Book Title: Descriptive Catalogue Of Manuscripts Vol 19
Author(s): Hiralal Rasikdas Kapadia
Publisher: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts IN THE GOVERNMENT MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY deposited at the BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Serial Number 27 JAINA LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute POONA 1987 Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Descriptive Catalogue of * Manuscripts IN THE GOVERNMENT MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY deposited at the BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Serial Number 27 JAINA LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute POONA 1987 Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts Serial Number 27 Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona 4 (India) INSTITUTE POONA FOUNDED 1917 || // tejasvi nAvadhItamastu // Printed at : Bhandarkar Institute Press, Poona. Published by R. N. DANDEKAR, Honorary Secretary, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona. Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts IN THE GOVERNMENT MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY deposited at the BHANDARKAR ORIENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Serial Number 27 JAINA LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY Volume XIX, Section II : Narratives Part II ; Svetambara Works COMPILED BY The Late Professor H, R. KAPADIA Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute POONA 1987 Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FOREWORD The press-copy of this volume of the Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts was prepared by the Late Professor H. R. Kapadia many years ago. It was found to need considerable rechecking, revision, and editing before it could be sent to press. In the true Jaina spirit of selfless piety and fraternity, Shri Joharimal Parakh offered to do this work for the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, This was but in perfect conformity with the exemplary missionary service which he has been rendering to the cause of Jaina religion, philosophy, and literature through the Sevamandira of Jodhpur. Shri. Parakh specially came down to Poona, carefully examined each entry in the press-copy, made the necessary additions and omissions in it, and thus gave it a presentable shape. Even at the risk of causing him some discom. fiture, I convey to Shri Parakh the grateful thanks of the Instituto for his kind collaboration. I have also to thank the Ministry of Education, Goverment of India, for its generous grant towards this publication. Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, India October 30, 1987 R. N. Dandekar R. N. Dandekar Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS Section II Narratives Part III (a) Svetambara Works (Nos. 637-894) No. Title Pages 1-3 5-6 637 Vankacularasa 638 Vajrabahukatha 639 Vajrayudhakatba 640 Vatsarajakumarakathanaka 641 Vatsarajakatha 642 Vayarakumararasa 643-646 Vardhamanadesana 647-648 ,, ,, (with Vivsti) 649 Vasantakumarakatha 650 Vasudevacaritra s ovakumararasa ] 651 [ 'vacopai] 652 653 Vasudevacarita [*vakumaracopai] 654 Vasudevahindi (Khanda I) 655-656 ( II) 657-658 Vastupala-Tejapala-rasa Vastupalaprabandha 660 Valirajarsiprabandha 661-663 Vasupujyacaritra 664 (Sarthanakam) 665 Vasupujyapunyaprakabarasa 666 Vikramacatuspadi ('macopai) 667-668 Vikramacaritra 669 , (Pancadandacatuspadi) 670 Vikramaprabandha 671 Vikramasenarasa (macopai) 672-673 674 Vikramadityacatuspadi ("tyacopai) (Vikrama-Lliavati-copai] 075-676 Vikramadityacaritra (Vikrama-LiLavatl.copai) 7-8 8-13 13-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-23 23-26 26-27 28-29 29-30 30-34 34-35 35-37 37-38 38-43 43-44 45 45-47 47-49 659 49-51 ... 51-53 Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ viii Contents Pages 677 53 54-55 55-56 56-58 59 60 60-62 691 692 No. Vijaya-Setha-( Sethani) caupai 678 Vijayacandracaritra (Vijayacandacariya) 679 Vijayacandracaritra 680-682 carite pujastaka 683 carita (Vijayacandacariya ) Pujastaka 684 Vijayacandracarite Pujastaka 685 Vijayadevamahatmya with Vitti 686 Vijayaprasastimahakavya with Vijaya( pra ) dipikavetti 687 Vijayaratpasuriguoavarnana 688 Vidyavilasaparendrakathapaka 689 drapavadau 690 Vidyavilasapavadau Vidyavilasaparendra-pavadau Vidyasagarakatba 693 Vinayacatakatha 694 Vinitavinitabhava 695 Vimalaprabandha (Clarasa ) 696 697 Vividhatirthakalpa (Kalpapradipa, Tirthakalpa )... 698-699 Vividhatirthakalpa 700-701 Visnukumarakatha 702 Visnukumaracatuspadi (racopai) Virabhadrakatha 704 Virasena-Kusumasri-catuspadi ("$ri-copai) 705 Virangadakatha 706 Vrsabhadevavyakhyana (Adinathavyakhyana) 707 Vetalapancavimsatika 708 Vairocanakatha (?) 709 Sankhakumarakatba 710 Sankha( ? )distanta 711-712 Satrumjayakalpa 713 with Tabba 714-718 Satrumjayamabatmya ,, with Tabba 720 Satrumjayamahatmyarasa, Satrumjayamaha. tirthamahatmyacatuspadi ... Vio 62-64 64-65 65-66 66-68 68-69 69-70 70-71 71-72 73-74 74-75 76-77 77-79 79-81 81-83 83-84 84 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-90 90-91 91-92 703 92 92-94 94-95 95-101 101-103 719 103-10$ Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents ix 128 751 142 No. Pages 721 Santijinaprabandha ... 105-106 722-734 Santinathacaritra ... 106-120 735-738 Sambapradyumnaprabandha 120-124 739 Sala-Mahasala-katha 124-125 740 Salibhadracatuspadika (odracopai) (degdrarasa) ... 125-126 741 Sa libhadracatuspadika (dracopai) 126-128 742 743-745 Salibhadracaritra 129-132 746-748 ., with Avacurni 132-134 749 Sivakumarakatha with Tabba 135 750 Siladuta 136-137 Silamatikatha 137-138 752 Sllavatikatha 138-139 753 Silavatirasa 139-140 754-755 Silasamdhi 140-141 756 Sukakathanaka (Sukayugmakatha) 757-759 Sukarajakatha 142-146 760 Sukarajacaritra (Sudasahelirasa ) 146-147 Suka-Suki-katha (Suda-Sudi-katha ) 147-148 762 Srikatba 148-149 763-765 Sricandracaritra 149-152 766 , with Tabba 152-154 Sripalakatha (Siddhacakramahatmya ) 154-155 768-769 (Sirivalakaba ) 155-158 770 with Vyakhya 158-160 771 160-161 772-775 Sripalacaritra 161-165 776-779 Sripalarasa 165-171 780 Sripalacaritra (rasa) 171 781 Srimatikatha 172-173 782 Srenikacatuspadi ("kacopai) 173-174 783-784 Srenikarasa 175-177 785 Satpurusavicara (sacaritra) 177-179 786 Samgramsurakathanaka 179-180 787 Samgramasu( osurakatha 180-181 788-789 Sadayavatsakatba 181-184 790 Sadayavatsaprabandha (ovacchaprabandha ) 184-185 761 767 Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents Pages 186-187 187-188 188-190 190 796 191-192 192 194-195 195-196 196-207 207-210 791 Sudayavatsa-Savalinga-catuspadi (nga-copai) ... 792 Sanatkumarakatha 793 Sanatkumararasa 794 Sanatkumarasamdhi (Sanamkumaracariya ) 795 Samaradityacaritra with Chaya (Samaraicca. cariya with Chaya ) Samaradityasamksepa 797 Sambhavanathacaritra 798 Samyaktvakaumudikatha 799-809 Samyaktvakaumudi 810-811 with Balavabodha 812 Samyaktvakaumudicatuspadi ( Samakita kaumudi-copai) 813 Sagarasresthikatha 814-816 Sarasikhamanarasa 817 Simhavryaghrakumarakatha 818 Simbasanadvatrimsika 819-822 Simhasanabattisi 823 Siddhacakramabatmya (Sripalakatha) 824-825 Sitacarita (Siyacariya ) 826 Sitacarita 827 Sitaramacatuspadi ( 'macopal) 828-829 Sitaramacatuspadi Sitaramacaritra Simandharasvamivijaapti (mivinati) Simandharajinastavana (rasva mivinati) with Balavabodha 833 Sukumalarasa 834-836 Sukrtasankirtana 837 Sukosalacatuspadi ("lacopai) 838 Sukstasagara (Jhanjhanaprabandha) 839 Sugunakumarakatha 840 Sudarsanacaritra 841-842 Sudarsanasresthirasa 843 Sudarsanakatha (Sudarisanakaha ) 844 Sudhana.madana-katha 845 Sundararajakatha 210-211 211-212 212-215 215 216 217-221 221-222 222-225 225-227 227-228 229-231 231-232 232-234 830 831 832 234-235 235-237 237-241 241-242 243-244 244-245 246-247 247-250 250-252 252 **. 253 Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Contents No. Pages 253-254 254-255 255--257 257-258 258,259 259-260 261-263 263-265 265-266 266-267 268-269 269-270 271 271-273 273-275 846 Subahucaritra 847 >> (Subabusandhi) 848 849 Sumitracaritra [ Sumitrakumararasa ] 850 851 Surapriyarasa 852-853 Surasundaricatuspadi ('ricopai) Surasundaricarita 855 Susadhakatha 856 , (dhakaba) 857 Susalhacatuspadi ('lbacopal) 858 Susadhacaritra 859 Suraraja-Mada navall-kathanaka 860 Saindharathiyamabakavya 861-862 Saubhagyapancamikatha 863-864 Sthulabhadraguparatnakara (? Gunaratnakarachanda ) 865 Sthulabhadragunaratnakarachanda 866-869 Sthulabhadracaritra 870 Snatra pancasika 871 Hamsapalakatba 872 Hamsaraja-Vatsaraja-katha [ Camatkarakatba ] 873 Hamsaraja-Vatsaraja-katha 874 Hamsaraja-Vatsaraja-catuspadi ("copai) 875 Haribalacaritra (Navarasasagara ] 854 876 275-277 278 278-282 282-283 283 284285 285-286 286-288 288-289 290-291 291-292 292-295 296 297-298 298-299 299-300 301-302 302-304 304-306 306 877 Harlbalaprabandha 887-879 Haribalarasa 880 Harivabapakatha 881 Harivabanacaritra 882 Hariscandpakathanaka 883 Hariscandraprabandha Hariscandra-caupai 885 Hariscandrarasa 886 Harisena-Srisena-rasa Hastikathapaka 884 ... 887 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zhi No. 888-889 Hirasaubhagya with Sukhavabodha Hirasaubhagya with Paryaya Hundakakatha with Tabba 890 891 892 893 894 Contents Holidhuliparvakatha [Holikarenuparvacaritra ] Hollrajahparvakatha with Tabba "D 19 99 ! ... ... ... ... Pages 306-309 310-311 312 312-314 314-316 316-318 Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAINA LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY VOLUME XIX SECTION 11; NARRATIVES PART III (a) The Svetambara Works (contd.) batacUlarAsa Vankacularasa 819 No. 637 1892-95 Size -- 104 in. by 47 In. Extent - 6 folios; 11 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; very big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins ; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 10; in the left-hand margins, the title is variously written e.g. vaMkacU / vaMka0; and vaMkacUlacupaI; in the centre of the numbered and upnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept black so that it forms a design; edges of the first and last foll. partly worn out; condition on the whole good; complete. Age -- Pretty old. Author - Not mentioned. Subject -- Life of Vankacula, a prince of Virata country. It points out the prowess of undertaking four vows (niyamas). This work is based on Dhimpuri-tirtha-kalpa, i. e. Kalpa 43 of Vividha-tirtha-kalpa. As the prince was adicted to vices such as gambling etc., he was exiled by his father. He wsnt to a jungle and stayed there with his wife and sister. There he came across a Jaina monk. As advised by him he took four vows : 1. He is also named as Vankacuda, Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [637 (1) Not to eat unknown fruits. (2). To move backwards by seven steps before dealinga stroke for killing. (3) Not to have an illicit connection with the chief queen of a king. (4) Not to eat flesh of a cow. He strictly observed these vows. So he was born in the 12th heaven. His name is mentioned in hubali. sajjhAya as the 30th Mahasattva. Begins - fol. 1b Adi jiNavara bhAdi jiNavara pamuha cauvIsa / tithaMkara paNamevi savi / dharIya vittasarasati sAmaNi tihU(hu) ann-jnn-mukh-mNddnnii| vAgavANi vrhNsgaamnni| tAsa taNi supasAuli / karasiu kavi tarasAla vaMkacUla rAi pAlIyA nIma cyAra savisAla / 1 etc. cupai // baMkacUla kimalIdhA nIma (niyama) sAdhusaMgati tiNa pAmI kIma cora caraDamAhi pahilu teya / tAsa taNu havi bolasi bheu // 2 // Ends - fol.6a cathAnIma pasAha he vadvAdasa sakala patha yate deva / nIma taNu phala evaDu joh| mugatizilA pAmesi soh| 93 / vinaya karI gurapAya namai rAjaRddhi te sukha avagamai / gaNasiM je saMsAra / asAra / te pAmesi bhavanu pAra / 94 / vaMkacUlanU eha caritra / ekamanA sAMbhalau pavitra sAMbhalatA hui pApapaNAsa / sayala saMghanI pUrai bhAsa 95 iti zrI vaMkacUlacaritracupaI saMpUrNa samApta // shrii|| zrIH // zrIRSavadeva satpachisa / Reference -- For extracts (vol. 1, 94 and 95) and additional Mss. sec Jaira Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, pt. 1, pp. 643-646). Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6381 The Svetambara Works For comparison the following works may be consulted :Work Author Date of compsition vakacUDapavADau (a) jJAnacandraM vi.saM. 1565 vakacUlarAsa gavAna vi.saM. 1926 vi.saM. 1660 gaNadAsa vi. saM. 1671 amarasena vi. saM. 1106 kesaravimala vi. saM. 1956 (3) (5) vajrabAhukathA Vajrabahukatha 1339(0) No. 638 1886-92 Extent -- fol. 4a to fol. 6a Description -Complete. For other details see saMgrAmazUrakathA No. 1339 (a)/1886-92 (Vol.XIX, See. II.fol.3). Author - Is he Dayavardhana Gani? Subject - A story about Vajrabahu. It points out the importance. of observing Adattadana viramana, the third of the five minor vows of the Jaina saints. Begins - fol. 4a 960 // paravihavaparIhAraM kuNaMti je vajabAhu kumarudha / iha loe vi samiddhi pAviya pAvaMti te siddhiM 1 saptabhuvanAvatAraM puraM sureMdrastatra rAjA tasya raMbhA priyA raveH zanivattasya putra krUrAtmA vajrabAhuH jIvAn hinasti asatyaM brUte stainyaM kurute etc. Ends -fol. 3a (... dhanadAni viSaharANi rogaharANi ca tatprabhavAmijAM priyAM nIrogAM cakra anyAnapi cakAra tataH pitrA samArUMya rAjye nivezita: svayaM dIkSAM lalo so'pi niyama pratipAlyA '5 cyuta' kalpe suro jAtaH tata yuto mokSaM yAsyati 3 iti tRtIyavrate vajrabAhukathA // 6 // N. B. - No work having this title is noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I). Same is the case with 'jaina sAhitya kA vRhad itihAsa' ( Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [639 vajAyudhakathA Vajrayudhakatha 170 No. 639 1872-73 Size -101 in.4g in. Extent - 21-1 = 20 folios; 17 lines to a page; 66 letters to a line. Description-Country paper; thin, tough and whitish; Jaina Devana. gari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrA63small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; incomplete, as the Ms. ends abruptly. Age-Pretty old. Author-Not known. Subject - A story of Vajrayudha, son of king Ksemamkara and his wife Ratna mala. Vajrayudha became in course of time a Tirthamkara pamed as santi. Begins - fol. 1a 'jaMbU' dvIpa 'pUrva videhe' 'maMgalAvatI ' vijaye 'ratnasaMcaya' pure kSamekara rAjA ratnamAlA tasya patnI / tayoH putraH zAMtinAthajIvavajrAyadhanAmA'bhUt / anyadA pArApatA kAMdazIka ekaH zaraNaM kumarasya prAptaH kathitaM mA bhaiSI: etc. Ends -- fol. 216 prANA rakSaNIyA : ityukte rAjJA svasuto bahusainyasahitaH kumaraH pressit:| maha dUra saMpatto paMthe sidva : puranayarabAhimi / mucchAnimIliaccho paDibho so rahassuvari // 1 tomabbhimakhaMdhAre ucchalie kalayalaM mi sahasaMtti / miliu agnI e / ends abruptly. Reference - It seems that this work is not mentioned in the Jina. ratnakosa (Vol. I). Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 640] : The Svetambora Works vatsarAjakumArakathAnaka Vatsarajakumarakathanaka 1335 No. 640 1887-91 Size-10g in. by4g in. Extent-23-1=22 folios: 15 lines to a page3 42 letters to a line. Description -Country paper; thick, rough, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs, big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is mostly a square space kept blank; yellow pigment used for making corrections; the fol. 181 missing, otherwise complete; condition very good. Age - Pretty old. Author - Not known. Subject -A story of Vatsaraja in Prakrit. Begins - fol. 2a tahavi hu guNehiM jiTaTho hou iyo vaccharAu tinivo // 20 iya jaNavAyaM souM ege tAM saMtiNA samaM maMtaM / kAUNa devarAu ginhai gayau rayasaMghAyaM // 31 etc. Ends - fol. 23a dANAI dhammassa vi tA jai bho ittiyaM phalaM jAyaM to ruddhavirai ruvassa hoi naNu sanca paDivanna / to tatthe va payatto kAyabbo hoi buddhimaMtIhiM jiNabhaNiyavihANeNa na annahA mukkhaheu ti // iti dAnAdidharmeSu apramattasya durgApado'pi sukhaparyavasAna : saMpadyate itye(tya )rthasaMsUcakaM pUrvajanmasurAbhidhAnaM // zrIvatsarAjakumArakathAnakaM samAptaM / / cha / / zubhaM bhavatu / shriiH|| Reference - For a comparison see the following works : (1) vatsarAjakathA in Prakrit having an extant of 425 slokas. Is this work same as one noted here? (2) in Sanskrit by Sarvasundara Sari. Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [641 (3) , an anonymous work, (4) vatsarAjacaritra by Ajitaprabha Suri. (5) vatsarAjapravandha, an anonymous work. (6) vatsarAjahaMsarAjacarita by Jinodaya Suri. (7) , , , Rajakirti. (8) , , , Asayata. vanarAjakathA Vanarajakatha 1288 (d) 1884-87 No. 641 Extent-fol.7b to fol. 10b. Description - Complete; 203 verses in all. For other details see Dhanamitradikatha. No. 296 of Vol. XIX (ii) Part 1. Age - Pretty old. Subject - Story of Vaparaja pointing out the importance of bhava puja. It is composed in Sanskrit. Only a few verses in the beginning and at the end are in Prakrit. Total slokas 203. Begins - fol. 76 paDikamaNe1cehayara jimaNa3 carima paDikamaNa5 suyaNa paDibo he| cihavaMdaNa iya jahaNo sattavelAu ahoratte // 1 // etc. paDikau gihiNA vidu / sagavelA paMcavela iyrss| puyA suti saMjJA suyA / hoi ti velA jahanneNaM // 2 // ukkosaM dagvatthayaM / bhArAhiya jAi avuyNjhe| bhAvatthayeNa pAvai / aMtamuhattaNa nibvANe // 3 // merussa sarisavassava / jattiya mintaM ca aMtara hoi| danvatthayabhAvatthayANa / aMtaraM ttattiya hoi // 4 // uvaharai duriyavarga / harai duhaM jaNai sayala sukhkhAi sargApavargasukhaM / sAhai pUyA vaNarAya vva // 5 // bhastyatra bharatakSetre / narendre supratiSThitaM / kSatipratiSThitaM nAma / purassarapuropamaM // 1 // Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6421 The Svetambara Works Ends - fol. 100 ikkovi tuha paNAmo jehiM kau bhattibhAviyamaNehi khaviUNa kammarAsiM pannA mukkhaphalaM teya // 202 / / ikkaha phulla hamATi dei jinarasurasivasuha / esI karaha kusATi bappabholima jiNava taNI / / 203 / / bhAvapUjAyAM vnraajkthaa| Reference - It seems that this work is not mentioned in the Jinaratna kosa (Vol. I). vayarakumArarAsa Vayarakumararasa 478 No.642 1882-83 Size - 9 in. by 43 in. Extent-5 folios; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, brittle and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writting; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; dandas given in red ink; the central portions of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well are so decorated in red column with different sorts of designs; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the left-hand margins the title is written as vayarAga raro rAsa, and vayarAgara rAsa; edges of some of the foll. worn out; condition on the whole good; complete. Age-Samvat 1680. Author-Not known. Subject - A life story of (?) Vayarakumara. Begins -- fol. la pahila praNAma karuM jinarAya // siddhasave nija vaMdisyuM bhAva / saguNa AcArijapAi namau / pachai manasudhi vaMdisyuM zrIuva jAi / sAdhacalaNa cita lAiiNa parivaMditAM pAtaka jAya // 1 // saguNa saromaNa sauguNa nIlau // 1 // etc, Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [643 pachaha mAta pitA tasukaraha vicAra / anumati mAgachaha vyrkumaar| 86 / taupaunamati mAgIyau vayarakumAra / 871 Ends - fol. 50 rAsa racyaTha chaha mana taNai rNgi| bhAva dharI cita ulaTai aMgi / sugaNa mANasaM tumhe sAMbhAlau rAsa / bhaNatA tehanau pAtika jAi / 89 kaviyaNa iNa pari ucarai / zrIvayarAgara vadau manana gai bhAvi // tau sugu0|9| iti vayarAgararAsa' samAptA / saM 1680 / varSe zrAvaNamAse / kRsnapaNyai cothatithe bharaka(ka)vAre / paM. varacamAna liSatAM / bAI hAMsAM liissaav...||ch Referenc - It seems that this work is not mentioned in the Jaina Gurjara Kavio. vardhamAnadezanA Vardhamanadesana 1348 No. 643 1891-95 Size - 10% in. by 4g in. Extent 103-1+1 = 103 folios; 15 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description - Country paper tough and white; Devanagari characters; small, bold, clear and good handwriting; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; fol. 1a blanki numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; yellow pigment used; fol. 51st witten on a comparatively thin paper; fol. 64th falsely numbered as 65th; hence the following numbered as 66, 67 etc.; fol. 83rd repeated; complete up to the tenth Ullasa. Age -Samvat 1945. Author - Rajakirti, pupil of Ratpalabha Gani, pupil of Kumaraganga Gani, pupil of Amaramanikya Gani, of the Brahat Khara tara gaccha. Subject - A narrative of sermons delivered by Vardhamana in San skrit. This work seems to deal with the same subject as No. 324/A, 1882-83. 1 Seems to be wrongly copied by the scribe; see verse 88 and 87 cited above. Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 644] The Svetambara Works Begins - fol. 10 OM namaH zrIpArzvanAthAya / vAMchitArthapradAyine / karomi gadyabaMdhena shriivrdhmaandeshnaaN| 1 asmin 'jaMbu'dvIpe 'bharata'nAmA kSetra(aM)vartate tasmin 'bharate' 'vAMNiyagrAmA' nagaro'sti etc. Ends - fol. 103a sarve'pi dRDhasamyakatvAH vi(vi)zativarSe yAvatA pAlitajinadharmAH 'saudharma 'devaloke sarve'pi devA babhUvaH (vuH) sarve'pi manuSyabhava prApya vigatakarmAsidhyatA eteSAM zrAddhAnAM caritrAM(baM) zra(zrutvA jaMbUsvAmI samabhAvabhAvitAtmA dharmaparAyaNo jAtaH asmin graMthe yat kiMcidutsUtraM dUSaNaM bhavati tat sarvaM zra(zrutidharAH so(zo)dhayaMtA gatamatsarAH zrI 'vRhatkharatara' ganche zrIjinabhadrasUri saM(9)tevAsivAcanAcArya zrIpaTTanamerugaNitatazi(cchi )jya vA zrImerutilakagaNi tataziSya vA zrIdayAkalazagaNi tataziSya vA amaramANikyagaNi tataziSya vA zrIkRmAraMgagaNi tataziSya vAcanAcAyyo zrIratnalAbhagaNiziSyeNa rAjakA(kIrtigaNinA zrIvardhamAnadezanA yo(yAM) gadyabaMdhana praNItAyAM tetalIpitApratibodho nAma dazama ullAsaH samAsaH // 10 // saMvat 1945 mAgasarasu0 2 // munimA(ma)hArAja zrIbuTerAvajI bhAkarabuddhivijayajI tata(t)ziSya muniANaMdavijayajI gujArAta raadhmaaprkaa|| zrI sA0premacaMda TIkArasI: e laSAdI mAyAveH zrI jAmanagara 'naave| sI(zrI gaNezAya namaH // etc. Reference - Published by Hiralal Hamsaraja in A. D. 1918. For addi. tional Mss. See Jinaratnakota (Vol.I, p.343). vardhamAnadezanA Vardhamanadesana 822 No.644 1892-95 Size - 9f in. by 44 in. Extent-171 folios; 12 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; foll.1a and 171b blank; a strip 2 [J. L.P.] Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [644 of paper pasted to fol. 1a; fol. 18 decorated with illustration of a Jina, most probably Lord Mahavira; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; marginal notes added at times; complete. Age - Samvat 1904. Author -- Rajakirti. Begins - fol. 16 OM namaH zrIpArzvanAthAya vAMchitArthapradAyine etc. as in No. 1348 / 1891-95. Ends - fol. 1710 sarve'pi samyaktvA viMzativarSaM yAvatA etc. as in No. 643 upto gatamatsarAH etc.... Then we have : iti zrIvardhamAnadezanAyAM vAcanAcArya zrIratnalAlajIgaNi tatziSya zrIrAja kIrtigaNinA gadyabaMdhena praNItAyAM tetalipitApratibodho nAma dasa (za) ma ullAsa ( : ) saMpUrNaH // 10 zrI ' bRhatkharatara 'gacheH zrIsAgara caMdasUrizAkhAyAM va // cha // pra. zrI zrI 108 zrI zrI gurAMjI zrIbhAgyamUrtijIH tat ziSya zrIbinaicaMdajI tatziSya zrImadanabhadrajI laghubhrAtraH paM. vidyAvipralamuniH liSataM ciraMlaSamaciMdapaThanArtha || zrI ' vikramapura 'nagare caturmAsIkRtaM saMvat 1904 varSe miti pohavadi 2 dine / du (do) hA vidyAdhana udyama vinAM kaho japAvai kona ? binAM mulAyAM nAmulai jima paMSAkI pona 1 a ( A ) gyA (jJA ) bhaMgo nareMdrANAM guruNAM mAnamardanam / pra ( pRthakza ( zayyA ca nArINAM azastravadhamucyate / 2 / iMsAnai saravavaraghaNAMH kuzapraghaNAM bhamarAMhasAM purasAM / sajana ghaNAM desavidesa gayAMha | 3 | iti prastAvIka || li / paM / baSatAvaraH ciruM laghuvAcanArthaM // zrIH // 1 N. B. -- For further particulars see No. 643. Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 695) The svetambara Works ____ varSamAnadezanA Vardhamanadesana 324 No. 645 A. 1882-83 Size -98 in. by 4g in. Extent-180-1-3-1 - 175 folios%3 15 lines to apage3; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish ; Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrA ; big, clear and fair hand-writing: borders ruled in two lines, in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; a white paste, too ; a piece of white paper of the size of a fol. pasted to fol. 1a; fol. 1a blank; fol. 6th slightly damaged in the body; a major portion of foll. 360 and 66a kept blank; fol. 59a 79a, 81a, etc. entirely blank, so are foll. 644,74a, 754, 784; contains marginal notes; foll. 7, 94-96 and 178 lacking; a table of contents so far as the narratives are concerned is written on fol. 1806; almost complete. Age-1609? Author - Srutavardhana Subhavardhana Gani, pupil of Sadhuvijaya Gapi of the Tapagaccha. Subject - The work narrates the events which made Kamadeva and others to accept Jainism. The 10 sravakas are:mAnanda, kAmadeva, culiNIpita, surAdeva, kullakazataka, kumbhakola, sahAlaputra, mahAzataka. Begins -- fol. 10 (Text) // 60 // zrIgurubhyo nmH| vIrajiNedaM deviMdavaMdizaM vaMdiUNa jibhaamaah| siriNAmamagaNaharaM ajasuhammaM suhammaM ca // 1 // saparajaNabohaNatthaM sattamaagAu nimgurupsaayaa| ANaMdappamuhANaM caritraM sadDhANaM bucchAmi // 2 // etc. Ends-fol. 180a zrIhiraNyaharamahAsthAne / zrImahAnidhAnabhuvaneH (?) zrI jyoginIpattineM / zrIaMbikArAjye zubhaM bhavatu / Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [66 saahshriishriimaadhaarth| saMvat 1609 varSe phAlguna mAze(se) ki(ka)SNapakSe tithau bhume pustaka(ka) liSataM / ThAkura ()modaradAsa bhaarthii| - zubhaM bhavatu le(kh)kpaatthk(yoH)| jAdisya pustakaM diSTvA tAdisyaM likSyate myaa| yadi viraddhaM vA mama doSo na dIyate / 1 zrI etc. Reference - The work No. 646 which is complete, has 203 stanzas in the last ullAsa but No. 324/A 1882-83 abruptly ends with 146th stanza, Does this mean that one or two foll. are missing! Published by Jainadharmaprasaraka Sabha as No. 43 of its series and also by Balabhai Chaganlal in V.S. 1960. For additional MSS see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 343). vardhamAnadezanA Vardhamanadesana 1244 No. 646 1887-91 Size-10g in. by 4g in. Extent - 124 folios; 15 lines to a page; 43 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagarl characters with pRSThamAtrAs; small, lagible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; edges of the first folio slightly worn out; numbers of foll. 65-124 entered twice as usual; foll. 1a and 124b blank; complete. Age-old. Author - Srutavardhana. Begins - fol. 10 // 60 // zrIgurubhyo namaH // vIrajiNedaM deviMdavaMdiUNa dinamohaM / siriNAmamaMgaNa haraM etc. as in No. 645. Ends -- fol. 124a suhavadhaNeNa tasiM sIsavayaMseNa bhppm..."| sirivadhamANadesaNa gaMtho vihiuhima-pa // 2 // Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 64%) The Svetambara Works narasabAvanammI bhaivaya kie terasIdivase / suhavArarikkha joNavi hitu gaMtho pavicurau // 3 // iti zrIvardhamAnadezanAyA 'tapA'gachAdhirAjazrIsomasuMdarasUri etc. as in No. 645 upto pise and then aftageHtet etc. as in the same upto Trafforguftaret then we have factoren 311999 fata ATA Jgle etc. qut: 1) II zrIrastu zubhaM bhavatu // ch|| N. B. For further particulars see No. 645. vardhamAnadezanA Vardhamanadesana vivRtisahita with Vivrti ( ? ) 1245 No. 647 1887-91 Size - 10 in. by 41 in. Extent - 197 folios; 5 lines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rongb, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with rare TehraTS ; this ms. con. tains the text and its interlinear commentary as well; the former written in big, quite legible, uniform and good handwriting; practically same is the case with the commentary exeept that it is written in comparatively smaller hand-writing: borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink ; white pigment profusely used on fol. 103a; foll. mostly numbered in both the margins; a few in the right-hand margin only; in the left-hand margins, the title is written as T& ; fol. 1a blank; edges of the first fol, worn out to a great extent; that is why some letters are also gone; the text goes up to the first Ullasa and its commentary too, upto the same extent. Age - Old. Author of the comm. - Not mentioned. Subject -- The Prakrit text along with its Sanskrit explanation, Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [648 Begins (Text)- fol. 1b // 60 // zrIgurubhyo nmH|| vIra jiNiMdadeviMda etc. as in No. 645. Begins ( Comm.)- fol. 1b ||shriisiddhaarthsutN vIraM vardhamAnaramAlayaM smRtvA kurve vardhamAnadezanA-vivRti sphuTaM 1 Ends ( Text)- fol. 197a evaM ANaMdassa ya caribha suNiUNa jAyasaMvegga bhavvA vi gayapamAyA kuNaMti jiNadhammamujjuttA 94 ibha sirilabdhIsAyara sUrIsarasAdhuvijayasIseNa suhavaddhaNeNa lahiaM cariaM ANaMdasaDDhassU 95 iti zrIvardhamAnadezanAyAM 'tapAgacchAdhirAjazrIsomasuMdarasUrI zrI. munIsuMdarasUrI zrIjayacaMdrasUrI zrIratnazeSarasUrI zrIlakSmIsAgarasUrI zrIsumatisAdhusUrI paTTAlaMkAraNa saMprati vijayamAna zrIhemavimalasUrIrAjye pUjya paM0 sAdhuvijayagaNiziSya paM0 zubhavarddhanagaNipraNitAyAmAnaMdabhAvakapratibodho nAma prathamollAsaH Ends (Comm.) - fol. 197a etat ANaMdazrAddhasya caritraM zrutvA jAtasaMvegA utpaJcamokSAbhilASAH bhavyajIvAH vigatapramAdAH saMtaH jinadhammai kurvati udyuktA udyamavaMtaH iti zrIlakSmIsAgarasUrIzvarANAM sAdhuvijayanAmnAM ziSyeNa zrIlakSmIsAgarasUrIzvarANAM ziSyAH sAdhuvijayAkhyAsteSAM ziSyeNetyarthaH evaMbhUtena sukhavarddhanena kavinA ANaMdanAmnaH zrAddhasya caritraM likhitaM vardhamAnadezanA vivRtisahita Vardhamanadesana with Vivrti 239 No. 648 1871-72 Size - 9 in. by 44 in. Extent-366 folios%3; 13 lines to a page%3; 35 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, smooth, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; this Ms. contains the text and its inter linear commentary as well; the former written in big, quite Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6481 The Svetambara Works legible, unifrom and good hand-writing; practically same is the case with the commentary written in columns bounded by one thick line in red ink; except that it is in comparativly smaller hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; most of the foll. numbered in both the margins; in the left-hand margins, the title is written as agara; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 366a ; edges of the first fol. slightly gone; condition on the whole very good; in the context of the numbered and unnumbered sides of foll. 300 to 365 there is some blank space so that it forms a design ; the text complete upto 10 Ullasas; the commentary, however, stops with the explanation of the 88th verse of the third Ullasa; numbers 300 to 366 surrounded by desgins etc. in the right-hand margin; No. 304 written in the body of a horse. Folios 301-365 have their numbers written in an artistfic way. Out of these, 19 numbers are written in the body of living beings, whereas the rest are circumscribed by floral designs which seem to differ slightly from one anothr. The illustrations of the 19 living beings along with the corres. ponding foliation-nos, are as under : Crane (326), (338) and (351 ), deer (325), elephant ( 348 ) + lion (3) gentleman (327), horse ( 304 ), (319), (329) and (352), monkey (315), ostrich (306), (350), parrot (361), peacock (358), pigeon (? dove ) (318), stag (309), tiger (334) and woman ( 341 ).1 Begins (Text) - fol. 16 115 EUR o ll situazzi TA: 11 eft fafore afas etc. as in No. 645. Begins ( Comm.) - fol. 10 ||shriisiddhaarthsutN vIraM vardhamAnaramAlayaM / smRtvA kurve varddhamAnadezanAvivRti sphUTaM // deveMdravaMdito deveMdravaMditastaM jito moho yena sa jitamohastvaM etAdRzaM 1. See the plate facing this page. Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [-649 vIrajineMdravIrajinavaraM vaMditvA praNamya ca punaH zriyA yuktaM gaNadhara gautamasvAminaM praNamya ca punaH etc. Ends (Text) - fol. 3650 suhavaddhaNeNa tersi sIsavayaMseNa appamaieNa / sirivaddhamANadesaNagaMtho vihiu hi aTThAhi // 9 // panarasabAcana ( 1552 ) mmo / bhaddavayakiNDa terasIdivase / suhavAra rikkha joe vihiu gAMthA pavittharau // 10 // iti zrIvarddhamAnadezanAyAM / ' tathA 'gacchAdhirAja zrIsomasuMdarasUri / zrIjaya caMdrasUri / zrIratnazeSarasUri / zrIlakSmIsAgarasUri / zrIsumatisAdhu1 sUri paTTAlaMkaraNa paramaguru zrI hemavimalasUri vijayamAnarAjye // paMDita prakAMDamaMDalIziromaNi // pUjya paM0 zrI sAdhuvijayagaNiziSyaparamANu // paMDitazubhavarddhanagaNipraNItAyAM // tetalipitA zrAvakapratibodho nAma dazama ullAsaH saMpUrNaH // cha // graMthAgraMtha zlokasaMkhyA 5435 cheM // zubhaM bhavatu // kalyai ( kyA ) NamastuH Ends (Comm.) - fol. 218b sudhIsadRzIH sarasaprAkSAH / 89 / pakvAni AmrANAM phalAni / kadalInAM phalAni / phaNasa N. B. -- For additional information See No. 647. vasantakumArakathA No. 649 Vasantakumarakatha 1339 (h) 1886-92 Extent - fol. 23b to fol. 25.0 - Description - complete. For further information see saGgrAmazUrakathA No. 1339 (a)/1886-92. Author Is he Dayavarohana Gani? Subject - A narrative about Vasantakumara. It points out the impo* rtance of observing dezAbakA zikavrata, the second discipinary vow out of four of the Jaina laity. Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 650] The Svetambora Works 17 Begins --fol. 230 ||e60|| desAvagasiyatra e vasaMtakumarassa hAi dittrito| taMpi sukheNevaM kahemi nisuNaMtu egamaNA 1 iha bharate hemapuraM hemadhvajastatra nRpaH hemAvalI tasya priyA tayorvasaMtunAmA sutaH athAsthAnasthe rAjJa pratIhArovajJApayat deva kopi navaH pumAn etc. Ends-fol.24 __ kumAropi piturlabdharAjyo jinamaMDitAM vasudhAM cakre vidhinA mRtaH bhacyutakalpe suro jAta tatazyuto dhAkukIkhaMDabharate nRpagRhe(5) vatIrNo mokSa yAsati (mokSaM yaasyti)||ch|| iti shrii|| iti dezAvakAzike vasaMtakumArakathAH // ch|| N. B. - No work having this title is mentioned in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I). vasudevacaritra Vosudevacaritra [vasadevakumArarAsa] [Vasudevakumararasa ] 1659 No. 650 1891-95 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent - 13 folios%3 15 lines to apage%3; 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, quite legible and tolerably good handwriting; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; some of the foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition on the whole good ; completo; yellow pigment used for making corrections. composed in Samvat 1557 at Vadali in 354 verses. Age-Samvat 1675. Author - Harsakula, pupil of Kulacarana pupil of Hemavimalsuri For his additional works see Vol. XVII (Pt. 5. p. 10, fn. 4 andiVol.XIX (Sec. 2, Pt. 2, p.423). ...3 [J.L.P.] Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 18 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1651 Subject - Life of Vasudeva, father of Lord Krsna. in Gujrathi. Begins -- fol. 10 // 60 OM nmH|| sakala manoratha siddhi kari dhuri ca uvIsa jiNaMda payaNamuM bhAviM karI bhaviyaNanayaNANAMda 1 'kAsamIra 'mukhamaMDaNA mani samaru sarasatti kaviyaNavAMchitapUraNI diuvANI sarasatti 2 je vasudeva sohAmaNo 'yAdava 'kulasiMgAra caritra racuM huM tehanUM suNajyo atihiM udAra 3 etc. Ends - fol. 136 'tapa'gaccha keru siNagAra zrIlaSimisAgaragaNadhAra zrIsumatisAdhusUrisIsa zrIhemavimalasUrIsa 42 // varalAsanayaradharahirasa saya panara satAvana( 1557) varasi kulacaraNAsupaMDitasIsa harSakula kahai nisidIsa 43 dhana dhanna carIya vizAla dhana jinadharma rasAla eha dhayaNa suNAi aticaMga jima pAmau avahaDaraMga 44 iti zrIvasudevakumArarAsa saMpUrNaH // saMvat 1675 varSe 'reyAgrAme 'paM devacaMdragaNinA(s)lekhi // chaH / / Reference - For extracts and additional Mss, see Vol. III Part 1 page 528 Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, p. 102). Here v. 43 is numbered as 357 and instead of harSakula here is harakhakalasa, instead of Vadala (Vadali ) there is Lasa. vasudevacaritra Vasudevacaritra [vasudeva copai] [Vasudeva Copai] 1326 (b) No. 651 __1886-92 Extent-fol.6(a) to 15b ........ lines to a page: ..... letters to a line. Description-incomplete; for other details see priyaMkara nRparAsa (No. 427 of Yol XIX (ii) 2, Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6521 The Svetambara Works 19 Upto folio 5(0) Priyamkara Nrparasa is written, verse 138. Thereafter from folio 6 (a) Vasudevakumararasa starts with verse 111. It appears that the scribe has not copied properly. End is allright at verse 354 on folio 15b. Age-1732. Author - Harsakula. For Further particulars Sec No. 650, the preced. ing entry. Ends-fol 150 dhana dhana e carIya visAla / dhana dhana zrIjinadhara ma(ra)sAla // eSa carIya suNau aticaMga / jima pAmau bhavihaDa raMga // 19 // maaNclii| zrInemi jiNesara sAmi / nava nadhi hui ghari puri ThAmi / zrInemijiNiMda bhArAhaha / tasa aliya vidhana savi jAI // 50 // jasa nAmivaMchita simi / jasa nAmaI mAvihaMDa ridhi / tasa nAma jamu(? pu)nisadosa / jima pUraI manaha jagIsa // 51 // 'tapa'gaccha keru siNagAra / zrIlakSmIsAgara gu(ga)Na dhAra / zrIsumati sAdhu sUrIsa / zrIhemavimalasUrisaH // 52 // 'vaDalI' nayari dharI harisa / saMvata panara satAvana (1557) vris| kulacaraNa supaMDita sIsa / kahaI haraSakula nisadIsa // 53 // dhana dhana e carIya vizAla / dhana dhana zrIjinadharama va sAla e carIya suNu bhaticaMga / jima pAmu avihaDa raMga / / 354 // iti zrIvasudevakumararAsacaritra saMpUraNa // saMvata 1732 varSe mAhavadi 6 dane budhavAre // zrI 'suravi' madhye zrI(vinayakula lapIkRtaM // sva. paThanArtha // (1551 zrI zrI Reference - For extracts and addtional Mss. See Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, p. 102) and Vol. III, paat 1, p. 528. Here instead of Vadali there is mention of Yasa. vasudevacaritra No. 652 Extent - fol. 230 Vasudevacaritra 6541(b) 1884-86 Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 20 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [653 Description - Incomplete; about 12 verses. For other details seo Haribalaprabandha infra. Author - Harsakula. Begins - fol. 230 dhuri duuhaa|| sakala manoratha siddhi kara / dhuri cauvIsa jiNaMdApaya praNamau bhAvaha krii| bhaviya bhayaNANaMda // 1 // etc. je vasudeva so hA maNuM 'yAdava' kulasiNagAra cariya racuM huM tehanau / suNiyo atihi udAra // 3 etc. Ends - abraptly fol. 23b naMdiSeNa nAmaha ikamAmi / baMbhaNaputra taDa tiNi ThAmi / ati kurUpa dobhAga bahUta / mAtapitA paraloka pahUta 11 bAlapaNai mAmA ghari rahai / naMdiSeNanai mAmA kahaI ends abruptly. N. B.