tuma pAlanakartA maiM mUrakha, khala, kAmI, kRpA karo bhartA- jaya... // 2 // tuma ho eka agocara, sabake prANa-pati kisa vidha milU~ gusAIM, tumako maiM kumti| dIna-bandhu dukha-haratA, ThAkura tuma mere apane hAtha uThAo, dvAra par3e tere|| viSaya-vikAra miTAo, pApa haro devA zraddhA-bhakti bar3hAo, santana kI sevA- jaya... // 3 // 52
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________________ zrI hanumAna cAlIsA caupAI jaya hanumAna jJAna guna sAgara / jaya kapIsa tihu~ loka ujAgara // rAma dUta atulita bala dhAmA / aMjani-putra pavanasuta nAmA | mahAbIra bikrama bajaraMgI / kumati nivAra sumati ke sNgii|| kaMcana barana birAja subesA / kAnana kuMDala kuMcita kesA // . . jai jai jai hanumAna gosAIM / kRpA karahu guru deva kI nAIM // jo sata bAra pATha kare koii| chUTahi baMdi mahA sukha hoI // jo yaha par3he hanumAna cAlIsA / hoya siddhi sAkhI gauriisaa|| tulasIdAsa sadA hari cerA / kIjai nAtha hRdaya ma~ha DerA // dohA pavanatanaya saMkaTa harana, rAma lakhana sItA sahita, maMgala mUrati ruup| hRdaya basahu sura bhUpa // // siyAvara rAmacandra kI jaya // 53
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________________ preraNA gIta hama hogeM kAmayAba (3), eka dina ho... mana meM hai vizvAsa, pUrA hai vizvAsa hama hogeM kAmayAba, eka dina / hama caleMge sAtha-sAtha DAla hAthoM meM hAtha hama caleMge sAtha-sAtha, eka dina mana meM hai vizvAsa, pUrA hai vizvAsa hama caleMge sAtha-sAtha eka dina / hogI zAnti cAroM ora (3), eka dina' mana meM hai vizvAsa, pUrA hai vizvAsa hogI zAnti cAroM ora, eka dina / nahIM Dara kisI kA Aja nahIM bhaya kisI kA Aja nahIM Dara kisI kA Aja ke dina mana meM hai vizvAsa pUrA hai vizvAsa nahIM Dara kisI kA Aja ke din| hama hoMge kAmayAba (3) eka dina ho... mana meM hai vizvAsa, pUrA hai vizvAsa hama hoMge kAmayAba eka dina // 54 hindI gIta
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________________ sAre jahAM se acchA hindostAM hmaaraa| hama bulabule haiM isakI ye gulasitAM hamArA // parabata vo sabase U~cA, hamasAyA AsamAM kA / vo saMtarI hamArA, vo pAsavAM hamArA // . godI meM khelatI haiM, jisakI hajAroM nadiyA~ / gulazana hai jinake dama se, razke-jinAM hamArA // maz2ahaba nahIM sikhAtA, Apasa meM baira rkhnaa| hindI haiM hama, vatana hai hindostAM hamArA // II.. laba pe AtI hai duA bana ke tamannA merI z2indagI zamAM kI sUrata ho khudAyA merii| dUra duniyA~ kA mere dama se aMdherA ho jAe hara jagaha mere camakane se ujAlA ho jaae| ho merA kAma garIboM kI himAyata karanA dardamandoM se z2arIphoM se mohabbata karanA / mere allAha burAI se bacAnA mujhako neka jo rAha ho usa rAha pe calAnA mujhako // 55 urdU gIta urdU gIta
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________________ rASTrIya gIta vande maatrm| vande mAtaram / sujalAM suphalAM malayaja zItalAm / zasya-zyAmalAM mAtaram / vande mAtaram / zubhra - jyotsanAM-pulakita yAminIm phullakusumitadrumadalazobhinIm suhAsinIM sumadhura bhASaNIm sukhadAM varadAM maatrm| vande maatrm|| jana-gaNa-mana adhinAyaka jaya he ! bhArata-bhAgya-vidhAtA paMjAba siMdha gujarAta marAThA, drAvir3a utkala baMga / vindhya himAcala yamunA gaMgA, ucchala jaladhi taraMga / tava zubha nAme jAge, taba zubha AziSa mAMge, gAhe tava jaya gAthA / jana-gaNa-maMgaladAyaka jaya he! bhArata-bhAgya-vidhAtA / jaya he! jaya he! jaya he! jaya jaya jaya jaya he ! 56
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________________ MADHUBAN EDUCATIONAL & BOOKS Rs 18 ISBN 0-7069-8960-0