-- For further particulars see No. 650. vasudevacarita Vasudevacarita [vasudevakumAra copAi] Vasudevakumara No. 653 ___1492 .. 1887-91 Size -101 in. by41 in. Extent - 14 folios; 13 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description-Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white3B Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent (8HI4S; big, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing: borders ruled in the pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these coloured; dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; fol. 140 blank; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well. there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design%3 in the left-hand margins, the title is written as vasude. cuH; some of the foll. slightly worn-eaten; conEdition on the whole good; complete; 356 verses in all. Age-Samvat 1639. Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 654) The svetambara Works Begins - fol. 10 zrI gu(ru)bhyo namaH // sakala manoratha siddha karauM / dhuri cuvIsa jiNadApaya paNamuM bhAvai karI / bhaviyaNanayaNaNaMda / 1 / kA(sa)mIra mujhamaMDaNI / mani samarau ikacitta / kavI aNamanavaMchita lahaI / dii vANI sarasati / 2 je vAsudeva zuhAmaNau / 'yAdava' kulisinngaari| carita racaM tehanau / zuNiyo atihiM rasAla / 3etc. Ends-fol 14a 'tapa gacha kerusiNagAranaI / zrIlakSmIsAgaraguNadhArA zrIzumatisAdhusUrisIsa / zrIhemAvamalasUrIsa // 55 viralA sanaya dhari hara sai / saya panara satAvana (1557) varasaikali c| ratupaDitasIsiiM / kahai harSakuli nizidIsaha / 6 / iti zrIvazudevakumAracopaI smaaptaaH| liSita 'patana' madhye / 1 / guNatilakena liSitaM / saM. 1639 varSe kAttizudi 2 / guruvAsare. N. B. - For additional information see No. 650. vasudevahiNDI (prathama khaNDa) Vasudevahindi (Khanda I) 253 No. 654 1873-74 Size -- 94 in. by 4} in. Extent -- 342 folios ; 13 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description-Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the left-hand margins the title is written as q. de. pra. paM.: yellow pigment often used for making corrections%3B fol. 1a blank; so is the fol 3420; a corner of the first fol. gone; condition on the whole very good; complete so far as the first Khanda is concerned ; extent 11000 slokes. Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Age - Samvat 1906. Author -- Sanghadasa Gani. He has composed 29 Lambhakas of which 19 and 20 are lost. His namesake has composed a bhasa (bhasya) on Kappa ( Brhatkalpa ). Subject Life of Vasudeva, father of Lord Krsna. His wanderings so to say transmigrations are described here in 100 Lumbhakas. Vidvadvallabha muni Punyavijayaji had written an article. Alsdorf believes that this work is a rendering of Brhatkatha of Gunadhya. He has discussed its language. Jinadasa Gani has utilized Vasudevahindi in his Curni on Avassaya. It is reproduced in Jnananjali. There some details about this work are given. A detailed information of six prakaranas is to be met with in 'jaina sAhitya kA bRhad itihAsa ' ( Vol. VI. pp. 141-143. Begins ~ fol 18 - Prof. V. M. Kulkarni has observed in his article published in`JOI ( Vol. 2, pt. 2) that the story of Rama given here differs from Paumacariya. Sita is here mentioned as a daughter of Mandodari. // OM // namo vasudavayAe namo vitarAgAya 654 jaya navanaliNikuvalayAviyasiyasayavattapattaladalattho / usabho gaidamaya galasulaliyagaivikkamo bhayavaM 1 etc. Ends - fol. 3420 bho nayaraM pattA ya aMsaccanAptA gharaM na cAe taM ghaNu Aruhe bho aNAhiThI karaNa AruhiyaM bhAruhiyaM AgaMtUNa yamamasamI veeti / tAyamayA samvaddAmA dhareNa dhaNuM vilaiyaMti / mayA maNiyaM putta suThu kayaM te dhaNuM sajovayaM kareMteNa / evaM pumbavivacchiyaM jo eyaM dhaNu sajIyaM karei / tassa imA dAriyA dAyacchati // cha // vasudevAhaMDI paDhama khaMDa sammataM // samAptaH // graMthAgraMtha 11000 saMkhyA samAptaH // zubhaM bhavatu // kalyANamastu // zrIrastu zrImadammatAMbhoja bhAnumAn bhUribhaktibhAk / gurau guNini sayAnI dAnI dhanezvaraH / 1 / Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 655] The Svetambara Works 23 maMtrIzaH sAligaH shaaliviikmaanvydiipkH| jAyA(s)sya sukRto pAyAd vyavasAyAdhikAriNI / 2 / sArasamyaktazIlAdiguNA sUhavaderiti / anAdi gatamithyAtvaparIhAraparAyaNA // 3 // zrIsUrasuMdaragurUttamasUriziSya puNyopadezamasam vinizamya samyak vittavyayaM vidadhatI vasudevahiMDeH sAlekhayat prathamakhaMDabhaktyA // 4 // cha / saMpUrNam // rasapUrNAkacaMdrasya mAghasya suuklpkssyo| dvAdazyAM bhRguvAreNe liSataM nagaraM 'vikrame ' / 1 // shriiH|| shriiH|| // zrIH // Reference - Published by Jaina Atmananda Sabha in A. D. 1930. Its Gujarati translation is also published by this very Sabha in A.D. 1930. (See Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies Vol. VIII). For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I,) 'jaina sAhitya kA bRhad itihAsa' (Vol. VI) on the following pages:4, 34, 44, 131, 138, 140, 154,269, 308, 338, 341, 342,349, 390,521, and 593. vasudevahiNDI (dvitIya khaMDa) Vasudevahindi (Khanda II) 824 No. 655 1892-95 Size - 123 in. by 4g in. Extent -294 folios%3; 15 lines to a page; 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper very thin, rough, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right. hand margin; in the case of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; in the left-hand margin on fol. 10, the title is written in red ink, as basudeva hI Di dvi.; in other cases, sometimes a. va. hi Di khaM0 2, at times as vasudeva hiM and many a time as vasudeva foll, 95 to 211 are on a brittle paper; edges of each of these Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [635 foll. more or less gone; the last fol. partly torn; complete so far as it goes%3; extent 17000 Slokas. Age - Samvat 1551. Begins - fol. 16 // 60 // OM namaH sarvajJAya // jayatyanekAMtakaMThIravaM etc. as in No. 656 Ends - fol. 294a udhvasI / alaMbusA / maMdAravadI / raMbhAtilottamA / mayUra snnaarynnvdii| muttAvalI / vimalaseNA / ketumtii| pabhAvatI / savvarakkhitA / bhdRmittaa| paumAvadi / pumaasirii| lalitasirI rohiNI bAlacaMdrAya // cha / evaM vasudeva bhAriyAe sataM samattaM // cha / samattA ya vsudevhiNddiisNghnnii|| samattaM ca vasudevahiMDANI emajhimakaMDa // cha / ||grNthaagrN 17000 mA 'naMduravAra' nivAsI bhImaH saMghAdhipo bhavadbhavikaH zrI jinadharmAdhAraH / stattanayo DuMgaraH sukRtI // 1 tdvNshkvilaasii| praagvaattprkttjinmtaabhyaasii| zrIguNarAjo guNavAn / padapratiSTAdiSTAdikArayitA // 2 shriishjy-raivt-| jiiraapllyrbudaadi-yaatraayuH| vittavyayasaphalIkRta / janmA taiMca laSamAI // 3 tanayastayo suvinayaH kAlU nAmA kRtaanukRtsukRtii| tajjAyA jasamAI / lalatAdevI ca vIrAI // 4 zrIjinabhavanajinA pustakasaMghAdike sadA kSetre / vittavyayasya krtaa| dAnArthijanAn samuddhartA // 5 yugmaM // shriimtkaaluunaamnaa| nijakarakamalArjitena vittena / citkoze siddhaaNtaaH| sasUtravRtti saMyuktA // 6 shriimdvaacknaayk| mahIsamudrAbhidhAnamukhakamalAt / LadhA varopadezaM / naMdaMtu ca lekhitA suciraM / / mahopAdhyAya zrI zrI zrI mahAsamudragaNiziSya paM0 / kanakajayagaNilakhApitA // saMvat 15 / 57 varSe // zrIrastu // sAhazrIvacchAsutasAhasahisakaraNa napuNyArtha pustakabhaMDArikArApitaM // sutasAhavarddhamAna pratipAlanArtha // zubhaM // zrI // Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 25 656] The Svetambara Works 25 vasudevahiNDI (dvitIya khaMDa) Vasudevahindi (Khanda II) 254 No. 656 1873-74 Size - 101 in. by 4g in. Extent - 133 folios; 15 lines to a page; 54 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk properly used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; on fol. 10 the title is written in the left-hand margin as vasudeva hiMDi dvitIya khaMDa; in other cases vasudevahiM and ranly as vasudeva; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; fol. 1a blank; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete so far as it goes; total extent 17800 (11000+6600 ) slokas. Age - Pretty old. 18th century. Author-Dharmasena Gani. He has composed 71 lambhakas. Subject - Wanderings of Vasudeva narrated in Prakrit prose. The story of the entire work is devided into 3 Khandas having their extents 11200, 6609 and about 1000 respectively. The first was composed by Sanghadasa while last two by Dharmasena Gani. Jinabhadra Gasi has mentioned this work in his Visesanavai., In the Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, pp. 344-345) it is said as under:Begins - fol. 10 // 60 // OM namaH srvjnyaay|| jayatyanekAMtakaM vIraH / athedamArabhyate dvitIyakhaMDaM / jayai nvnlinnikuvlyviysiyvrkmlpttlddhttho| usno(mo)snaavsulliymyglgilliyptthaanno| jayai ya paNayapuraMdaraNahapahAhasitaMbhUsaNatthAmo etc. Ends - fol. 1330 uJcallaM ... tuM do puNo viveDhe itettiyaM ceva jahavaMdotaha ujjhe dhammamadhAmmaNapyallehatehiM bhaNiyaM suhu bhaNami tumaM / kiMtu amhaM AbhogakayaM puNyaM vA dida~ / aNAbhogakae Natthi doso / cha / / ..4 [J. L.P.] Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [657 iti vasudavahiDimadhyamakhaMDaM samAptaM // cha // graMthAgreNa sahala pada zatAni SaT 6600 ubhayaM graMtha 17800 // cha / ... zubhaM bhavatu // cha // zrIbRhattapAgaNanAtha-zrIsUrasuMdaragurUNAM ziSyo' lIlikhadetAM pratimasamA smymaannikyH||1||ch // shrii|| Reference - For additional mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 345). vastupAla-tejapAla-rAsa Vastupala-Tejapala-rasa No. 657 825 (d) 1892-95 Extent - fol. 40 to fol. 6b. Description - Complete. For other details see Caturdasa-svapnavicara No. 197 of Vol. XIX (ii) Part 1. Author - Parsvacandra Suri, pupil of Sadhuratna Suri. For his life and works see Vol.XIX fol. 2 Sec. 23; pp. 402-405 end. Subject - Lives of Vastupala and Tejapala narrated in Gujarati. Begins -- fol. 4a jiNa cuvIsai calaNa namevI'ya / ana(i) sUya sAmiNisarasati devI y| sahigurupAya pasAu lie|| 1etc. Ends - fol. 66 jINa ie u rAsa sAMbhalIu jANe teha dhari suratara phalIu / pAsacaMdrasUri ima bolaMte bhaNai guNai te sukha lahaMti // 85 // iti zrIvastupAlatejapAlarAsa samAptamasti // zrIrastuH // kalyANaM Reference - Published in Jaina Sahitya Samsodhaka (Vol. III, pp. 117-1201 ). For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, pt. b, pp. 587-588). 1. In Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, pt. 1, pp. 487-488) where the miss ing portion is given, Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6581 The Svetambara Works. vastupAla-tejapAla-rAsa Vastupala-Tejapala-rasa 784 No. 658 1899-1915 Size -101 in. by 43 in. Extent - 3 folios; 13 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description -Country paper somewhat thick, rough. tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrA big, quite legible, fairly uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the case of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design; the 3rd and the last fol. partly torn; otherwise condition good; in the left. hand margins, the title is indicated as vastupAla, vasturAsa and vastu. rAsa; complete; 56 pada. . Age - Pretty old. Author - Laksmisingh. Subject - A parrative of Vastupala, a minister and that of Tejapala, his brother in Gujarati. Begins - fol. 1a e60 // vIrajiNe sara namiya pAya // anai goyamasAmI / sarasati taNaI supasAu laie / kahisiMu siri nAmI vastupAla te jigi taNau e|| ali bolisyu raaso| 'bharaha' kSetra dhuri 'guujraat'| 'bhaNahila' nivAso // 1 // etc. Ends - fol. 36 vasu(stu)pAla tejiga taNau e||maa0 / ca / carita suNai naranAri / sup(b)| tehana i dhavari aphala phala iemi .. / bhaSTamahAsiddhi pRrisu.| ma. // 56 iti zrImaMhavastupAlatejapAlarAsaH samApta / Reference - For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio Vol. III Part 1, pp. 587-88. Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 28 Jaina Literature and Philnsophy [659 Vastupala-prabandha vastupAlaprabandha No. 659 171 1872-73 Size -- 104 in. by 41 in. Extent - 80 folios; 17 lines to a page; 50 letters to a line. . al Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jain Devanagari characters with frequent q8H71S; small, quite legible, fairly uniform and very good hand-wrirting; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right. band margin; some portions of the first few foll. are not quile legible as they are blurred; in the centre of the numbered and unmunbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; fol. 800 blank; eages of the first and last foll, slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; 8 prastavas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Prastava I foll. 18 to 5a II , 50 , 16a 16a IV 240 36a , V , 362 , 48a , VI , 480 , 59a VII 59a 662 802. foll. 52a-60a written in very small hand-writing. This work is composed in V. S. 1497. 24a >> VIII 662 , Author - Jinaharsa Gani. pupil of Jayacandra Suri of the Tapagaccha Subject - Life of Vastupala, a minister and that of his brother Tejapala, a minister in Sanskrit. Begins -- fol 92 // 60 // zrImAnahan zivaH svAmI / nAbhibhUH puruSottamaH / puSNAtu bhaktiniSThAnAM / zriyaM sarvArthadAyinI // 1 sArvAH sarve'jitasvAmipramukhA sukhasaMtatiM qurtu ghefeat agera at fara: 11 8 etc. Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 660] Ends - fol. 80a The Svetambara Works zrI ' caulukya' nRpeMdrarAjyakamalAsarvAdhikAra sthitivyApAraikadhuraMdharasya caritaM zrIvastupAlaprabhoH tejaHpAlamahAmatezva sarasaM hRSakametatkavi praSThe naMditu vAcyamAnamavanau yAvajjinAnAM mataM // 77 29 iti mahAmAtyazrIvastupAlacarite dharmmamAhAtmyaprakAza ke zrI' tapAgacchAdhirAja zrI somasuMdarasUri zrImunisuMdarasUri-zrIjayacaMdra sUriziSya paM. jina harSagaNikRte haSake aSTamaH prastAvaH // cha // 721 // 28 // cha // zubhaM bhavatu // cha // etc. vikramAnmite varSe vizvanaMdarSi ( 1396 1 ) saMkhyayA / 'citrakUTa ' pure puNye zrIjineMzvarasadmaniH // 11 jina harSagaNiH ziSyaH zrIjayacaMdrasadguroH // jineMdra zAsanAsatyahemuvRttamidaM vyadhAt // 1 // zubhaM bhavatu // saMvat 150 ( 11550 ) varSe mAghavadi 13 ravau ayeha zrI' giripure ' rAula zrIgaipAladevavijayarAjye AbhyaMtara 'nAgara' jJAtIya paM0 jUThAna likhitaM // cha // cha // zrIH // AdyapaMcAMgapAThipaMDitaprakAMDa paM0 udayakalazagaNimizravAcanArtha parIkSituM bhacabhAryA suhaMgala devyA lekhitaH zrIvastupAlaprabaMdhaH // zrIH // Reference Published by Hiralal Hamsaraj. Its Gujarati translation is published by Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha in V. S. 1974. For additional Mss. of the texh see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 345). Age - - Pretty old. Author - Not known. vAlirAjarSiprabandha No. 660 Extent - fol, 9b to fol. 10b. Description - Complete. For other details see devamUlarAjakathA ( Vol. XIX, Sec. 2. Pt. 2, No. 491 ). Valirajarsiprabandha 1310 (11) 1886-92 Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 661 Subject A story of Valin, a royal sage and the lord of Vanaras. For details see any work narrating the life of Rama and that of Ravana. 30 Begins - fol. 96 Ends || 60 || itaH kathAprasaMgena / rAvaNo sabhAyAM zRNot / prauDhapratApaM balinaM / vAlinaM vAnarezvarAM // 1 rAvaNo'nyapratIpasyAsahano bhAnunAniva / prajighAyAnuzaSyaikaM / dUtaM vAlimahIbhuje // 2 sa gatvA vAlinaM natvA / vyAjahAreti dhIravAk / etc. tIrthanAthAnamaskRtya nityAlokapure'gamat / bujhjeranAvatI laMkAmajigAmA dazAnanaH / / 62 / / bAnopi sAdhanyAda / kevalajJAnamutpannaM / kevalajJAnamahimA vidadhe na surAsuraiH // 63 // fol. 10b Reference krameNa karmaNAM so(s) gha (tha) / bhavopagrAhiNAM jayAt / siddhAnaMtacatuSko (s) gAt padaM tadapunarbhavaM // 94 iti vAlirAjarSiprabaMdhaH // cha // It seems that this work is not noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. 1). vAsupUjya caritra No. 661 Size - 10 in. by 4g in. Extent - 98-1= 97 folios; 17 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs; small, legible, and good hand writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; almost all the folios worm-eaten to a smaller or greater extent; fol. 1 missing ; practically complete; 4 cantos in all; total extent 5442 Slokas. Age - Samvat 1469. Vasupujyacaritra 1313 1884-87 Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6621 The Svetambara Works 31 Author - Vardhamana Suri, pupil of Vijayasimha Suri of the Nage. ndra Gaccha. Subject - Life of Lord Vasupujya, the 12th Tirthamkara of the Jainas of the present avasarpini; composed in sanskrit at the request of Ahladana. It describes his previous births too. Incidentally 29 stories are given in this work. There are substories, too. The last two cantos furnish us with social customs etc. Begins-fol. 20 matye patirdadhyA nRpo'yaM bhujadurmadaH / tatastanvavidAkRdbhipahAsyaM vadatyadaH // 55 // etc. Ends-fol.970 kSetreSu saptasu vapanayasaMcitaM svaM / zrIvAsupUjyacaritadrAviNavyayena / mAlAhvayo'malamalIlikhadAtmaputravAmAdimaMgalakRte zrutabhaktiyuktaH // 'mahApure' devakulAbhidhAne nidhAnatarkAbdhimahI 1469 pramANe / saMvatsare lekhitapustako'yaM jIyAzciraM kovidavAcyamAnaH // cha / ch||pN zrIzivAvijayagaNiziSyaharSavijayena bhAMDAgAre muktA pratiH Reference - Edited by Ballini and published by Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha in V. S. 1966. It is also published by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A.D. 1928-1930. For additional Ms. see B. B. R. A. S. Vols III.-IV p. 446.f.and Jinaratnakosa (Vols. I, p.348). vAsupUjyacaritra Vasupujyacaritra 1336 No. 662 1887-91 Size - 104 in. by 41 in. Extent -116+1+1=118 folios%3; 15 lines to a page; 57 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, brittle and grey; Jaina Devanagarl characters with pRSThamAtrAs, small, legible and elegant handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; space thetween the pairs coloured red; the unnumbered pages Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [662 marked in the centre with a small disc in red colour, they are numbered in the margins also; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; fol. 2nd almost torn; edges of several foll. more or less worn out; strips of paper pasted to foll. 64 6deg, and 1150, 115b, 116a 1166; the 66th folio numbered also as 65th and written on a white foreign paper having some water-mark; the subsequent foll. numbered as 66, 67, etc.; a piece of paper of the same size as the fol. pasted to fol. 14; fol. 1b has space blank on its right-hand side ; probably kept so to decorate it with a picture%3; fol. 67 repeated; complete; extent 5442 Stlokas. Author - Vardhamana Suri. Age - Pretty old. Begins - fol. 1b e 60 // OM namaH zrIsarvajJAya / / ahataM naumi nAmeyaM etc. fol. 76b - iti daMDAdhipatizrImadAlhAdanasamyabhyarthitazrIvijayasiMhasUrizipya zrIvarddhamAnasUriviracite zrIvAsupUjyacarite AvhAdanAMke mahAkAvye sadgurulabdhivarNano nAma prathamaH sargaH // fol. 650 --- iti tIrthakarakAraNalabdhivarNano nAma dvitIyaH sargaH // 2 // fol. 88a - iti catuHkalyANikalabdhinAma tRtIyaH sargaH // 3 // Ends - fol. 1166 labdhirmahodayapadasya babhUva bharturityullasadvizadasaMmadapUrapUrNAH / 'naMdIzvare' dhruvajinezvaramaMdireSu / yAtrAM pavitrarucayo'STadinAni kRtvA // 68 // zrIvAsupUjyacaritaM paripUrNameta- / dAlhAdana sttmNtrnusmrNtH| romAMcaramyamanihasA saha srvdevaiH| sthAnaM yayurnijanijaM jayinaH sureMdrAH // 69 // iti ma ...... labdhivarNano nAma caturthaH sargaH // graMthagraM 5442 / / samAptamidaM ||ch / zubhaM bhvtuH||5|| Reference -N. B. For further details see No. 661. Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 33 6631 The Svetambara Works vAsupUjyacaritra Vasupujyacaritra 298 No. 663 A/1883-84 Size -10 in. by 4g in. Extent -- 36 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description - Country paper rough and white; Jaina Devana gari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, legible, uniform and good handwriting; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins%3; fol. 1a blank; seems to end abruptly; condition very good; at least the 1st canto is complete; extent 3558 Slokas; incomplete. Age - Old. Author - Vardhamana Susi. Begins -- fol. 18 e 60 // OM namaH siddhaM // ahaMtaM naumi nAbheya kalyANakalazaM satAM rejurAmradalAnIva yatkarNanikaTe jaTAH (1) bhaktirAgabhRtAnaMtabhavyasvAtasthite riva vidrumachA( cchA )yakAye'sau vAsupUjyaH zriye (s)stuvaH (2) etc. Ends - fol. 360 mahi(hI)tumiva puSpANi drumeSu kisalacchalAt kAmamaMgulayaH kAmapravIreNa prapaMcitAH vanIraMgAvanIraMgAH kUhukaMThIkuhUravAH kaMdarpakelinAdyasya nAMdInAdA ivAbhavat(n) gAyati smRtibhUkIrti bhRgazaMgAriNIgaNA ratirnanata siMjAnamaMjIrA haMsakUjitaH dahana virahaNIvizvavyApI puSpakalAparAH parAgaM puSpacApasya pratApa iva niryayo jagajayayazAMsIva kusumAnIva manobhuvaH jitAnAM duryazojAlairivAgyaMtaSaTpadaiH puSpajAtirjagatprANAn surabhiH surabhIn sRjan kAsya 2SanAnaMdasaMdarbhAya vijAyata. Then in a different hand we have :... [J. L. P.] Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 34 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1664 pra (0) 3658. paM. zrIvijayaharSagAzi N. B. --- For additional details see No. 661 vAsupUjyacaritra (sarthanaka) Vasupujyacaritra ( Sarthanakam). 1827 No. 664 1886-92 Size -101 in. by 4 in. Extent-3 folios%3 18-20 lines to a page; 58-62 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uni: form and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin%B in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; there is some space kept blank, so as to form a design%3; condition very good; complete; 4 contos in all; this is the only work in Sanskrit dealing with the life of Vasupujya. Age-Samvat 1487. Author-Vardhamanasuri. Subject - Abridged edition of the author's detailed life history of Sri Vasupujyaswami the 12th Tirthamkara. Begins - fol. 1a // 60 // ahaM naumi.' / / sukRtaM / uttamacaritrazravaNAt ataH zrI vAsu. pUjyacaritra / 'puSkaravara' dvIpArdai pUrvamahAvidehakSetre / / 'maMgalAvatI' vijye| ' ratnapura'pure / rAjA padmottaraH / nalinIgulmaH mahApadmaH / iti nAmatrayeNa khyAtaH / etc. Ends-fol 30 ityAdi tasya jIvastvaM rAjan / tadapatyaiH paMcamItapaH / vAsupUjyanamanaM / sarveSu muktiH|| zrIvAsupUjyaH surASTrAyAM / utIrya 72000 zramaNAH / sAdhvIlakSaM / caturdaza pUrvadharAH 1. 2. Red pigment is applied. Hence letters are not legible. The verse beginnibg with naumi is given in No. 863, Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6631 The Svetambara Works 33 1200 bhavadhijJAninaH / 5400 manaHparyayajJAninaH 6100 kevalajJAnina: 6000 vaikriyalabdhidhAriNaH 10000 vAdalabdhidhAriNaH 4700 zrAvakA 215000 zrAvikA 436000 catuHpaMcAzataM varSalakSAmAsena varjitaM / bhA kevalAd viharataH parivAro (s)bhUt prbhoH|| 'caMpA 'yAM 600 sAdhuyukazuklASADhacaturdazyAM / uttarabhadrapasthite caMdre siddhiM jgaam| kaumAre'STo dazAndAnAM lakSANyatha vibhorcte| . . catuHpaMcAzadityAyu saptatya'bdalakSyabhUt // 1 zreyAMsanivRterAsId vaasupuujynirvRtiH| sAgareSu vyatIteSu / catuHpaMcAzatiH prabhoH // 2 zrIvAsupUjyacaritra saMghanakaM(?) // saMvat 1487 vaSe mArgazIra vadi 8 zu budhadIne rANAlISitaM N. B. - For other details see No. 663 and 664. vAsupUjyapuNyaprakAzarAsa Vasupujyapunyaprakasarasa 233 No. 665 1871-72 Size - 10 in. by 4g in. Extent-35 folios%3; 9 lines to a page; 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough and white; Jajna Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in threo lines in red ink; da, das etc. written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins 3; fol. 1a blank; so also fol. 35b except that the title etc. are written on it; condition very good; complete; 60 dbalas in all. Age-Samvat 1757. Author - Sakalacandra, pupil of Hiravijaya Suri. At times he says that he is a pupil of Vijayadana Suri. He has composed the following. Subject -Glorification of the merit (in various ragas) of Vasupujyas the 12th Tirthamkara who flourished in India during this avasarpini, Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 Jaina Literature and Philnsophy 1668 Begins -fol. 10 e90 // sakalagaNiziromaNi // zrI 5 zrIRddhivimalagaNi 2gurubhyo namaH // rAga goDI // RSabha ajita saMbhava jino // abhinaMdana sumtiisho|| padamaprabha supAmo bharaha jino // caMdraprabha suvidhiiso||1|| tuuttk|| vaMdii sItala jina siaso vAsupUjya jiNaMda re|| namo vimala anaMta dhammoM sAMtinAtha muNiMda re|| kuMthu para jina mali // suvrata namo zrInami nebhi re / / pAsa jinavara vIra jagaguru / / vividha dhuri samobhi re||2|| etc. -fol. 2a samarIya mani ulhAsa vAsupUjya jinavara tnno|| bhaNatyuM puNyaprakAza // 8 // Ends-fol. 34b zrImadAnaMdavimaleMdu guruvaMdIiM // pATi tasa shriivijydaansuuro|| tAsa paTi prasano kRpalo vaMdiiM // harivijaya suguNapUro // 1 // zrImasakalamuni sukayaro // sakala saMyamadharI // dinakaro zrI'tapA' gaccha kero // hIravijaya gururaajthii| prA(mA)ja jagi kopi adhiko na dIsaha anero| shrii| zrIvAsupujyapuNyaprakAzo vasu zravaNa hRdayAMbuje jAva sUro // sakalamuni ciMtio zrIsaMghasaMtio // nirmalo surabhijima jagi kapUro // 3 // zrI. nagarI 'bAvatI' jeNe bahu dhnvtii|| jayati jihAM thaMbhaNo pAsanAho satata dharaNedra padmAvatI pUjito // sakalasiri saMkhamukha vijalIMho // 4 // iti zrIvAsupUjyajinaprakAza saMpUrNa // saMvat sattara adhika uttara satAvaMna (1757 )tAMme kNjho| mAsa mAdhava asita pakSe chaThiM guruvAre lhyo| nagara pA 'pATaNa' dharmamAMDaNa aMbAdatte likhyo vlii|| e rAsa ggo jinA dhyAo pApa savi jAye balI // 1 // For additional works see Vol. XIX (ii) 2 pp. 233-34. 1. This verse is composed by scribe. Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8661 The Svetambara Works 1. RSabha-samatA-suralatA-stavana ekavIsa prakArI pUjA kumatidoSavijJaptikA-sImandharastavana 4. gaNadharapAdastavana 5. gautamapRcchA pratiSThAkalpa (Skt) 7. vArabhAvanA-sajjhAya 8. mahAvIra-hiMcastavana some time before v. S. 1600. 9. mRgApatI-AkhyAna some time before in V.S. 1643. 10. meghakumAra-sajjhAya 11. vIrajina-stavana 12. vIra-vardhamAna-jina-velI (hamacarI) 13. vairasvAmI-sajjhAya 14. sattarabhedI pUjA 15. sAdhukarUpalatA 16. sAdhuvandanA (munivarasuravelI) in various ragas 17-32. sola sajjhAyo. These are mentioned in Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 283-284). zaravijayasUrisajjhAya Reference - For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. 1, pp. 276-277). On p. 276 this work is same as arg. pUjyajinapuNyaprakAzarAsa' vikramacatuSpadI Vikramacatuspadi (vikramacopAi) (Vikramacopai) 1329 No. 666 1886-92 Size - 107 in. by 43 in. Extent - 12 folios; 14 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good band-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; edges of each and every fol. more or less gone; condi tion on the whole tolerably good; complete. Age-- Samvat 17071; Saka 1573. Author - Hirananda Suri, devotee of Ajitadeva Suri, successor of Mahesara Suri of Candra gaccha. 1. The dates seems to be tampered with, Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1667 38 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Subject -- A story of Vikramaditya and that of Covoli, a queen. Begins - fol. 1a e60|| zrIjinAya namaH // OM hiiN|| / zrIjinavaracaraNe nmii| samarI sarasati maai| sahaguranAma hiyai dharI / gAisu vikramarAi / 1 covolI rAMNI taNo / e paNi sarasa saMbaMdha / kavijanamuSathI / saMbhalpo / tima huM kahisu prabaMdha // 2 etc. Ends-fol. 120 - 'pallIvAla' viradaI prasiddha / 'caMdra' gaccha supahANa / sUrimahesarapATidhara / teje tapai jima mANa / 17 tAsu paTo(?)dhara sUrivara / zrIajitadevasUriMda / tAsu pasAyaya hara x x dhara / sUri vadaha hiiraannNd| 18 // iti zrIvikramacaritre cobolIprabaMdhe copaI saMpUrNaH // saMvat 1707 varSe / sAke 1573 vartamAne / mahAmAMgalyaprada bhaasojmaase| kRSNapakSe / catuIsyAM tithau / shnivaasre| zrI caMdra 'gcche| liSataM viprarAjasIM dhena // zubhaM bhavatu // Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio. vikramacaritra Vikramacaritra 765 No. 667 1875-76 Size -- 11} in. by 54 in. Extent - 251 folios; 12 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough, rough and white; Jaina Devanagarl characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, fairly uniform and good hand-writing%3; borders of all foll. except those of 1 to 17 ruled in two lines in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; white pigment used for many a time; fol. 1a blank;condition excellent; .composed in Samvat 1490%B Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 0671 - II III VII The Svetambara Works complete; 12 prakramas in all; their extents are as under :Section Prakrama I foll. 10 to 66 60 to 160 16 to 28a IV 28a to 51a 51a to 70a VI 70a to 820 82a to 920 VIII 92b to 134a IX 134a to 2110 X 211b to 2280 XI 228b to 239 XII 2390 to 2510 Age-Not modern. Author-Subhasita: pupil of Munisundara Suri. For his additional . : works see No. Subject - Life of Vikramaditya narrated in 12 sections known as prakramas. Begins -- fol. 16 ||e 60 // ahaM // zrIgurubhyo namaH yasyAgre'NutulAM dhatte pradyotaH pusspdNtyoH| jIyAt tat paramaM jyotirlokA'lokaprakAzakaM // 1 rAjyaM yena vitanvatA prathamataH saMdarzitA'sti kRto lokAya vyavahArapaddhatiralaM dAnaM ca diikssaakssnne| jJAne muktipathazca nAbhivasudhAdhIzoruvaMzAMbara tvaSTA zrIRSabhaprabhuH sa dizatu zreyAMsi bhUyAsi nH|| 2 After a few verses we have : praNamya jagadAnaMdadAyakAn jinanAyakAn / gaNezAn gautamamAdyAMzca gurun saMsAratArakAn // 7 sajanAn zobhanAkArAn zAstrazodhanakArakAn zrIvikramanareMdrasya caritraM racayAmyahaM // 8 etc. Ends --fol. 2570 puSpe ravau stabhatIrthe ' zubhazIlena pNdditaaH|| . . vidadhe caritaM hyetat vikramArkasya bhUpateH // 51 // .. . Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1660 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [66 yAvat bhUdharasAgarA ravizazI khaM bhUdhruvastArakAH dharmAdharmavicAraNaikanipuNaM yAvajagada rAjate // tAvad vikramabhUparAjavilasatkIrtiprabhAmizrito graMtho'yaM jinazAsane suhRdayAM citte ciraM naMdatAt // 5 // iti zrItapogacchanAyaka zrosomasuMdarasUripaTTAlaMkAra zrImunisuMdarasUriziSya paMDita zubhazIlaviracite zrIvikramAdityacaritre camarahIyugaloktakathAdvayavarNanavikramacaritrarAjyopavezanasvargagamano nAma dvAdazaprakramaH // 12 // iti zrIvikramacaritraM sapUrNa // samAptaH ||ch|| zubhaMbhavatu // ||shrii|| Reference - For details about his life the following Gujarati articlo of mine may be consulted : "Vikramaditya and Jaina Sahitya Herein I have mentioned the various views regarding three questions : (i) Is Vikramaditya, the name of a ruler ? If so, which ruler out of several ones is meant here? (li) Is Vikramaditya' a designation - title (upadhi) of various rulers? and (iii) Who started Vikrama era and why? In this article I have given a list throwing light on the life of Vikramaditya. It seems there is no independent non-Jaina work in Sanskrit in this connection. Only stray references occur in the following works : Work Author Date 1) kathAsaritsAgara (lambhaka 18) somadeva bhaTTa 1810 2) bRhatkathAmaJjarI kSemendra 2024 -, 1080 In Tattvakaumudi, (a comm. on Haribhadra Suri's Damsana. sattari ) composed by Sanghatilaka Suri in V.S. 1422, there is a Prakrit narration of Siddhasena Divakara on pp. 139147. Herein some of the episodes pertaining to Vikramaditya are treated. 1. This is published in Jaina Satya Prakasa ( Nos. 100-102 1.0. Vol. 8, Nos. 4-8 as * Vikrama-visesanka') 2. By the large I may add that Gunadhya may have given some information In Pesil, ( Paisici ) In the work known in Sanskrit as Brhathatha, Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 667] The Svetambara Works Sanskrit Independent Works of the Jainas Work Author Date panadaNDAtmaka vikramacaritra vi.saM. 1290 (? 1294) pazcadaNDa-chatra-prabandha pUrNacandra (? puNyacandra ) paJcadaNDAtapatra-chatraprabandha rAmacandra vi.saM. 1490 vikramacaritra (14Cantos) devamUrti vi.saM. 1491 (circa) -siMhAsanadvAtriMzikA ,, (32 stories) rAmacandrasUri indrasUri vi. sa. 1490 vikramAdityacaritra zubhazIla vi.saM. 1499 (12 Cantos ) vikramanRpakathA . , (padAtmaka) (gadya) Casual references pertaining to Vikramaditya are to be met with in the following Sanskrit works of the Jainas :kharparacaurakathA prabandhacintAmaNi merutuGgasUri vi.saM 1361 (prakAza 1) purAtana-prabandha-saMgraha (pR.9-10) caturviMzatiprabandha (XVII) rAjazekharasUri vi.saM. 1405 prabhAvakacaritra prabhAcandrasUri vi.saM. 1994 vikramaprabandha vikramAditya-prabandha vidyApatibhaTTa vividhatIrthakalpa jinaprabhasUri la. vi. saM 1334-vi.saM. 1989 " 1513 Gujarati Works of the Jainas vikramacaritra-kumAra-rAsa vi.saM. 1499 vikramAditya-khAparA-rAsa u0 rAjazIla vikramasena-rAsa udayabhAnu " 2515 , rAsa dharmasiMha vikrama-paJcadaNDa-rAsa jinahara la. vi.saM. 1599 vikramAditya-caritra mAnavijaya . 1722-3 3. Are Paricadandakatha and Pancadanda-purana (in Prakrit) pertinent works? 4. This work is looked upon as the basis of Simhasana.battria composed by Samala Bhatta (a non-Jaina) sometime between V.S. 1779 and V.S. 1785. ...6 [J.LP.] Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1667 vikramacaritra-khAparAcopAi abhayasoma , 1723 (1) , copAi lAbhavardhana vikramAditya-rAsa paramasAgara 1724 vikramacaritra-lIlAvatIcopAi abhayasoma vikramasena-rAsa mAnasAgara vikramAditya-paJcadaNDa-rAsa lakSmIvallabha 1727 zanizcara-vikrama-copAi dharmavardhana la., 1736 "vikrama-kanakAvatI-rAsa kAntivimala 1767 vikrama-paJcadaNDa-rAsa bhANavijaya // 1830 ambaDacaritra aruNavijaya , 1880 Several works narrating the life of Vikrama ( Vikramaditya ) are mentioned in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, pp. 349-50 ). Of them I note the following: - Work Author Date vikramacaritra paNDita somasUri -, (gaya) rAjamesa siddhasena divAkara vikramanRpakathA vikramaprabandha zrutasAgara "vikramasenacaritra vikramAdityakathA 'vikramAdityadharmalAbhAdiprabandha merujugasUri vikramArka vijaya kaviguNArNava Reference be also made to Jaina Gurjara Kavio Vol. 1 (Page 113-5) and Vol. 2 Page 217-20., 144-46. .... -kathA 5. Do the following two works noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 67) deal with this very Kanakavati? (a) Kanakavati also pamed as Rupasenacaritra by Jipasuri. (a). (b) Kanakavaticaritra (? anonymous) composed in Samvat 1804. 6. This work is in Prakrit. It is composed by a pupil of Padmacandra, 7. This may be a part of Prabandhacintamani, Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 669 j vikramacaritra No. 668 Extent fol. 17a to fol. 18a. Description - Begins and ends abruptly. For other details see Upadesapada No. 204 of Vol. XVIII (1) p. 325. Untraced as this work begins and ends, too, abruptly. - The Svetambara Works Author Subject It is the life of Vikramaditya in Sanskrit. Begins - fol. 17a Vikramacaritra 786 (b) 1875-76 Ends fol. 18a pAtuM bhavAn gacchatu vegataH // cha // adRzyastvamagni vetAlAtrAsthA dehi mamAdanaM / yathA patnyAdayaH sarve jAnatIti janA hRdi // 8 // etc. vikramacaritra (paJcadaNDacatuSpadI) No. 669 vikramArkasamAyAtaM bhaTTamAtro'vagatya ca / militveti jagI hR ( ? ) STo bhUpAtha racitAMjaliH // 38 // svAmistava prasAdenAnnAgato ( 5 ) haM pure / It ends here Vikramacaritra (Pancadandacatuspadi) 46 1877-78 Size 91/2 in. by 4 in. Extent 94 folios; 14 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used to mark out the numbering for the verses; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 946; yellow pigment profusely used especially on fol. 66b; complete; six Khandas in all; on the whole 75 dhalas; total extent 3768 slokas. Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy Age - Samvat 1801. Author - Laksmivallabha Subject - Life of Vikramaditya. Begins - fol. 16 // 60 // paMDita zrIhastisAgaragaNisadgurubhyo namaH praNamuM pAsajiNaMda pAya / ' kali 'yugasurutarukaMda saiva karaha nita jehanI / padamAvati dharANaMda // 1 // mani dhyAuM zrIsAradA / kavijana kerI mAya // jAsu prasAdai pAmi / suvacana amiya sahAya // 2 praNamu0 vali sadaguru sadA / jJAnaneMNadAtAra / mUraSa paMDita kare / e moTo UpagAra / 3 / kahisuM vikramarAyanau / carita mahAguNa caMga / sutAM zruta UpajeM : jahAM nava rasa bahuraMga / 4 etc. Ends - fol. 930 [669 jagajayavaMto vikramarAjA // jasa tribhuvana vAjai jasavAjA : UjeNI' puri chatra virAjeM: paMcadaMDa sira pari chatrachA jai // 1 // sAdhubhagati gurule vAsAreM: sAhasI jaNaneM piNa sAdhAreM : saMbhalane paranA duSa kATeM : darasaNa dAlidradusamaNa dAyeM : // 2 // jIraNa jinavaragRha UdhAreM : adharama janapada thakI nivAreM : mahimA kariSa parakAyeM // jasu pratAparavi jagatavibhAseM // 13 // tAsu sIsa atimana charaMge // laSamIcallubhagaNi suSasaMgeM // chaTThe ist cavadamI DhAle || pabhaNI vikramajasajayamAle // 14 // DhAla e bhalI janasaha je kahi sI gurunA muSathI desI lahisI // catura taNa tanu citaraM jesI: supaTa taNI to sobhA lesI zrIvikramanojasa sAMbhalisI : tasu manaca vaMchitasagalA phalisI // 15 // kade na hoveM ciMtA kAI ahanisi utsavaraMga vadhAI // 16 // iti zrIvikramAdityabhUpAlapaM caMdaMDa catuH padyAM SaSTaH SaDaH saMpUrNa samAptam zrI // cha // sarvaDhAla 75 sarvagraMtha 3168 // vAre: ai nam. etc. 468 saMvata 1801 varSe mAhavadi 6 zanI Reference-For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio Vol. I pages 113-115, Vol. II pages 217-20. Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 671] The Svetambora Works vikramaprabandha Vikramaprabandha 172 (b) No. 670 1872-73 Size-101 in. by 4g in. Extent - 13a to 136 folio; 18 lines to a page: 30 letters to a line. Description - for other details see paJcadaNDAtapatrapravandha - Vol. XIX (ii) 2 No. 355p.42. Author - Not known. Subject - Sstory of Vikramaditya and that of Vetala in Sanskrit. Begins -- fol. 13a ____ 'bhavaMti' deze 'pratiSThAna 'pure vIryAdiguNotpeta Ajanmadaridro vikramarAjaputro bhaTTamAtramitrAnvito 'rohaNagiriM' gatvA tadAsanagrAme kulAlAlaye vizramya bhaTTamAtrayAcita khanitraH / kuMbhakAra prAha // etc. Ends-fol. 130 iti prapanne nRpeNa kiyanya (tya )pi gate kAle nijAyuH pRsstto| nAhaM veni / svasvAminaM pRSTvA vakSyAmi / / ekadA varSazatAyuSkastvaM / diSTo maheMdreNeti bhaNannRpeNa punarekavarSAnnyUnAdhikArya vijJapyamAnaH punaH svasvAminaM gatvA tat pRSTvA gatastava varSa 100 madhyAt kenApi nyUnAdhikaM na syAt / iti nirNayapare zrIvikrameNAmaMDitabhakSyaM prekSya kruddho vatAlo dvavo: (yoH) saMgrAmaH zrIvikrameNa pAtito'gnivetAlaH siddhaH // ch|| iti vikramaprabaMdhaH // cha / zubhaM bhavatu // zrI // zrIrastu // shriiH|| vikramasenarAsa Vikramasenarasa (vikramasenacopAi) (Vikramasenacopai) 622 No. 671 1895-98 Size -93 in. by 43 in. Extent-14 folios%3; 17 lines to-apage3.46 letters.toaline. Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1671 Description-Country paper thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; yellow pigment used for mak. ing corrections; condition very good; complete; 561 verses composed in Samvat 1565. Age- Samvat 1706. Author - Udayabhanu, pupil of Vinayatilaka Suri of the Paurnamika gaccha. Subject - Story of Vikramasena based on the Prabandhacintamani. Its incomplete summary is given in Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 114-115). Begins -fol. 10 e 60 // deva sarasati deva sarasatipAya paNamevi zaMbhuzakati(kti) vi mani dharI karisa kavitana (va) cana vichadi siddhibuddhivara vighanahara guNanidhAna gaNapatiprasAdi jJAnI RSi AgaI humA je mAgama paravesa tasa pasAiM kaviyaNa kahai vikramasuta vaNavesa 1 Ends - fol. 140 panarapAMsaThaha (1565) saMvatsare jeThamAsa zudipakSa dinakara raciu rAsa e zAstraprakAza kahaha kaviaNa nijagurunu dAsa tisahagurunu anumati lahI kautakakathA kavIzvara kahI vipulabuddhi sukavi teha taNai vAcaka udayabhAnu ima bhaNaha e prabaMdhacitAmaNi pAya e prabaMdha bhaNatAM suSa thAi 60 eha prabaMdha chaha buddhinivAsa suNatAM sahunI phalIha mAsa 61 iti zrIvikramasena caupaI saMpUrNAH cha sakalasakala paMDita sabhAzRMgArapaDita zrI zrI 15 zrI zrI sUravijayagaNi gaNi zrIzrIsaubhAgyavijayagaNiziSyagaNi zrI 3 zrImuktivijayagaNi tassijyagaNi rAmavijayalikhitaM saMvat 1706 varSe bhAdravAzita 4 catuyAM zani 1. This verse is la Vastu' metre. Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 672] The Svetambara Works vAsare kRttikAnakSatre vijayamuhUrte zrIbenAtaTa ' madhye zrIrastu kalyANamastu ema bhavatu lekhakapAThakayoH / yAdazaM pustake dRSTa tArazaM likhitaM mayA yadi suddhamazuddhaM vA mama doSo na dIyatAM 1 zrI Reference - Edited by Prof. B. K. Thakor and published in Pracina Gurjara Kavyamala. For extracts and an additional MS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 114-116). vikramasenarAsa Vikramasenarasa 764 No. 672 1875-76 Size - 10 in. by 4g in. Extent - 55 folios; 16 lines to a page; 31 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Devanagari characters; big, clear and fair hand-writing: borders carelessly ruled in three lines and edges in two, in black ink; red chalk used; complete; 64 dhalas in all; composed in Samvat 1724. Age - Samvat 1750. Author - Paramasagara, pupil of Lavanyasagara of the Tapagaccha. Subject -- Story of Vikramasena, son of Vikramaditya. Begins - fol. 1a duuhaa| paramajotiprakAsakara / pUraNa parama ullAsa / praNa, e paramAnaMdasyuM / parama 'saMkhesara' pAsa // 1 // etc. punyA vikramasena nRpa / pAmo sukha paDUra / tAsa carita supai kahuM / bhANI mANaMdapUra // 8 // etc. Fnds-fol. 550 tasa padasevaka paramasAgara kavi / racIu rAsa rasAla / bhAva dharInai suNatAM bhaviyaNa / lahasyoM maMgalasAla re // 12 // mh0|| tAla saSTa e copai dhIra dhAjo / jAlagaI sUraja cNdaa| rAga dhanyAsI DhAla cosatimI / paramasAgara bhANaMdA re // 12 // Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [673 maha uttamanA guNagAyA // iti zrIvikramasenanarezvaracatuSpadI smaaptaa| saM. 1750 Azvina zu. 13 dine / bhaTTA0 zrIvijayaprabhasUrIzvara tacchiSyasakala paM. ziromaNi paM. premavijayagaNita. munibhAvavijayagaNiliSitaM / 'bhADesara 'n(g)re| Reference - For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 217-220. 376 vikramasenarAsa Vikramasenarasa No. 673 1871-72 Size - 94 in. by 4 in. Extent - 38 folios; 16 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description -Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the right hand margin; condition very good; complete; composed in Samvat 1724. Age - Pretty Old. Author - Paramasagara. Begins - fol. 1a // 60 // duhAH paramajotIprakAsakari puraNa parama ulAsa: paNamuM paramAnaMdasU / parama 'saMsara' pAsa.1 carama zarIrI caramajiNasAsananAtha sadhIra : paramapremapada pUjasyAM : jagavalabha jina vIra : 2 etc. saMbaMdha vikrmraayno| mITho zASara drASa / kavi caturAI : kelave : bhASe kavi aNa bhASa : 1 etc. Ends - fol. 384 vikramAdityanaresaranaMdana vikramazena mahArAyA . . tAsa saMbaMdha meM racIoM raMgeM sadagurucaraNapasAyA re me. 3 etc. Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Svetambara Works saMvata sataracovIsA ( 1724) varaSe : posa dasamI sUSadAmA mAsa dIvasa kalyANakadIvaseM / puraNa karI sUSa pAyA 6 me0| 'goDhavADa ' zrAvaka guNarAgI sahuko samakItadhArI sadaguru seva karI mani sUrdhe / dharma taNAM bhaMDArare me0 . tiNe puramAM kIdho comAsUM udayasAgara bUdhapAseM saMgha Agrahe copaI kIdhI ANaMda ghaNe ulAseM re me08 'tapa' gaccha aNbrrtnsriisso| vIjayadeva gaNadhArI tasa pATeM saMprati gurupratipo / zrIvijayasiMgha sUSakAri re me0 9 tasa gacchi gUNamaNInA Agara / jayasAgara uvakAyA / tasa pada seve sUranara sAhiba / nAmeM nava nIdha thAyA re / me0 10 tAsa sIsa paMDIta jananAyaka zrIlAvaNyasAgara gururAyA mahIyala mahImA jehano pasaryo dina dina caDhata savAyA re me0 11 tasa padasevaka paramasAgara kahai racIo rAsa rasAlA bhAva dharIne sUMNatAM bhavIyaNa laseM maMgalamAlo re me0 12 tAM lage e coupaI thirathA jo jo lageM sUraja caMdA rAgadhanyAsI DhAla cosaThamI paramasAgara ANaMdA re me0 13 ItI zrIvikramAdItyasUtavikra(ma)sena copaI lIlAvatIrAsa' saMpUrNa sakalapaMDItasIromaNI zrIzrIzrIzrIzrIzrI 1008 zrIvinayavijayatatzISyagaNIlAvanyavijayabhAI premajI lapIkRtyaM haDADa'grAmAt saMpUrNa zrIrastu kalyANamastu sUSaM bhavatuM Then in a different hand sa. 1291 // N.B. - For further particulars see No. 672. - - - vikramAdityacatuSpadI Vikramadityacatuspadi (vikramAdityacopAi) (Vikramadityacopai). [vikrama-lIlAvatI-copAi] [Vikrama-Lilavati-copai ] 325 No. 674 A/1882-83 Size --- 104 in. by 44 in. Extent - 18 folios ; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. 1. This is a scribal error. --7 [J. LP.] Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 50 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [674 Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; a portion of the first line, numbers for the verses, their dandas, some words etc. written in red ink; yellow pigment used for making corrections; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin%3; fol. la blank; so is the fol. 18b; condition very good%3 complete; composed in Samvat 17233; 27dhala in Gujarati language. Age - Samvat 1811. Author - Labhavardhana, alias Lalacanda, pupil of Santibarsa, pupil of some Gasi of the Kharataragaccha. His additional works are : upapadI (V.S.1711); lIlAvatIMrAsa (V. S. 1728); dharmabuddhi-pApa vuddhi-rAsa (V.S. 1742); pANDavacaritracopaDa (V.S. 1767). Subject - A story of Vikramaditya and Lilavati. Begins - fol. 10 ||60||AUM namaH // zrIsAradAya nama // zrIgaNAdhipate nama // dUhA // 'purIsAdANI' praNamIyai / paratiSa pAsajINaMda / samaratAM suSasaMpadA / dIna dIna adhika ANaMda // 1 // kara vINa pusataka dharai / sarasati sumatinIvAsa / praNamaMtAM nIta pAiyai / sarasa vacana suvilAsa // 2 // nijagurucaraNakamala nmii| bhAva bhagati mani aann| punya taNI pragaTa kathA / kahisaM salalIta vAMNi ||3|| etc. paraupagAri je gh(dh)yo| vikramano adhikAra / sarasa kathA saMbaMdha chai / suNajyo atisuSakAra // 7 // etc. Bnds - fol. 18a zrIjInacaMdasUrisaru / gachapatiguNabhaMDAra / tehaneM rAjeM kIdha e / saMpuraNa adhikAra // 19 // bhavi0 iti zrIvikramAditya bhane navaseM kanyAnI copaI saMpUrNa // saMvat 1811 varSe // zAke 1676 pravarttamAne mAsottamamAse // caitramAse kRSNapakSe / saptamyAM tithoM bhomavAsare prathamaprahare liSitA // sakalapaMDitasiromaNi paMDita zrI zrI zrI zrI 108 zrI zrI zrIkAMtivijayagaNitarisakSa Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6751 The Svetambara Works paMDita zrI zrI dhIravijayagaNi tatsIkSa paMDita zrI zrI 108 zrI zrI anaMtavijayagaNi tatsIkSa munimuneMdravijaya lipikRtAt // 'medapATa 'deze ||'haathyaaNnn 'grAme || zrIajitajinaprasAdAt // zrIrastu // kalyANamastuH // bhaM bhavatu // cha / Reference-For extracts and additional Mss. see Jana Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 210-213). vikramAdityacaritra Vikramadityacaritra (vikramalIlAvatI-copAi) (Vikrama-Lilavati.copai) 1330 No. 675 1886-92 Size -- 103 in. by 44 in. Extent - 156 folios; 18 lines to a page; 43 letters to a line. Description - Country paper tough and white; Devanagari characters%3; big, clear and good hond-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; white paste, too; foll. 1a and 1560 blank; a slip of paper pasted to fol. 14, complete; 4 Khandas in all, 175 Dhala in Gujarati language. Subject - Life of Vikramaditya composed in four cantos. Age-Samvat 1876. Author - Bhanuvrijaya Gani. Begins-fol. 10 amalabhakalasama nayanayuga surapatisevitapAya / pAsajiNaMda diNaMdasama praNamaMtA AnaMda thAya // 1 // ihAM to vikramabhupanoM dAnaguNe vistAra / zIlaguNai je alaMkaraco kareM vali paraupagAra // 10 // etc. Ends - fol. 1562 zrI goDI' pApA(rA) jInI sunajare nija sadguruni kRpAthI jii| icchA vAMchA thaI e pUraNa vikrama guMNagAvAdhI jI zrI 17... iti zrIvikramAdityacaritre prAkRtabaMdhe zrIbhAnuvijayagaNiviracite ...zrImunicaMdrA Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [676 cAryopadeza lIlAvatidIkSAgrahaNasUragatiprApaNa nAmaseno caturthoM khaMDa saMpUrNa / sarvaDhAlasaMkhyA 175 / saM. 1876 kArtika zu0 saubhAgyapaMcamI zanivAre laSI | etc. vikramAdityacaritra Vikramadityacaritra [vikrama-lIlAvatI-copAi] [Vikrama-Lilavait-copai ] 836 No. 676 1895-1902 Size - 8 in. by 44 in. Extent - 16 folios; 16 lines to a page; 26 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters; big, clear and fair hand-writing; borders and edges too, mostly ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk used; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; com plete; composed in Samvat 1724. Age - Not quite modern. Author - Abhayasoma, pupil of Somasundara, disciple of Jinacandra of the Kharatara ' gaccha. mAnatuja-mAnavalI-copaDa V.S. 1727 vikramacaritra-khApaTA-copahaV. S. 1723 vaidarbhicopAI V. S. 1711 Begins - fol. 1a vINApustakadhAraNI haMzAsana kvimaay| praheM ugamateM nita namuM sArada torA prAya / 1 // etc. mone kiNa hina chetaroH me jaga ThagyA aneka / me 'kali' jugane cha tasauM rAjA vikrama eka / / 5 // etc. Ends - fol. 166 'kala'yuga mAMhe vikramarAyano sohAga zuMdara mahimA jaagto| . jehanI sAMnidha deva sadA karaI bhAgala ubhA mApada apahareM // 289 // apahare mApada caritra zRNatAM nAmadhI nava nidhi hae / - 'paratara 'gache zrIjinacaMda sadaguru sevatAM vaMchita phale . Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 677] The Svetambara Works sattaracauvIze (1724) kRSNadazamI Adi bhAsA sahI vAcanAcAriya abhayasoma mani maMdara kAjeM kahI 290 / iti vikramAdityacaritra sN| Reference-For an additional Ms. etc. See B. B. R.A.S.(Vol. III-IV, p.479). For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio(Vol. II, pp. 144-146). vijaya (seTha-seThANI ) caupai Vijaya (Setha-Sethani) Caupai No. 677 __790 (e) 1892-95 Extent - fol. 8a to fol. 96. Description - Complete. For other details see No. 460 Vol. XIX (ii)2 p. 182 zIlaprabaMdhe mayaNarehA kathA Author - Harsakirti pupil of Candraklrti Nagari Tapagaccha. Subject- Narrative about Vijaya, a resthin. For comparison see . Vijayasetha - Vijayasatirasa composed by Rayacanda I in V.S.1683. Begins-fol. 8a ddhaal|| prAha uThI re paMca parmeSTI sadA nmuM mana sudhe re phene caraNe nitanmuMdhara pahilAre arihaMta siddha varSANIye bhAcAra jare upAdhyAya mana bhAMNIyAM ulAlo etc... Ends-fol.96 nAgorI tapagaccha caMdakIrti munirAya, zrI harSakIrti sura jaMpe tAsa pasAya // 20 // kalazaima kRSNa pakSe zukla pakSe, jiNa zIla pAlyo nirmalo / te daMpatti nA bhAva zudhde, sadA zubha guNa sAmbhalo / jimi kariye dukkha dUra jAve, sukha yAve bahupare / bali sakala maMgala manahavaMchita kuzala nita ghare avatare // 21 // iti vijayaseThako coDhyAlyo saMpUrNa // Reference - It seems that this work is not noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vijayacandra caritra (vijayacandacariya) Jaina Literature and Philosophy Begins -- fol. 1a Vijayacanbdracaritra (Vijayacandcariya ) No.678 Size - 113 in. by 4g in. Extent - 77 folios; 17 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; sufficiently big, quite legi. ble, fairly uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the num. bered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of a number of foll. more or less gone; condition on the whole tolerably fair; complete, com - posed in Samvat 1127. Ends - fol. 776 1317 1884-87 Age - Old. Author Mahattara Condraprabha, pupil of Abhayadeva Suri. Subject Life of Vijayacandra, an omniscient personage This work deals with eight kinds of worship. [678 e60 // namaH zrI sarvajJAya // paNamaha taM nAhisuyaM suravaisaMkaMtaloyaNa sahassaM kamalavaNaM virAyas nivanivahaM jassa paya juyAla // 1 namirasurAsurasuMdaribhAlayalagalaMtakusumakayapUrvaM / paNamaha jayasirinilayaM sesajiNANaM ca payakamalaM // 2 etc. nisuNa suNo taha / dujjaNo viguNado sagahaNa gayacitto / sirivijayacaMdacariyaM parituThThinibaMdhaNaM bhaNimo // 6 etc. sirivijayavasamaihA vassa siri amayadevasUrissa / sIseNa tassa raIyaM / caMdappahamahayareNeyaM // 10 raddayaM vitthara raIyaM cariyaM sirivijayacaMda ke valiNo / gAhAdanibaddhaM / bhaviyANa vibohaNadvAra / / 11 Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 679] The Svetambara Works 'deyA vaDa vaDa' nyre| risahajiNaMdassa maMdare raIye / / niyavIradevasIsassa sAhuNo tassa vayaNeNaM // 12 muNikamaruiMka 1127 jue| kAle sirivikkamassa bhto| raIyaM phuDakkharatthaM / caMdappahamahayareNeyaM / / 13 jAva jaso ssidhvlo| dhavalai mahimaMDalaM jiNaMdANaM tAva imaM jayau je| cariya sirivijakacaMdassa // 14 / iti zrIvijayacaMdrakevalIcaritraM saMpUrNa // granthAna 4900 Then perhaps in a different hand we have : zrI'koraMTa'gacche zrIkakkasUrivijayarANe upAdhyAya zrIudayarAja zakSya upAdhyAyI zrI // kalyANarAja vA. kamalakalazalakhitaM 'abhdaavaade'| leSakyapAThaSo zubhaM bhavatuH // zrIrastu zubhaM bhavatu // zreyostuH // 40 // zrI // cha // zrIetc. 47 vijayacandracarita Vijayacandracarita No. 679 1877-78 Size -- 104 in. by 41 in. Extent - 159 folios; 12 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description -Country paper very thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing: borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between them coloured red; dandas written in red ink; red chalk profusely used ; vide foll. 85b and 864; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 12 blank; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so as to form a design; edges of the last ( 159th ) fol. partly gone; condition on the whole good. Age-Samvat 1661. Author - Mahattara Candraprabha. Begins -- fol. 10 67 // paNamaha taM nAhisuhaM etc. Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 46 Ends fol. 159a eyaM maMgalanilayaM etc. up to sirivijayacaMdassa / 54 we have : saMvata 1661 varSe jyeSTha zudi 10 zukre laSitaM iti zrIvijayacaMdra kevalIcaritraM saMpUrNa // saMvat 1661 varSe jyeSTha zudi 10 zukre laSitaM // N. B. For further details see No. 677. 1 Jaina Literature and Philosophy vijayacandracarite pUjASTaka No. 680 Size 10 in. by 41 in. 1 Extent 27 folios; 17 lines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Description Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional ; small, fairly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; unnumbered sides are decorated with a small disc in red colour, in the centre; the numbered ones, in each of the two margins too; yellow pigment used for making corrections; condition very good; complete. Age-Samvat 1641: Saka 1506. Begins fol. 1a Vijayacandracarite pujastaka 179 1872-73 Subject Stories showing the beneficial fruits of eight types of offerings to the idol told in the life-narration of Vijayacandra Kevalin. Ends - fol. 276 [680 || 60 || paNamaha taM nAbhisUrya / etc. as in No. 678 evaM maMgalanilayaM etc. upto sirivijayacaMdassa // 150 followed by the lines as under :haricaMdrakathAnakaM // 9 ( prAyazcitaviSaye ) Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 681] The Svetambara Works 57 iti pUjASTakaM samAptamitiH // saMvata 1941 varSe zake 1506 pravattamAne / mAimAse / zuklapakSe 10 tithau / N. B. - For further particulars see No. 681. vijayacandracarite pUjASTaka : Vijayacandracarite pujastaka 1318 No. 681 1884-87 Size -- 10% in. by 4} in. Extent -- 26 folios; 15 lines to a page; 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional TEHETS; small, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; red chalk used; unnumbered sides decorated with a disc in red colour, in the centre; the numbered ones, in each of the two margins too; foll. numbered in the righthand margin and the number written on the red disc; edges of several foll. more or less gone ; condition on the whole toler. ably good; complete; extent 1200 slokas ; yellow pigment used for making corrections. Age - Old. Subject - See No. 680. Begins - fol. 1a 11 80 || FTA: ferita: 11 GAE arftge i etc. as in No. 680 Ends - fol. 266 TATTU etc. upto fanfatuato II P88 11 This is followed by the lines as under, as in No. 680 gfart Tiga TATE 11 3 ll ga i ?700 ll ll **: 11 5 il N. B. - For further details see No. 680. 8... (J. L. P.] Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [682 vijayacandracarite Vijayacandracarite pUjASTaka pujastaka 1260 No. 682 1891-95 Size -- 94 in. by 44 in. Extent - 42 folios; 12 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deyanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders not ruled; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 43b; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of the first and last foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole. good; complete; extent 1000 juta; in the left-hand margin, on fol. 436, the title is written as TETE. Age - Old. Subject - Stories showing the beneficial fruits of eight types of offerings to the idol told in the life-narration of Vijayacandra Kevalin. Begins - fol. 16 // e60|| OMnamaH zrIsarvajJAya JUHE & afarge etc. as in No. 680 Ends - fol. 42a evaM paramapayatyaM etc. up to sirivijayacaMdassa 50 as in No. 860. This is followed by the lines as under :iti zrIjinavareMdrapUjASTakaM // cha // graMthAnaM 1000 likhitaM vIracaMdreNa gaard (ar) 97effrey N. B. - For additional information see No. 680. ? This can be read as I Aar alsg. Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 683] The Avetambara Works vijayacandracarita Vijayacandracarita (vijayacandacariya) (Vijayacandacariya) pUjASTaka Pujastaka 1337 No. 683 1887-91 Size -- 104 in. by 47 in. Extent - 31 folios ; J7 lines to a page; 43 letters to a line. Description -Country paper very thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; big, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing: borders ruled in three lines in red ink, red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right. hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of some of the foll. partly gone; each and every fol. partly worm-eaten ; condition on the whole tolerably good ; complete; gathas 1064, extent 1330 Slokas. Age - Pretty old. Subject -- For subject see 680. Begins-fol. 1a // 60 // sayalasurAsurakiAravijjAharanaravariMdadhubhavalaNaM / jaba suvAsarIraM paNamaha vIraM mahAvIraM // 1 kamalAsANe nisalaM / kamalamuhaM kamalagambhasabhavanaM / bhuvaNajaNajaNiyatosaM / jiNavANiM namaha bhattIe // 2 masthi puraM 'rayaNauraM' 'bhAraha' khittassa majayArammi / tattha parivasai rAyA riumaNa nAma vikkhAu | etc. Ends - fol. 310 evaM maMgalanilayaM etc. upto sirivijycNdss||64 // Then we have :gAthA 1864 zloka 1330. N.B. - For further detalis see No. 680 Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philnsophy [685 vijayacandracarite Vijayacandracarite pUjASTaka Pujastaka 623 No. - 684 1895-98 Size -11g in. by 5 in. Extent-27 folios%3; 14-18 lines to a page; 38-45 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; big, quite legible, upiform and beautiful hand-writing: borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; fol. 1a blank; in the left-hand margins the title is written in various ways such as vijayacaMda cari, vijayacaMda ci0, vijayacaMdaciriya and vijayacaMda cAritra; edges of each and every folio more or less gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; 1063 gatbas in all. Age - Pretty old. Subject - Stories showing the beneficial fruits of eight types of offer ings to the idol told in the life-narration of Vijayacandra Kevalin. Begins - fol. 16 egha0 // OM namo vItarAgAya // ||syl surAsura etc. as in No. 683 Ends - fol. 27b evaM maMgalanilayaM etc. upto sirivijayacaMdassa / 1063 / as in No. 680 followed by : iti zrIvijayacaMdrakevalIcaritraM samAptaM / N. B.:- For additional particulars see No. 680. vijayadevamAhAtmya vRttisahita No. 685 Size - 10} in. by 42 in. Vijayadevamahatmya wtih Vrtti 156 1872-73. Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .685j The Svetambara Works Extent = 69 folios; 15 lines to a page; 52 to 55 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jalna Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs%3 small perfectly legible, uniform and very beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; foll. 18424 repeated; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some place kept blank, so that it forms a design ; yellow pigment used for making corrections; the first fol.. is missing; so both the text and the commentary begin abruptly; they, however, go up to the end; condition very good ; 19 cantos in all. Age-Pretty old. Author - Sri Vallabha pupil of Jnanavimala Upadhyaya. Author of the Comm. - Meghavijaya, pupil of Krpavijaya Gani. Subject - The tex deals with the biography and glorification of Vijaya. * devasuri. Begins (Comm.) - fol. 2a jJeyamatra bhanyayopamApadayoH prayoge "sadRzaM triSu liMgeSu sarvAsu ca vibhaktiSu vacaneSu yanna vyeti tadavyeyaM 1" ityuktatvAt yathA bhavyayazabdo liMgAdiSu kadA'pi na jyeti tathA etac zrIvijayadevamAhAtmyanAmakaM kAvyamapi svastimatve kartRzrotra'dhyetRprabhRtInAM svastikakartRtve ca na byetIti kavera'bhiprAyaH punaH kathaMbhUtaM etc. Ends (Text) - fol. 680 mAtmArthasiddhiH kila kasya neSTA sA tu stutereva mahAtmanAM syAt bhAbhANako (5)pi prathitastriloke 'gaMgA' hi kasyApi na paitRkIyaM 201 tasmAnmayA kevalamarthasidhyai jihApavitrIkaraNAya yad vA iti stutaH zrIvijayAdidevasUri samaM zrIvijayAdisiMhaH 202 Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [686 Ends (Comm.)- fol. 68b bhAcaMdrasUrya tapagacchadhuryo vRto'pareNApi paricchadena jIyAciraMstAnmama saukhyalakSmyai zrIvallabhaH pAThaka ityapAThIn 203 iti zrI 'paratara' gacchIya zrIjJAnavimalopAdhyAyaziSya zrIzrIvallabha. pAThakaviracite zrIvijayadevamAhAtmyanAmni kAnye 'zrIvijayadevasUri-sarvadeza. vihAradevasAMnidhyAdivarNano nAmaikonaviMzaH sargastatsamAptau ca samAptaM // // zrI vijayadevamAhAtmyanAmakaM. Ends ( Text) - fol. 68a ityAdibhidhanatarairavadAvavRMdai the (ve)tazcamatkRtikaraizcaturokSarANAM prAcInasUritulanAM kalayan kalo kiM zrIgautamaH punaraya(ya) gurureSa jIyAt 98 Ends ( Comm.)-,, vyAkhyA sugama ityAdibhiranayA rItyA etc. Reference - The text is published by the Jaina Sahtitya Sambodhaka Samiti in A. D. 1928. For additional MSS, see Jinaratna kosa (Vol. I, p. 354) vijayaprazastimahAkAvya Vijayaprasastimahakavya vijaya(pra)dIpikAvRttisahita with Vijayadipika Vstti No. 686 767 1875-76 Size -11 in. by 5g in. Extent -432 folios. Description-Country paper thick, tough and white; Devanagari characters; big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 1a blank; white paste used; both the text and its commentary named as Vijaya( pra )dipika; complete; the text consists of 21 cantos; the comm. composed in Samvat 1683 (?); Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 686] The Svetambara Works 63 it was commenced in lladurga and completed in Rohini, the intermediate portions composed at Yodhapura (Jodhpur ) and Srimala ( Bhinmal). Age-Samvat 1691. Author - of the text. - Author of the comm. - Mahopadhyaya Gupavijaya. Subject - biography and glorification of Vijayasenasuri along with its explanation. Begins (Text)-fol. 30 zreyAMsi vaH sRjatu nAbhibhavo mheshH| satyopalakSitapura: puruSottamaH sH| sarvajJarAgakRdavAptarasezagaMgA. gaMgeva gaurajani yasya manojJavarNA // 1 // etc. Begins ( Comm.) - fol. 10 svasti zrInAbhibhUyAd bhUyase zreyase satAm / tanayAM janayAMcakre yo brAhmI(m) brahmacAriNIm / 1 // etc. zrIvRSabhavIravAGmayasurIgurun praNayataH praNamyeti / vijayaprazastivRttirvidhIyate ziSTatuSTikRte // 6 // etc. Ends (Text) - fol. 427a zrIhIrahIravijayAbhidhasUrisiMhazrIpaTTabhRt vijayasenamahAmunIMdoH / saubhAgyapaddhatiriya muditaM karotu ghetA satAM zazikaleva cakorakANAm // 59 zrIsUrirAha vijayasenamunIMdracaMdra mAhAtmyavarNanavidhAnanidhAnabhUmiH / nAnAmanojJataratuMgarasAbhirAmA bhUyAdiyaM vijayinI vijayaprazastiH // 69 // etc. Ends (Comm.)- fol. 427a iti suvihitasatrAsArvabhaumasamAtasakalapaMDitamaMDalImAlimAlIyamAnapaMDitazrIkamala vijayagANi - ziSyamukhyapaMDitapuMDarIkAkhyApaMDita-zrIvidyAvija. yagaNivineyavAcaka - guNavijayagaNiviracitAyAM sukhAvabodhikAyAM zrIvijayapradI. pikAbhidhAnadhArikAyA zrIvijayaprazastimahAkAvyaTIkAyAM ekavizaH sargo'rthataH samarthitaH / tatsamAptau ca samAtA shriivijyprshstimhaakaavyvRttiH|| cha / Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [687 Ends-fol. 4326 zrIcAritravijayavaravAcakarAjairazodhi vRttiriya yat kiMcidiha viruddhaM syAchodhyaM sajanaistadapi // 67 // yataH gachataH skhalanaM kvApi bhavatyeva pramAdataH / hasaMti durjanAstatra sadmAdadhati sajjanAH [ // 67A // ] gItarateryA bhAryA cAturyAhAryavaryamAdhuryyA kaviratnagaMdhamAtA sA jayatu sarasvatI mAtA // 6 // zreyaH sphUrteryasyamUrte purastAdeSA TIkA pUritAharitApat bhUyAMzoyaM sadguNazreNisidhai jIrAvallIpArzvanAthaprasiddhai // 6e / iti zrIvijayaprazastikAvyavRtiprazastizrIbhUyAt mahopAdhyAya - zrI-guNavijagaNiyaviracitA TIkA saMvat 1691 lekhanasaMvat 1931 vijayaratnasUriguNavarNana Vijayaratnasurigunavarnana 802 No. 687 1899-1915 Size - 10 in. by 47 in. Extent - 13 folios; 17 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters%3 small, clear and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in black ink; complete. Age -Not modern. Author-Pupil of Saubhagyavijaya. Subject-Description of the virtues of Vijayaratnasari. For compa. rison see Vijayaratnasuri-rasa by Ramavijaya in V. S. 1773. Begins -- fol. la prathama duuhaa| OMkAra kari AzikA / iSTasu OMkAra / OM dhyAnadhArI acala gAIje gaNadhAra // 1 // etc. sUrirAja 'tapA 'gachasAmi tuha vijyrtnsuuriidvr| ... . kavijayaguNakittaNa karahi sayala zubhaga sobhI sadhara // 6 // etc. Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 688] The svetambara Works Ends-fol. 13b jasa sobhA suSa dheya sakalamuniganasuSakAraka / kalpavRkSase dAMni meruse dhIraja dhIraka // cha / yaNa yeSa guNarayaNasayaNajaNavayaNasusamaMta / tAsu sIsa saubhAgyavijaya saubhAgyasamadvita / tasu calana nalikaabhijayasu kavi vadati sadodaya jaya bhavatu // zrIvijayaprabhavijayaratnasUri lakSAbdA suciraM jayatu / iti zrI vijayaratnasUriguNakathAvarNanam // Reference - It seams that this work is not noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. 172 vidyAvilAsanarendrakathAnaka Vidyavilasanarendrakathanaka No. 688 1881-82 Size -- 103 in. by 43 in. Extent - 10 folios ; 17 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small quite legible, uniform and very good handwriting; borders neatly ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; double foliation in right-hand margin%3B the original as 121, 122 etc. and the subsequent as 1, 2, etc.; in the case of almost every fol. there is a very small space kept blank in the centre; yellow pigment used for making corrections; a portion to the rights of fol. 10 is gone ; so even letters are gone; edges of a few foll. worn out; condition fair. Age-Saivat 1541. Author - Hirananda (?) Subject - Story of king Vidyavilasa in Sanskrit. For comparison see the following works :vidyAvilAsakathA anoymous%3; Ms. dated V.S.1488. vidyAvilAsacaritra by Devadatta Gani. ..9 [.L.P.] Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [689 vidyAvilAsanRpakathA by Malayahamsa. vidyAvilAsanRpakathAnaka anonymous works. vidyAvilAsa-saubhAgyasundara-kathAnaka Bhon.v, No. 1319. Begins - fol. 1a // 60 // dvIpe 'bharata' kSetre zrIyugAdijinezatuH / avaMtivarddhano nAma tanayaH samabhUt puraa||1 tabAmnA vizvavikhyAto (5)vaMtI' dezo (5)sti saukhyadaH / tatra 'cojjayanI' khyAtA purI surapurIsamA // 2 etc. Ends-fol. 100 bhavyAbjajAnyapi saMbodhya kevalajJAnabhAsvatA / prAMte zivapadaM prApa vidyAvilAsa sAdhurAT / / 39 ... myA suMdarImukhyAstisro()pi tdvrstriyH| prapAlya cAru cAritraM zivaM prApuH krameNa ca // 40 maMtrI lakSmInivAsAkhyaH sA sakhI gunnsuNdrii| gRhItvA cAra cAritraM prapAlya zivaM ...... vidyAvilAsanRpatezcaritraM nizamya zreyaskara sakaladuHkhaharaM nitAMtaM / yadyasti bho shivvdhuukrpiiddnecchaa| zrAddhArucau tadiha bhavyajanA yatadhvaM // 42 iti vidyAvilA(sa)(ka)thAnakaM samApta 1541 varSe budhavAre mArga zIrSe mAse / zrI' brAhmI 'sthAne zrIjinasamudrasUrivijayarAjye zrImatkIrti. ratnasUrirAjAnAM ziSyeNa vA0harSavizAlagANanA vidyAvilAsanarendrapayADau No. 689 Vidyavilasanarendrapavalau 171 1881-82 Size - 10 in. by 4 in. Extent - 14 folios; 11 lines to a page; 26 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, fairly uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in three to four lines in red ink; dandas and a few lines at Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 689] The Svetambara Works the end written in red ink; foll. numbered in the righthand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design ; fol. 10 blank ; a portion on the left gone in case of several foll. condition on the whole tolerably fair; com - plete : composed in Samvat 1485. Age - Samvat 1565. Author - Hirananda, pupil of Viraprabhasuri of Pipali gaccha. Subject - A story of Vidyavilasa, a king. Begins- fol. 16 60 || zrIgurubhyo namaH // pahilaM paNamIya paDhama jiNesara 'siratuMjaya' avatAra hathiNAuri zrIzAMti jiNesara : Ujali' nimikuMmAra / ' jIrAuli ' puri pAsa jiNesara || 'sAcaure' varddhamAna / ' kAsamIra ' dhuri sarasatisAmiNi dinau mujha naI varadANa / 1 / After a few lines (as in No. 691 ) we have : vidyAvilAsanaviMda pavADA uda iMDAbhiMtara jANI / aMtarAi viNa puNya karau tumhi / bhAva ghaNero ANI // etc. Ends - fol. 14a zAstra ajJAta bAlApaNi / mUraSa yahakU hAn / vidyAvilAsa tuMpa che huu / suragurabuddhisamAna / mitra kalatra | sahUnahaM / dviva SaMDauM / teha teNi prabhAvi / rAjakuMbharI ninayaNe / nasakiu ja ( ? ) bhAvi 61 isuM suNI pUrava gava deSai // jAtIsmara nariMda rAjadehaniM veTAnai / ApaNa ANI paramAMnaMda / e saMsAra asAra suNi naI | duSa taNA / bhaMDAra // 67 savA / ratha suhu AimiliuM / putra putra parivAra / lachIya caMcala pavana taNIpari / jovana saMdhyA rAga / nIraviMda / jima jIvI jANe / mani bhANauM vairAga / saMjima le / sivapuri paddatau |dhn / dhana / vilAsa // iti zrIvidyAvilAsapavADo samApta saMvat 1655 varSe zAke 14 zrIsA pravarttamAne / bhAdrapadasudi saghamIgaru zrI ' maMDapagaDha' mAhAdurge pAtisAha zrImasIrasAha viz2airAje zrI ' maladhAra ' gacchi zrIlakSmIsAgarasUri tata Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [690 zaSya ganili(1)nidhAna taziSya hIrANaMda liSitaM subhaM bhavatu kalyANa mastu / Reference - For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaiua Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 25-26). On p. 26 after hirANaMda we have 'li 15-11'. vidyAvilAsapavADau Vidyavilasapavadau 48 No. 690 1877-78 Size - 10 in. by 44 in. Extent - 9 folios; 14 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description-Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white: Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrA; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in black ink, the space between them coloured red; red chalk used%3; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; white paste used on fol. 603; yellow pigment very rarely; fol. 9b blank; the ikaras occurring in the very first line on a fol. written in an artistic way; edges of the last fol. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; composed in Samvat 1485. Age - Samvat 1661. Author - Hirananda. Begins - fol. 10 // 60 zrIvItarAgAya nmH|| pahilaM praNamuM paDhama jiNesara 'setuMjaya' atavAra / 'hatthaNAuri' zrIzAMtijiNesara / 'ujasi' nemikumAra / 'jIrAuli 'puMri pAsajiNesara / sAcauri' varddhamAna / 'kAsamIra' puri sarasatisAmaNi diu mujha nitu varadAna / 1 etc. pIpaligachi guru mA gaNahara / zrIvIraprabhasUri / nAmaI lIdhaI jAsa taNaI savi pApa paNAsaha dUri / tAsa taNai paya paNamI bolisu / vidyAvilAsacarI. bhaNaDa hIrAnaMda bhavidA nisuNaDa / hIyA bhAva bharevi / 2 etc. Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 691 j Ends - fol. 9a The Svetambora Works saMyama leI zivapuri puhuu / dhana dhana vidyAvilAsa / bhai hIrAnaMda zrIsaMgha pUru / manavaMchi savibhAsa // 64 // DhAla ApaNai ghari kisiuM kAtaNUM e / mahIali dharmabaSANIha e| dharamahaM sivapuri rAja e / acala dhAmaNU e / vidyAvilAsahacarI eM / atahiM soddAmaNU e / dharmaha Upari e carIe / je bhaNai je suNai tIha e / acala0 vIrabhadrasUrigurugaNaharu e / vIradeva sUripATie / acala0 saMvat 14 paMccAsIha e viracIbha caribhasoddAmaNaM / acalavadhAmaNU e // 65 // iti vidyAvilAsarAsa samAptaH zubhaM bhavatuH laSitaM vIradAsa / / saMvat 1661 kAtI yadi 1 // N. B. -- For further particulars see No. 689 supra. vidyAvilAsanarendrapavADau No. 691 - - 10g in. by 4 in. Vidyavilasanarendra-pavadau Size Extent - 7 folios; 15 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. Description Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, fairly uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so as to form a design; fol. 7b blank; corners to the left slightly worn out ; edges of the last fol. partly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; composed in Samvat 1485. Age - Samvat 1642. Author - Hirananda. Begins - fol. 1a 832 1892-95 e 60 / / pahilaM paNamiya etc. as in No. 689. Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1692 Ends fol. 7a saMvata caUda paMcyAsIyai e / viraciya carIya vilAsa / e acala vadhAmaNuM e| bhaNaha guNai je naranAri / phalIi mana taNI Asa / e acala vadhAmaNuM e|| 69 / / vIraprabhusUri guru guNinilu e| sIsa hIrANaMda taas| e macala vadhAmaNuM e / vidyAvilAsaha carI0bhae / bhatihiM sohAmaNUM e||7|| iti zrIvidyAvilAsapavADau sapUrNaH likhitaM saMvata 1642 varSe - 'sohA' nagare paM0 sakalacaMdragaNinA / svopakRte // kalyANaM bhUyAt // zrIH N.B. - For further particulars see No. 689 supra. vidyAsAgarakathA Vidyasagarakatha 328 No. 692 A 1882-83 Size-91 in. by 4g in. Extent -7 folios; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagarl characters; big, thoroughly legible, uniform and very beautiful hand-writing; borders neatly ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; yellow pigment occasionally used for making corrections; each and every fol. more or less worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably fair ; complete. Age - Old. Author-Gunakarasuri of 'Caitra' gaccha. Subject - Narrative of Vidyasagara illustrating the prowess of devo. tion to Jina. Begins - fol. 1a e 30 // zrI jinAya nmH|| gururdevo gurustIrtha gururmAtA guruH pitA gurubaMdhu gurumitraM guru svAmI gurmuha 1 etc. . Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 693] The Svetambara Works tayoH sarvaguNAdhAraH suvicAraH sulakSaNaH vidyAsAgara ityAsIt suto vidyAbdhipAragaH 11 etc. Ends - fol. 7a prabhAtasamaye pUrva pratilAbhya gurUn gurUn pazcAt pAraNakaM kRtvA gurUn natvA gRhaM yayau 47 etatpuNyaM prabhAvena jAto(s)he zeSTinaH sutaH 'zatraMjaye' gurorbhaktyA vAMchitaM savamapyabhUt 48 eva pUrvabhavasmRtvA dRSTvA puNyaphalaM mahat punaH puNyaM samArAdhya mRtvA sugatibhAgabhRt 49 evaM zrI caitrgcchii| zrIguNAkarasUribhiH puNyaiH puNyASTake puNyA gurubhaktau kRtA kathA // 50 iti gurubhaktiviSaye vidyAsAgarakathA saMpUrNa // Reference --This Ms. is noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 356). Here P1 R A. No.382', too, is mentioned. vinayacaTakathA Vinayacatakatha No. 693 173 1872-73 Size -10% in. by 5 in. Extent -73 folios%3; 15 lines to a page3 30 letters to a line. Description-Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 730%; edges of a few foll. slightly gone; condition very good ; complete ; four Ullasas in all; the extent of each of them is as under : 1. These are the Prasastis copied and collected from different Jaipa Mas by various Jaina scholars. Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [693 Ullasa I foll. 10 to 170 , 170,29a III 29a, 430 IV , 436, 730 58 dhalas in the 4th Ullasa, composed in Samvat 1630. at Porbandar in four Ullasas, in 81 dhalas. in all. Age-Samvat 1847. Author - Rsabhasa gara, pupil of Agamasagara and Vinodasagara pupils of Jinendrasagara of the Tapagaccha. Subject - A story of a son of Vinayacata, a sresthin, pointing out the efficacy of modesty. In Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, pt. 1, p. 165) the date of composition is given as V. S. 1840. It is erroneous, It should be 1830. Begins -- fol. 10 e 10 // zrIgurubhyo nmH|| pAzvanAtha jinavara praName : grevIsamo jina tA (nA? )sa : (? ma) bhaloya upadrava upasame : vAre garbhAvAsa 1 panaga rASyo parijalata : adabhuta karyoM upagAra : surapadavI ApI sarasa : dhanya dhanya vIsva mAdhAra 2 etc. Ends - fol. 72a saMvata gaganavahnI (1830) tejANo siddhicaMdra e mAMNojI bhAdavA sUda pUnama bUdhavAre : saMvacchara sUpramANojI ehavA0 11 paMDita mAhe sakala siromaNiH jasavaMtasAgara sAcAjI tehanA sISya paMDita guNapUrA jainadrasAgara kavijA(rA! ) cAjI(?yA) ehavA0 12 tAsa sisa paMDita guNavAra mAhAmativaMta vidArujI AgamasAgara guNanA bhAgara suddhagraMthamatadhArujI / ehavA0 teha taNA laghubhrAtA lAyaka vinodasAgara kavirAyAjI tAsa sIsa caraNAMbUjasevaka : RSabhasAgara guNa gAyAjI ehavA0 15 cotho ullAsa saMpUraNa kidho pacavisa DhAla prasiddhojI moTAnA guNa gAyAM vAru pAMme bahUli RddhojI ehavA0 15 Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 694] The Svetambara Works 73 iti zrIvinayopari vinayacaTazreSTiputrakathAprAkRtabaMdhe vinayacaTajasavaraNana rAjA nijagRhe bhAgamana triNAstri (strI) pANigrahaNa mAtRpitRmilaNaM saMyamAddhikAraniravANagamanaM catUrabhikalApakena cataratha ullAsa saMpUraNaM // 4 // saMvata 1847 varSe phAguNazudi 12 dine likhitA // pN| premavijayaga / Atma arthe zrI 'darbhAvati' nagare zrIzAmalapArzvaprazAdAt // zrIyaM // Reference - For extracts and an additional Mss. dated V. S. 1878 see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, pt. 1, pp. 165-168). On p.168 there are following lines after phalasyojI: iti zrI vinayopari vinayacaMdra zveSThi putrakathA prAkRtabaMdhe vinayacaTTa jasavarNana rAjA nijagRhe AgamanaM traya strI pANI(Ni grahaNaM mAtRpitRmIlanaM saMjayAdhikAra nirvANagamanaM caturbhiH kalApakena caturthollAsaH sarvagAthA 1530. graMthAgraMtha 2200 che. vinItAvinItabhAva Vinitavinitabhava 611 (b). No. 694 1892-95 Extent - fol. 400 to fol. 40b. Description - Incomplete ; about 7 verses in all. For other details see aNukaMpArI copAi No. 14 of Vol. XIX (ii) Part 1. Author -Not known. Subject - Modesty and immodesty, a topic expounded in Uttarajjha yana. Begins - fol. 400 ||ath vinItabhavinItarA bhAva lissyte| duuhaa|| namuM vIra sAsanadhaNI // te pAMbhyA pada niravANa // tyAMvino parUpyo satagura taNo / bAMdhI marajAdApramANa / 1 / koI sAdhunAMma dhraavtaa| bolai bhAlapaMpAla sudha saradhA AcArathI vegalA / / jyu kaNarahita parAla // 2 // etc. -10 [J. L. P.] Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 74 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [695 Ends - fol. 400 kugara AdaraneM choDaNa taNo kauNA ghaNai chai kAma / koI choDe hiradaigyaM na paragayAM tyAMne vIra vANyA tAma // 6 // vino karaNo satagura taNo / tyArA guNarI karai pichoNa // utarAdhaina pahilai kksso|| te suNajyo catura su (jANa) Thus it ends abruptly. Reference - It seems that this Ms. having its title as noted here is not noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. vimalaprabandha Vimalaprabandha [FAKTE ] [ Vimalarasa ] No. 695 833 1892-95 Size -- 101 in. by 41 in. Extent - 66 folios; 13 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, somewhat brittle and greyish; Jaina Deyanagari characters with occasional T TS; big, perfectly legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; dandas written in red ink; folt. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the case of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, the black space in the centre and the middle portion of each of the two margins is decorated with a disc in red colour; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; fol. la decorated with a nice design in red colour; edges of some of the first and last foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; composed in Samvat 1356 in 9 Khandas Malasa mudra and culika ( appendix ). Age-Samvat 1649. Author - Lavanyasamaya. Subject - A story of Vimala Shah of Abu fame, a minister. Edited and published by Manilal Bakorbhai Vyasa Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 695] Begins fol. 16 fol. 58a e60 // Adi jinavara / Adi jinavara prathama praNamyosu // aMbAI dhuri arbudA sakaladevi zrImAta dhyAhuM // pumAvas cakkesarI vAgavANi guNa raMgi gAUM / suhaguru Ayasa siri dharI / Alasa alaga kasyau sa kahai kaviyahuM vimalamati vimalaprabaMdha racyosu 1 Ends - fol. 660 The Svetambora Works bhAra pittalamaya zrI AdinAthamUrtisthAlasthApana mahotsavAnaMtaraM gRhAgasanazrIvarNikanAdhikAre navamaSaMDaM saMpUrNaM 9 / cha / dUhA // chaMda kavita te milI / bhASA vividha vicitta / vimalarAsa aka achai / terasayAM chappanna ( 1356 ) 67 // je bhaNata lahIyai / bhoga bhUtAli bhaNaMni lAvaNyasamai / e vimalarAsani vimala vANI / vimalaghari riddhivRddhi ramai / / 1689 iti zrIpaMDitamukuTa zrIvimalamaMtra paMDitazrIlAvaNyasamaya gaNikRte navaraMganavarSaMDe paMcazatabhaTTa nAmapragaTIkaraNa vimalazrI suprabhAta caritravivaraNa strIvarNanakarttA kavicaritra - sakalAzrIsaMghavarNanarAsa varddhApana | saMvatsara grAmAdika dhana vimala zrIsuprabhAta AsIrvAdAyadhikAre navaSaMDacUlikA samAptAH 9 prathamA vRhadrAsaktA prati, 6 saMvat 1649 varSe caitravadi pratipadA zukravAre // zrI 'kharatai 'gacche zrIjinacaMdrasUri // sAdhavIsvokraNaya paThanI ... Il ra 9 Reference - For extrates and an ( ? ) additional Ms. dated V. S. 1584 see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 76. 79). On p. 77 a horoscopic data is given as under : gu 11 bu 8 zu 10 za. 12 7 maM ke zrI 3 rA 75 6 4 caM 2 5 1 Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [696 vimalaprabandha Vimalaprabandha 331 No. 696 A 1882-83 Size - 101 in. by 41 in. Extent-20 folios%3; 26 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. Description-Country paper somewhat thick, tough and whitish; Jaina Devanagari characters%3 small, quite clear, and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalk used to mark out the numbering of the verses etc.; foll. numbered in both the margins; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, in the left-hand margins; the title is written as vimalamuha rA; vimalamaMtrIsararAsa, vimalamaMtrIsara etc: edges of a few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good%3B complete; 9 khandas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Khanda foll. 1a to 20 20 to 40 4a to 60 66 to 8a to 90 VI 96 to 11a VII 11a to 120 VIII 126 to 14a IX 14a to 18a Culika 18a to 200 Age-Samvat 1611. Begins - fol. 1a III // 6 // Adi jinavara bhAdi jinavara prathama praNamo etc. as in 695. Ends - fol. 18a paMDi Di mani chai nirmalI / paDhatAM gaNatAM saMpati klii| muni lAvaNyasamayanI vAMNi / navai paMDha e nirmalajAM jANi / 79 // iti - paMDitazrIlAvaNyasamayagaNikRta / zrIvimalamaMtripragaTaprabaMdhenavaraMganavaDe svapnAdhikAre dharmasthiti zrAdasake kathizatyAdi guNasammaktAdi Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 6971 The Svetambara Works 77 dvAdazavata dvAtriMzadanaMtakAya dvAviMzatyabhakSanAMbhagalaNa caMdrodayasthanipakkAcaza zukalavaNakAlazrAddha kriyAdevanagRhadevAlakavicAra / caMdrodaya AlocanAdhikAra / prAsAdopadeza acalezvarotpatti / zrImAtAprabaMdha / vizaSThoyabhidvAMna / aMbikArAdhana / bharaDakamanApanasuvarNakAdidApana / prasAdasthApana / ekaviMzatimaMDapAvidhAna prakAzanavAlInAhyajIvapuNyaprAsAdaparipUrNa neSyAtta / gajazAlAkArApaNa / pratiSTAmahotsava 18 bhArapittalamaya zrI AdinAtha mUrtimUlasthApanamahotsavAnaMtaraM gRhAgamana zrI varNanAdhikAre navamaSaMDaM sUpUrNa // 9 // Then follows :cUlikA which begins as under:puhavItali poThA paragai / etc. Culika ends fol. 200 suprabhAta goyama guNa jANa etc. up to navarSaDasaMcUlikA samAptA // cha / shrii|| as in No. 83311892-95. This is followed by the lines as under : likhitaM / 'tapA 'gacche gacchAdhirAja-zrIhemavimalasUriziSya-zvIsaubhAgyaharSasUripadhAriNA ||shriisomvimlsuurinnaa // saMvat 1611 varSe kArtika zudi3. dine somavAsare / zrI pattana' mahAnagare // paM0 mANikyavijayagaNiziSya - paM0 lakSmInaMdigaNiziSya - vijayadAnamunipaThanAya // zivamastu sarvajagataH / parahitaniratA bhavaMtu bhUtagaNAH / / doSAH prayAMtu nAzaM / sarvatra sukhI bhavatu lokH||1|| ch|| salokazaMSyA 13007 sarvazaMjyAH N. B.- For other details see No. 696. T hottbol-olo LKarn vividhatIrthakalpa [kalpapradIpa tIrthakalpa] No. 697 Vividha [Kalpapradipa Tirthakalpa ] 1180 1884-87 Size -121 in. by 33 in. Extent - 27 folios; 15 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent THTITS; small, quite legible, uniform Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy (697 and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; edges of the last two foll. gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete upto 1769; a kalpa following it ends abruptly ; full extent 3529 teng. In this work there is a reference to the distruction of Valabli in V. S. 854 by a non-Jaina (Mleceha ruler) and to an attack by Mahamuda Gajanavi on Gujarat in V. S. 1081.* Age - Pretty old. Author - Jinaprabhasuri, pupil of Jinahamsasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. He had come in direct touch of Sultan Mahammad Tughalakh who gave him various pharmans. For his additional works etc. see No. Subject - A detailed information about various tirthas ( holy places ) commencing with Satrunjayatirtha is given by me in Gujarati. Its Hindi translation is published in 'jaina sAhitya kA bRhad itihAsa' Vol. IV, pp. 321-324. Some of the kalpas are in Sanskrit and some in Prakpit. This work (V. T. K.) is utilized in the Prabandhacintamani and Prabhavakacarita. Satavahanacarita is narrated in 3 kalpas afagta-477-79 (kalpa 22), afa877-45-49 ( kalpa 33) and pratiSThAnapurAdhipati-sAtavAhanacarita (kalpa 34). Begins -- fol. la 11 0 11 mg 1 devaH zrIpuMDarIkAkhyabhUbhRcchikharazekhare / bhalaMkariSNuH prAsAda zrInAbheyaH zriyostu vaH // 1 sft rejta efter Altmanlagwa: 1 kevalI yaduvAcA prAk nAradasya RSeH purH||2 tadahaM lezato vakSye svaparasmRtihetave // zrotumarhati bhavyAstata(t) pApanAzanakAmyayA // 3 // grat ll etc. 1. This is the oldest and unique reference, 2. See the next No. Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 698) The Svetambara Works fol. 260 soft 177(et bara at sal ' n li fol. 270 la sit amtarteft '#eq: FATE IN Ends - fol. 270 __ kavilomaharisI jaNayammi vivanevijA ahiyaNaccha evaM nayariM samAgau / piyamitta iMdadattabhaujjhAyasamIve / This Ms. ends thus. Reference - Published in Singhi Jaina, Series. This work is referred to in HIEST AT TC facia! (Vol. VI, pp. 365, 375, 418, 426, 431, 453, 462 and 508. It seems that information about Nagarjuna is taken in this work from the Prabandhacintamani. For additional Mss. see Jiparatnakosa (Vol. I, ). vividhatIrthakalpa No. 698 Vividhatirthakalpa 1256 1886-92 Size - 101 in. by 44 in. Extent - 139 folios ; 11 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional &HTTS; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; foll. oumbered in both the margins; fol. 1a blank except that the title atteet: is written on it; in the left-hand margin the title is written as fathe', or at times at at470; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well, so that a design is formed red chalk used; complete; condition very good; cxtent 3529 Slokas. Age - Pretty old. Author - Jinaprabha Suri of the Kharatara gaccha. Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 80 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [699 Begins - fol. 10 e 60 arha divaH zrI puMDarIkAkhyabhUbhRcchikharazekhara etc. as in No. 697 Ends -- fol. 140a dhuva bhuvaNadevi etc. upto bhAbhatthA 1 as in the next entry. This is followed by the lines as under :graMthAnaM 47 a0 5 chA zubhaM(bha)vatu iti zrIkha( ra )tara (ra)gacchAlaMkAra - zrIjinaprabhasUriviracitaH kalpapradIpAkhyastArthakalpaH samAptaH cha anuSTabhA sahastrANaM trINi paMca zatAni triMzadanyA ca 3529 graMthamAnaM vinizritaM cha zrI cha zrI cha lekhakapAThakasya subhaM bhavatu kalpapradIpAkhyaH tIrthakalpaH po 74 pra1 kartA jinaprabhasUriH N. B. - For further particulars see No. 697. vividhatIrthakalpa Vividhatirthakalpa 596 No. 699 1884-86 Size - 104 in. by 4 in. Extent - 161 folios ; 9 lines to a page: 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and elegant hand. writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two in red ink; dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins%3; fol. 1a blank; edges of the last few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete. Age-Samvat 1943. Author - Jinaprabha. Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7001 The Svetambara Works 81 Begins-fol. 10 ||e 60 // ahN|| divaH zrIpuMDarIkAkhya etc. as in No. 697. Ends -fol. 161a dhuva bhuvaNadevi saMcudvipAsa aMkusatiloapaMcasaeNaha / 1 / sihikulakala ajjhAsi amAyApara pmaannpyaaN| 2 / vAsuptavaM tilo pAsasiNIhAutaiyavanassa kUDacaaviyAe namutti aaraahnnaamNto||3|| pavaM anevi aMbAdevI maMtA apparakkhA parakkhA / visayA suramaNAjaggAmagA khemAigo bharAya vahavo ciTuMti te atahAmaMDalANi bhaitthabhatabhaNigaMdhavittharabhaeNaM ti|| gurumuhAu nAyavyANi evaM aMbiyadevIkappaM avippacittavittINaM vAyaMta surNatA pugve (?)titisamIhimA atthA // 1 // graMthAnaM // 17 // ||40||5||ch zubhaM bhavatu // iti zrI kha(ra)taraM gcchaalNkaar-shriijinprbhsuurivircitH|| kalpapradIpAkhyastIrthakalpaH smaaptH|| cha / anuSTabhA(mA)sahasrANaM trINi paMca(zatAni triMzadanyA ca // 3529 / / graMthamAnaM vinizvitaM // cha // zrasubhaM // saMvata // 1943 / / kA N. B. - For additional information see No. 697. gANa ea viSNukumArakathA Visnukumarakatha 553 No. 700 1884-86 Size -88 in. by41 in. Extent - 4 folios; 14 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in black ink; foll. numbered in both the margins ; in the left-hand margins, the title is written as rASIkI kathA; fol. 1a blank; condition very good ; complete in Samisksta poetry. ll... [J.LP.] Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 82 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [701 Age-Samvat not modern. Author - Not mentioned. Subject - Story of Visqukumaramuni about Samgha-service and Indian festival of Raksabandhana. It points out the efficacy of penance. Begins - fol. 10 e 60 // atha rASIkI kathA likhate // zrIjinaM bhAratI sAdhu / pAdadvaitaM sukhprdN|| natvA viSNukumArasya / vAtsalyAMge kathAM ve // 1 // atheha bharata 'kSetre / ''vaMti 'deze mhaapuri| 'ujjayinyAM' prbhurjaatH| zrIdharmAzrImatIpriyaH // 2 // etc. Ends .- fol. 40 tathA viSNukumArasya / pAdapUjArthamadbhutaM / dattaM bINAtrayaM devairlokAnAM zarmadAyakaM // 89 // evaM bhavyAtmanA bhaktyA / munyAdInAM sukhapradaM / bAtsalyaM sarvathA kArya svargamokSasukhazriye // 90 / / ityaM zrIjinapAdapaMkajarato dhrmaanuraagaanvitH| kRtvA zrImunipuMgaveSu nitarAM vaatslymudytmtiH| saMprAptaH svapadaM pramodakalitaH zrIviSNunAmA muniH / bhUyAtme bhavasiMdhutAraNaparaH sanmaukSasaukhyazriye // 11 // iti zrIrASIkathA viSNukumAramunikI samAptA / Reference - In Jinaratnakosa this work is eqnated with Rakhi muni. katha, (page 361). viSNukumArakathA Visnukumarakatha 1310 (28) No. 701 1886-92 Extent -fol. 30b to fol. 31a. Description = Complete. For other details see mUladevakathA (Vol. XIX, see 2, pt. 2, No. 491). Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7021 The Svetambara Works Author - Not known. Subject-same as in the last entry. Begins -fol. 30b zRtveti zIlamAhAtmyaM / jagau sNvegvaannRpH| yasmAt tasmin kRte SarNA jIvAnAM vanadho'bhavet // 1 hemnaH zuddhiM yathA vahiM / kuryAdyatostathA tpH| prAk saMcitAni karmANi / kSIyaMte na tapo vinA // 2 etc. Ends-fol. 31a ghayaM jAnopi saMghArthe / munirviSNukumAravat / - labdha taporjitaM naiSadapi na lipyate / / 21 bhatra tapasi viSNUkumArakathA // cha / viSNukumAracatuSpadI Visnukumaracatu spadi (viSNukumAracopAi) (Visnukumaracopal) 781 (b) No. 702 1892-95 Extent -- fol. 260 to fol. 346 Description - Complete ; 11 dbalas; total extent 170 slokas ; fol. 340 blank. For other details see Bharata Rasa No.445 Vol. XIX (ii) part 23; composed in 1878 at Hosiyarpura Dhala-eleven, Granthagra 170. Author - Nandalal. Subject -A life-story of Visnukumara in Gujarati in verse. This story occurs in Vasudevahindi in Gandharvadatta-lambhaka. Begins -- fol 260 zrIpArasanAthAya namaH 40 // dohaa|| sumaruti karNasudhakari zrImanasuvRttisvAma // karmamikAcati SayakarUpAmu nizcala ThAma // 1 // cartavaSANaM egahUM // zrI zrIviSNakumAra // sAvadhAna thaI sAmalI Alasa aMganivAra // Metc. Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 84 Ends - fol. 34b janma maraNa sahu miTAyo jImiTa gayo karmakalesa sidha taNAguNa pAmiyA jI zrI zrI padamakumAra 8 bhavaka0 iNa pari je dharma pAlisI jIte pAme bhavapAra prasAdazrIratIrAmakejI kavi naMdalAla ucAra 9 bhavaka0 vIrabhadrakathA No. 703 saMvat 1878 AThArAsai aThaitaraijI bhAdavamAsa maMDAra 'husiyArapura 'mAMhI kau jI desa 'paMjAba vicAra 10 bhavata0 Jaina Literature and Philosophy iti viSNukumAranIcaupara saMpUrNa DhAla 11 graMthAgraMtha 170 liSataM leSaka bhuvAnIrAmaH // * // Reference - For extracts and additional Mss. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio. Extent - fol. 14a to fol. 170. Description - Complete. For other details see mUladevakathA ( Vol. XIX, see. 2, pt. 2.) Begins fol. 14a [703 Virabhadrakatha 1310 (15) 1886-92 Author - Not known. Subject A story of Virabhadra a saint. It points out blemishes of reading scriptures at an improper time. For comparison see Brhatkathakosa and Devabhadra Suri's Virabhadracaritra. Ends-fol. 176 'padminIkhaMDa 'nagare / sthito'ragaNadvara / svAmI ca vidadhe kuMbho / dezanAM zaMzayacchidaM / / 9 tatraiko vA manobhAjya / dharma zrotumupAvizat / zreSTa sAgaradatto ( s) / kuMbhaM natvevamabravIt // 2 etc. bhuktA bhogAMzviraM vIrabhadra pravajya ca kramAt / dRDhapuNyarathArUDho / devalokaM jagAma ca / / 26 iti dAnaviSaye vIrabhadrakathA // cha // Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 704] The Svetambara Works vIrasena-kusumazrI-catuSpadI Virasena-Kusumasri-catuspadi (vIrasena-kusumazrI-copada) (Virasena-Kusumasri-copai) 1493 No. 704 1887-91 Size -108 in. by 41 in. Extent - 20 folios; 18 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrA; small, not quite legible, and tolerably good hand.writing; borders not ruled; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin%3B edges of the last fol. gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; yellow pigment used at times for making corrections ; fol. 20b blank; complete; composed In Samvat 1717 (?) Age-Samvat 1726. Author - Jinaharsa, pupil of Santiharsa. Subject -- A story of Virasena and that of Kusumasri. The latter is praised for her chastity. Begins-fol. 1a // 60 // zrIgautamA namaH // 'kAsamIra' mukhmNddnnii| vAhaNa haMsavigatti / vINApustakadhArINI / samarUM sA sarasatti // 1 // paMce pada ArAdhIyai cavadai pUrvasAra / maMtrarAjamAM bAMdhurai / nita navalau navakAra // 2 // samaraNa karatAM saMpajai / manavaMchitasukhasAra / pApa paNAsaha paachilaa| pAmIjaha bhavapAra // 3 // etc. fol.1a sIlasamau nahi bhAbharaNa / pAlau bhavIyaNa sIla / kusumazrI jyuM pAlIyau lAdhI sivasuSalIla // 4 // etc. Ends - fol. 20a saMvata satarasatottara (1711) i vadi mAsagama sirasAra jinaharaSa kIdhI caupaI ragyArasi zanivAra 28 ma je bhaNai guNai zravaNe suNai ho e pUrau adhikAra te sivapada lahaDa pAmai sujasa saMsAra 29 bha vAcyamAna prata pauparyu ho jAM girame rasa dhIratA pratapau e caupaI jA lagi sAsaNavIra 301 Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 86 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [705 iti sIpalaviSaye vIrasenakusumazrImahAsatIcaupaI samAtA saMvata 1726 varSe mAhasudi 14 dini likhita paMDita zrI 5 shrii|| __ zrIthItejasuMdaragaNisiSya - munimatisuMdareNa 'jayatAraNa'madhye / suvaM bhavatuH / / ch|| // shrii|| Reference - It seems that this work is not noted in Jaina Gurjara Kario. In its Vol. III, pt. 1, pp. 931-932 extracts Virasena. katha are given. See also Vol. I, p. 451. Is this narrative pertinent ? vIrAGgadakathA Virangadakatha 1126 . No. 705 1884-87 Size - 10% in. by 4 in. Extent - 3 folios; 15 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and whitish; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, fairly uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll, numbered in the right-hand margin ; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a pattern; red chalk used to mark out the numbering of the verses; edges of each and every fol. more or less gone; condition on the whole toler ably good; complete; 157 Slokas. Age - Pretty old. Author - Haribhadra? (Not available in the MS). Subject - A story of Rajarsi Virangada, son of Surangada. The efficacy of merit is pointed out here. Begins - fol. la e 60 // patthai jattha supujho / videsamaDavi samuhamAjhe vaa| naMdaha hiMtahAsthiya / tA bho pulaM smjinnh||1 Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 706] The Svetambara Works vacau jattha va / tattha va jaM vA taM vA kare u vvsaayN| punnAhi u suhAI / pAvai vIraMgarAya vvA // 2 // tathAhi payodhAvivasazrIke / pure 'vijaya 'pUrvake / sUravatkamalollAsI nRpaH sUrAMgado'bhavat // 3 // vIrAMgadasutastasya / mahAvIraziromaNiH / sumitro nAma tammitraM / svadeha( ho) dvava vallabhaH // 2 // etc. Ends - fol. 36 zrIvIrAMgadarAjarSistapastaptvA suduSkaraM / avApa kevalajJAnaM / vizvavizvaprakAzakaM // 56 // vasuMdharAyAM suciraM vihRtya / prabodhya bhavyAnU satataM sa dhIraH / svAyuH prapAlyAvikalaM samastakarmakSaye mokSapadaM jagAma // 57 // iti zrIvIrAMgadakathAnakaM / cha / Reference - For addtional MSS. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 363). vRSabhadavevyAkhyAna Vrsabhadevavyakhyana [AdinAthavyAkhyAna] [Adinathavyakhyana ] 1260 No. 706 1884-87 Size -10 in. by 4 in. Extent - 18 folios 13 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish ; Jaina Deva. nagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; there is some blank space kept in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 1a; edges of the first and last foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete. Age - Samvat 1683, Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 88 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [707 Author - Harsanandanavadi Gani, pupil of Upadhyaya Samayasun. dara of the Kharatara gaccha. Subject - Life ( ? sermons) of Rsabhadeva, the 1st Tirtharkara, narra ted in Sanskrit. Some of the sutras from (Pajjosavanakappa ) are quoted in this work, e.g., see fol. 160, 17b, 18a and 78b. Begins - fol. 10 svasti zrIRSabhaM natvA harSanaMdanavAdinA zrImavRSabhadevasya vyAkhyAnaM likhyate baraM? 1 ta:.. saMmohArthaprakaTAnyeva jinAMtarANi likhyate / zrIpAzrvamokSAt arddhatRtIyazatavarSe (250) zrIvIrAmuktaH / zrInemimokSA( 1 ) asItivarSasahastraiH (80000) sArddhasaptazatavatra (650) zrIpArtho muktaH / etc. Ends -- fol. 186 tataH paraM navavarSazatAni azItyadhikAni gatAni tadA(5)yaM pustakAdhirUDho jAtaH itthaM zrIAdijinasya kalyANakapaMcakaM jAtaM ataHparaM sthavirAvalI vyAkhyAsyate zrImad bRhatkharatara 'gacchAdhIzvara - yugapradhAna - zrIjinacaMdra sUriziSyamuSya - paM. sakalacaMdragaNi - tacchiSyamukhya - zrIsamayasuMdaropAdhyAya tacchiSyamuSyavAdiharSanaMdanagaNikRtaM gadyamayaM zrIAdinAthavyAkhyAnaM sNpuurnn| saMvat 1681 ivArtha dravAvadipa / zrIaNihallapattane likhitaM paM. vinayakIrtinA paM. bhAvavijayagaNivAcanAya zrIrastu Then perhaps in a different hand : graMthAMka 1000 Reference - This work is mentioned in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 28) as Adinathavyakhyana and not as Vrsabhavyakhyana The date of its MS. is here mentioned as V. S. 1683. Further, it is stated as under : Bhand. V. No. 1260 =P R A. No. 1037. No additional MS. is noted. Perhaps there is none. vetAlapaJcaviMzatikA No. 707 Size -- 10% in. by 4} in. Vetalapancavimsatika 1419 1891-95 Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7071 The Svetambara Works Extent -24 folios%; 13 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters; big, clear and fair handwriting; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; space between the lines coloured yellow; the unnumbered foll. marked in the centre with a vertical square so to say and the numbered in the margins also; red chalk and yellow pigment used; complete. Gujarati language. Subject - Twenty-five stories pertaining to Vetala a famous lokakatha. This work is so to say a sub-story embodied in the Vikramacaritra. It is a kautuka-katha. Age - Seems to be old. Author - Pandita Simhapramoda. Begins - fol. 1a Adii AdipuruSa nmuN| AdIsara arihaMta / guru goama gaNadhAraninu / bhArAhu bhagavaMta // 1 // etc. vara vigatii vetaalnii| kathA suNu paMcavIsa / adhikaM ucchaMkahuM / koi ma ANu rIsa // 4 // etc. Ends - fol. 246 maMgalIka gurunAma pavitra / jAsa pasAya kavi vicitra / sarasati mAya hayo mgliik| jasu nAmai kavi...alIka // 56 // etc. saMvata solaviDottarai ( 1672 ) / poSa mAsi zudi bIja / ravi dini rAmaraviunayu / maDamani pAmAraDa // 58 // 'tapa 'gacha guru goama sarasa somavimalasUrirAya / nAmii nava nidhi paamiidr(i)| praNamai bhUpatipAya // 59 // caraNakamala jasu sevatAM / lahIi paramAnaMda / udayava(ca)raNapramoda kahi / jehavu pUnimacaMda / / 60 // tAsu sIsa paMDitapravara / kuzalapramoda muniis| sakalakalAsaMpunasasi / pUravai sayala jagIsa // 1 // varavivekaparamodapada / sevata sukha hoi| lathi pramoda sadA lahai / manavaMchita phala loi // 62 // --12 [J. L.P.] Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [708 gurubaMdhavasupasAu lai / zAstra taNaI mAdhAri / sIhapramoda paMDita bhaNai / kutigakathA vivari // 63 // mai mana haraSii gAIu kathA ta ... prastAva / vikramarAyapratii sayala / pUchiu tehanu bhAva // 64 // atha klsh| bhAva sagati ucchAha anupamanya nisapamajena / rAje jima kakahuM dumAza akRra su pare Thaviyo suMdarAva ekavi( ci)ta bhaNatAM anai sujana caturAI lahaha vikramataNI pari ziddhi vaddhi seddhi tehai dhari dhira rahai // 65 // iti zrIvikramacaritre vetAlapaMcaviMzatikAkathA sN|| vairocanakathA (?) Vairocanakatha (?) 258 No. 708 1873-74 Size - 101 in. by 4t in. Extent - 4 folios; 15 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uniform and good band-writing; borders indifferently ruled in three lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; yellow pigment occasionally used for making corrections; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good%3B complete. Age - Pretty old. Author - Not known. Subject - Story of Vairocana, On violence he suffered heavily owing to his evil deeds. Begins -- fol. la e 60 // paradrohAdikaM pApA(n) kurvastIvamihAMgavAn / vairocana ivAsAtAM labhate maraNaM(NAM )tika(kAM) | etc. Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 709] Ends - fol. 4a Reference kRtvA vairocano kRtyaM tadA prApya mRtiM kSaNAt / jagAma narake nAnAvidhaduHkhatatiprade // 22 // evaM ye kurvate kRpe duHkhAmatraM bhavaMti te // ye kRtyaM kurvate saukhyaM / labhaMte te na saMzayaH // 23 iti paradrohapApopari vai ( ro ) cana [ vana kathA // cha // likhitaM paM. lAvaNyadharmagaNiziSyahaM savarddhana gaNinA || zrIrastu // cha // Then in a different hand we have : munine jasavipaThanArtha || zubhaM bhavatu -- This work is not mentioned in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I g zaGkhakumArakathA No. 709 Ends - The Svetambara Works Extent - fol. 16a to fol. 18b. Description Complete. For further particulars see # No 787 (Vol. XIX, Sec. 2, pp. 3). Author Is he Dayavardhana Gani? Subject - A narrative about Sankhakumara. It points out the advantage accruing from observing f, the first qualitative vow of the Jaina laity. Begins - fol. 160 - Sankhakumarakatha 1339 (A) 1886-92 e 60 / / sava (ca )rAcarajIvANaM rakhatthaM jo karei disimANaM maNavatthiya lacchIu so pAvai saMkhakumara vva 1 i bharate bhuvanAvataMsaM puraM bhuvanAvaloko nRpaH bhuvanalakSmI tatpriyA itazra sUryapure dezItaratkopi dhUrtaH sametya vaNiggRhe etc. fol. 18b sopi samyagjagrAha bhuvanAvataMzapure surastAstrIn muktvA svaM sthAnaM gataH sa takSA kumArasnehAJjitvadhamaM kurvastatraiva sthitaH samyak dhammaM paripAlya trayopi mRtvAcyute kalpe devA jAtA ( : ) tatazcyutvA mokSaM yAsya (syaM ) ti // cha // iti digvate zaMkhakumArakathAH // Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 92 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [710 Reference - No work having this very title is mentioned in Jinaratna. kota (Vol.I). There the following three works are mentioned: (1) zakalAvatIkathA. (2) zaMGkhadevASTaka (3) zaGkhazrAvakAlApa. 1310 (b) zaka(?)dRSTAnta Sankha( ? )drstanta No. 710 1886-92 Extent - fol. 6b to fol. 70. Description -Complete. For other details see mUlarAjakathA No. 492 of XIX (ii) 2. Subject -Story of Sankha, husband of Padmasri. It deals with drink pratyakhyan. Begins - fol. 60 atha pAnAhAraviSaye kathA // 'kAMtI' nagaryA zreSTI dhanADhyaH zaMSo nAmata: tasya bhAryAH padmazrIH etc. Ends -fol.7a yadekonaviMzativArAn'pi dattaM dhanaM / punarvadvate / iti dharma pratipaya svagRhaM yayau / / cha / iti pAnakaviSaye dRSTAMtaH // 5 // 456 zatrujayakalpa Satrumjayakalpa No. 711 1882-83 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent - 2 folios; 11 to 12 lines to a page; 33 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva. nagarl characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 711] The Svetambora Works 93 hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; numbers for the verses and their dandas written in red ink; there is a design in red colour in the centre of fol. 1a; it has five small discs <...>; fol. 1b too, is decorated with this very design; on fol. 2a, the central blank space is partially filled up with a small dise; and on fol. 2b, even the central portion of each of the two margins is so filled up; complete ; 39 gathas in all; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins. Age - Old. Author-Is he Padalipta Suri. Subject - A description and an eulogy in Prakrit verse of Satrumjaya, a tirtha (holy place). This topic is treated by Bhadrabahu. svamin, extracted by Vajrasvamin and abridged by Padalipta Suri. Twentyone names of this tirtha are mentioned in Vijjapahuda. Begins - fol. 1a e60|| sU(su)yadhammakittiyaM taM / titthaM deviMdavaMdiyaM thunnimo|| pAhaDae vijaannN| desIyamigavIsanAmajaM // 1 'vimala 'giri muttinilo| 'situjo siddhakhitta puMDarIo / sirisiddhsehro| siddhapavano siddharAo y|| 112 etc. Ends - fol. 20 iya bhhbaahuriiyaa| kappAsittujja titthamAhappaM / sirivayarapahuriyaM / jaM pAlitteNa saMkhaviyaM // 38 // taM jahasuyaM thuyaM me| paDhaMta nisuNaM ta saMbharatANaM / 'sittuja 'kappathutti deulaha' sittuja 'e siddhiM // 39 / / iti zrIza@jayakalpaH saMpUrNaH // paM. ajitajayagaNinA lakhitaM // cha / sino(:)ragrAme // ch|| 'prAgvATa' jJAtIya // saM0 meghAbhAryAbhAnuputra / zrAvikArajuM yogya Reference - For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 372). Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 94 taina Literature and Philosophy [713 zatruJjayakalpa Satrunjayakalpa No. 712 641 (k) 1892-95 Extent - fol. 310 to fol. 32b. Description-Complete. For further particulars see entry No. 641 (a) upadezamAlAprakaraNa p. 361 of Volume XVIII Part 1. Author - Padaliptasuri. Begins -- fol. 310 sa(su)yadhammakittIrya taM tityaM deviMdavaMdiyaM thunnimo| pAhuDapa(e)vidyA(jjA)NaM desiyamigavIsanAmayaM // 1 // etc. as in No. 711. Ends - fol. 320 taM jahasu thuyaM me paDhaMta nisuNata saMbharaMtANaM / 'sittuja 'kappathuttaM deulahaM sittuMjaya siddhiM // 39 // iti zrIzatruayakalpa samAptam / N. B.- For additional information see No. 711. zatruJjayakalpa TabbAsahita Satrumjayakalpa with tabba 1342 No. 713 1886-92 Size -98 in by 41 in. Extent -12 folios%3; 3 lines to a page%3; 24 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional ats; this MS. contains both the text and its interlinear tabba, written in columns bounded by two red lines; the text written in big, quite legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; the same is the case with the tabba except that it is written in comparatively smaller hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand marging in the left-hand margins, the title is Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 714] The Svetambara Works 99 written as settujA kalpa3 yellow pigment occasionally used for corrections; condition excellent; both the text and the tabba complete. Age-Samvat 1745. Author of the tabba -Not known. Subject -- The Prakrit text along with its explanation in Gujarati. Begins (text)-fol. 1b // 60 // zrIvItarAgAya nmH|| subha dhammakittiyaM taM etc. as in No.711 Begins (tabba) fol. 16 // 60 // zrIjinAya nmH|| zrutasiddhAMta je dharma tiNai karI causaThi iMdraI staviu chai // etc. Ends (text) - fol. 11b iya bhahabAhuraiyA etc. siddhiM // 39 // iti zrIsatrujayamahAtIrthakalpa saMpUrNaH // cha / saMvata 1745 varSe mArgazIravadi 13 vAra some laSitaMH // maMgalamastu as in No.711. Ends ( tabba) - fol. 12a zrIzatrujayakalpastotra // diu // sIghra tatkAla vaharI tehanau jaya tehanI siddhi pratai iti zrIsetrujayaM mahAtIrthakalpaTabArtha saMpUrNaH // ch|| bhadramastuH zrAvakAsu(? suM)darabAi zrAvakAvAhAlabAIlaSAvItaM zrI'rAjanagara'madhye kalyANamastuH // graM0 205 // zazuMjayamAhAtmya Satrumjayamahatmya 1341 No. 714 1887-91 Size - 101 in. by 43 in. Extent - 198 folios; 15 lines to a page; 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and whitish; Jaina Deva nagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [714 uniform and beautiful hand-writing; borders seem to be first ruled in two pairs of lines; later on a thick red line is superimposed on each of them and that the space between them is coloured yellow; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; unnumbered sides decorated with a design in three colours in the centre and the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; yellow pigment used for making corrections; fol. 1a blank; a portion to right on fol. 1b decorat. ed with an illustration of some Tirthamkara; a portion from the bottom is gone; corners of foll, 1 to 6 worn out; edges of a few foll. gone: condition on the whole tolerably good%B complete; 14 cantos in all; extent in Slokas 9000. Age-Pretty old... Author - Dhanesvara Suri. Subject - Importance of Satrumjayatirtha (a Jaina holy place). Begins -- fol. 16 // 60 // OM namo bhagavate zrIyugAdijineMdrAya // // OM namo vizvanAthAya vizvasthitividhAyine / arhate vyaktarUpAya yugAdIzAya yogine // 1 // bhaiccakrizriyaH svAmI cAmIkarasamaprabhaH / stutyaH satkRtya lAbhAya zrIzAMtiH zubhatAtikRt // 2 // After some verses we have :zrIzatrujayamAhAtmyaM sarcatatvasamanvitaM / cakAra pUrva vizvaikahitAya mahitaM suraiH // 9 etc. Ends - fol. 1980 sUriH saugatazemukhI vimukhayan zrI caMdra 'gacchAMbudhe caMdro'taMdraguNo dhanezvara iti zrIsiddhabhUmIbhRtaH / mAhAtmyaM yadu 'vaMzabhUSaNamaNeratyAgrahAdahita syAkASI(bI)d bahuharSadaM nRpatizelAdityasya tIrthoddhRteH // 3 // yAvajAgarti jainastrijagati janatA dattazarmA sudhamA yAvaccAkAzatalpe kalayata udayaM puSpadaMtI tmo'tau| tattatpuratnavRttAzraya iha vasudhAmaMDale maMDanAbhastAvamaMdatvamaMdodayi vividharasAMbhonidhigraMtha eSaH / / 4 / / Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 715] The Svetambara Works ityAcArya zrIdhanezvarasUriviracite zrIzatrujayamahAtIrthamAhAtmye zrIpArzvanAthAdi-mahApuruSa-saccaritravarNano nAma caturdazamaH sargaH ||ch|| saMpUrNoyaM graMthaH / zubhaM bhavatu // // kalyANamastu // sAhazrIvacchAsutasAhasahisakaraNasvapuNyArtha pustakakAritA // sutavarddhamAnapustakapatipAlanArtha / graMthAna 9000 / Referencc -- Published by Hiralal Hamisaraj in A. D. 1908. For addi tional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I p. 372). zatrujayamAhAtmya Satrumjayamahatmya 314 No. 715 1871-72 Size -101 in. by4g in. Extent - 195 folios; 15 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, rough, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand.writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design ; yellow pigment used at times for making corrections; fol. 1a blank; a slip of white paper pasted to fol. 1a; edges of some of the foll. worn out; condi. tion on the whole tolerably good; complete; the last two lines are in a later and different hand; contents given at the end; several uddharas (restorations ) mentioned therein. Age - Not later than Samvat 1744. Author - Dhanesvarasuri. Begins - fol. 1b namo vizvanAthAya etc. as in No. 714 Ends - fol. 1940 sUrisaugatazemukhI etc. up to saMpUrNo(5)yaM graMthaH // as in No. 714 13... [J. L. P.] Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 98 Jaina Literature and Philnsophy [716 This is followed by the lines as under saMvat 1651 varSe azvanImAse zuklapakSe saptamI bhaimavAre 'sAraMgapura '. nagare liSataM sA. bhimajI // 11 // Then perhaps in a different band we have : asya bIjakaM yathA jinAnAM namaskArAH prastAvanA 1 zrI zatrujaya'mahimAzlokAH 2 kaMDurAjarSikathAnakaM 3... kalikuMDaprabaMdhaH 53 kamaThaH sevAM cakAra 54 zrIjAvaDasyoddhAraprabaMdhaH 55 zrIdattarAjJaH yAtroddhAraH 56 graMthasyAzIrvAdaH 57 // iti zubhaM bhavatu ciraM naMdatu zrIrastu graMthAnaM 1000 saMvat 1744 varSe dvitIya ASADha zudi 5 dine zrImatsAhazrIpratApa sIdhanA svazreyo(s)) zrIbAMtapurabhAMDAgAre zatrujayamAhAtmani citkose // N. B.- For additional details see No. 714. zatrujayamAhAtmya Satrumjayamahatmya 1340 No. 716 1887-91 .Size -101 in. by 4g in. Extent-250 folios. Description-Country paper thin, tough and white%3 Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs%3 big quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right. hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so as to form a design%; fol. 1a blank except that the title zatrujayamahAtmya is written in the centre; edges of some of the foll, slightly gone ; condition on the whole good; 14 cantos in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Sarga I foll. 10 to 17a 17a to 340 (?) 345 (?) to 62a IV , 62a to 824 (1) Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7171 - Age Not quite modern. Author Dhanesvarasuri. Begins - fol. 1a Ends fol. 250a The Svetambara Works - V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV zatruMjayamAhAtmya No. 717 33 - 32 " "" ,, 99 " .. .. 99 The first khanda terminates on fol. 165a. The work is incomplete as it ends abruptly on fol. 249b; a fol. numbered 159 follows it; foll. 34 and 35 as well as folios 82 and 83 have stuck together and an atempt made by someone to separate them has party damaged them. 82a (?) to 1096 1096 to 117b 1176 to 129a 129a to 150a 150a to 165a 165a to 1916 1916 to 203a 203a to 2216 2216 to 244a 244a to 2496 // 60 // OM namo bhagavate zrIyugAdijineMdrAya / at faren etc. as in No. 714. sUriH zrIsaugatazemukhI etc. up to saMpUrNo ( s) yaM graMthaH // cha // as in No. 714. N. B. For further particulars see No. 714. This is followed by the lines as under: zrIrastu saM0 1651 varSe / aSADha sudi 14 dine liSataM / zrI' aNiddila purapattana 'madhye liSataM // graMthAgraM 9011 akSara 22 // zubhaM bhavatuH // 99 Size 128 in. by 5 in, Extent 133 folios; 19 lines to a page; 60 letters to a line. Satrumjayamahatmya 1339 1887-91 Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 100 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [717 Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; fol. numbered in both the margins 3 fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 1330; in the centre of the numbered and unumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment profusely used on fol. 1326; edges of a few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete%3B 14 sargas in all; in the left-hand margins the title is variously written e.g. zrI zatrujayamA0, zrIzatrujayamAhAo and zatrujayamahA0 Age- Samvat 1686. Begins -fol. 16 // 60 // ahe / namo bhagavate zrIyugAdijineMdrAya / OM namo vizvanAthAya etc. as in No. 714. Ends -fol. 1320 sUriH saugatazemukhI etc. up to saMpUNoM (5)yaM prathaH // shrii|| This is followed by the lines as under :- as in No. 714 ch|| zrIrastuH // leSakapAThakayoH // 60 // svasti zrI // saMvat 1686 varSe bhASADhAt 87 varSe dvitIyASADhavadi 8 budhavAsare revatInakSatre / bhaTTAraka zrIjinezvarasUri tatpaTTe / zrIjinazeSarasUri Then follow four or five lines, where the letters have become indistinct owing to yellow pigment, applied and then we have : // zrIbhUyAt // kalyANaM bhUyAt // yAvacaMdranabhastale udayate sUryAdinakSatrayuga / yAvatvAridhi meru'giri tAvat iyaM pustakaM // naMdyAt / / cha / zrI. cha / shrii|| N. B. - For additional details see No. 718. Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 719] The Svetambara Works 101 zatrujayamAhAtmya Satrumjayamahatmya 1322 No. 718 1884-87 Size - 97 in. by 41 in. Extent - 121 folios ; 13 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description-Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, fairly legible and very fair hand-writing; borders in differently ruled in two lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; edges of some of the foll. gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; this MS. ends abruptly with a part of 109th verse of the sixth sarga. Age -Not modern. Begins - fol. 16 60 zrIpArzvanAthAya nmH|| namo vizvanAthAya etc. as in No.714. Ends - fol. 1210 phAlgune mAzi ni:patraphalapuSpamiva dumaM / vyalaMkAraM vapuvIkSya sa manasyevamasmarat // 7 kAyabhittiriyaM bhUSA / vrnnvicchitticitritaa| anityatA jlnklinnaa| patatyaMtarasArataH / 8 aho zarIri etc. It ends abruptly. N. B. - For further details see No. 714. 804 zadhuMjayamAhAtmya Satrumjayamahatmya TabbA sahita with tabba No. 719 1899-1915 Size -- 9in. by 44 in. Extent (text)-689 folios%; 6 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Extent (tabba) - 689 folios; 6 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 102 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1719 Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; this MS. contains the text and its interlinear tabba; the former written in sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; same is practically the case with the tabba except that it is written in a slightly smaller hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 68903; in several cases letters are not quite legible probably because foll. stick together when separators have left behind some paper to stick to the writing-surface or so a line or two on some of the last foll. gone ; fol. 4 slightly torn; fol. 233 partly worn out; foll. 368 to 400 more or less damaged: foll. 686 and 687 badly torn; condition on the whole good; the text complete the tabba, too is almost so3 Age-Samvat 1771. Author of the text - Dhanesyara Suri. " , , tabba - Unknown. Begins -fol. 10 ||e 60 // ahaM namo bhagavate zrIyugAdijineMdrAya OM namo vizvanAthAya vizvasthitividhAyine / arhate vyaktarUpAya yugAdIzAya yogine 1 ahaMcakrizriyaH svAmI cAmIkarasamaprabhaH stutyaH satkRtya lAbhAya zrIzAMtiH zubhatAMtikRt 2 etc. fol. 1b (Comm.) e nmH|| praNamya zrIyugAdIzaM svaguroH kramayAmalaM zrIzatrujayamAhAtmyaTabArthoM likhyate sphuTaM 1 paMcatIrthI sakta maMgalAcaraNa mAhiM etc. Ends-fol. 688a mithyAtvakSaNadAharo'rivijayajAtApratoSatkase . bhabyodbodhakaro duraMtaduritadhvAMtazriyastaskaraH gobhiH svasya vibodhitAMgikamalaH pronmIladaMzajvala: pAyAdAdijino raviH pratidinaM siddhodayAvisthitaH // Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 720] The Svetambara Works 103 ....... nArcanarataH zatrujayAnagIzituH mAhAtmyaM sa dhanezvaraM guruvaraM natvoparodhAsvayaM graMthe kArayati sma yattadastvaharahaH saMghasya sarveSTadaM / 45 ityAcArya zrIpArzvanAthAdimahApuruSasaccaritravarNano nAma caturdazamaH 24 sargaH saMpUrNo(s)yaM / graMthAgraM sarvamAna / / 8812 // zubhaM bhavatumi(i) ti shriiH|| (zrI) sUriH saugatazemukhI vimukhayan zrI caMdra'gachAMbudhezcaMdro caMdraguNo dhanezvara iti shriisiddhbhuumiibhRtH| mAhAtmyA 'yaduvaMzabhUSaNamaNairatyAgalAdArhataH / sAtkarSI...kururSadaM nRpasilAdityasya tIrthoddhRte // 1 yAvajAgrati jainastrijagati janattA dattazA sudhrmoN| yAvazcAkAzatalpaM kalayata ......... ......... maMdodayivividharasAMbhonidhigraMtha eSaH iti varNaprazastiH / fol. 689a (Comm:) iti zrI zatrujayamahAttama dhanezvarasUrisvaraviracite sUtraTabo saMpUrNam / saMvat 1771 varSe vaizAkhamAse zuklapakSe dvitIyAtithau ravI vAre rAjadeMge zrIrastu kalyANamastu, zubhaM bhavatu truTakapatrapUrNa kRtaM zrI...madhye paM. dayAsAgara gaNibhiH zrIciMtAmaNajIprasAdAt zreyaM bhavatu / N. B. - For additional inifotmation see No. 714. zatrujayamAhAtmyarAsa Satrumjayamahatmyarasa zatrujayamahAtIrtha SatrumjayamahatirthamAhAtmyacatuSpadI mahatmyacatuspadi 1343 No. 720 1886-921 Size - 10 in. by 41 in. Extent - 154 folios; 18 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; foll, Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 104 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [720 numbered in the right-hand margin; some foll. numbered in the left-hand margin, too; foll. 1a and 154b blank: a yellow piece of paper pasted to it; edges of a few foll. gone; condi. tion on the whole very good; complete; composed in V.S. 1755; 9 khandas in all; the extent of each of them is as under - III IV VI Khanda I foll. 1b to 22b 220 to 41b 41b to 636 630 to 74b V 74b to 860 866 to 106a VII 106a to 1300 VIII 130b to 146a IX 146a to 154a 6452Gathas in all; graMthAna extent7934. Age - Old. Author - Jipaharsa, pupil of Vacaka santiharsa Gani of the Kbaratara gaccha. For his additional works see. Subject - Prowess of Satrumjayatirtha described in Gujarati in versc. Begins - fol. 10 // 60 // zrIjinAya namaH dUhA vizvanAtha caraNe namuM vyaktarUpa arihaMta yugAdIsa yogIMdra prabhuM vizvasthitiviracaMta 1 jina cakrI laSamIdhaNI cAmIkarasunibhAMti stavatA sivasaMpati milai zAMtikaraNa zrI zAMti 2 After a few versesRSabhadevano lahI bhAdeza puMDarIka gaNadhara suvisesa zrIzanaMjayamAhAtmya karyo savAlASamita jagavistasro 1 etc. Ends -fol. 1530 mujha nai udyama tiNai karAvIo rAsa racyo zrIkAra zrIzatrujayamahAtmyagraMthano loka bhaNI upagAra 20 zrI0 saMvata satarai sai paMcAvanai pAMcami vadizA sATha rAsa saMpUraNa budhavAra idhayau mai kIdhau karigATha 21 zrI. Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7811 The Svetambara Works 105 zrI paratara 'gacchagayaNarayaNasamau shriijincNdsuuriNd| jAsa pratApa jagatamA vistayoM darasaNa hoi ANaMda 22 zrI0 vAcaka zrIsomagaNimaNi sobhatA jANai sahu saMsArazAMtiharaSagaNi vAcaka tehanA / ziSya bahuparivAra 23 zrItAsa sIsa jinaharaSa haraSadharI kIdho pUraNa rAsa navameM paMDai DhAlai gyAramI ethaI pUraNa rAsa 24 (zrI0) navarSaDe e rAsa suhAmaNo doi saisattara DhAla zrI pATaNi'mAhi jinasupasAyathI racIyo rAsa racAla 25 zrI. iti jinaharaSaviracite zatrujayamahAtIrthamahAtmyacatuSpadyAM zrIpAcanAthAdimahApuruSaza(sa)ccaritravarNano nAma navamaH paMDaH samAptaH etc.... sarvagAthAmIlane 6452 graMthAgraMtha 7934 // Then there is a brief synopsis of the contents of the nine khandas. Reference - It seems that this work is not mentioned in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. 379 zAntijinaprabandha santijinaprabandha No. 721 1871-72 Size - 10 in. by 44 in. Extent - 174 folios; 16 lines to a page; 58 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; foll, numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank and so is the fol. 1750; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; condition excellent; complete; six khandas in all; composed in Samvat 1785 at Rajanagara in Gujarati, in six kbandas; at times Sanskrit quotations are given e.g. on fol. 86b. Age - Samvat 1828. -14 [J. LP. Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 106 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [722 Author - Ramavijaya, pupil of Sumativijaya, devotee of Subhavijaya, devotee of Jayavijaya. His additional works are as under :: tejapAlarAsa V.S. 1760. dharmadattaRSirAsa V.S.1766. Subject-Life of Lord Santinatha, the 16th Tirthamkara of the present age. His 12 births (bhavas ) along with various sub-stories are narrated in this work. Vows of the Jaina laity and those of the clergy are also treated here. Begins -- fol. 10 // 30 // zrIjinAya nmaH // sakala zreyavaradAmanI / munivaravaMdita jeh| ..... ...... jinapadalakSmI nita namUM mANI adhika saneha / 1 // ubhaya bharatha vAcaka vRNe / sadA virAjai jeha / te zrIvRSabha prabhU taNA caraNa namuM guNageha / 2 / etc. te zrIzAMti jiNaMdano / sarasa rasika sabaMdha / vistAri karI varaNavU // dvAdaza bhava anubaMdha 46 etc. Ends - fol. 1730 saM(sa)balasiM(saM)ghanai maMgalakArI zAMtijiNaMda sUSa daayaa| rAmavijaya kahai eha jinavarakai iraSa dharI guNa gAyA 10 zrI. saMvatsaterepacyAsI (1785) baraSai vaizASa mAsa kahAcyA sUdi sAtama gurupuSyasaMjogai pUraNa kalasa caDhAyA 11 iti zrIzAMtinAthajinaprabaMdhe rAsabAMdhe / sUkRtArnusaMdhai etc. Reference -- For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 546-550). zAntinAthacaritra No. 722 Size - 291 in. by 2 to 23 in. santinathacaritra 17 1881-82 Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 722] The Svetambara Works los Extent - 135=5+2+2+2-21 - 135 leaves; 4-6 lines to a page ; 90 letters to a line. Description - Palm-leaf somewhat thin, tough, durable and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent qh778; big, bold, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; this MS. presents an appearance of the work having been written into three separate columns; but, really speaking, it is not so, for, the lines of the 1st are continued to the rest; borders of each of the lines ruled in two lines in black ink; in the space between every two columns, there is a hole, and one and the same string passes through both the holes, leaves numbered in both the margins; in the first with ordinary numerical figures and in the second, with letter-numerals; first few leaves are missing ; so we find the letter numerals as 30, 4, af. etc.; two blank leaves are placed before the 5th leaf ; leaf 155 is followed by an extra blank leaf; then we have two leaves one of which is numbered as 295 and the other as 235 (?); in the end there are two blank leaves; leaves 470, 476 and 48a are illegible as ink has spread out; unnumbered sides decorated with a red spot in spaces between every two columns; the numbered in each of the two margins, too; condition very good; all the leaves strung together placed between two broad wooden boards; the MS. is well-preserved as it is placed in a card-board box lined with oil-cloth; leaves 83 to 103 missing; this work begins abruptly and ends also abruptly with 406th verse of the seventh canto; leaves 295 and 235 (?) deal with some work in Prakrit; the extent of the cantos is as under :Sarga I Verses 591 Leaves 5a to 21a , II 1187 212 to 550 . III 840 (at least) 562 some leaf after 820 1 832 (?), ? , V 923 1 , 1190 VI 775 1190 to 1430 . VII 1430 to 1556 leaf 56 is placed first instead of 95a, Age - Fairly old. IV >> Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy Author Manikyacandra pupil of Sagaracandra Suri. 108 Begins (723 He has men - tioned as his predecessors the following Bhadrabahu (author of Vasudevacaritra), Haribhadra, Daksinyacihna Suri, Siddha Vyakhyata and Rama kavi (author of Prabandhasagara). Subject - Narration of the 12 births of Lord Santi. There are some portions in Prakrit. The author's another work is Parsvanathacaritra composed in V. S. 1276. Ends - fol. 5 (?) pitRmAtRmaMtri mitra sAmaMtajanatAdibhiH // vAryamANAvapi yadA tau raNAna virematuH // 123 tadA rAjA sapatnIkaH sUnuduH karmalajitaH / viSavicchuritAM bhojamAghrAya mRtimIyivAn / / 124 etc. -Begins fol. 2350 tA kumara tuma samabhAva vaMdanArihosi dhuvaM / pucchAmi kiMtu eyaM kiM ca taM bhoyaNaM pi tae / 18 deho u puggalamaujaM bhahAreNa virahibho na bhave / tayabhAve nayacaraNaM caraNAbhAve kau siddhI // 19 etc. -fol. 2356 niSkalaMkaM darzanaM karayati amaradattavat / tadRSTAMtaH punarevaM // vidumasiripariyAliyaM alaMkiyaM bahusamiddhapoehiM rayaNAyara majjha pi varayaNa etc. Reference -- For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 380 ) . For quotations see Patan Catalogue ( pp. 203-205). zAntinAthacaritra No. 723 Size - 161/2 in. by 22 in. Extent -- about 300 leaves ; 4 to 5 lines to a leaf; 55 to 60 letters to a line. Santinathacaritra 65 1880-81 Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 724] The Svetambara Works 109 Description - Palm-leaf; Devanagari characters with 1978; bold, big, beautiful, legible and fat handwriting; most of the leaves worn out; some even half to half; numbers of foll. seem to have been entered twice, once as 1, 2, etc; (vide leaf 168 ); the other set that has survived appears to consist of numbers written in letters as in other palm-leaf MSS; condition rather unsatisfactory. Age - Old. Author - Not known as no necessary information can be had from this MS. Its condition is very delicate. So it is not possible to give the beginning and the end. Subject - Life of Lord Santinatha in Sanskrit. 174 zAntinAthacaritra santinathacaritra No. 724 1872-73 Size -10 in. by 47 in. Extent - 121 folios; 15 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. Description - Country paper tough and white; Devanagari characters; small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; fol. 14 and 1210 blank, edges of the first three foll. as well as those of 93-94 and 120-121 slightly damaged; complete; composed in Samvat 1322; extent 10 cantos in all; about 5000 verses. Age:- At least not modern. Author - Muni Deva Suri, successor of Vadideva Suri. Subject - Life of Lord santinatha in Sanskrit poetry. Begins -- fol. 10 zrI zAMtinAthAya namaH // zrIgurave namaH // vezmaratnanizAratnanabhoratnaparaMparaM pia stafa alfaHETHETATAE etc. Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 110 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [723 Ends - fol. 1212 bArhaspatyAdhipatyasya pAtane pradhi(thi )todyamaH apUrvaH kopi loke'smin devasUriH kRtodayaH 2 yo vAdIzvaradevasUrisugurormUlakrame sUriNA cakre zrImadaneMdunA nijapate tenApravRttAzritA kAvye zrImunidevasUrikavinA zrIzAMtivRtte kRte zrI pradyumnamunIMdudhIrucizuciH samo'gamat saptamaH 101 graMthAnaM 405 akSara 16 nitiprApti ma saptamaH sargaH ||ch etc. tatpaTTe kavizeSako gaNabhRtaH pradyumnataH kovidastabaMdhorjayasiMhasuguroryogAdiniSNAtadhIH zAstreSu pracito manISibhuvanAt / padmAkareNedhita kAvyaM zrImunidevasUriratata zrIzAMtivRttaM navaM 1 // dvidvivyeka samAsu 1322 mAsi sahasizveta dvitIyA budhe dhApi..... zrayaMzritavatA kAyaM mayedaM kRtaM zrI pranamna...... Reference - Published in Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala as No. 20 in Vira Samvat 2437. For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakota (Vol. I, p. 380). zAntinAthacaritra No. 725 santinathacaritra 342 A 1882-83 Size-101 in. by41 in. Extent-98-4-94folios%3 17 lines to a page%3 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish ; Devanagarl characters with pRSThamAtrAs, small, clear and good hand-writing: borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. 1a and 980 blank ; almost every folio more or less worm-eaten; the first folio partly torn; foll. 2-5 missing; otherwise complete... Age-Samvat 1523. Author-Muni Devasturi. Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7261 The Svetambora Works Begins -- fol. 10 OMnamaH zrIzAMtinAthAyaH // a faenitea etc. as in 724. Ends - fol. 98a BETRITETIT etc. upto eafSTACARTH: 11 403 graMthAgraM 405 akSara 16 nirvRttiprApti rnAma saptamaH sarpaH // as in No. 724. This is followed by the lines as under :samAptaH iti zrIzAMtinAthacaritra saMpUrNa smaaptH|| cha // shriiH|| saMvat 1523 varSe bhAdravAvidi 13 ravivAre paM0 siddhAMtadharmalikhApitaM mAMbAlikhitaM paMDita-zrIzivavijayagaNiziSya-harSavijayena N. B. - For additional particulars see No. 724. zAntinAthacaritra santinathacaritra 1342 No. 726 1887-91 Size -10% io. by 4f In. Extent -92 folios; 17 lines to a page; 51 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with tears; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; fol. 1a blank; foll. 10 and 2a each having a nice picture, the first distinctly of a Jina; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; the 4th fol. seems to have been burnt so are the foll. 58-59, 83-88 and 91; the unnumbered foll. having a small disc in red colour, in the centre, the numbered ones in the margins also; almost every fol, worm-eaten, to a smaller or greater extent, the last few very badly; very beautiful pictures on foll. 560 and 57a, the former dealing with the 14 dreams, etc, and the latter with the snanabhiseka by Saudharma and others; the fol. 890 decorated with a picture of Lord santi. Datha ; fol. 90a, with that of Yaksa and Yaksini belonging to his Tirtha; the latter charming; thus, in all this MS. con, tains 6 illustrations, complete, Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 112 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 727 Age - Fairly old. Author - Muni Devasuri. Begins -- fol. 10. OM namaH zrIzAMtinAthAya // azhin faller etc. as in No. 724 Ends - fol. 926 bArhaspatyAdhipatyasya etc up to zatAdhikA asminmanuSTabhAmaSTacatvAriMzacchaat ga as in No. 724 Then there are the following lines : 8644 ll ll startfaaari ...... wa t Ha fofad Tras III GERT gras etc. T a HRTOT E Il gull N. B. - For further particulars see No. 724. zAntinAthacaritra Santinathacaritra 846 No. 727 1892-95 Size -- 114 in. by 48 in. Extent - 107 folios; 15 lines to a page; 53 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional (8H778; small, clear and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; fol. 1a blank; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged; red chalk and yellow pigment used; several foll, worm-eaten to a smaller or greater extent; a corner of fol. 106th badly worn out; the right-hand margin of fol. 107th practically gone, complete; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin. Prastava I foll. 10 to 80 II foll. 80 to 212 III foll. 219 to 37a IV foll. 379 to 546 V foll. 546 to 720 VI foll. 72b to 107b Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7271 The Svetambara Works 113 Age-Samvat 1518. Author --Ajitaprabhasuri, successor of Viraprabha, successor of Tilaka prabhasuri of the Purqimagaccha. Sebject - Life of Lord santinatha in six prastavas. Language in Sanskrit. Begins - fol. 16 e 60||AUM namaH zrIsarvajJAyaH // zreyoratnAkarodbhUtAmahalakSmImupAsmahe / spRhayaMti na ke yasyai zeSazrIviratAzayA // 1 Ends - fol. 1070 yasyopasaH etc. upto sa karotu zAMtiH Arrti as in No. 732 and then we have : ityAcArya-zrIajitaprabhasUriviracite zrIzAMtinAthacarite dvAdazabhavavarNano nAma SaSTaH prastAva: samAptaH // cha / iti zrIzAMtinAthacaritraM samAptamiti bhadraM // cha / zrIvikramAdityasaMvat 1518 varSe azvina vadi 2 dine rvivaare| revatI nakSatre / subhyoge|| This is followed by a line in different hand : zrI upakezagacche / mahA u0 zrImatisAgara zi0 paM. shriidhnpr|| Again in original hand we have : zrIzAMtinAthacaritraM svavAcanArtha vyalekhi // subhaM bhavatu lekhakapAThakayo : in different hand saMvat 1576 varSe jyeSTasudi 5 dine mu. meghasuMdara paMcamI udApane liSAvataM pradattaM paM. dhanaprabhaibhyaH zubhaM bhavatu // // Reference - Published by the Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha, Bhav nagar in Samvat 1973. This work was edited by Sri Vijayendra Suri, pupil of the late Sastravisarada Jainacarya Vijayadharma Suri, in the Bibliotheca Indica Series. For quotations and the colophon etc. see Peterson, Report V. pp. 121-122. For an additional MS. See B. B. R. A. S. vols. III-IV, p. 449 and Jinaratnakosa, Vol. I, p. 378. 15... [J.L.P.] Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 114 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [728 zAntinAthacaritra santinathacaritra 341 No. 728 A1882-83 Size -101 in. by 4t in. Extent - 114 folios; 15 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough and white; Devanagari characters; small, legible and good hand writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used, fol. la blank; complete; total extent 500J Slokas. Age - Samvat 1668. Author - Ajitaprabha Suri. Begins - fol. la // namo viitraagaay|| zreyo ratnAkaro etc. as in No. 727. Ends-fol. yasyopasA smaraNe etc. upto sa karotu shaaNtiH||64 // as in No. 727. This is followed by the lines as under: ityAcArya sAdhu pUrNimA'gacchamaMDana zrIajitaprabhasUriviracite zrI. zrIzAMtinAthacarite dvAdazabhavavarNano( nA )ma SaSTaH prastAvaH // ch|| / iti zrIzAMtinAthacaritraM samAptamiti // // cha // // zubhaM bhavatu // ch|| // graMthAgraM 5000 // ||ch|| // saMvat 1668 pravarttamAna ASADha mAsa kRSNapakSa 7 titha bhRguvAra idaM pustakaM mUlasthAne lipIkRtaM || zubhaM mUyAt // vAcyamAnA ciraM naMdyAt // // ||||ch|| shrii| shrii| zrI // cha / cha / ch| N. B- For additional particulars see No. 727. zAntinAthacaritra santinathacaritra 283 No. 729 1883-84 Size-10 in. by 41 in. Extent -140+1=141 folios; 13 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 730] The Svetambara Works Description Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Devanagari characters with ggs; small, clear and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; white paste, too; fol. 1a and 1406 blank; edges of the first fol. slightly damaged; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 30th repeated; fol. 131st falsely numbered in both the margins as 231; complete. Age - Not modern. Author Ajitaprabha Suri. Begins-fol. 1b OM namo zrIzAMtinAthAyaH namaH // zreyoratnAkarodbhUtA ete. as in No. 727. Ends fol. 139b yasyopasarprAH etc. upto ityAcArya zrIajitaprabhaviracita zrIzAMtinAthacaritre dvAdazavarNano nAma SaSTaH prastAvaH samAptaH // iti zrIzAMtinAtha - caritra samAptaH // zubhaM bhavatu // kalyANamastuH // cha // zrIH // cha // as in No. 727. N. B. For further particulars see No. 727. zAntinAthacaritra No. 730 115 Age-Not modern, Author Ajitaprabha Suri. 1 Size- 101 in by 41 in. Extent-92 folios; 15 lines to a page; 39 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters with occasional chgs; small, clear and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; fol. 1a blank; several foll. more or less worm-eaten; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; incomplete as this MS. ends abruptly. Santinathacaritra 807 1899-1915 Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 116 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1731 Begins-fol. 10 zrIzAradA aiM namaH // zrIgurubhyo namaH // zrIzAMtinAthAya namaH // zreyoratnAkaro etc. as in No. 727. Ends - fol. 926 hAsayitvA kumArastvAM parihAsasya varttaye / / gato nijagRhe rAtrau / tathaiva punarAyayoH / / 84 // zrIH N. B. - For further particulars see No. 727. zAntinAthacaritra Santinathacaritra 845 No. 731 1892-95 Size -98 in. by 4g in. Extent -- 348 - 1=341 folios; 6 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. 6 lines to a page; 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, rough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, clear and fair handwriting; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; fol. 1a blank; contains both the text and its explanation, the former in Sanskrit verses and the latter in prose, in Gujarati; the explanation written in a smaller hand, above the correspond. ing lines of the text; white paste used; fol. 217th missing otherwise complete. Age-Samvat 1935. Author of the Text - Ajitaprabha Suri. Author of the Comm. Balavabodha - not known. Begins ( Text) - fol. 10 ||e 60||shriishaaNtinaathaay namaH zrIyA(zreyo) ratnAkarodbhUtAM etc. as in No. 731. (Comm.)- // 60 // zrIpArzvanAthaparamaISTAya namo nama sarvadA covIsa atIzaya teNeM karI yuktaetale atIsayarupa lakSmIiM sahIta teNeM karI nathI vAchatA zekaka0 dhAkatI saMsArI lakSmI pratai etc. Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7321 Ends (Text) - The Svetambara Works .fol. 348b yasyopasargAH etc. as in No. 727 upto SaSThaH prastAvaH // 6 // as in No. 727 Then we have :zrImatta pAgaNagaganaH sUrya zrIvijayadAnasUrIMdraH / samabhUttatsaMtAne vibudhazrIgaMgAvijayAhnaH 1 // tatpAdapadmaSaTpadapravarAH zrImeghavijayanAmAnaH / samajAta kavIMdrA vimalacaraNabhUSitAMgAsat // 2 // tatpAdapadmasevI jayaMti zrIbhAMNavijayanAmAnaH / kIrtipratApagehaM bhuvi sadgItA - etc. ( Comm.) - zrIzAMtinAthacaritrane viSe zrIjinanauM bAramau bhavavarNana nAMma chaTho prastAvaH / likhitaM zrI' maMmAi 'vaMdare zrIAdIzvarajIprasAdAt // saM. 1935 vaizAkha vadi 13 ravau / / paM. zrIhIrAcaMdajI ziSyadevacaMdreNa lipIkRtaM // - zAntinAthacaritra No. 732 Size - 10 in. by 4g in. Extent - 262 folios; 10 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description Country paper tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing; borders mostly ruled in two lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; foll. 10 and 2620 blank; foll. 1-9 worn out in more than one place; strips of paper pasted to some foll. e. g. to the 10th etc; a part of the left-hand margin of the 47th fol. gone; a corner of the 83th fol badly damaged; the 9th fol. slightly torn; complete; composed in Samvat 1535; the entire work is divided into six prastavas; the extent of each of them is as under: Prastava : : : " 12 I II III IV V VI foll. 29 " 99 99 117 " Santinathacaritra 175 1872-73 10 to 17b 176 to 44b 446 to 82b 83deg to 122b 123a to 1706 1706 to 262b Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [733 Age -- Samvat 1743. Author - Bhavacandra Suri, pupil of Jayacandra Suri of Raka paksa (i, e. Purnima gaccha). Subject -Life of Lord Santinatha in Sanskrit prose. His earlier 12 births are here described. Begins -- fol. 16 ||shaardaayai namaH // praNipatyAhataH sarvAn vAgdevIM sadguru( napi) (gadya) baMdhana vakSyAmi bhIzAMticaritaM mudA // 1 // etc. Ends - fol. 2626 yasyopasargAH smaraNe prayAnti vizveyadIpAzca guNA na mAMti // mRgAMkalakSmAkanakasya zAMtiH ko saMghasya zAMtiH sa karotu zAMtiH // 11 // iti zrI zrI zrIbhAvacaMdrasUriviracite gadyabaMdhe zrIzAMtinAthacarite dvAdazabhavavarNano nAma SaSTaH prstaavH|| // zrIzAMticaritraparipUrNamabhUt // ||ch|| graMthAgraMtha 10004 yAvat // // saMvat 1743 varSe pauSazuddhA'STamyAM ravI likhitamidaM // // zubhaM bhavatu // // shrii||||ch / shrii|| cha / shrii|| Reference -- Published in the Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha Series, as No. 19 from Bhavnagar, also published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar in A. D. 1924. The Gujarati translation of this work is published by the above-mentioned Sabha in Samvat 1978. For additional MSS. see B. B. R. A. 8. (Vols. III. IV. p. 449) and Jina ratnakosa (Vol. I, pp. 379-380). One of the MSS. is dated V. S. 1535 and written by the author himself. 92 zAntinAthacaritra santinathacaritra No. 733 1869-70 Size -108 in. by48 in. Extent - 162-1-161 folios; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 734) The Svetambara Works 119 Description - Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagar! characters with 781778; big, clear and fair handwriting; borders ruled in two lines in black ink; the intermediate space coloured red; red chalk, yellow pigment and white paste too used; a piece of paper of the size of a folio pasted to fol. 14; fol. la blank; foll. 10-23 seem to be written on a different kind of paper and in a better hand; fol. 24th missing, otherwise complete ; every page marked with three small discs in red colour, one in the centre and two in the margins; foll, numbered in the right-hand margin; the total extent 8000 slokas. Age - Samvat 1555. Author - Bhavacandra Suri. Begins - fol. 16 5 80 11 TATTA: gforgetica: etc, as in No. 732. Ends -- fol. 1620 gruitgaaf: FATU etc practically upto afiqulhu as in No. 732. __ zrIjayacaMdrasUre / ziSya zrIbhAvacaMdro'Numiti yatipradyato gadyabaMdha / 1 / saMvat 1535 varSe bhAdravapadamAse kRssnnpksse| navamyAM tithau rvivaasre| zrI' puurnnmaapkssii| N. B. - For additional information see No. 732. zAntinAthacaritra santinathacaritra 847 No. 734 1892-95 Size - 94 in. by 4 in. Extent - 147-1+1=147 folios; 15 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with 8H71S; small; clear and fair hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink ; red chalk and yellow Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 120 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [735 pigment used; pieces of paper of the size of a folio pasted to foll. 1a and 1470; foll. 1a and 1470 blank; numbers for foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 77th missing; fol. 78th repeated; perhaps nothing missing; only the false numbering; if so complete; the last verse incomplete. Age - Not quite modern. Author - Bhavacandra Suri. Begins - fol. 16 e 6 // zrIgautamAya namaH // zrIsAradAyai namaH // aforqenda: etc. as in No. 732 Ends - fol. 1470 TEATTAAT: etc upto fast astrar: as in No. 732. N. B. - For other details see No. 732. 321 zAmbapradyumnaprabandha Sambapradyumnaprabandha No. 735 1871-72 Size - 94 in. by 4 in. Extent - 32 folios; 11 Jines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a bla..k; it is preceded by an extra blank fol.; a blank fol. is affixed to fol. 320; several foll. have stuck together owing to the presence of gum in the ink used; and a careless attempt made by someone to separate them has damaged some foll. and at times letters are scratched out so that they are now illegible; complete ; composed in Saniyat 1659 in two khandas; 21 dhalas in all. Age-Samvat 1690. Author - Samayasundara Gani, pupil of Sakalacandra. For other details about him see No. 732. Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 121 736] The Svetambora Works Subject-Lives of Samba and Pradyumna, sons of Lord Krsna. Begins - fol. 1b e 60 // zrIgu(gaNezAya namaH zrInemIsara guNanilu jagajIvana jinacaMda brahmacAricUDAmaNI praNamu paramANaMda 1 etc. Ends - fol. 320 guNasaTTi vijayadasami dinaI ekavIsa DhAla rasAla e graMtha racyaDa suMdara subha manaI jiNaMcaMdasUravineya paMDitasakalacaMda susIsa e gaNi samayasuMdara ema pabhaNai saMgha sujasagIsa e 4 iti zrIsaMbaprajana coupai // samAptaM // zrI zubhaM bhavatu // kalyANamastu / / cha / zrI 5 saMvat 1690 varSe mAghamAse kRSNapaSye SaSTamyAM tithau bhArgavavAsare zubhadine vAcatrabhoja liSitaM / siMgha arthe sAdhA x x zrIka / zrAvikAlADame liSAvataM // zrIjezalameru 'madhye lipikRtaM // zrI paratara' bhAyagacche // shriiH|| Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 331-335). zAmbapradhumnaprabandha Sambapradyumnaprabandha 1665 No. 736 1891-95 Size-93 in. by 3g in. Extent-38 folios%3 12 lines to a page3; 28 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big and fair hand-writing; not quite legible so far as the last few foll. are concerned; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment profusely used on fol. 226; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; complete ; two khandas in all; the extent of each of them is as under : Khanda I foll. 10 to 218 II 210 to 385 --18 [J. L.P.] Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 122 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1737 Age - Samvat 1659. Author - Samayasundara. Begins - fol. 16 e60|| zrInemIsara guNanilau jagajIvana jagacaMda etc. as in No.735. Ends-fol. 380 iti saMvata 1659 varSe zrIvijayadasamIdine zrI staMbhatIrthe zrI bRhat kharatara 'gacchAdhAra(?)zvarazrIdillIpatIsAhI zrIakabarajalAladInasAhapradatta yugapradhAna padadhAna padadhAraka zrIjinacaMdrasUrIzvarANAM sAhisamakSaM svahastasthApitAcArya zrIjinasIMghasUri saparikarANAM ziSyasakalacaMdragaNitaziSyavA0 samayasu(su)daragaNibhiH zrI jesalamera 'vAstavya nAnAvidhazAstrarasiko kRtaH zrIsAMbapradyumnasaMbaMdhe dvitIyapaMDa saMpUrNam iti zreyaHzrIpaMDItazrIpazrIjivanacaMdragaNipaMDitazrIpazrIdInacaMdragaNiziSyadIpacaMdalaSitaM dolatacaMdrapaThanArtha / / zrI // cha // zrI // ch|| shrii|| cha / N. B. - For further particulars see No. 735. zAmbapradyumnaprabandha Sambapradyumnaprabandha 779 No. 737 1875-76 Size -98 in. by 41 1n. Extent - 29 folios; 11 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Doscription -- Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs, big, fat, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used%3; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin%3; fol. 1a blank; in the centre of the numbered and upnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; edges of the first two foll, much worn out and those of the last parlty; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; a part of the last line written in a later and different hand, Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 722] Age-Old. Author Begins Samayasundara. fol. 10 - Ends fol. 296 // 60 // zrIgurubhyo namaH // GET I shafteryulacs etc. as in No. 735 - The Svetambara Works zrI ' kharatara 'ga cha dIpatA etc. upto saMgha sujasa jagIsa e 4235 24 in No. 736 This is followed by the lines as under : iti zrIzAMpradyumnaprabaMdhasaMpUrNa samApta // cha // Then in a different hand we have ;jha / bhojAnIprati chai 'dIva' baMdare / N. B. For other details see No. 735. zAmba pradyumnaprabandha No. 738 Size 10 in. by 4 in. Extent 32 folios; 11 lines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Age Samvat 1785. Author 123 Sambapradyumnaprabandha 50 1877-78 Description Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; numbering of the verses, their dandas, last five lines etc., in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the left-hand margins, the title is written as Samayasundara, g; fol. la blank; condition very good except that edges of the last fol. slightly gone; complete; extent 800 slokas. Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 124 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1125 Begins - fol. 16 // 60 // zrI vItarAgAya namaH zrInemisara guNanilau etc. as in No. 735. Ends-fol. 32a zrI'Saratara 'gaccha dIpato etc. upto saMgha sujasa jagIsa e // 45 // as in No. 736 followed by saMvat 1659 varSe zrIvijayadasamI dine zrI paMbhAta ' nagare zrI paratara 'gacchi zrIjinacaMdasUrIsiSa samayasuMdaragaNikRto zrIsaMbaprajUnaprabaMddha dvitIyapaMDa sNpuurnnH|| sarvagAthA 545 // DhAla // 21 // sarvazlokasaMkhyA // 800 // zubhaM bhavatuH // saMvata 1785 varSe posamAse kRSNapakSe / dvitIyadine somavAsare // sA. rISavadAsa sAmIdAsa liSAvitaM // 'pADe paDIguMDI'nAmadhye // shriiH||shriiH|| shriiH|| N. B.-- For further details see No. 735. paDaNukA zAla-mahAzAla kathA Sala-Mahasala-katha No. 739 1310 (28) 1886-92 Extent - fol. 31a to fol. 31b. Description-Complete so far as it goes%3; 50 verses in all; for additional information see mUladevakathA No. (Vol.XIX, see.2, fol. 2, No. 492). Author -Not known. Subject - A story of Sala and Mahasala on the efficacy of Tapas (penance), Bhavana (sentiments) and Dana (charity). Begins - fol. 31a rAjAvAdIcatudarzAdiSu parvatithiSvahaM / zaktyA tapaH kAriSyehaM / kalyANakadineSu ca etc. // 1 // guru cadya jantusyAt / / (5)kurte jIvadayokSamaH // zubhabhAvanayA puNya, baMdhyanRpayopitA vinA // 2 // Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1241 The Svetambara Works 125 Ends-fol. 31b dattAdInAM tu jinarkhidarzanA- navilonAt va debhUt / koDinyAdInAMte, vidhivat kevalimadasyagaman // 40 // gotamaH prabhunamaskRyate tAn bhAvhayana jinavareNa pureva / ukta Atmaniva kevala, zaMkItyA vayoni samatA bhavitAMte // 18 // taNakIcakacarmokaTatalyAyatogitAM snehaaH| mayyaMtimasnehakSaye jJAnaM hi bhAvi te // 50 // bhAvanAyAM zAlamahAzAlakathA / / etc. (?) Reference - It seems that this work is not noted in Jinaratnakota (Vol. I). zAlibhadracatuSpadikA (zAlibhadracopaDa) [zAlibhadrarAsa] No. 740 Salibhadracatuspadika (Salibhadracopai) [Salibhadrarasa] 381 1871-72 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent - 10 folios; 18 lines to a page ; 64 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, rough and whitish; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; very small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in red ink; numbers for the verses, their dandas and some words written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a decorated with a nice design covering the whole page3B edges of some of the foll. gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; composed in Samvat 1678 (?) Age-Samvat-1771. Author -- Matisara (jinarAjasUri ) pupil of Jinasimha Suri. Subject - A story of Salibhra and that of khanya his brother-in-law, on the importance of giving alms to the deserving. Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 126 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [723 Begins-fol.16 // 60 // zrIgurubhyo namaH mAlAge duuhaa|| sAsaNanAyaka smriiyai| sAsaNanAyaka samarIyai / varddhamAna jinncNd| aliya vidhana dUrai hrai| bhApaI paramANaMda // 1 // cha sahako jiNavara saarissaa| piNa tIratha dhaNIvizeSi / paraNIjai tegAiyai / lokanIti sapeSi // 2 // dAna zIla tapa bhaavnaa| sivapuramAraga cyAri / sariSA chai to paNa ihaaN| dAna taNo adhikAra // 3 // etc. Ends-fol.90 sAdhucaritra kahiyAM mana tarasai / tiNa e bhASyabho harasai jii| solasahasaya aDahattari ( 1678) vrsai| Asu vadi chATha divaseM jii|| saa0|| 19 // zrIjinasaMgha sIva matisArai / bhaviyaNanai upagArai jii| zrIjinarAjavacana anusaarai| carita kahyo suvicArai jI ||saa0 // 20 // iNa pari sAdha taNAga gAvai bhaviyaNa je mana bhAvaI jii| maliya vidhana tasu dUri pulAvaI / manavaMchitasuSa pAvai jI // sA0 11 // e saMbaMdha bhavika je bhaNisyai / ekamanA sAMbhalisyai jii| duSa dohaga te dUri gamasyai / manavaMcchita phala lahisyai jii||saa||21|| iti zrIzAlibhadradhanAdAMna viSayai caupai saMpUrNa // sakalapaMDitasiromaNi-paMDitazrIkAMtirucigaNi tasiSyagaNi dIparucigaNi tasiSyagaNi zrIpramodarucigaNi taziSyamuni / mohaNarucigaNi vAcanArtha likhataM / 'AghATapura' pattane / saMvat 1771 varSe likhitaM // 50 pratAparUcigaNibhi. Reference: -- For extracts and additional MSS. See Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 501-502). zAlibhadracatuSpadikA (zAlibhadracopai) No.741 Salibhadracatuspadika (Salibhadracopai) 40 (a) 1877-78 Size -93 in, by 4} in. Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 741] The Svetambara Works 127 Extent -foll. 1a to 184%3; 15 lines to a page%3; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; red chalk profusely used; yellow pigment rarely: edges of the last fol, slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; the MS contains an additional work viz. motIkapAsIyarAsa which commences on fol. 18a and ends on fol. 21b. Age- Samvat 1733. Author -Matisara? (Jinaraja Suri). Subject - Same as per the last entry. Begins - fol. la e 60 // zrIsAradAya namaH duuhaa| sAsaNanAyaka samarIyai varddhamAna jinacaMda bhaliya vidhana dUraha harai paramANaMda 1 sahUko jinavara sAsSiA piNa tIratha dhaNIvizeSa paraNIjai te gAIyai lokanIti saMpeSi 2 dAna zIla tapa bhAvanA sivapuramAraga cyAra saripA(pA) chai to piNa dUhAM dAMna taNau adhikAra 3 sAlibhadra sukhasaMpadA pAmai dAnapasAya tAsyu carita vaSANatAM pAtika dUre pulAya 4 etc. as in No. 740 Ends - fol. 180 zrIjinasiMhasUrI sumatisArai bhaviyaNamane upagArazrIjinarAjavacana anusArai carita kahyo suvicArai jI 9 iNi pari saMdhutaNA guNa gAvai bhaviyaNa jema na bhAvai jI sA. aliya vidhana savi dUri pAlAvai manavaMchita suSa pAvai jI 10 e saMbaMdha bhavika je bhaNisyai ekamanA sAMbhalasyai jI sA. puSa dohaga dUrai Talisyai manavaMchita phala laMhisya jI 11 lA0 Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [742 128 Jaina Literature and Philosophy iti zrIsAlibhadramunicatuSpadikA samAptAH N. B. - For additional information see No. 740. zAlibhadracatuSpadikA Salibhadracatuspadika 849 No. 742 1892-95 Size - 84 in. by 44 in. Extent - 23 folios; 14 lines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; borders mostly ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; ekara and, anusvara etc. written at times in an ornamental way; edges of several foll. coloured red; edges of the last fol. partly gone; conditioa on the whole good; complete. Age - Pretty old. Author - Matisara ? (Jinaraja Suri). Subject - Same as the last two entries. Begins - fol. 1a 116 11 At sit starte II ATTUTT17% etc, as in No. 740, Ends - fol. 230 A ug 23 feferint etc. up to Haifea es fang ft Il { as in No. 740.: Then we have : iti zrIzAlibhadracaritraM N, B. - For additional particulars see No. 740 Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 743] The Svetambara Works 129 zAlibhadracaritra salibhadracaritra 848 No. 743 1892-95 Size - 101 in. by 4g in. Extent - 31 folios; 19 lines to a page; 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters; small, clear and fair handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; red chalk used; the unnumbered as well as the numbered foll. have a small disc in the centre, the numbered at times, in margins too; some foll, have holes; complete; total extent 1224 slokas ; composed in Samvat 1334. Age - Pretty old. Author-Dharmakumara, pupil of Vibudhaprabha, successor of Soma. prabha Suri of the Nagendra gaccha. Subject - Life of Salibhadra, son of Gobhadra in seven prastavas; Begins - fol. 1a // 60 // ahN|| zrIdAnadharmakalpadrurjIyAt saubhAgyabhAgyabhUH / pUrvApazcimatIthaizalakSmIbhogamahAphalaH // 1 // etc. helayA kalayAmAsuH karaM yasyAcyutazriyaH / zrIzAlibhadrazrIzAlibhadraM taM kathayA pratha // 9 // tAvadAbAlagopAlasahelaM prathitA kthaa| zrIrAmasyeva saubhAgyaM zrIzAleH kiMciducyate // 10 // etc. Ends ... fol. 310 zrIsomaprabhasUrayaH sumanasA mUrdhanyatAM te dadhuH // 51 // tatpadyAcalacUlikA vijayate daMbhAkhyajaM bhAjitA / zrIH zrImAn vibudhaprabhaH prabhurasau sujJAnalInAzayaH / tasya prApya nidezalezamanizaM gIrdevatAbhyAnataH / cakre dharmakumArasAdhuramalI zrIzAlilIlA kathAM // 52 // etc. brAhmI nirmalazabdasiddhikalitA manye pvitraashyaa| lakSmIrvA puruSottamapriyatamA naanaarthjaatprsuuH| 17... [J.LP.] Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 130 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [744 gaurI maMgalazAlibhadracaritA sarvapriyaM bhAvukA / jIyAd dharmakumArapaMDitamativistAridharmonnatiH // 158 // iti zrI. 'sarvArthasiddhi 'saMprAptivarNano nAma saptamaH prastAvaH // jinAtizayazi(yaH)kSA(1334)khyavatsare vihitA kathA / graMthena dvAdazazatI caturviMzatisaMyutA // 159 // Reference - Published in the Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala, Bhav. nagar. For quotations see Peterson, Reports III. p. 174 ff. For a digest of the story with valuable appendices by M. Bloomfield, consult J. A.0. S. vol. 43, p. 257 ff. For additional MS. see B. B. R. A. S. (Vols. III. IV. p. 449) and Jinaratnakota (Vol. I, p. 382). zAlibhadracaritra Salibhadracaritra 380 No. 744 1871-72 Size - 10F in. by 4g in. Extent - 21 folios; 17 lines to a page; 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper very thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; numbers for the verses and their dandas written in red ink; yellow pigment used for making corrections%3; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and un numbered sides as well, then in some place kept blank so as to form a design; some of the foll. slightly worm-eaten; edges of the last foll. gone%3B condition on the whole tolerably good ; complete. Age - Pretty old. Age-Dharmakumara. Begins - fol. 1a // 60 // namo vItarAgAya / / zrIdAnadharmakalpadru etc. as in No. 743, Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 745] The Svetambara Works 131 Ends - fol. 216 prastutaM dAnadharmeNa etc. upto bhaktivyaktinidarzanaM // 53 // as in Nos 743. This is followed by the lines as under :yAvad dAnadivAkaraH zubhadinazrIsauvidallohaMtastIrthe pUrvagirAvudeti timiradhvaMsI vivekAruNaH / sphItA tAvadiyaM yatikSitipateH zrIzAlibhadraprabhobuMdvairbodhakaraiH sumaMgalakalA bhogAvalI kIrtyatAM // 44 // zrIzAlicarite dharmakumArasudhiyA kRte / zrIpramnAdhiyA zuddhe / saptamaH prakramo(s)bhavat // 55 // ayaM dAnamahAdharmaH / kalpadruma ivAdbhutaH / bhUyAt samastabhavyAnAM / manovAMchitasiddhaye // 56 // iti zrIzAlicarite 'sarvArthasiddhi' saMprAptivarNano nAma saptamaH prastAva (:) smaaptH||ch / jinAtizayayakSAkhyavatsare vihitA kthaa| graMthena dvAdazazatI / caturviMzatisaMyutA // 1 // cha // shrii|| N. B.- For additional information see No.743. zAlibhadracaritra Salibhadracaritra 1345 No.745 1886-92 Size-101 in. by 4t in. Extent - 26 folios; 15 lines to a page; 51 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs%3; small, clear and very fair hand-writing: borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; fol. la and 26b blank; marginal notes on fol. 10%; several foll. worm-saten in more than one place; some very badly; complete. Age - old. Author-Dharmakumara. Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 132 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1746 Begins -fol. 10 * zrIdAnadharmakalpadrurjIyAtU etc. as in No. 743. Ends - fol. 26a prastutaM dAnadharmeNa etc. as in No. 743. upto saptamaH prastAvaH / / N. B.- For further particulars see No. 743. - - - zAlibhadracaritra Salibhadracaritra avacUrNisahita with Avacurni 771 No. 746 1875-76 Size - 101 in. by 41 in. Extent - 22 folios; 16 lines to a page; 57 letters to a line. ___22 folios; 24 lines to a page; 72 letters to a line. Description - Country paper tbin and greyish ; Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, clear and good handwriting: borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; it is a wart MS; both the text and the commentary complete. Age-Samvat 1522. Author of the Text-Dharmakumara. Author of the Avacurpi -Not mentioned. Subject - The text along with a small commentary in Sanskrit. Begins ( Text ) - fol. la zrIdAnadharmakalpadruH etc. as in 743 Begins ( Comm.) - fol. 1a graMthaprAraMbhe'STau maMgalAnIvASTau mNglshbdaaH||1|| ghRtameghavadAcaratIti uzisya rAjJaH pakSe gurutarA dhAnyazrIH athavA zasyapradhAnA zrIH // etc. Ends (Text) - fol. 22a prastutaM dAnadharmeNa etc. as in 743 upto caturvizatisaMyutA / 159 // iti zrIzAlibhadracaritraM saM. // saM.-1522 kArtika 20 12 gurau // Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 747] The Svetambara Works 133 Ends ( Comm.) - fol. 220 gaurI nirmalA maMgalaM kSemakAri / zAlibhadrasya caritaM yasyAH pakSe maMgalazAlIni bhadrANi yatra evaMvidhaM caritaM yasyAH / sarvapriyA bhavatIti sarvapriya bhAvukAH / iti zAleyAvacUrNiH // Reference - For further details see 743. zAlibhadracaritra Salibhadracaritra avacUrNisahita with Avacurni 1323 No. 747 1884-87Size - 108 in. by 4g in. Extent-24 folios; 16 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, clear and good hand-writing: red chalk used; it is a ver MS; both the text and the Avacuroi complete. Age - Fairly old. Author - of the Text Dharmakumara; of Ayacuri same as the last ____entry. Begins (Text)-fol. 1a zrIdAnadharma etc. as in No. 743 Begins (Comm)- fol. 1a graMthaprAraMbha etc. as in No. 746 Ends (Text)- fol. 24b prastutaM dAnadharmeNa etc. as in No. 743 upto saMyutA // Ends (Comm.) - fol. 246 gaurI nirmalA etc. as in 746 upto ityavacUrNiH // N. B. - For further details see No. 743. Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 134 taina Literature and Philnsophy [748 zAlibhadracaritra Salibhadracaritra apacUrNisahita with Avacurni 1343 No. 748 1887-91 Size -- 104 in. by 48 in. Extent - 19 folios; 17 lines to a page; 67 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters with occasional q1ts; small, legible and good handwriting; red chalk and yellow pigment used; an edge of the first fol. slightly worn out; presents an appearance of a 1997&t MS.; both the text and the commentary complete. Age - Fairly old. Author of the Text - Dharmakumara. Author of Avacurni - same as per the last two entries. Begins (Text )- fol. 12 stterauen: etc. as in 743. Begins ( Comm.) - fol. 1a MUSIC SET etc. as in No. 743, Ends ( Text) -- fol. 196 JEGO Gawor etc. as in No. 743 upto salariga i Ends - (Comm.) fol. 196 bhogAvalIM graMthaM paThaMti / 55 priya skhii| 58 / 1334 varSe / ityavacUri A. 887811 This is followed, in a different hand, by the lines as under : paM. zrIguNasomagaNiziSyapaM0 zrIvinItaM ziSya paM0 ratanaM parata chaha / N. B.- For further particulars see No. 743. Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 133 1191 The Svetambara Works zivakumArakathA Sivakumarakatha rabbAsahita with Tabba No. 749 1321 (b) 1886-92 Extent-fol. 6a to fol. 10a. Description-Both the text and its explanation complete. For addi tional details see Srimatikatha infra. Age-Not modern. Author - Not known. Subject - A story of Sivakumara in Sanskrit along with its expla. tion in Gujarati. This story illustrates the prowess of * Navakara' mantra. Begins (Text) - fol. 6a navakAraprabhAvena saMkaTAcchucate jana caturaMgI bhave lakSmI zivakumAra babhU yathA 1 iheva bharate' varSe puraM ratnapurA 'bhidhaM anekadhanadhAnyAdirutpattisthAnamuttamuM 2 etc. Begins (Tabba) - fol. 6a navA(va)kAra maMtranai prabhAvai karInai etc. Ends (Text) - fol. 10a navakAraprabhAvena saMjAto dhaninAgraNI tyatA durvyasanA sarve saMjAto punyavAn jane 55 devAlayaH svarNamayo kArito ca gRhAMtare bibo maNimayastena sthApitaH paramocchave 56 vapitvA sarvakSetreSu taddhanaM zuddhavAMcchayA dharmadhAnavasAjAto mRtvA sadatikaM yayau 57 iti navakAraviSaye zivakumArakathA // 2 // Ends (Tabba)- fol. 10a viSai zivakumArakathA dvitIyA saMpUrNIkRtAH TabArthataH // 2 Reference - A MS. of Sivakumarakatha in Sanskrit verses is noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 383). Is this work same as one described here by me? Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 136 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [750 zIladUta Siladuta 316 No. 750 1871-72 Size - 103 in. by 4g in. Extent - 9 folios; 15 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; yellow pigment used for making corrections; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin: fol. 1a blank; the last 7 lines on fol. 9b written in red ink%3; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; condition very good, complete. Age - Samvat 1701 (?) Author - Upadhyaya Caritrasundara Gani, pupil of Ratnasimha Suri of the Bshat Tapa gaccha. Subject - Life of Sthulabhadra and that of Kosa. This work is a padapurti of Kalidasa's Meghaduta. Herein the chastity of Sthulabhadra is praised. For a discussion in Hindi see Jaina Antiquary (Jaina Bhaskara Vol. II, No. ) For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 384). Begins - fol. 10 OM namaH mahopAdhyAya zrI 5 zrIbhAnucaMdragaNigurubhyo namaH bhuktvA bhogAn subhagatilakaH kozayA sArddhamiddhAn dhanyo mAnyo nikhilaviduSAM bhadrayA sthUlabhadraH cakre zrutvA janakanidhanaM jAtasaMvegaraMgaH snigdhacchAyAtaruSu vasatiM rAmagiryAzrameSu 1 etc. Ends - fol. 9a ziSyo mukhyo'khilabudhamude dakSamukhyasya sUre zcAritrAdirdharaNivalaye suMdarAkhyAprasiddhaH cakre kAvyaM sulalitamaho zAladUtAbhidhAnaM naMcA tU saddhi jagati tadivaM sthUlabhadrasya kIl // 30 // Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 751] 137 The Svetambara Works haMge raMgairatikalatare 'staMbhatIrthA 'bhidhAne varSe harSA jaladhibhujagAMbhodhicaMdre (1781) pramANe cakre kAvyaM paramiha mayA 'staMbhane 'zaprasAdAt sadbhiH zodhyaM parahitaparairastadoSairasAdAt // 131 / / iti 'vRhattapo 'gacchanAyakazrIratnAsaMhasUriziSyo'pAdhyAyacAritrasuMdaragaNiviracitaM zIladUtA'bhidhAnaM samasyAmayaM mahAkAvyaM samAptamiti // pAdasAha zrIakabara sUryasahasranAmAdhyApaka zrI zatraMjaya'tIrthakaramocanAyanekasukRtavidhApakamahopAdhyAya - zrIbhAnucaMdragaNiziSyASTottarazatAvadhAnasAdhanapramuditapAtisAha -zrI-akabara tathA pAtisAha - jihAMgIrapradattaSusakahama' nAdirajamAna / dvitIyAbhidhAna mahopAdhyAya zrI 5 siddhicaziSyeNa munisubuddhicaMdreNa likhitaM kAvyametat // - saMvat 1701 varSe Azvinavadi dvitIyAyAM // zrI karpaTavANijya 'nagare / 'zubhaM bhavatu // zrI // Reference-Published in Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamala as No. 18 in A. D. 1909. See Hultzsch, JRAS, 1912, p. 732 ff. zIlamatIkathA Silamatikatha 1288 (b) No. 751 1884-87 Exetent - fol. 3a to fol. 4b. Description - Complete. For other details see Volume XIX (li) 1 No. 269. Subject -- This story is composed in 89 verses, in Sanskrit with a view to pointing out the importance of abhayadana (bestowal of safety) exemption from being killed. Age - Not modern. Author - Not known. Begins - fol. 3a sarve jIvitumicchaMti jIvAstadabhayaM ttH| dhruvaM tribhuvanaizvaryAdAnAdapyatiricyate // 1 // etc. tathAhi zrI vasaMtapure' bhUmimaMDalAkhaMDalaH purA / dumo'bhUnnRpatistejovajrakSapitabhUmibhRt // 1 // etc. -18 [J. L.P. __ Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 138 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1752 752 Ends - fol. 40 jAtazuddhaparINAmo gRhidharma yathAvidhi / prapatrANuvrataH samyak pAlayitvA divaM yayau // 89 // abhayadAne shiilmtiikthaa| Reference - It seems that this work is not noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I). zIlavatIkathA Silavatikatha No. 752 1310 (23) 1886-92 Extent - fol. 28b to fol. 29b. Description - Complete. For other details see mUladevakathA (Vol. ___XIX, see.2, pt. 2, No. 491). Author - Not known. Subject -A story of Silavati. It extols her chastity. For comparison see the following works noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, pp. 384-385) may be consulted:zIlavatIkathA by udayaprabhasUri , zubhazIla (?) AjJAsundara anonymous%3B . There are two more works In Prakrit. zIlavatIcaritra by vinayaNmaDanagaNi . , nemivijaya Begins - fol. 286 gururA hRdayAhetuM / brahmacarya jano bhajet / ysmaanmaithunsNjnyaayaa| mukto jIvavadho jinaiH1|| . maithunaM vaanitaasNge| sa ca na syAda dhanaM vinaa|| bhaarNbhaaddyvittsyaa| tatra jIvadayAkAM // 2 // etc. Ends - fol. 290 jAtajAtismRtau guroraMtike bhejatuH saMyama varyaratnatrike * Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 753] Reference Age The Svetambara Works yatnavaMtau vipadyAnuvAtAM dibaM brahmalokaM tato (S) pi zrutau tau zavaM // 88 // zIla (le) zIlavatIkathA // cha // It seems that this work is not noted in Jinaratnakosa. ( Vol. I ). - Samvat 1781. zIlavatIrAsa No. 753 Size 10 in. by 44 in. Extent - 60 folios; 18 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; some of the foll. have their borders ruled in yellow ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 60b; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides of foll. 1-41 there is some space kept blank ; red chalk used; condition very good; complete; xxi yellow pigment used for making corrections; six khandas in all; 84 dhalas; the total extent 2567; composed in Samvat 1750. - 139 Silavatirasa 49 1877-78 Author -- Nemavijaya, pupil of Tilakavijaya of the Tapa gaccha. Subject A story of Silavati on chastity. Begins - fol. 10 e 60 // zrImadgauDipArzvaparamezvarAya namaH atha dUhA // kAre akSara adhika japatAM pAtika jaMta hathI adhiko ko nahi sIvapura AphaiM saMta 1 adhyApaka bhAThe puhara bhASeM Alasa chaMDi yotirUpa jagadIsa je mAlai samatA maMDi 2 icchA rASeM atighaNI laya bhANai guNalINa aMtarathI bhaguru guru chaya lai kIdhA chINa 3 etc. Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 140 Ends - fol 600 Jaina Literature and Philosophy gacchacorA sosaromaNI chAjeM 'tapa' gaccha adhika divA je he gacchati zrIvijayaratna suraMdA rAjye racyo sUSakaM dAhe bha0 1 satiyasIromaNI sIalavatino sAco vrata che nagIno re rAsa saMpUraNa saMvata satta ( ra paMcA ) se ( 1700) aSI nrIja rasadhara meM he bha0 20 mAsa vaizASa mohana veli kavita racyo mada TheliheM raMgavijaya laghU baMdhava kairheNeM rAsa karyo zubha vayaNe he bha0 1...... bhaNeM garNe jarAsa rasAlA te maMgalamAlA deM nimavijaye sati guNa gAjyo Rddhi vRddha paDhapA ( ? )yoreM bha0 25 // sati guNa gAjyo Rddhi vRddha paDhapAyoreM bha0 25 // sarvagAthA 437 sarvaSaMDe DhAla 84 graMthAgraMtha 2567 / / iti zrIsIlavatimA caritre mokSagamano nAma SaSTo SaMDa samApta // [754 saMvat 1781 varSe bhAdravAvidadda gyArasa dIneM guruvAsare kRSNapakSe // zrI yA pustakaM dRSTA tAhasaM laSitaM mayA jadI sudhamasuddhaM vA mama doSo na dIyate // ' mAMvaDanagara' madhyeM lakSyo haiM // zrI // 'Reference - Published in Pracina Granthamala from Baroda. : For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 449-450 ) . zIlasaMndhi No. 754 Extent - fol. 16b to fol. 170. Description Complete; 34 verses in all. - Author Pupil of Sri Jayasekhara Suri. ... Subject - Chastity (Prakrta verse ). - For other details see Upadesaratnamala. (Vol. XVIII, pt. 1 No. 264 ). ( Uvaesarayanamala ). Silasamdhi 127 (15) 1872-73 Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7551 Begins 1 fol. 16b e 60 e sirinemi jiNaMdaha paNayasurridaha / payapaMkaya sumarevi maNi / vaMmada uri kIlaha kayasudda mIlaha / sIla saMghaka kari suhauM // 1 // Ends fol. 17a The Svetambara Works iya sIlasaMdhiya bhaIya subaMdhiya / jayaseharasurisIsakiya / bhaviyaha niviNu / hiyaui dhareviNu / zIladhammi ujjasu karahu // 34 // 4 iti zIlasaMdhiH // N. B. It seems that this work is not noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. Subject Begins - fol. 34a zIlasaMndhi No. 755 Extent - fol. 34a to fol. 34b. Description - Ends abruptly; so incomplete; the last verse is num - bered as 29. For other details see Upadesaratnamala No. ( Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. 264). Narrative of Bhagvan Neminatha about chastity. sirinemijiNaMdaha etc. as in No. 754. Ends - fol. 34b 141 paNayanI se sakhayaraMdanarasA miu / niya bhUyavaNi iMdo vi jiNa nAmiu / anaya (maNIya kayacitta laMkAdhaI / Silasamdhi 127 (39) 1872-73 karai kula nAsu saMpanu aharagAi // 29 // bharadda bhavir. This it ends here abruptly. N. B. - For additional information ; see No. 754. Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 142 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1736 zukakathAnaka Sukakathanaka [zukayugmakathA] [Sukayugmakatha] 1201 (9) No. 756 1887-91 Extent-fol. 17b to fol. 214. Description - Complete. For further particulars see No. 377 of Vol. XIX, see 2, pt, 2. Author-Not known. Subject - A narrative about a couple of parrots. It points out the benefit derived from rice-worship'. Sansktri explanation on Prakrit Gathas 1504 (a). Begins -- fol. 176 bhakkhaMDa phuDiyacukkharakaehiM puMjattayaM jiNidassa / purau narA kuNatA pAvaMti akhaMDiyasuhAI // 1 // jaha jiNa purau cukkharakaehiM puMttayaM kuNaMtehiM / kIramihuNeNa pattaM akhaMDiyaM sAsayaM sukkhaM // 2 yathA iti dRSTAMtaH / kIramithunena zukayugme(na) jinapurataH bhakSatAna prayacchatA zAzvatasaukhyaM prAptaM / atra akSataviSaye zukayugmakathA / asmin 'bharate 'siddhapuraM ' nAma nagaraM etc. Ends - fol. 21a __ iti pUrvabhavaM zrutvA ratiputrasya rAjyaM dAtvA jayasuMdarImadanakumArasahito rAjA pravrajitaH / / vrataM cirakAlaM pAlayitvA ayo(s)pi mRtvA saptame devaloke devasva utpannAH / tatazcyutvA mAnuSyaM prApya siddhiM yAsyati / iti akSatapUjAviSaye zukakathAnakaM samAtaM // ch|| Reference - It seems that this work is not noted in Jinaratnakota (Vol. I). zukarAjakathA No. 757 Size -101 in. by 4g in. Sukarajakatha 83 A1879-80 Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 757] The Svetambora Works 143 Extent - 6 folios; 23 lines to a page; 65-70 letters to a lino. Description - Country paper very thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; very small, quite legible%3; fairly uniform and very good hand-writing: borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered twice in the right-hand margin; once just in the beginning and once when the old numbering was going away as the corners were getting worn out ; edges and corners of several foll. gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so as to form a design; complete; about 500 verses. . Age - Old. Author - Maaikyasundara, pupil of Merutunga Suri of the Ascala gaccha. Subject -A story of Sukaraja, who named Pundarika giri as * Satruti. jaya'. For comparison see Sukarajakatha by Subhasila and an anonymous one. Begins - fol. 1a e60|| zrI zatrujaya'tIrthezaH / zrIyugAdijinezvaraH / zriyaM dizatu vo nityaM nabhrAmaranarezvaraH // 1 yena 'zatrujaye 'tyAkhyA / 'puMDarIka 'gireH kRtaa| nRpasya zukarAjasya vakSye tasya kathAnakaM // 2 etc. Ends - fol. 60 zukarAjaH sarvadA zrI zatrujaye' zrIyugAdidevaM namaskurvanakhaM rAjya pAlayAmAsa / / zrImerutuMgasugurupraNidhAnataH zrImANikyasuMdara imAM zukarAjasatkAM / nanyAM kathA racayati sa suvismayAM zrI'zatrujayA 'khyagirigauravagauravarNA // 1 yAvan 'meru 'mahI yAvad yAvaccaMdradivAkarau / / vAcyamAnA janastAvat kathA( thAs) sau labhatAM prathAH // 3 Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 144 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [758 iti zrIzukarAjakathA samAptA 0 499 // yAdRzaM pustake dRSTaM tAdRzaM likhitaM mayA / yadi zuddhaM vA mama doSo na dIyate // 1 cha // zubhaM bhavatu lekhakavAcakayoH // sarvairapi vAcakaiH paropakAro jJeyaH shriiH|| Reference - Published for the Hamsavijayaji Free Library' from Ahmedabad in V. S. 1980. For additional MSS. see Jina. ratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 386). Here the MS. dated V. S. 1522 is noted. Sukarajakatha zukarAjakathA No. 758 1344 1887-91 Size-101 in. by 4g in. Extent - 14 folios; 14 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with rare #Tats; big, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; condition very good; complete. Age-Samvat 1627. Author - Manikya Sundara. Begins - fol. 10 e||60|| zrIgautamAya nmH|| zrI zatrujaya 'tIrthezaH etc. as in No. 757. Ends -fol. 140 zukarAjaH sarvadA etc. upto kathA(s)sau labhatAM prathA 49 // as in No. 757, Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 759] The Svetambara Works 145 This is followed by the lines as under :iti zukarAjakathA samAptaH // saMvata 1627 varSe phAguNazudiradine sUravijayalakhitaM // gaNi zrIjayavimalapaThanArtha // dharmo jaya // .. ET' N. B. - For further particulars see No. 757. zukarAjakathA Sukarajakatha 852 (a) No. 759 1892-95. Size -10% in. by 41 in. Extent - 1a to 10a folios; 15 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devana gari characters with frequent hers; small, quite legible, uniform and very beautiful hand-writing ; borders neatly ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the right-hand margin twice and in the left-hand one, once; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design ; fol. 160 blank; edges of the first and last fol. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; the total extent 500 slokas; this work ends on fol. 100; this MS. contains an additional work viz. THE ATTUT (Vol. XIX see. 2, pt. 1, No. 51) which commences on fol. 100 and ends on fol. 166; that, too, is complete; for its details see Vol. XIX ( see 2, pt. 1, Ne.51 ). Age - Pretty old. Author - Manikya Sundara. Begins - fol. 1a 11&o Il sit' stata aterat: etc. as in No. 757. Ends - fol. 100 yerlift: Houter etc. upto Hat 911 86 ...19 (J.L P.) Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 146 Jaina Literature and Philosophy ( 760 This is followed by the lines as under :- as in No. 757. iti zrIzukarAjakathA // graMthazata 500 N. B. - For additional information see No. 757. zakarAjacaritra Sukarajacaritra [STEVESTITE ] [Sudasahelirasa ] 906 No. 760 1892-95 Size - 10 in. by 44 in. Extent - 4 folios; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional 78HTTS; sufficiently big, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. num. bered in the right-hand margin ; in the centre of the num. bered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; a portion of each and every fol. worn out, so far as the left-hand corner is concened ; condition on the whole good; complete. Age - Not modern. Author - Vacaka Sabajasundara, pupil of Upadhyaya Ratnasamudra Gapi of Upakesa gaccha, His additional works are noted as under in Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 121-129 ):Subject - Story of Sukaraja on the prowess of Puoya '. (1) Forty V. S. 1570 (2) - (3) 291-TT-TU-HFAR (?) (4) fargi(1) WICHTI-TTA V. S. 1582 (2) # COITTA V. S. 1572 (3) T TIA V. S. 1572 (4) real amat ra Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 761] The Svetambara Works 147 147 (5) rasnasArakumAra copai (6) guNaratnAkarachandarAsa V.S. 1572 (7) yauvanajarAsaMvAda Begins - fol. 1a e 60 // zrIsAradAI namaH samaravihaMsagamani sadA / varacuM vacanavilAsa / vIrajiNesarapaya namI / goyama labadhinivAsa 1 haraSa ghaNu guNa bolatAM / suNatAM siddhi buddhi hoi| sUDA naI sAhelIyAM / kathA suNau sahu koi / 2 / puNyaI rANibha raMgaghaNa puNyi sulalita bhog| puNyavinA na vipAmIha / manavaMchitasaMyoga 3 / etc. Ends - fol. 40 pratibodhANu peSa kari / haMsIsarisu kaag| ghara chaMDI tApasa thyu| bhANI mani viraag| 58 / lASa gharasa teNai tapa tpii| puhutu svargavimaNi / e zukarAja taNuM carI / sukavi taNI e vANi / 59 / je bhaNasi suMNasi mani lahisi te suSavAsA vAcaka sahijasuMdara bhaNai / dini dini lIlavilAsa / 60 iti sUDAsAhelIrAsa smaaptH|| Reference - For extracts and an additional MS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. to 127-128). jhuka-zukI kathA Suka-Suki-katha (sUDA-sUDI-kathA) (Suda-Sudi-katha) 790 (b) No. 761 1899-1915 Extent - fol. 44a to fol. 47b. Description - Complete, For other details see Ratnasamcaya with Tabba No. of Vol. XVIII. Subject - Story of a parrot and a female parrot. They attained salvation in due course as they used to place rice in front of a Tirthamkara, had performed aksata-puja. Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 148 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [762 Begins-fol. 44a jiNapuro varacukkhaehi puMjattayaM kuNateheM kIramihuNegge pattaM akhaMDiyaM sAsayaM sukhaM 1 haveM akSatapUjA upareM sUDAsuDI saMbaMdha kahIi cha / 'bharata' kSetrane virSe siddhapuranAmA nagara thAtuM haq etc. Ends - fol. 476 ima pUrvabhavanI lAla(? ta) sAMbhalIratinAMmA pUtraneM rAjya mApI jayasUMdarI rAMNIne madanakumAra sahita kevalIpAse dISyA lIdhI ghaNA kAla lagaNa cArItra pAlI aMtasame mAsarnu bhaNasAga karI maraNa pAMmI bArameM devaloke UpanA tihAthI 'mahAvideha'mAM avatarI cArItra pAlI mokSanA suSa pAMmasye ima akSatapUjAUpareM suDAsUDIno saMbaMdha jAMNa vo bIje paNa ima pUjA karavI jina. Then in a different hand we have : ratnasaMcayaH mU. mA. hemaprabhasUriH / bhaassaashitH| zlo0 2500 kImata 12 // Reference - Is this work mentioned in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ? It is Gujrati composition (practically translation) of Sanskrit explanation to Prakrit verses in No. 756 supra. Prakrit text is the same in both these MSS. zrIkathA Srikatha 1310 (21) No. 762 1886-92 Extent-fol. 23b to fol. 24b. Description - Complete. For other details see mUladevakathA (Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 2, No. 491). Author- Not mentioned. Subject -- A story of Srl Laksmi. Begins -fol. 230 zRtvA gurogiraM jIvaH / sukhaM lakSmIrivAznute / / rAjA(55)ha kA prabho / lakSmIH / sa proce zRNu bhUpate // 1etc. Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 763] The Svetambara Works 149 Ends - fol. 240 zrutveti smRtimApya satya / metad vadaMtIti ciraM mudA shrii| dharma vidhAyArasanakumAra / svarga tataH setsyati sA 'videhe // 7 // gta sf1927 11 3 11 Reference - It seems that this work is not mentioned in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I). zrIcandracaritra Sricandracaritra 856 No. 763 1892-95 Size -91 in. by 43 in. Extent -- 114 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional TEATS; big, quite legible, fairly uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; yellow pigment used for making corrections; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; edges of the last fol. gone; fol. 1st missing; so the work begins abruptly; it, however, goes up to the end; composed in V. S. 1494. in 4 Adhyayas. Age - Samvat 1662. Author - Silasimha Gani Guru of silahamsa and pupil of Jayananda Suri. Subject - Life of Sricandra. In his former birth he had practised a penance named as . Vardhamana Tapas'. This work is based 1 upon Siricandacariya composed by Siddharsi in V.S.(?) 598. He attained omniscience and Nirvana. Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 150 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [764 Begins - abruptly fol. 2a jaM caMdaNeNa taI bhAtaviyaM bhai gurua vaddhamANa'tavaM tassa phaleNa huo so siricaMdunivo sayA suhimo 11 tathAhi 'jaMbUdvIpAbhidhe dvIpe kSetre 'bharata'nAmani puraM 'kuzasthalaM ' nAma pUrvamAsInmahattaraM 12 etc. End--fol. 112a iti zrI bhAgama'gacchAdhirAja-zrIjayAnaMdasUrIMdra-caraNAraviMdacaMcarIkAyamAnena zrIguruprasAditapaMDitetyullApanena zIlasiMhagaNina(nA) viracite pavitre zrIcaMdracaritre zrIcaMdranRpaprAgbhavatrikhaMDarAjAdhirAjatvatIrthayAtrAdi dharmakRtyadIkSAjJAnanirvANavarNano nAma caturtho'dhyAyaH samAptaH chaH iti zrI zrIcaMdakeyalicaritraM saMpUrNa samAptaM chaH zrIH bhatha prazasti / etc. zrIzIlasiMhapaMDitaziSyena kRtauvazIlahaMsena jitagarvakagurugaNabhaktyA vipulA prazasti zrIH 52 iti prazastiH graMthAnaM 3672 akSarapa zrIrastu / kalyANaMleSakasya vAcyamaciraM jayatuH zrIH saMvata 1662 varSe azvinamAse zuklapakSe ekAdazIvAra zukra zubhayogo zrImat pattena mahAnagaramadhye zrIzrIcaMdacaritraM liSitamidaM saMpUrNIkRta masti zubhaM bhavatuH ciraM naMdatuH zrIH zrIH // zrIcandracaritra Aricandracaritra 1345 - No. 764 1887-91 Size -103 in. by 4g in. Extent - 123 folios; 11 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; numbers for the verses and their dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the left-hand margin the title is written as xito 10; in the centre of the numbered and upnumbered sides as well, there is Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 765] The Svetambara Works 151 some space kept blank in the centre so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; a piece of white paper pasted to fol. 1a; fol. 1a blank; edges of the first two and last foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good%3B complete; total extent 3500 Slokas. Age - Old. Author - Silasimhagani. Subject -Life story of Sricandra (Kevalin-omniscient) on the prowess of Vardhamana Tapas '. Begins -fol. 10 e 60||shriipNcprmessttine nmH|| OM dhyAtvA zrIjinAn natvA vaMditvA zrIgurukramAt / zrIcaMdrarAjarAjasya caritraM prathayAmyahaM // 1 // purA zrIvarddhamAnasya ziSyaH zrIgautamo(s)graNIH / ekadA viharamApa 'vaizAlI nagarI varAM // 2 // etc. Ends - fol. 1230 tataH zrIceTako rAjA zrIgautamamukhAt tadA / zrIcaMdrAcarataM zrutvA tapAkarmodyato'bhavet / 62 vasvaMkeSumite 598 varSe zrIsiddhirSiridaM mahat / prAk prAkRtacaritravAdvi caritraM saMskRtaM byadhAt // 91 // saMgho()yaM guNaratnarohaNagiriH saMghaH satAM maMDanaM // saMgho'yaM mahAmaMgalaM saMgho(s)bhIpsita dAnakalpaviTapI saMyo gurubhyo guruH| saMghaH sarvajinAdhinAtha mahitaH saMgha[:]zciraM naMdatAt // 9 // Then in a different hand : iti zrIzrIcaMdracaritra samApta S graMthAgraM 3500 Reference - For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakota (Vol. I, p. 396). zrIcandracaritra No. 765 Sricandracaritra 639 1884-86 Size -98 in. by4g in. Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 152 Jaina Literature and Philnsophy [766 Extent - 94 folios; 14 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva. nagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment used for making corrections; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. la decorated with a design in several colours; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a pattern; edges of the first fol. slightly gone ; some of the foll. partially worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably good%3B the MS. ends abruptly with a portion of 960th verse. Age-Pretty old. Author - Silasimhagani. Begins -- fol. 16 // 60 // zrIpaMcaparameSTine namaH // OM dhyAtvA zrIjinAn natvA vaMditvA zrIgurukramAt zrIcaMdrarAjasya caritraM prathayAmyahaM 1 purA zrIvarddhamAnasya ziSyaH zrIgautamo(5)graNIH ekadA viharamAtha(pa) 'vizAlI 'nagarI vasaM 2 etc. as in No. 764. Ends - abruptly fol. 94b ityAcAmlavarddhamAnatapo mahimnyaso kathAH zreNikAgre purA yAdRk zrIvIrasvAmIno ditA 59 tAdRzI ceTakakSmA N. B. - For further particulars see No. 764 zrIcandracaritra Sricandracaritra TabbAsahita with Fabba 1326 No. 766 1884-87 Size -- 114 in. by 5} in. Extent-226 folios ; 6 lines to a page; 34 letters to a line. . Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 766] Description The Svetambara Works 153 Country paper somewhat thick, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; this MS. contains both the text and its inter-linear Tabba, the former written in big, quite legible and good hand-writing; the same is practically the case with the Tabba except that it is written in comparatively smaller hand-writing; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; a prece of paper pasted to fol. 14; so is the case with fol. 226; both the foll. 10 and 2266 blank; condition very good; both the text and the Tabba complete. -- Age - Samvat 1865. Author of the Text - Silasimhagani. Author of the Tabba - Unknown. Subject -- The text (see No. 765 ) along with its Tabba. Begins ( Text ) - fol. 16 // e 60 // zrIvitarAgAya namaH // OM dhyAtvA zrIjinAn natvA etc. as in No. 765. Begins (Tabba ) -- fol. 1b // e 60 // dhyAtvA zrImanmahAvIraM natvA zrIgurupaMkajaM zrIcaMdrArSa caritrasyaH stabUkArtha karomyahaM // etc. OM kAra zrIsI (si) dvake dhyAna dharIneM covIseM tI ( ti ) thaMkaraneMH namIneM etc. Ends (Text) - fol. 2250 tirtha iti zrIcaMdracarItre zrIcaMdranRpaprAgbhavatrikhaMDarAjAdhirAjatvaM yAtrAdidharmakRtyadikSAdAMnanirvANavarNano nAMma caturthI ( 5 ) dhikAra saMpUrNa graMthAgraMtha 1000 / sarvagraMthanIrNayaH mIdaM carItraH / saMvat 1865 jeTha / Ends (Tabba ) - fol. 226a iti zrIcaMdracarItra zrIcakevalIno pUrvalIbhavatriSaMDano rAjAdIrAja paNUM / tirthajAtrAdikadharamanIkaraNI dikSA lidhi mojhe pohatAehano varNava rupa cotho adhikAra saMpUNArthaM 11000 sarvagraMthano nirNaya karyoH saMvat 1865 nA varSe mAhAsUdI 13 paM zrI 5 / vIjayaprabhasUrIzvaracaraNAn / -20 [J. L. P.] Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 154 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [767 paM zrIvilavijayagA tatsIya paMpha( ? )trovajayagA tatsISya / paM pratApavijayagA varSa 1 N. B. - For additional details see No. 765 645 zrIpAlakathA Sripalakatha (siddhacakramAhAtmya) (Siddhacakramahatmya ) No. 767 1895-98 Size -111 in. by 41 in. Extent-27 folios%3; 17 lines to a page%3; 50 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, rough, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing: borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so as to form a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of a few foll. gone; condition on the whole good; the MS. ends abruptly with 1332nd verse (i. e, about last 9 Slokas less ). Age - Old. Author - Ratnasekhara. Subject - Life of Sripala in Prakrit verse depicting the prowess of Sidhacakrabhakti. Begins - fol. 1a AUM|| ahN|| marihAi navapayAI etc. as in No. 822. Ends - abruptly fol. 27b mohassa khauvasamAsamasaM vegAi lakkhaNaM paramaM / suhapariNAmamayaM niyamappANaM dasaNaM muNaha // 31 nANAvaraNassa khauvasameNa jahadiyANa tattANaM / suddhAvabohasUvo appujiyavuccae nANaM, It ends thys. Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 768] The Svetambara Works 15s Reference - This anonymous work is mentioned in Jinaratnakota (Vol.I, p. 436). zrIpAlakathA Sripalakatha [sirivAlakahA] [Sirivalakaha] 1348 No. 768 1886-92 Size -93 in. by 41 in. Extent-53 folios%3 14 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters, small, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in threo lines and edges in two, in red ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; foll. 1a and 53b blank; to the former is affixed a blank folio; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; comp. lete; the MS. was written in Samvat 1428 by Homacandra, pupil of the author. Author-Ratnasekhara Suri, pupil of Hematilaka Suri of the Naga puriya Tapa Gaccha see No. 404 / 1880-81. Subject - Life of Sripala in Prakrit verse. Begins - fol. 10||AUM|| bharihAI nava payAi kAittA hiyayakamalamajjhami sirisiddhacakkamAhapyasuttamaM kipi pemi 1 etc Ends - fol.53a esA nava payamAhappasAra siripAlanaravariMda kahA nisuNeta kaheMtANaM bhaviyANaM kuNa sukallANaM 37 sirivasvaseNa gaNahara paTTapadahemanilayasUrINaM sIsehiM rayaNasehara sUrIhiMi mAhu saMkaliyA // tassIsa hemacaMdeNa sAhuNa vikkamassavarasaMmi caudazaaThAvIse (1428) lihiyA gurubhaktikalieNaM / / etc. Reference - Published in the D. L. P. F. Series as No. 63. in A. D. 1923. For additional MSS. with Sanskrit rendering see B. B. Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 156 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 768 R. A. S. Vols. III. IV, p. 451 ); also see Peterson, Reports. III. p. 204. Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, pp. 396-397) may be consult. ed for additional MSS. The following works too deal with the life story of Sripala and his wife. - Praksta - (i) Sripala Kathoddhara - Author year (ii) Sripala Caritra - - Pradyumnasuri Apabbramsa - (1) - Narasena -(2) . ,, - Kavi Raiddhu , V. Samvata dharmadhIra Samisksta - Sripala Katha Labdhisagara Gani 1557 >> Caritra Satyaraja Gani 1514 Labdhisagara . ? Dharmadbira . ,, (Prose) Jzanavimala Suri 1745 Jaikirtti Suri 1868 Jlvaraja Gaoi ,, (Prose) Somacandra Gani Vijayasimha Suri Virabhadra Suri Saubhagya Suri Harsa Suri Kavi Ksemalaka Pandita Jagannatha Indradevarasa Naradeva .. (9 chap. ) Brahma Nemidatta 1585 Labdhi Muni 1990 Mallibhusana Vidyanandin subhucandra Sakalakirtti Somakirttideva Six anoymus works Narendra Katha ? (Saindharathitya Mabakavya) Jayakalifa Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 169] The Svetambara Works 157 Gujarati works - Sripala Narendra Rasa Jinanasagara 1531 ,, Rajano , Vinaya Vijaya+Yasovijaya 1738-43 , , , Jnanasagara Anckliya 1726 Rasa (abbridged) Jina Harsa 1742 ,, , ( enlarged ) , 1740 sorai Udaya Vijaya 1728 Nemavijaya 1824 Lalchanda 1837 Rasa Ksemavardhana 1879 Udayasomasuri 1898 Cetana Vijaya 1853 , (Siddhacakra ) Rasa Mandan 1498 , Copai Rasa Padma Sundara 1642 Padma Vijaya 1726 5 See further Jaina Gurjara Kavio Vol. III Part 2 Page 1759. zrIpAlakathA Sripalakatha [faftale et] [Sirivalakaha] 1349 No. 769 1886-92 size -- 104 in. by 4f in. Extent - 45 folios; 13 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and white ; Devanagari characters; small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; the first folio does not seem to belong to this work, for, it is written in Gujarati, whereas this work is written in Prakrit; moreover, there is no continuity; perhaps that is why it is scratched out; yellowish pigment used; fol. 39th. partly damaged ; almost complete. Age - Samvat 1574. Author - Ratnasekhara Suri. For other details see No. 768 Supra. Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 158 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [770 Begins-fol. 1a e 60 // zrIgurubhyo nmH|| vaMdiya goyamasakatii sIma / guruupadeziiM lei sunIma / virati taNI mati hiyaui dhari / na sakaUM pUrAvrata ucarI // 1 // etc. fol. 1b coSAmugagodhUmaciNA bAjariya jumA / tUmari baraTI jhAlariyA methIya vicaari| cINau caulA mauTha uDada vekariya ujANI / avara dhAna parihariya save saMbhali guruvANI // 16 dUhA // jAva fol 2a ta siddhAyariyA uvajhAyA sAhuNo ya samattaM nApAM caraNaM tavo iya paya navagaM muNeyavvaM 23 etc. Ends - fol. 45b sAyara meru jA mahiyalaMmi jA na halayaMmi asti sarA vasa'ti tAva naMdau vAijaMtA kahA esA // 41 // iti zrIpAlanareMdra caritraM saMpUrNamiti / / 1300 saMkhyA // saMvat 1574 varSe caitrasudi 15 some some portion is scratched out after some and then we have laSita svayaM vilokanArtha // 130 zrInadivijayagaNiziSya paM. zrIvimalavijayagaNinI prati // zrIpAlakathA. Sripalakatha vyAkhyAsahita with Vyakhya 404 No. 770 1880-81 Size -- 101 in. by 5 in. Extent - 105 folios; 15 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thick and white; Devanagari characters%3 small, legible and good hand-writing: borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used3; fol. 1a blank; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; white paste used at times ; complete; contains both the text and the Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 770] The Svetambara Works commentary, the former in Prakrit and the latter in Sanskrit ; at the end Sarasvatavidyamantra is given; its author is Bhadrabahu. Age - Pretty old. Author of the original Text - Ratnasekharasuri. Author of the Comm. Subject Begins fol. 18 - - Ksamakalyana, pupil of Amrtavacaka. The Prakrait text along with its explanation in Sanskrit the latter is composed in V. S. 1884 (?) at the instance of Jnanananda, grand pupil of Ksamakalyana. zrIgaNezAya namaH // zrI ' gauDI 'pArzvanAthAya namaH rihAi nava payAI kAittA hiyayakamalamajjhammi sirisiddhacakka mAhayyamuttamaM kiMpi jaMpemi 1 atha sUtramAha / dhyAtvA navapadIM bhaktyA zrIzrIpAlamahIbhujaH caritraM kIrttayiSyAmi ramyaM saMskRtabhASayA 1 Ends - fol. 105a vyAkhyA - arhadAdi navapadAni hRdayakamalamadhye dhyAtvA uttamaM zrI siddhacakrasya yaMtrarAjasya mAhAtmyaM kimapi jalpAmi kathayAmi 1 prathama zlokavyAkhyA | etc. eso navapayamAhappasArasiripAlanaravariMdakAM nisuNaMta kahaMtANaM bhaviyANaM kuNau kallANaM 39 sirivasvaseNagaNahara paTTapahahamatilayasUrINaM sIsehiM rayaNase harasUrIhiM imAhu saMkaliyA 40 159 tassIsahemacaMdeNa sAhuNa vikkamassa varasaMmi caudaza bhaThAvIse (1428) lihiyA gurubhakti kalieNaM 41 sAyaramerU jA mahiyalaMmi jAva nahayalammi sasisUrA vadaMti tAva naMdau nAizcaMtA kahA esA 42 vyA / yAvanmahItale pRthvItale sAgaraH samudro 'meru 'zca kanakAcalo dvAvapi varttate tathA nabhastale AkAze yAvat zazisUrau caMdrasUyA~ varttate tAvat eSA zrIpAlanareMdrakathA vAcyamAnA satI naMdatu samRddhiM labhAtAm 1342 // iti zrIpAlanareMdrakathA zrIsiddhacakra mAhAtmyayutA saMpUrNA // Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 160 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [771 atha bhadrabAhukRtasArasvatavidyAmaMtra li | etc. varSe naMdaguhAsyasidvivasudhA (1869) saMkhye zubhe cAzvine mAse nirmalacaMdrake suvijayAdyAyAM dazamyAM tithau / pUjyazrIjinaharSasUriMgaNabhRtsaddharmarAjye mudA zrIzrIpAlanareMdracArucarite byAkhyA samAsAkRtA 1 iti zrIpAlacaritrasya sakhyepasUtrasya prathApramanumAnataH 1550 vyAkhyA prAyastriNi sahastrANi sAdhika dvAviMzati 3023 sUtrArthamIlane saMkhyA 4572 kaSAya mada kAya pharasa caMda (18841) saMvatsaraM jANa bhAsU mAsa aMdhAra Saya dvitIyAtithivyAkhyAna 1 daityaguruvAsara mudA 'vikramapura' subha ThANa labdhivilAza pothI likhI vAcau catura sujANa 2 iti zrIpAlacaritrasya sakhyepasUtrasya graMthAnamanumAnataH 1559 atha trayodazasahasra saMkhyA li| N. B. - For additional information see No. 768. zrIpAlakathA No. 771 Sripalkatha 865 1892-95 Size - 101 in. by4g in. Extent - 16 folios; 13 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used to mark out the numbering for the verses; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design ; each and every fol. badly worm-eaten; condition fair; complete. Age - Samvat, 1573 : Saka 1438. Author - Dharmadhira, pupil of Vijayaratna Suri of the Vtddha (Brhad) Tapa gaccha, Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 161 7721 The Svetambara Works Subject - Story of Sripala in Sanskrit based upon some prior Prakrit work. Begins - fol. 1a e60|| OMnamA siddhAM // arihAI navapavAi / jA ittAhi bhayakamalamajjhA ....... siri siddhaca...kara...haNa matamaM kiMpi jaMpemi 1 ahaMdAdi navapadI dhyAtvA mAna svaarije| zrImataH siddhacakrasya / mAhAtmyaM varNayAmyaha // 1 etc. Ends -fol. 16a zrImadvIrajinezvaro viharati prayotato nuutno| mAM mohamahAtamaH / prazamayan bhavyAbjinIbodhayat / so(s)In saMdizatu zriyaM navapadatphUrjan prabhAvAvitAM / sAdhUnAmabhibhRNvatAM kathavatAM zrIpAlarAkSaH kathAM // 52 pUjyazrIvijayAdiratnasuguroH pAdaH prsaadaadro| mIdyadvAdikarI prasAmajaripoH saddharmadhIro muniH / etAM prAkRtarUpapUrvacaritAMbhodhiM sudhAsodarAmAlojyAracayaJca saMskRtakathAM vyAkhyAtamudretave // 53 iti zrIGkaH(?)'vRddha' tapA gacchAdhIzvaraprabhu bhu. zrI zrIvijayaratnasUrIzvarakramakamalabhaMgAyamAna vinayadharmadhIramuniviracitaM saMskRtamayazrIpAlabhUpAlakathAnakaM samAptaM // ch|| zubhaM bhavatu // // saMvat 1573 / varSe zAke 1438 pravartamAne uttarAyanake zrIsUrye jyeSTa zudi 12 caMdre // lakSataM // Reference - For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 397). zrIpAlacaritra Sripalacaritra No. 772 1424 1891-99 Size -- 10 in. by 44 in. Extent - 33+1 = 34 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters; bold, small, legible and good handwriting; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; red chalk used 3B ... [J. LP.] Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 162 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [772 yellow pigment, too; numbers of foll, entered twice as usual; fol. 1a blank; the 6th fol. repeated; complete; composed in Samvat 1868 in 4 prastavas. Age-Samvat 1916. Author-Jayakirti, brother of Mahimaheman of the Kharatara gaccha. Is Jivaraja the author of this work ? Subject - Life of king Sripala. This is a Sanskrit version of some Prakrit work. Begins - fol. 10 // 60 // zrImadvighnavicchide namaH // praNamya siddhacakraM ca sadguruM nijamAnase zrIpAlacaritaM vakSye sugama ziSyahetave 1 etc. Ends-fol.33a saMvatsikhirasASTaika ( 1868) pramite maargshiirsske| mAse hi kRSNa pakSe ca dasa (za )myAM caritaM kRtam 1 zrIjinaharSasUrINAM rAjye ramye pravattate prAkRtAt saMskRtaM ramyaM kRtaM ca jayakIrtinA 2 zrImat (kharatara)' gacche kArtiratnAzca sUrayaH tacchAkhAyAM sujAtA hi pAThakAH sukhalAbhakAH 3 etc. tadAtA jayakIrtizca tenedaM caritaM kRtaM kAMtiratnasahAye likhitaMna sodhitaM mudA 8 zrIrAjAdhirAjasya mUlarAjasya bhUpateH rAjye pratApasaMyukta pustakeyaM kRtA mayA 9 zrI ciMtAmaNi'pArzvazaH rakSA karotu nityazaH 'jezalameha' mahAtuMge caturmAsI kRtAvarA 10 jIvarAjena racitaM zrIpAlacaritaM zubham kuzalenAzu likhitaM zrIsadguruprasAdataH 11 iti zrI zrIpAlacaritragadyabaMdhe caturthaH prastAvaH parisamAptaH zubhaM bhUyAt .saM. 1916 kA miti caitravadi 12 dine idaM pustakaM saMpUrNa jAtaM // grAmagaDAlA caturmAsyAM kRtaH maMgalyArtha zreyaM bhavatu lekhakapAThakayoH / Reference - Published by Hiralal Hamsaraj in A. D. 1908. See R, ....... Mitra, Notices, VIII. p. 146. . Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 774] The Svetambara Works For additional MSS, see B. B. R. A. S. (Vols. III. IV, p. 45) and Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 394). 'zrIpAlacaritra No. 773 Size - 10 in. by 4g in. Extent - 38 folios; 14 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description Age - Samvat 1887. Author - Jayakirti. Begins - fol. 10 Country paper tough and white; Devanagari characters; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink ; red chalk used ; yellow pigment too ; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; strips of paper pasted to fol. 38; complete. // 60 // OM asibhAjasAya namaH // praNamya siddhacakraM etc. as in No. 772. Bnds - fol. 380 and 386 zrIsidhdacakramahimA...etc. upto parisamAptaH as in No. 776 163 Sripalacaritra 857 1892-95 N. B. - For other details see No. 772. Then follows: // 4 // // saMvat 1887 rA pramite bhAdravamAse kRSNapakSe aSTamItithau madhyAMnasamaya lipIkRtA // paM. / pra / zrI 105 zrIjaya mUrtimuninA / ziSya paM / tIrthamaMdira liSyamAMnA asau caritra siSya paM sAgaracaMda appahetave // 'puSkaraNa ' madhye | zrIpAlacarita No. 774 Size - 103 in. by 52 in. Sripalacarita 858 1892-95 Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 164 Jaina Literature and Philnsophy [775 Extent-42 folios%3; 12 lines to a page%3; 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin and bluish; Devanagari characters%3B small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; fol. 1a blank; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; red chalk used; yellow pigment too; complete. Age-Samvat 1907. Author - Jayakirti. Subject - Life of Sripala written in Sanskrit prose. Begins -- fol. 16 zrIgurubhyo namaH // zrImadvighnavicchide namaH / / zrI siddhacakrAya nmH|| praNamya sidhdacaca etc. as in No. 772 Ends-fol. 42a zrIsiddhacakra etc ... upto zubhaM bhUyAt as in No. 776. Then follows: zrIrastu // zrI // saMvat 1907 rA vaizASakRSNapakSe ravivAre dvitIyAtiyoM 2 dine liSApitaM ji0 ma0 SubacaMdreNa 'bAlocara'madhye 'bhAgerathi' ttte|| zrIrasta // // shrii|||| kalyANamastu // // zrI / / / / subhaM bhavatu // zrI // ya pustaka tiviradhicaMdane mela liyA jayakaraNanati ke pAsa isame vhisikA dAvA nahi // viradhicaMda. N. B.- For further particulars see No. 772. zrIpAlacaritra Srpialacaritra 382 No. 775 1871-72 Size - 10 in. by 4t in. Description - Country paper very thin and white; Devanagari chara. cters; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing; ink spread out, so many a folio unintellegible; borders ruled in four lines Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 776] The Svetambara Works 165 and edges in two, in red ink; fol. 1a and 287b blank: numbers of some foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 105th damaged in the body; fol. 88th tacking; fol. 87 not numbered; practica. lly complete. Age-Not quite modern. Subject - Life of king Sripala. Author-Nayavimala, pupil of Dhiravimala (?) Dhiravimala (?), ' Begins - fol. 10 sakalakuzalavallIsecane navyadevo bhavatu bhavabhRtAM sa zreyase pArzvadevaH saThakamaThAvimuktivAripUraiH ...... radhikamiha yadIyo didyutadhyAnadIpaH 1 etc. Ends -fol. 1040 tadrupo(5)stiguNaizca dhIravimalAdvAro nidAnaM sadA ...... zubhasya yugdalavatA yadazana sAMprataM cakre ta chirAnA nayAdi vimale..... ritramadata zrI zrIpAlanarezituH punaridanudUdhaM sugadyAnvitaM etc. prathamAdarza liSitaM zvaravedamunIMdu (114) saMmite varSe edhAzatadvitiyA divase zrI 'unnitA 'vyapure 7 etc. upagItI tasmAd vistarabhAvaM prAmotu caritrametadAkhyAtaM saniH suparigRhItA dAnaM dAye kalyANa 11 aSTAdazasatamAnaM graMthAgramanuSTa pAMcasujAta asya caritrasya datyaktAlasyaM sadA vAcyaM 12 iti zrIpAlacaritrapavitraM saMpurNa samApta // paMja // mayArAma lakhitaM ga zrI. Reference - Is this work the same as one composed by Jnanavimala Suri pupil of Nayavimala in V.S. 1745? Sripalarasa zrIpAlarAsa No. 776 Size - 91 in. by 47 in. 862 1892-95 Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 166 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [776 Extent - 19 folios ; 17 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs: small, quite legible, fairly uniform and very good hand.writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk; some of the dandas, a major portion of the first line etc. written in red ink; foll, numbered in both the margins; fol. 1a decorated with a big design in red and blue colours; same is the case with fol. 196%; later on somebody has pasted in the centre a piece of white paper with the title zrIpAlanRparAsa: yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of one or two foll. gone ; condition on the whole good; complete ; composed in Sariyat 1726 (1720 )at Sesapura near Ahmedabad in 40 dhalas. Age-Samvat 1732. Author - Jianasagara, pupil of Manikyasagara of the Aicala gaccha. Subject - Life of king Sripala in Gujarati. Begins -fol. 10 e 60 // ... zrIjinAya nmH|| paMDitottamapaMDita zrI 108 zrI vijayaga / gurubhyo namaH // zrIgaNezAya namaH // bhatha dUhA // sakala surAsura jehanA / pUjai bhAvaI pAya / 'purisAdANI' pAsajI / te praNamU cita lAya / 1 / caudaha pUrava mAMva lii| sAra jike navakAra / . praNamUM te parameSTi huM nava pada nita suvicAra / 2 / etc. Ends - fol. 19a 'aMcala 'gaccha udayakara dinamaNi / zrIguNaratnasAradaM / tAsa pATi AcAraya sUrivara zrIkSamAratna muNIMda re / bha0 63 / lAvaNyadhArI lalitasAgara budha / teha taNA ziSya sohi| zruta dinakara muni mANikasAgara mujha guru bhavimana mohaha / bha064 meM zrIpAla naresara gAyo te gurunaI supsaai| guNavaMtanA guNa bhaNatAM gaNatAM / Rddhi siddhi dhara dhaairebh0||65|| satara chaThavIsA( 1726)nA bhAso vadi mAThima dina saareN| . siddhi yogeM kIyo rAsa saMpUraNa / puSya naSatra guruvAraha re / bha. Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 777] The Svetambara Works ' zeSapura ' mAM sarasa saMbaMdha e / nyAMnasAgara kahai raMgaI / dhanyAsi mAMDhAla vyAlIsamA / suNajyo saMhU cita caMgaha re bha0 66 iti zrIsiddhacakraviSaye zrI zrIpAlanRpacaupaI samApta // graMthA 1131... ' svavAcanakRte yataH // yAdRzaM pustakaM dRSTravA / tAdRzaM liSitaM mayA / yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA / mama doSo na dIyate // 1 // zrI // saMvata 1732 varSe | bhAso vadi 8 dine // 'zrI' gholakA 'nagare lipikRtaM leSakapAThakayozubhaM bhavatu // cha // zrI // cha // zrI cha // zrI // Age - Pretty old. Author zrIpAla rAsa No. 777 Size - 97 in. by 48 in Description Country paper some what thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two thick lines and edges sometimes in one and sometimes in two in red ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in both the margings; in the left-hand margins, the title is mostly written as zrIpAla and once or so as zrIpAlarA0; condition very good ; almost complete ; the MS. ends abruptly. Jnanasagara. 167: Begins - fol. 1a // 60 // dhavaladhigagoDIpArzvajinAya namaH dUhA || sakala surAsura jehanA bhAvi pUjipAkSa goDIpAsavA ( ? ) sajI te praNamaU cita lAya 1 caUda pUrvamAM valI sAra jIke navakAra Sripalarasa 99 1869-70 praNamuM te huM parame zrI navapada nita suvicyAra 2 etc. as in No. 776. sidhdacakramahimA kahUM jeha nA nava pada sAra bhabisyuM ArAdhatAM Api suSakAra // etc, Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 168 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [778 Ends -fol. 270 'seSapura' mAMhiM sarasa baMdhae nyAMnasAgaraI raMgahare dhaNyAsarImA DhAla 40 samI suMNajyo sahuM cita caMgera 11 bha0 dUhA // dhavaladhigagoDI supasAyathI carItra kahio suvisAla bhaNo gaNo sAMbhalo tasa dhira maMgalamAla 1 goDI prArasaprasAdAt paMDitazrI 9 zrIvinayahaMsagaNI tat sISya / muMnImAMnahaMsa. Then in a different hand : zrIpAlarAsa N. B. - Eor further particulars see No. 776. zrIpAlarAsa Sripalarasa 859 No. 778 1892-95 Size - 9} in, by 41 in. Extent -59 folios; 13 lines to a page 38 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand. writing; borders ruled in two thick lines in red ink with the interlinear space coloured yellow; edges ruled in one, in red ink; dandas and puspikas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right hand margin%3; foll. 1a and 59b blank; in the centre of the numbered and unnumberd sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; edges of the first and last foll. gone; condition on the whole good; complete%3 except the following two items treated in Siripalakaba (Prakrta) (i) Extract (11 verses) pertaining to Siddhacakrabrhadyantra (omitted by Vinayavijaya) and (ii) Worship of * Siddhacakra-yantra' (cmitted by Yasovijaya) [ see Siddhidayaka Siddhacakra Page 113] four khandas in all; the extent of each of them is as under -- Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 778] khanda ", " 19 Begins - fol. 16 The Svetambara Works I II III IV Ends - fol. 56a foll. 33 22 "9 16 13a 24b 40a to :: " "2 13a 246 40a 59a Age - Samvat 1786. Author Vinayavijaya and Nyayacarya Yasovljaya. Authors -- Vinayavijaya Gani and Nyayvisarada Nyayacarya Yasovijaya Gani. Subject Life of Sripala in Gujarati verse. For details see Vinayasa. urabha and Yasodohana after his death latest by V. S. 1745. e 60 // paMDita zrI 5 zrImAMna vijayagaNigurubhyo namaH // dUddA // kalpaveli kaviyaNa taNI / sarasati kari supasAya / siddhacakra guNa gAyatAM / pUri manorathamAya // 1 // error vighana savi upasamaI / japatAM jina covIsa / namatA nija gurupAya kamala / jagamAM vadhadaM jagIsa / 2 / pUchaI zreNikarAya prabhu / tekuNa puNya pavitra / iMdrabhUti tava upadisaI / zrI zrIpAlacaritra | 7 | etc. 169 sUri hari gurunA bahukIrati kIrtivijaya uvajjhAyA jI / sIsa tAsa zrIvinayavijaya varavAcaka suguNa sohAyA jI / vidyA vinaya vivekavicakSaNa lakSaNalakSita dehA jI / sobhAgI gItAratha sAthasaMgatasakhara sasanehA jI / 33 saMvata sataraDIsA ( 1738 ) varaSe rahI' rAMnera' caDamAsuM jI / saMgha taNA zrAgrahathI mAMDio rAsa adhika ullAsa jI / sArddhatasapta (za) gAthA viracite puhutA te suralokaI jI / tehanA guNa gAvaI chaI gorI / milI milI thokahUM dhokaIM jI / 34 / iti zrImahopAdhyAya zrI zrIvinayavijayagaNiviracite prAkRtabaMdhe | mahopAdhyAya zrIyazovijayagaNiviracite zrIpAlacaritre prAkRtabaMdhe caturthakhaMDa saMpUrNamitiH / 4 / saMvat 1786 varSe vaizASamAse zuklapakSe akSa3yA dine / zrI pATaNa 'nagare | caturmAsikasthite // mahopAdhyAya zrI 19 -22 [J. L. P.] Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 170 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [779 zrIvinayavijayagaNi / zikhyasakala paMDitaziromaNipaMDita zrI 5 zrImAMnavijayagaNi / padakamalasevI ta ( t ) ziSya // amaravijayagaNinAH likhAto ( 5 ) yaM zrIpAlarAsa saMpUrNaH // svayaM vAcanArthaM // paropakArAyaH zrIrastuH // Reference -Published by Bhimsi Manek with explanation in Gujarati. For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II. pp, 17-20). zrIpAlarAsa No. 779 Size 97 in. by 41 in. Extent 64 folios; 12 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagarl characters; big, thoroughly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the left-hand margin, the title is written as ; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 64; edges of the first and last foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; four khandas in all; the extent of each of them is as under. khanda foll. 1 19 19 33 Age Samvat 1827. Author I II III IV Begins-fol. 1b 99 29 "" Vinayavijaya Yasovijaya. 16 to 14a 26a 420 99 19 29 // OM 60 // zrIsiddhacakrAya namaH dUhA // perafe faun auff etc. as in No.778 Sripalarasa 860 1892-95 14a 26a 426 64a Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 180] The Svetambara Torks 111 Ends - fol. 636 'tapa 'gacchanaMdana etc. upto jJAnavizAlajI 15as in No. 778. This is followed by the lines as under :iti zrI zrIpAlarAsa samAptAM saMvat 1827 phAguNa vadI 7 muMnI mAMnavijayalaSItaM 'bharUnaca madhyeH N. B. - For further particulars see No. 778. zrIpAlacaritra (rAsa) Sripalacaritra ( rasa ) 1480 No. 780 1886-92 Size - 11 in. by 5 in. Extent - 132 folios; to lines to page; 40-45 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; big, quite legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin at the bottom%3; dandas given in red ink. Age - Samvat 1888. Subject -- Life-story of king Sripala. Author - Parimala. Begins -- fol. 10 // OM nama sindebhyaH // atha zrIpAlacaritrajI lipyate // zrI siddhacakravidhike kevala riddhiguNa anaMtaphala jAkausiddhi / praNamau paramasiddha gurusAya // bhavikasaMgajyau maMgala hoya // 1 // etc. Ends - fol. 132a iti zrI zrIpAlacaritrajI saMpUrNam mItI bhAvavA sudIra saMmata 1848 ekAdasaka panAlAla sAhaka divAnImadhe liSI liSAI gogarAjajI godIkA zrI zrI zrI zrI shrii| Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 172 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [781 zrImatIkathA Srimatikatha - 1321(a) No. 781 1886-92 Size - 101 in. by 4g in. Extent-31 folios%3; 7 lines to a page: 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters%3; this MSS. contains the text and its interlinear Tabba; the former witten in big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; practically same is the case with the Tabba except that it is written in smaller hand writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; foll. 1a and 310 blank; strips of paper pasted to fol. 1a; condition on the whole good; complete; this work ends on fol. 6a ; this MS. contains in addition the following works : (1) zivakumArakathA TabbA sahita No. foll. 6a to 10b (2) jinadAsakathA " , 10a to 130 -- (3) caNDapiGgalakathA , , , 13b to 170 (4) huNDakakathA , , 17b to 210 (5) rAjasiMhakumArakathA " , 21a to 31a Age - Not modern. Author-Unknown. Subject -A story of Srimati, a Sravika. It points out the efficacy of the 'Navakara' mantra. Begins - fol. 10 // 60 // zrIgurubhyo nmH|| navakAraikvakkharaNa pAvaM pheDeI sattAirANa pamAsaMcapaeNaM paNasaha sAgarasamaggeNaM 1 fol. 10 // 60 // aiM namaH navakAra maMtranA dhyAnanA mahimA upari kathA etc. Ends ( Text)- fol. 5b . gurudattAmtAyayogena bhAvanAyA samanvitaH paMcaparameSTi maMtraM mArAdhayati tatsudhA 55 Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7821 The Svetambara Works 173 sAnidhya devatA tasya iha paratne(5)pi jAyate sadratistu paratne(s)pi yathA zrImatI purA 54 iti zrInavakAraviSaye zrImatIkathAH Ends (Tabba)-fol. 50 etalai navakAra maMtranA adhikAranai viSai zrImatI zrAvikAnI kathA vaSANI prathama adhikAraH TabArthaH Reference - Two (?) anonymous works are noted in Jinaratmakota (Vol. I+,p.398). But this work seems to be left out. zreNikacatuSpadI Srenikacatuspadi (zreNikacopai) (Srenikacopai) 345 No. 782 A1882-83 Size - 10 in. by 4g in. Extent 35 folios ; 12 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, rougb, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good handwriting; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; even the upper and lower edges are coloured red; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins%3; foll. 1aand 35b blank; in the left-hand margins the title is written as zreNikacau and at times as foran 19EUR ; yellow pigment used for making corrections; a piece of white paper pasted to fol. 1a; same is the case with fol. 350; bits of paper to some foll.; the condition on whole good; complete%3; 32dhalas in all; composed in Samvat the age of 19 of the author, in Surat.. Age - Not modern. Author -Dharmasimha (?) of the Kharatara gaccha. Subject -- A story of King Srenika, a contemporary of Lord Mahavira. Begins - fol. 10 // 60 // zrIsarvadarzine namaH / / Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [782 jaganAyaka cauvIsa jiNa praNamuM tehanA pAya / nAmanI rasaM jhIlatAM pApamaila sahu jAya 1 cavadai sai bAvasa (1452) tasu gaNadhara sahu guNadhAma dhyAna dharatAM jehanau thAya i vaMchita kAma 2 After six verses we have :kevalivacana jike kahyAM te sahu vAta tahatta zreNika nRpa jyuM salahiyeM samakita zuddha sahitta 9 suNajyo zreNa(Ni)kanI kathA dhirajyuM samakita thAya 10 // etc. saparI DhAle saMyugata mizrI dU(dUdha milAya // Ends - fol. 346 zreNikacaritameM vistara saMbaMdha / suNatAM zravaNa suhaaveN| mukhya vilovaNe lIjiyai bhASaNa gorasa mana lalacAvai rii| guNavaMtatike guNa gAvaiM // 3 // sataraisaiM ugaNIsamaiM( 1719) varaseM / 'caMderI 'puri cAvai / zrIjinabhadrasUrizvarazASA / vidhi Saratara 'vaDadAvai rii| gu0 4 / subhakaraNI jinacaMda yatIzvara gaNadhara gotra gajA vai| rAjai 'sUrita 'sahara caumAse / vali jasa paDaha vajAvai rI // gu0 5 / pAThaka sAdhukIrati sAdhusuMdara vimalakIrati varatAvai / vimalacaMdasa(rA?)mavijaya haraSajasa // zrIdhramazIla prabhAvai rI // gu06|| vaya laghumai ugaNI samai0 varaseM / kIdhI joDi kahAvai / bhAyau sarasa vacanako iNamai / so sadaguru supasAvai rI // 7 // gu0|| zrotA vakatA zrIsaMgha sahunA / vighanaparA miTi jAveM / ihabhava parabhava sahu sukhsaataa| pAMmai dharamaprabhAvai rii| guNa0 8 // iti zrIzuddhasamyattopari zrIzreNika mahArAjasya catuHpadikA sarvaDhAla 32 saMpUrNA // zreyostutarAm sarvagAthA 731 // zrI 'vIkAnera'madhye upAdhyAya zrI zrI dharmavarddhanagaNi tat ziSya vAcanAcArya zrI zrI kIrtisuMdaragaNI tat ziSya zAMtisomajI muni // paM0 sabhAcaMdamuniliSitA // shrii|| shrii|| Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kauio. Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 783] The Svetambara Works 175 57 zroNikarAsa Srenikarasa No. 783 1916-18 Size - 94 in. by 4 in. Extent - 110 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 28 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagarl characters; big, fat, quite legible and tolerably good handwriting; borders ruled indifferently in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; dandas written in red ink; foll. num. bered in the right-hand margin; in the left-hand margins, the title is written as guitar; red chalk used ; in some cases letters are blurred; edges of several foll. gone; those of the last fol. rather more so that even some letters are gone; strips of paper pasted to fol. 109b%; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; composed at Cambay in V.S. 1682 in 1839 verses%3B the entire work is divided into 7 khandas. Age-Samvat 1798. Author-Rsabhadasa, a Jaina layman, son of Sangana, Saighavi. For his additional works see Jaina Girjara Kavio (Vol.I). They are as under :Subject - A story of Srenika. For comparison the following works may be consulted : zreNikarAsa by brahmajinadAsa (digaMbara) (c. V. S. 1520) samaracandra (c.V. S. 1583) somavimalasUri in v. S. 1603 bhIma bhAvasAra in v. S. 1621 nArAyaNa vallabhakuzala in V. S. 1775 Begins - fol. 1a e 60 // zrIjinAya namaH dUhA // Adi anAdI sarasvatI / sadA lagetu svAma sahoko seve sAradA / bAla kari tujha dhyAna / 1 / SaTa darasaNamA tu ssrii| tAhare saghale vAsa / karo kRpA to gAIiM / narazreNikano rAsa / 2 / etc. teNe kAraNa zreNIkano raaso| johI gAve kavIrISabhadAso Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 176 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1784 Ends-fol. 1100 sN.| 1835 / prAgavaMsa saMghavI mheraajo| te karato bahudhara mano kAja saM. / 1836 / saMghavI sAMgaNasuta tasa tAsa / arIhaMtathu(1)je jinano dAsa saM. 1830 sAMgaNasuta kavI rASabhadAsa kare zreNi (ka)naranRpano rAsa saM0 1838 / bhaNatAM guNatAM sASa apAra / sakala saMghane jayajayakAra saM. 1839 itI zrIzreNikarAsa saMpUrNa / subhaM bhavatu // graMthAgraMthagAthA 1839 sa 2002 kalyANamastu / savat 1798 varSe dhItaya zrAvaNa sudha / guruvaasre| dakSaNadese / pareDA'nagare laSItaM paM(0)lalitaruci / Atamahete // zrI // zrI // zrI // zrI / / Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 430-433). - - - zreNikarAsa Srenikarasa 385 No. 784 1871-72 Size-101 in. by4g in. Extent - 19 folios; 17 lines to a page; 50 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, fairly uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin%3B ikaras occurring in the first line on fol. 1b written artistically; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; this work ends abruptly with a portion of 183rd verse, of the fourth khanda; the entire work appears to have been divided into four khan. das; the extent of each of them is as under :Khandas I foll. 1a to 6a 6a to 100 , III 10a to 14b 140 to 190 Composed in V. S. 1603 at Kumaragiri. IV Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 785] The Svetambara Works 177 177 Age --Old. Author - Somavimala Suri, pupil of Saubhagyabarsa of the Tapa ____gaccha. Subject -- A story of Srenika, a king. Begins - fol. 1a // 60 // zrIsadgurubhyo namaH // sakalariddhimaMgalakaraNa / jiNa cavIsa nmevi| brahmAputrI sarasatI mAya pAya paNamevi // 1 goyama gaNahara naI namuM / vidhanaviNAsaNahAra / sohamasvAmi namuM sadA / jasu zASAvistAra // 2 sAra sadA phala guru taNA / huI avicala ptttt| anukrami paMcAvana mai / jasa nAmi gahagada // 3 hemavimala taNu dIpatA / zrIhemavimalasUriMda teha taNe calaNe namI / himaui dharI bhANaMda // 4 caMda pariiM caDatI kalA | labbhaha johanaha nAmi / sobhAgahariSasUriMdavara / haraSiu tAsu praNAmi // 5 // etc. Ends abruptly - fol. 19b samaNe jaha kulvaale| mAgahi aMgaNi aMgamissa e| rAyAya / asogacaMdae / 'vesAliM' nagariMgaMhissa e // 81 muninA paya praNAmA koNI kahaI vizAlA'nayarI kahu bheda jinimaghA(?)ive sarAlA tava puhatu nayarI beSa karI avadhUta / loka kAvA praNamI bhASA bhalii pahata // 82 bhalii pahatA kaha tumhe ajhanaI bhari. The MSends abruptly. Reference - Published by Chotalal Maganlal from Ahmedabad. For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 183-185). On pp. 184-185 the complete colophon is given. SaTpuruSavicAra [SaTpuruSacaritra] No. 785 Satpurusavicara [ Satpurusacaritra] 383 1871-72 Size -108 in. by41 in. ...23 [J.LP.] Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 178 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1785 Extent - 28 folios; 11 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with rare pRSThamAtrAs%3 big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin fol. 1a blank except that the title etc. written in pencil; fol. 28b blank; white pigment applied to some entry made there: in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; edges of a few foll. gone; condition on the whole good; complete; yellow pigment hardly used; the last six lines written in a later and different hand; it deals with the good and bad effects (?) of sneezing. Age - Not modern. Author - Ksemamkara Gani, pupil of Devasundara Suri of the Tapa gaccha. Subject - Narration about six types of persons. They are : Adhama dhama, Adhama, Vimadhyama, Madhyama, Uttama and Uttamottama. Cf SaTpuruSacaritra, an anonymous work with cr without a comm. Begins -- fol. 16 e30|| zrI mahaMtazcatuspriMzanmahAtizayazAlinaH zrIdharmasya prabhAvena jayaMti jagaduttamAH 1 arthaH kAmazca mokSazca pravarttate ytstryH| sa zrIdharmaH kathaM na syAt karaNIyaH sadA nRNAM 2 iha tAvat samAne(5)pi puruSatve pUrvopArjitazubhAzubhakarmaprakRtipariNAmavazena catuH puruSArthasAdhanabhedAt SaDvidhAH SuruSAH bhavaMti tadayathA adhamA. dhamA 1 adhamAH 2 vimadhyamAH 3 madhyamA 4 uttamAH 5 uttamottamAzceti / etc. Ends - fol. 270 zrIma' ttapo 'gaNanabhoMgaNavaryasUryazrIdevasuMdaragurupravaraprasAdAt kSemaMkarogaNivaraHsvaparopakArahetozcakAra puruSAzrayiNaM vicAraM 2 cha Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7861 The Svetambara Works 159 iti pUjyapaM0 kSemaMkaragaNikRtaH SaTpuruSavicAraH saMpUrNaH samAptaH cha zrI cha zubhaM bhavatuH cha kalyANayastu cha zrIrastu cha lekhakavAcakayo(:)sukhaM bhavatu / cha zrI. zrI cha puvadisAdhuvalAho / jalaNe hANI jamAlae maraNaM / neraie suhavattA / dhaNahoNI hoi pacchimae 1 etc.. Reference - Published in Devachand Lalabhal Jain Pustakoddhara Fund (?) Series as No. 24 in A. D. 1915. Its Gujarati translation is published by Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha in V. S. 1962. For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p.401). saMgrAmasUrakathAnaka Samgramasurakathanaka 1344 No. 786 1891-95 Size -103 in. by4g in. Extent - 8 folios; 12 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva Dagarl characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good band. writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; yellow pigment used for making corrections; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; some of the foll. slightly worm-eaten; complete. Age - Not modern. Author - Meruprabha. Subject - A story of Samgramasura, a king. It illustrates the prowess of right faith and that of non-injury to living beings. Begins -- fol. 1a ||AUM|| zrIjinAya namaH // saMsArasAgare bhIme / dukhaughjlpuurite| tarItulyA dayA citte / dhAryA bhavyairaharnizaM // 1 asyodAharaNaM ramyaM / siddhAMtoktaM vadAmyahaM / nAmnA saMgrAmasUrastha // mahatsAhasasaMbhavaM / / 2 // etc. Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [787 180 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends -- fol. 86 samyaktaM sudRDhaM dayAM varatarAM ya pAlayitvA mudA / bhuktA rAjyasukhaM ca vAMchati karaM prAMte smaattvrtH| prAptaH sargapadaM prayAzyati zivaM saMgrAmasUro nRpaH / tasyedaM ca kathAnakaM viracayanmeruprabha sUrirAT // 11 // iti zrIsamyaktajIvadayAviSaye saMgrAmasUrakathAnakaM // ||'niilvaasaa' madhye liSitaM // haMsi kavaNa na sevIyA savie kekI vAra / samarI gaMgataraMgaDA paNi ruto so vAra / / Reference-Only this MS. is noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol.1). - - - saMgrAmasU(1 zU )rakathA Samgramasura('sura )katha 1339(a) No. 787 1886-72 Size - 111 in. by 4: in. Extent -- folios 3a, 16 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick and white; Devanagari characters%3B bold and sufficiently big bandwriting; foll. numbered in righthand margins; no borders for foll, 28 and 29; borders for other foll. ruled in adouble line in red ink; complete; condition good. This work ends on fol. 2a. It contains the following 12 additional works. work Vol. XIX. see.2, pts. 2-3 (1) satyavrate lalitAGgakathA No. 629 foll. 2a to 40 (2) tRtIyavrate vajrabAhukathA No. 632 40-60 (3) zIlavate'nantakIrtikathA No. 599 , 6a-12b (4) parigrahapramANe ratnasArakathA No. 626 , 120-160 (5) digvate zaGkakumArakathA No. 709 , 16a-180 (6) bhogopabhogaparimANavate mahApanakumArakathA No. 624 , 194(1)-2 (7) anarthadaNDaviramaNavrate kathA No. (8) sAmAyika candralekhAkathA No. 607 , ?-23b (9) dezAvakAlike vasantakumArakathA No. 649 , 230-25a NO. Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 788] the Svetambara Works 181 (10) poSadhavrate kurucandrakathA No. 607 , 25b-26a (11) atithisaMvibhAgavate dhanasenakathA No. 610 , P.-28a (12) ratnazekhara-ratnavatIkathA No. 625 , 28a-390 Age-Samvat 1813. Author - Is he Dayavardhana Gani? If so, see (Vol. XIX see. 2, pt. 2, P 372). Subject - Narration pertaining to Samgramasura, son of Surateja, a king. It points out the importance of showing compassion to living beings Cf. the next work. Begins -fol. 1a ||e 60 // namaH srvjnyaay|| tumhA jIvadayAe sivasuharavIhI ujamo kAjo iha yacche bAharaNaM kumaro saMgAmasUra tti // 1 tathAhi 'jambUdvIpe' 'bhArate' kSetre 'paminIkhaMDa' puraM sUrateno rAjA mRgayAbhitaH saMgrAmasUrastasya sutaH AkhaTakanimita tena syAmino gRhItAH rAjA sAmadAmabhedadaMDe sakto(5)pi etc. Ends-fol.2a bheda tena 'padmanIkhaNDa' pure niilaa| satkRtsa nijaruraM (fol. 24) prati prepitaH kumAraH rAjA rAjyaM tasmai dattvA svayaM dIkSAmAdade saMgrAmasUraH samyak gRhadharma pratipAlya samAdhinA mRtaH paMcamakalpe gataH tatazvato mokSa yaasyti|| iti jIvadayAnAM(yAM) saMgrAmasUrakathA // ch| Reference --- For comparison see Meruprabha Suri's saMgrAmazUrakathAnaka No. 786 sadayavatsakathA Sadayavatsakatha 1329 No. 788 1884-87 Size - 10} in. by 4g in. Extent - 26 folios; 13 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 182 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [788 Description-Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; big. quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; space between these pairs coloured red; foll numbered in both the margins; in the left-hand margin, the title is written as #Y UT ; red chalk used; unnumbered sides are decorated with a big disc in red colour, in the centre; the numbered, in each of the two margins too; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 26%; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; conditi. on on the whole good; complete; extent 900 blokas; Sanskrit prose. Age-Samvat 1671. Author - Harsavardhana Gani, a devotee of Ratnasekhara. Subject -A story of Sadayavatsa and Savalingi. It points out the prowess of supatradana and that of abbayadana. Begins-fol. 10 e||60|| zrIvItarAgAya namaH / / dharmAjanma kule zarIrapaTutA saubhAgyamAyurbalaM / dharmeNaiva bhavaMti nirmlyshovidyaarthsNpttyH|| kAMtArAcca mahAbhayAca satataM dharmaH paritrAyate / dharmaH samyagupAsito bhavati hi svargApavargapradaH 9 / atra sadayavatsakathA / etc. Ends -fol. 26a jIvarakSAdivratapAlanena vairivArAjeyaH pAtradAnaprabhAvAta rAjyasamRddhidevatA. sAMnidhyAdimahimA tavA'bhUt ityAdi zrutvA pUrvabhavamasasmarat / vizeSadharmAcaraNena svargaprAptiH krameNa mokSaprAptizca bhaviSyati / zrIratnazekharagurupravaraprasAdAt / harSAdivarddhanagaNiH surasaikapAtraM cakre kathAM sadayavatsakumArasaktAM / satpAtradAnavimalAbhayadAnavAcyA 1 iti zrIsupAtraabhayadAnaviSaye sadayavacchakathA saMpUrNa mAizaM pustake dRSTvA / tAdRzaM likhitaM myaa| yadi zuddhamazuddha vAmama doSo na dIyate 1 - - - - - - Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 789] The Svetambara Works 183 saMvat 1671 varSe kArtika zuklapakSe pratipadA ravivAsare zrImada acala' gacche bhaTTAraka zrIkalyANasAgarasUrIsvara vijayarAjye tatasaSyaRSimatinidhAnena laSitaM 'aNahallapura 'pattane lapikRtaM zubhaM bhavatu / kalyANamastu zrIrastu ||ch cha / ch||ch / Reference - Is this work noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio? sadayavatsakathA Sadayavatsakatha 384 (a) "No. 789 1871-72 Size - 107 in, by 4} in. Extent -- 87 folios; 19 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in both the margins; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 87b except that Ambada-caritra is written on it in Gujarati; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides upto fol. 246, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; condition very good; complete ; this work ends on fol. 24a; this MS. con. tains in addition the following works :(1) dvAdazavratakathA No. 293 (Vol. XIX, see. 2pt. 1, foll. 24b to ___40a No. 293). (2) priyaGkaranRpakathA (Vol. XIX, see. 2, pt. 1, No. 424 404 to 63a (3) upasargaharastotra vRttisahita (Vol. XVII. pt. 3 No. 782 634 to 65a (4) ambaDacaritra (Vol. XIX, see. 2, pt.1 No. 29) 65a to 87b1 in the left-hand margins of fol. 10 to 240 the title for the firsi work is indicated as sadayavatsasAvaliMgAnI kathA and sadayavatsasAva. liMgIkathA; in the cat of foll. 25b to 39, dvi dvAdazavratakathA and dvi 2 dvAdasavatacaritra; in the case of foll. 400 to 64b,trI 3 upasargaharavRttI an in the case of the rest of the foll. cau 4 aMbaDacarItra or aMbaDacarItra. Author --- Harsavaradhana Gani. Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 184 Begins - fol. 16 Jaina Literature and Philosophy // e 60 // zrIvItarAgAya namaH // dharmAjanma kule zarIrapaTutA saubhAgyamAyurbalaM dharmeNaiva bhavaMti nirmalayazau vidyArthasaMpattayaH kAMtArAca (ca) mahAbhayAcca satataM dharma parItrAyate dharmaH samyagupAsito bhavati hI svargApavargapradaH 1 atra sadayavatsakathA etc. as in No. 788 Ends - fol. 240 jIvarakSAdivatapAlanena vairI vArAjeyaH pAtradAnaprabhAvAt rAjyasamRddhidevatAsAnidhyAdima hitavA'bhUt ityAdi zrutvA pUrvabhavasasasmarat vizeSadharmAcaraNena svargaprAptiH krameNa mokSovAptIzca bhaviSyati zrIratnazekharagurupravaraprAsAdAt / harSAdivarddhana gaNiH surasaikapAtraM ca kathAM sadayavatsakumAra satkAM satpAtradAna vimalAbhayadAnavAcyAM 1 iti zrI supAtramabhayadAMnaviSaye sadayavatsakumArakathA // saMpUrNaH saM 1909 nA Aso vadi 11 neM vAra rave uI lakSyuM cheH zrI surata biMdare ' laSItaM paM rAjavIje paM uttamastka // N, B-For further particulars see No. 787. [ 790 sadayavatsaprabandha [ sadayavacchaprabandha ] No. 790 1 Size - 10 in. by 4g in. Sadayavatsaprabandha [ Sadayavacchaprabandha ] 414 1879-80 Extent - 32-1 folios; 11 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thick, rough, tough and white: Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional Tas; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; ikara, matra of okara and anusvara Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 790] The Svetambara Works 185 occurring in the first line written artificially; edges of several foll. partly worn out; condition on the whole good; complete; fol. 25th wanting; otherwise the last line written in a later and different hand. Age - Old. Author - Not known. Subject -A story of Sadayavatsa in old Gujrati poetry. various meters. Begins - fol. 1a mAI mahAmAI / majhe bAvanna vana jo stro| jasa biMdu OMkAro OMkAre NamokAro / 1 / jiNi racIya Agama niggama purANa / surbhkkhraannvppaaro| sA brahmANI vaannii| paya pujavi samaya magestu // 2 etc. Ends - fol. 324 bhATa bhaNai tujhi kiraNAvalI tiNIM vayaNe rAu hariSiu vlii| pramadAsyauM puhatu sadayavaccha / suta saMpai pranamaiM sadayavaccha / rAu haraSiu2 suta haMsaM patta tava nayarI ANaMda hukSa paMca zabda vA jina vaajii| mAya tAya juhAra jIya / garUa vIra gaMbhIra gajaha / tiNi avasari paya praNamIyA sadayavaccha tiNi vAra / mADI AsIsaha diha rAu siri supiu bhAra / / 81 iti zrIsadayavacchaprabaMdha samAptaH Then in a different band :kakamarolAmaSi taMbolA pArayatIvarabhAvibholA sjisluunnaasaamii| aisa viSAyenagaNimAdInajharanAnApAre loka lahujA (1) Reference -In Jaina Gunjara Kavio (Vol. I 586) the name of the author and that of the work (la. sa. 1691). are mentioned. But no additional details are given there. For extracts and additional MSS, see Jaina Gurjara Kavio. --24 [J. LP.] Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 186 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [791 sudayavatsa-sAvaliGgA-catuSpadI Sudayavatsa-Savalinga-catuspadi (sudayavatsa-sAvaliGgA-copai) (Sudayavatsa-Savalinga-copai) 681 No. 791 1892-95 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent-10 folios; 18 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva. nagarl Characters; small, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders and edges as well, ruled in two lines in red ink; in the case of the borders, the space between the lines is coloured yellow; dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of some of the foll. partly worn out; condition on the whole good; complete; composed in Samvat 1697. Age - Old. Author - Kirtivardhana of the Kharatara gaccha for his disciple Kesava Muni. Subject - A story of Sadayavatsa and that of Savalinga. Cf Kirtivare dhana's Sudayavatsa ( Sadevanta ) - Savalingarasa. Begins - fol. 10 e 60 // namo vighnbide| duuhaa| svasti zrI sohaga sujasa / vaMcchita lIlavilAsa / dAyaka jinanAyaka namuM / pUraNa Asa ulhAsa // 1 // sarasa vacana kavi guNa sumati / sakalakalA dAtAra / suprasana praNamuM srsvtii| varadAyaka suvicAra // 2 // After few verses we have:rasa baM? je koi nara / sajana suguNa suhAya / sudayabacchakI vAratA / suNo rasikasirarAya // 7 // etc. Ends -- fol. 100 zrI' paratara ' gaccha gaganadiNada / pratapai zrIjinaharaSasUrIMda / ziSya tAsa bahubid vicAra dIpati dayAratna diNakAra // 49 // munikIrativaradhana ziSya tAsa / baMdhava jana rASaNa raMgarAsa / Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1921 The Svetambara Works 187 guru anumati nija mani ulAsa / ekahI yo maiM prathaka abhyAsa / / 50 // pAmaiM narapadamaNi suvilAsa / padamaNi pAmaiM suSa dharavAsa / bhaNatAM lAbhai vaMchita bhoga / suNatAM prItama taNo saMyoga // 51 // bAlaMbha prIyu taNI pdmnii| jehanA vali paradesai dhaNIM / rati vaMchita je suNasI sadA / te pAmaiM paga paga saMpadA // 52 // duuhaa| saMvata muninidhirasasasI ( 1691) / vijayadasamI ravivAra / catura cAhi racI caupaI // munikezava hitakAra / 53 / vedhaka jai vAMcai suNai / vaMchita pujai hAma / jima sAvaliMgAsuSa lalau sudayavatsa sukhaThAma // 54 // maiM racanA ArhA ja racI / kavijana parama kRpAla / suNikaijina hAsI karau karijyo dayAdayAla // 55 // iti sudayavatsasAvaliMgAcatuSpadI samAptA // likhitA RSimu kuMdena // Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III. pt. 1, pp. 1082-1085. Op p. 1085 it is suggested that the author is Kirtivardhaua who composed this work for his pupil Kesava. sanatkumArakathA Sanatkumarakatha 1201(0) No. 792 1887-91 Extent-fol. 11a to fol. 12b. Description - Complete. For further particulars see No. 377. Author-Not known. Subject - a narration in Sanskrit prose about Parvatithivicara Sanat kumara, a cakravartin. It points out the importance of penance. For comparison see the following works :sanatkumAracaritra by jinapAla haribhadrasUri zrIcandrasUri (V. S. 1278) Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 188 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1793 Begins - fol. 11a adhunA tapoviSaye sanatkumAramaharSeH kathAnakaM // ihaiva bharate kurudeze hastinApuraM nAma nagaraM / tatra azvaseno nAma rAjA / sahadevI nAma tatpatnI / anyadA caturdazasvapnasUcito'tIva rupavAn sanatkumAranAmA putro'bhUt // etc. Ends - fol. 120 kitvaM taraMgarogANAM vaidyoM kathayat / tat ca vayaM na jAnIma / muninA uktaM / etatpratIkAraM mahamapi jAnAmi / ekA galitAM aMgulI zleSmaNA saha vilipya punrnviikRtaa| prazaMsAM kRtvA devI svasthAne gatau / evaMvidhaM tapaH saMpUrNa vidhAya rAjarSistRtIyadevaloke gtH| hati tapoviSaye sanatkumArarAjarSikathAnakaM // N. B. - It seems that this MS. is not noted in Jinaratnakosa. Vol. I. sanatkumArarAsa Sanatkumararasa 109 No. 793 1869-70 Size -43 in. by 98 in. Extent - 19 folios ; 16 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins%3; in the left-hand margins, the title is written as zanata. kumArarAsa; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 19b; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design, complete; composed in Samvat 1737 at Cakrapuri (V. S. 1730 according to Jaina Gurjara Kavio Vol. 2, p. 78 ); condition very good. Age -Samvat 1765. Author-Nyanasagara [ Jhanasagara], pupil of Manikyasagara of the Ancala gaccha. For details see Ancalagaccha Digdarsana and Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7931 The Svetambara Works 189 for additional works see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 57-80) Subject - A story of Sanatkumara, the 4th out of 12 Cakravartins who flowrished in India in the present Avasarpini age. For comparison the following works may be consulted :sanatkumArarAsa composed by puNyaratna in V. S. 1637. , pasarAja in V. S. 1650. Begins - fol. 10 // AUM|| paMDitazrI 19 zrIvinayahaMsagaNicaraNakamalebhyo namaH dUhA soraThI praNamauM pArasanAtha vaMchItadAyaka lahara hara joDI hAtha dhavaladhega goDI dhaNI / 1 kahaM charDa karI manohAra cotho cakrI gAvAM zaraNAgatasAdhAra sA nidha karayo(jo )sAhibA 2 gaNadhara pramI jeha sIddhAMtaI zrutadevatA hu piMNa praNamuM teha jinamuSapaMkaja vAsanI 3 kahaM chaThaM mana nikoDi mANikasAgara mujha guru jo pethAi joDa sA nidha karabyo sISyanI cakrInA adhI(dhi)kAra uttarAdhyayana bhaDhArase vRta thakI vistAra tehuM mANIsa tihAM thakI // etc. Ends -- fol. 19a 'aMcala 'gacche giruA gacchanAyaka zrIguMNaratnasUraMdo re tAsa pATa prabhAkara sUravara zrIkSamAratna muNaMdo re 5zrI. buddha zrIlalitasAgara taNA zISya prathama zuSakArI re mANIkasAgara munIvaru mujha guru jJAnadAtArI re te gurunA zupasAyathI meM cotho cakrI gAyo re RSabhadevaneM saMghanI sAMnIdhe sarasa saMbaMdha sohAyo re 7zrI. zrI' cakrApurIgrAma mAM saMvat satarasA(Da)bIseM(1737 )re mAgasira vida paDave bhRguvAsare siddhayoga zujagoseM re 8 zrI. ekAvanane sAtaseM graMthAgaranuM mAno re koI pratyakSara gaNI laSajyoM cita rASI thAno re 9zrI. dhanyAsII e bhalI kahI ekatrIsamI DhAlo re nyAM(zA)nasAgara kaheM sAdhu na guNa eNatAM mamIya rasAlo re 10 Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 190 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [794 zrIjinadharama bhArAdhajyo iti zrIsanatakumAra4cakravarticaupai saMpUrNaH graMthAnaM 751 saMvat 1765 varSe bhAdravA sudi 13 buddhe zrI' vIghApure' paM0 zrI. * rAjahaMsagaNi lapIkRtA zrIrastu Reference -- For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, Pp.77-79). sanatkumArasaMdhi Sanatkumarasamdhi . (saNakumAracariya) (Sanamkumaracariya) 127(10) No. 794 1872-73 Extent -- fol. 8b to fol. 10a Description - Complete. ___For other details see Upadesaratnamala (Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. 264). There this work is assigned No. 10. Author - Not known. Subject - Narration pertaining to Sanatkumara. Begins-fol.80 e60|| siri vIra jiNaMdaha tihuvaNavaMdaha / paNamavi maNu nimmala karivi / siri saNaMtakumAraha muNiguNasAraha / bhaviyahu nisuNahu vara cariu // 1etc. Ends-fol. 10a bhaicariya suNaMtaha / citti dharataha nAsai pAvai sbvmlo| liri saNaMtakumAraha mahagaNasAraha / bhaviyahaM paNamau payakamala // 1 // 8 iti saNaMtakumArasaMdhiH saMpaNNAH // cha / Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio. Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ -- and 795) The Svetambara Works 191 samarAdityacaritra chAyAsahita Samaradityacaritra with Chaya (samarAizvacariya chAyAsahita) Samaraiccacariya with Chaya) 888 82 No. 795 1892-95 1898-99 Size - 103 in. by 5} in. Extent - 1 to 1368 folios; 5 lines to a page; 24 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and while; Jaina Devapagari characters; this MS. contains the text and its interlinear Chaya; the former written in a very big quite legible, fairly uniform and very good hand-writing; practically same is the case with the Chaya except that it is written in comparatively smaller hand-writing; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; some, in the left-band one too; in the left-hand margin, the title is written as FATTO; condition very good; both the text and the Chaya complete, Granthagra 11,000 Age - 1943. Author of the text - Haribhadra Sari. For his life and this work as well as his additional works see soft fear' (published in Sayaji Granthamala). Author of the Cbaya (Sanskrit rendering ) - Not known.. Subject - A story of Samaraditya along with its rendering in Sanskrit. This story is a big romance in mixed prose and verse dealing with the pine births of Samaraditya and divided into nine chapters. to which a . Bhumika' is attached. According to the colophon of Peterson's Cambay MS. (see Peterson III, A. P. 124). Ratpaprabha Suri lectured on this work (book ) at Cambay in V. S. 1299. Begins - fol. 16 Il a Il siturarut #A: 11 namaH sarvajJAya paNamaha vijiyasudujaya nijiyasuramaNuyavisamasarapasaraM tihuyaNamaMgalanilayaM vasahagaigayaM jiNaM usameM 1 paramasirivaddhamANaM paNaThamANaM visuddhavaranANaM gayajoyaM joIsa sayaMbhuvaM varddhamANaM ca 2 etc, Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 192 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends (Text) - fol. 13676 eyaM jiNadattAyariyasa sissAvayaveNa cariyaM ti jaM virahaUNa puNNaM mahANuhAvacariyaM mae pataM teNa idaM bhavaviraho hou sayA bhaviyaloyassa gaMthaggamimIe imaM chaMdeNANuTTaheNa ga (Ni) UNa pAeNa egAdasasahassA haMdi siloyANa saMThaviyaM // iti zrImadbRhatkhara ( tara ) gacchAdhIzvaraMzrIjinasaukhyasUri - tat ziSyazrIkIrtivarddhana gaNiziSyapaMDitapravara zrImadilAdharma gaNiziSya - zrImadavinItasuMdaragaNiziSya / paM / sumativarddhana gaNivinirmIta saMskRtamayaTTIpaNArthaH saMpUrNam // cha // graMtho ( s) yaM aMkatopi graMthAnaM0 // 11000 // iti zrIsamarAdityacaritrasaMpUrNamH || lipikRtaM jozI - parazarAMma-jJAtipuSkaraNA vA (brA)hmaNa ' jodhapura ' madhye // saMvat || 1943 rA miti phAguNazuddhi || 14 || bhaumavAsare || Ends Chaya - fol. 13676 [796 etat jinadattAcAryasya ziSyAvayavena caritamitIyaM viracya puNyaM mahAbhAvacaritaM mayA prAptaM tena iha bhavaviraho bhavatu sadA bhavikalokasya graMthAnaM idaM chaMdasA anuSTabhena gaNayitvA prAyeNa ekaH ( kA ) dasasahasrANi zlokAnAM saMsthApitaM // samarAdityasaMkSepa No. 796 Reference The text is edited by H. Jacobi in the Bibliotheca Indica Series, Calcutta in A. D. 1926. For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 419 ). See also notes on Jain literature by Prof. H. Jacobi published in Modern Review, 1914; Introduction to his edition in B. I. No. 169, 1926. Samaradityasamksepa 1361 1886-92 Size - 101 in. by 42 in. Extent - 121 folios; 14 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper tough and white; Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, legible and very fair handwriting : Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1961 The Svetambara Works 193 borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; fol. 1a blank; corners of foll. 1-18 more or less badly worn out; white paste and red chalk used; edges of foll. 19-28 slightly damaged; fol. 110th numbered as 1010th ; fol. 121st practically complete; for only the title etc, written on it; complete. Age-Samvat 1844. Author - Pradyumna Suri, pupil of Kanakaprabha. Subject - A synopsis of Samaradityacaritra, the work composed by Haribhadra Suri. This work is mentioned by the author in the colophon of bis commentary on the Pravrajyavidhana (cf. Patan Cat. I, p. 45). Begins - fol. 10 citrabhAnu-sudhAbhAnuM caMDabhAnuprabhAdhikaM / zAzvataM jayati ghotiH paramaM paramaMgalaM // 1 // etc. prabaMdhasya vidhAne'hamazaktaH svaguNaiH punH|| haribhadraprabhorvANIguNena vidadhAmi taM // 27 // tatkRte samarAdityacaritipUrite rsaiH| vakSye .. saMkSepamAtmanaH smRtihetave // 28 I, etc. Ends - fol. 1200 iti zrIharibhadroktyA ... varyagaMphite / samarAdityasaMkSepe navamo'navamo bhavaH // 63 // caMdraprabhaprabhurabhUdiha 'caMdra' gche| tasmAd guruzca sama ... puripadradevyAH / zrImAn dhanezvara iti prathito'sya ziSyaH zrIzAMtisUrijinavesyavAdavidyAH // 6 // akssaavliprvrpustkdhrmcinhaa| zvetAMbujasvaravipaMcikare yadIye / zabdAnuzAsanIvarIcArataH sa devAnaMdaprabhuH puruSarUpAgarIzvarA'bhUt / / 65 // zrIratnaprabhaparamAnaMdo kanakau (pra)bha prabhuH zrIH syAt / zrIparamAnaMdavibhorjayAsaMhasUriyAya // 66 // ziSyaH zrIkanakaprabhasya sukaviH shriibaalcNdraanujo| jyAyAn zrIjayasiMha taM prAtabhayA zrIvastupAlastutaH / -25 [J. LP.] Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 194 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [797 vizvAhvAdanavakrurAnvayadurgatyA sabhA saMmata (:) / sosukavitvazodhana vidho pradyumnastArIvavi (?) // 67 // varSevAridhipakSayakSa( 1324 ) ...Nita zrIvarddhamAnasthita. zcakre suprathamaM lilekha tu jagazcaMdraH sudhIH pustke| 'praagvaattaa'nvymNtricaahddstshriiraanniigsyaaNgjo| graMkSapadhIdhareNa mallasagaciya svaM prArthayetAM guruN|| 68 // etc. graM. 4874 / munI caturavIje lipikRtaM / mAMDavInIpole: 'staMbhatIrathe' saM. 1844 mAghasIrasu. 2dine / Reference --- Edited by H. Jacobi in A. D. 1905. For additional MSS. sec Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 419). saMbhavanAthacaritra Sambhavanathacaritra 1210 No. 797 1891-95 Size -128 in. by 51 in. Extent - 66 folios; 10 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters%3; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; are foll. except 18deg numbered in the righthand margin; the 186, in both the margins; fol. 1a blank; condition very good; the MS. ends abruptly; so this work is incomplete; only five Samdhis are complete; the contents of these and that of the 6th are as under :Samdhi I foll. 16 to 16a II 16a to 240 III 24b to 34a 344 to 47a 474 to 580 VI 580 to 660 (Not much incomplete). Age - Not modern. Author - Tejapala. IV Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1981 The Svetambara Works 195 Subject - Life of Lord Sambhava, the third Tirthamkara of the present age. For comparison see Merutunga's Sambhavanathacaritra (V.S. 1413)and an anonymous one. Begins-fol. 10 // 60 // svasti / OM namaH siddhebhyaH / / sAsayasuhakAraNu kuginnivaarnnu| cari uparama guNagaNaNiyaha saMbhau jiNa kerau saMtijaNe rauttaNami bhavyamANaMdayaru / cha / jaya rijahasayavijuvasavallivarakaMdA jaya ajiyajiNaNAhaNimmukkabhavadaMdA / jaya deva saMbhavapuhaNaMdaNupapAe / etc. Ends - fol. 660 tArisi saikheyarahovArudattupayaNa bahusuthA vaNisAhammi bhaNeviNiru / khepara Nataho caraNuNuyA / 20 / duvi| tA suNi bhaNayaMkemaNau jaNahi bhovaNiNAhajuttau / jottarumUli vericiruravIliu / paI meliuNi naMtau / maraNuttahamiAyaho payaMrA rikau / nujjhapura uNiyabvai vaha bhakhiu / api parimittattaNu bhAviu / paI viNaNaNa vimANi caDAviDa puNu vijjAvaleNa NAhidhAiu / sattie NiyakalatuchauDAviu / te e khayaraviNimahoNaMdaNANapaviNaeNa suyaNaraMjiyamaNa / maI NiveSaNajitau dhAriu / tuhaMda Thus the MS. ends abruptly. Reference - Only this MS. is noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 422). samyaktvakaumudIkathA Samyaktvakaumudikatha 688 No. 798 1875-76 Size -- 13in. by 54 in. Extent -- 46 folios ; 12 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description -Country paper thick, tough and white; Devanagari characters; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink: fol. 1a Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 196 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1799 blank; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 24th slightly torn; a corner of fol. 30th worn out; white paste used; complete; composed in Hindi in 11 Adhyayas in various metres. Age - Samvat 1840. Author - Yodharaja Godika. Subject - Stories and precedents of various religious people to re-in force the spirit of right faith. Begins -- fol. 10 OM namaH zrIvItarAgAya namaH / matha samyaktvakaumudIbhASA sAha yodharAjagodIkA kRta lissyte| dohaa| paramapuruSa AnaMdamaya / cetanarupa sujAMna / paramAtamAM / jagaparakAsana bhAna // 1 // etc. marudevI mAta aru nAbhirAjA pitAjA ke aise AdinAthajinatAke pada namihai I etc. Ends-fol. 450 dohaa| jinabAnI pUjI sahI tAtai saba suSa hoy| kavitAdUSaNaM nAlagai / suSathe pUraNa hoya / 40 // caMda sUra pAnI avani / jaba laga avara akAma / merAdika jaba laga bhaTala / taba laga jaina prakAsa // 41 // iti zrI samyaktvakaumudI sAha jodharAja godIkA viracite kathAvarNano nAma ekaadsho'dhyaayH| iti samyaktakaumudIgraMtha saMpUrNa samAptAH // 1 // saMvat 1840 kA varSe zrAvaNamAse kRSNapakSe tithau 2 bhaumavAsare / likhitaM mhAtmA jayadeva saakNbhrimdhyeH|| zrI samyaktvakaumudI No. 799 Extent-fol. 2a to fol. 440. Description - This work begins abruptly, Samyaktvakaumudi 252(b) 1871-72 Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 800]] The Svetambara Works 197 For other details see Rsabhanamrastotra No. 47 of Vol. . XIX (i) 1 Page 62. Age-Samvat 1665. Author - Not known. Subject -Narratives on religious sermons (different from succe ___ssors). Begins - fol. 2a ___...tasmin magadhaviSaye dvAdazame varSe kaumudImahotsavo bhavati tatra mahotsave samastanAyavine vrajati / puruSAnagarAMta rAjJAdezAt caturdikSu vanarakSa NAya sAdhubhaTAstiSTati tasmin / Ends - fol. 44b dharmAbAsti paraM suhRd bhavabhRtAM dharmasya mUlaM dayA / dharme cittamahaM dadhe pratidinaM he dharma pAlaya // iti zrI samyaktvakaumudIkathA saMpUrNA // saM. 1665 varSe dvitIyabhAdrapadamAse kRSNapakSe budhe maMgala pure zrI zrImAlajJAtIyaviprazAmaliyAkena hastAkSarANi / Reference - It seems that this work is not mentioned in Jinaratna kosa (Vol. I) pp. 423-24. samyaktvakaumudI Samyaktvakaumudi 1365 No. 800 1886-92 Size -- 113 in. by 44 in. Extent - 11 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 56 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva. nagari characters with occasional; pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll.originally numbered in the right-hand margin; but now they are mostly gone; edges of each and every fol. very much worn out; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; the MS. ends abruptly; so this work is incomplete; the last verse is a portion of 613th. Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 198 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [801 Age - Pretty old. Author - Not known. Subject - Exposition and illustration of Samyaktva (right faith). For comparison Samyaktvakaumudi composed by Gunakara Suri of the Caitra gaccha in V. S. 1504 may be consulted. Begins - fol. 10 // 60 // zrIvItarAgAya nmH|| tasmai nityaM cidAnaMdasvarUpAyAhate namaH / yadAgamarasAsvAdAttatvavijJAyate nrH||1 yugAdA jagade yena zreyaHzreyaskaraM nRNAM / sa bhUyAd bhavinAM bhUtyai nAbhijanmA jineshvrH||2 suvRttaH zivazIrSasthastArakezaH sunirmalaH / zazIva zAMtinAtho vo bhUyAnmohAMdhakArabhit // 3 etc. After 5 verses we have :yadvAgbhirahamajJo(5)pi / lebhe vaidussymujjvlN| jayaMtu gurupAdAbjAste bhvoddhitaarkaaH||9|| su(stu)tvA ca trijagadapA / saMto(5)pi sAdhuvRttayaH / samyaktasthiratAhetuM / vakSye samyaktvakomudIM // 10 // etc. Ends-fol. 9a gRhIte'smin sadA dhyeyA citte pNcnmskriyaa| yAvajIvaM bhUmizayyA karttavyaM kezaluMcanaM // 19 // bhasthAnaM gamanaM pAdai The MS. ends thus abruptly. Reference - In Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, pp-423-424 ) 15 works named as Samyaktvakaumudl' are mentioned. There this work is noted in the list of anonymous works. samyaktvakaumudI * No. 801 Samyaktvakaumudi 1168 1891-95 Size - 97 in, by 41 in. Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 802] The Svetambara Works 199 Extent - 24 folios; 19 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish ; Devana garf characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, clear and tolerably good handwriting; borders ruled in two lines in black ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too, though rarely; fol. 1a blank; edges of some foll. worn out ; contains marginal notes written at times; composed in Sanskrit a prose ; complete. Age - Samvat 1699. Author - jinodita caritra ? (see 806 infra). Subject - Stories written with a view to illustrating the nature of Samyaktva (right faith). For a detailed description see Weber (II, p. 1123). Begins - fol. 10 OM nmH| zrIvardhamAnamAnamya jinadevaM jgtprbhuN| vakSye(5)haM kaumudIM nRNAM samyakttaguNahetave // 1 // atha 'jaMbu'dvIpe 'bharata 'kSetre 'magadha'viSaye satataM pravRttotsavaM prabhUtavara jinAlayaM jinadharmAcArotsavasahitazrAvakaM dhanaharitataruSaMDamaMDitaM // etc. Ends -- fol. 240 kAzcit zrAvikA jaataaH|| umra tapaH kRtvA te sarveH tAzca sarvA svarga gtaaH| tathA coktaM // dharmeNa gamanamUrdhva gamanamadhastAd bhavatyadharmeNa / / jJAnena cApavargo viparyayAdiSyate bNdhH|| iti zrI samyaktvakaumudI-kathAnakaM saMpUrNa syAt / / saM0 1699 varSe mAzvinamAse zuklapakSe 7 dine bhaumavAsare paMDitottama zrI 7 jayakalazagaNi varAMNAM zipya paM. naMdanabherumunibhilikhitAni // 'guMdavaca 'madhye // Reference - Published. sampatvakaumudI No. 802 Size -1l in. by 4t in. Samyaktvakaumudi 1330 1884-87 Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 200 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 803 Extent - 37 folios; 14 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible and very fair hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; some words and dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the righ-hand margin ; a piece of paper pasted to fol. 1a; strips of paper pasted to some of the foll; edges of a few foll. worn out; condition on the whole tolerably good; fol. la blank; complete (?). Age - Samvat 1668 (?) Begins - fol. 16 Il sftftar a: 11 stag Agata etc. as in No. 801. Ends - fol. 376 tathA coktaM / / dharmeNa gamanamUddhaM / gamanamadhastAdbhavatyadharmeNA // jJAnena cApavarge viparyayAdIkSato baMdhuH // iti saMmyaktvakaumadI samAtaM saMvat 1660(1) varSe phAguNa sudi 11 Arear fog 271... 1 #fu N. B. - For other details see No. 801. Reference - This work is noted as anonymous in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 424). samyaktvakaumudI Samyaktvakaumudi 1364 No. 803 1886-92 Size -- 12 in. by 55 in. Extent -- 78 folios; 10 lines to a page ; 31 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, brittle and grey; Jaina Devana garl characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in ope, in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; dandas Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 804] The Svetambara Works 201. and some words at times written in red ink; fol. 1a blank; in the left-hand margins, the title is written as plot and sa. kau; condition very good except that a corner of some of the foll. is partly worn out; complete. Age- Samvat 1793. Begins - fol. 10 e 60 // zrIvItarAgAya nmH|| zrIvarddhamAnamA''namya etc. as in No. 801. Ends - fol. 786 tathA coktaM dharmeNa gamanamUrdhva / gamanamadhastAna bhavatyadharmeNa / jJAnena cApavargo viparyayAdIkSito bNdhH|| iti zrIkaumudIkathAzAstraM saMpUrNam // // zubhamastu saMvat 1793 Asojabadi / sitavAsare / lipyataM mahAtmAnau nidhirAma 'jaipura'madhye // N. B. - For additional information see No. 801. Reference - This anonymous work is noted along with several other anonymous works in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 424). samyaktvakaumudI Samyaktvakaumudi 464 No. 804 1882-83 Size -81 in. by 41 in. Extent - 44 folios; 18 lines to a page; 30 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing%3B in several foll. Gujarati equivalents of the corresponding Sanskrit words are occasionally written just above them and at times in the margins, in very small hand-writing; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand marging fol. 44b blank: edges of the last fol. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; extent 1697 Slokas; eight Kathanakas in all, 11.28 [J.LP.] Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 202 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [805 Ag6 - Pretty old. Begins-fol. 1a e||60|| zrIvi(vI)tarAgAya nmH|| zrIvarddhamAnamAnamya etc. as in No. 801 Ends - fol. 44a tathA (cokaM) dhamaiNAgamanamRddha()gamanamadhastAbhi(ga)vatyadharmeNa / jJAnena cApavaggoM viparyayAdiSyatye baMdhaH // 67 iti aSTamaM kathAnakaM // iti zrIsamyaktakaumudI graMthAgraMtha 1697 sarva saMkSA samAptaH // zubhaM bhavatu / / Reference - This work is noted in the list of anonymous works in Jinaratnakosa Vol. I, p. 424. For additional details see No. 801. samyaktvakaumudI Samyaktvakaumudi 1363 No. 805 1886-92 Size -111 in. by 51 in. Extent - 66 folios; 11-12 lines to a page; 34 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, quite legible, fairly uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; black ink applied over letters not wanted; vide foll. 410 and 42a; white pigment profusely used on fol. 400; yellow pigment, too, used for making corrections ; foll. num. bered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; edges of a few foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete. Age - Old. Begins - fol. 10 e 60 // zrImallinAthA(ya) namaH / // zrIvarddhamAnamAnamya etc. as in No. 801, Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 785] Ends fol. 60b samyaktvakaumudI No. 806 tathA coktaM dharmeNa gamanamUrdhvaM gamanamadhastAdbhavatyadharmeNa / jJAnena cApavargoM viparyayAdISyate baMdhaH 100 Reference This work is mentioned in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 424) N. B. For further particulars see No. 801. Age Subject The Svetambara Works za azmaydimur: aan: eft eft 11 eft || 3 Bft: || Sft || aft: etc. - Size 11 in. by 5 in. Extent137 folios; 9 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. -- 203 Description - Country paper very thin and grey; Devanagari characters; bold, big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines; fol. la blank; slips of paper pasted to fol. 1a 2b, 8b, 9b. 10, 116, 12a, 60, 63a, 63b, etc; edges of several foll. slightly worn out; foll. 3, 15, 46, 60, 63 partly torn; yellow pigment and white paste as well used; fol. 8th. damaged in the body; so are the foll. 28-32; about half the portion of fol. 17th gone; diagrams on foll, 216, 224, 226, 23a, 236, and 25a; numbers of several foll. entered twice as usual; about a quarter of the 65th fol. worn out; contains marginal notes written occasionally; corners of foll. 107-126 partially gone; complete; on the whole the MS. is in a bad condition. Samvat 1690. Samyaktvakaumudi Author Unknown. 1169 1891-95 Samyaktva illustrated with the help of eight stories. fanga. seTha, jaya senA, somakuMmarI somazarma, sumitrA guNatarI padamasirI, sAgara, sUradeva ( araidAsa ). Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 204 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [790 Begins - fol. 16 zrIvarddhamAnamAnamya trailokyaikanabhomaNI / juve'haM kaumudIM nRNAM samyaktvasthitihetave // 1 // etc. 'jaMbu'dvIpe mahAramye lakSayojanavistRte / saptabhAgIkRte SaDbhiH parvatai ratnasAnubhiH // etc. Ends - fol. 1376 khe tArAdhipatiprakAza vimalasvAMtaprazAMtAtmanAM / brahmajJAnavidA mahopasaminAM digvAsasAM yoginAM / cAritreNa jinoditena hi punarvibhrAjitAnAM bhuvi / ziSyeNAtmavizuddhaye viracitA puNyA kathA kaumudI // 60 // gaNabhRnmukhazItAMzuprabhavA tttvkaumudii| bhUyAdupAsakAnAM hi kathA'sau bodhilabdhaye // 11 // iti kaumudIkathAyAM aSTamI kathA samAptA // 8 // saM. 1690 varSe kArtika va0 3 guruo| liSijobhisurdaH / liSyApitaM paM. girirAja / rAjA viThaladAsarAjerdhArA pravartata ja Reference - This work along with various other anonymous works is mentioned in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 424). samyaktvakaumudI Samyaktvakumudi 20 No. 807 1869-70 Size - 101 in. by 4g in. Extent- 102 folios%3; 11 lines to apage3; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, very brittle and greyish; Jaina Deva. nagarl characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, thoroughly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing%3; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; dandas, some words and puspikas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; edges of several foll. more or less gone ; some foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably good; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 808] The Svetambara Works 205 II III IV " " , VI sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design, complete ; eight kathanakas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Kathanaka I foll. 1b to 27a 27a to 34a 34a to 436 430 to 530 536 to 620 626 to 72b VII 72b to 81b VIII , 810 to 102b The last line is blurred; black ink is applied. Age - Pretty old. Author - Unknown. Begins -- fol. 10 // 60 // OM namaH siddhebhyaH // // zrIvarddhamAnamAnamya | etc. as in No. 806. fol. 27a iti kaumudIkathAyAM prathamazreSTina AkhyAnaM // fol. 34a iti dvitIyaM kathAnakaM samAptaM // fol. 43b iti etc. tRtIyaM fol. 530 fol. 620 fol. 726 fol. 81b Ends - fol. 1020 khe tArAdhipate etc. uptobodhilabdhaye // 68 // as in No. 806. followed by vaiduSyadRSTaye naiva kavitvayatsasena ca / zlokairviraci kiMvaiSA dharmArthakaumudIparaM // 69 // iti zrIkaumudIkathAyAM aSTamI kathA samAptA // zubhaM bhavatu // cha / Reference - This work is mentioned in the list of anonymous works given in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p.424). N. B.- For further particulars see 806. Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 206 Jaina Literature and Philosophy . 1809 samyaktvakaumudI Samyaktvakaumudi 637 No. 808 1895-98 Size - 121 in. by 57 in, Extent - 86 folios; 12 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper smooth and white; Devanagari characters; big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; fol, 1a blank except that the title and the extent is written on it; yellow pigment used; numbers of foll. entered twice as usual; fol. 76th slightly torn; complete, Age - Samvat 1902. Begins - fol. 10 starea aparata etc. as in No. 806. Ends - fol. 860 e artefagarafah etc. as in No. 806. upto erg HT FT HATI This is followed by the lines as under : saM. 1902 kA mi. mAzojasadizbRspatavAra / zrIlasakaramAhArAjya zrI jIvAjIrAvaziMdyAkA chAvaNI guvAlerakI malISI / zAstrapaMDitajI zrImahAcaMdajI zrImaMdarajItAla kAkAchai / / Reference -- This work is noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 424). N. B. -- For other details see No. 806. samyaktvakaumudI Samyaktvakaumudi 1267 No. 809 1884-87 Size -- 103 in. by 44 in. Extent -- 75 folios; 14 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters; big, clear and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 810] The Svetambara Works 207 . and edges in one, in red ink; fol. 1a blank; every page having three small discs in red colour, one in the centre and two in the margins ; yellow pigment used; complete; most of the foll. worm-eaten; condition fair. Age - Old Subject - Various narratives about religious Sermons (different from __earlier ones). Begins -fol. 10 // 60 // eOM namaH / zrIvarddhamAnAya / aMnhI (ahai ) zrIvarddhamAnamAnamya jinaM devaM jagadguruM / / vakSye(s)ha kauma(mu)dI( dI ) nRNAM samyaktvaguNahetave // 1 // 'gauDa 'deze 'pADalIpura' nagare etc. Ends-fol.75b IdRzaM ramyaM vastu gRhAt kiM nirgamayasi / iti tAbhyAM puNyamapuNyaM apaarjitN| tato(5)yaM kanakabhAjanabhAk dvatIye sudaridro mahinA daSTo bhakAle mRtazceti / zrute jAtismaraNaM jAtaM / satpAtraM sAdhubhyo dAtavyamityabhigrahaH zrAvakadharma ca prapannaH / tRtIyabhave mokSaH // iti pAtradAne dhanapatikathA // iti ca mahIsayaNAsaNaprabhRti aSTau dhaupaSTaMbhakadAnAnAM viSaye udAharaNAni samAptAni // su(zubhamastu // liSataM puranamala kAistha // Reference - This work is not (?) noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I p. 424). N. B.- For further particulars see No. 808. 1008. samyaktvakaumudI Samyaktvakaumudi bAlAvabodhasahita with Balavabodha 311 No. 810 1883-84 Size-10% in. by 5t in. Extent-96 folios%3; 7 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; this MS. contains the text and its interlinear Tabba; the former written in big, perfectly legible, uniform Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 208 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [810 and beautiful hand-writing; practically same is the case with the Tabba except that it is written in comparatively smaller hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; a piece of white paper pasted to fol. 10; strips of paper to two or three other foll; condition on the whole tolerably good; both the text and the Tabba complete. Age-Samvat 1867, Saka 1733. Author of the Balavabodha -- Not mentioned. Subject - The text along with its explanation in Gujarati. Begins ( Text) - fol. 1b e 60 // zrIsarvajJAya namaH / / namamya etc. as in No. 801. Begins (Comm.)-fol. 1b // 60 // zrIpatpArzvanAthAya nmH| zrIvardamAna caturvizatima tIrthakaranai namaskAra karInaI kisA chai varda mAMna jagat kahIyeM tIna bhuvana tiNarA svAmI chai etc. Ends (Text) - fol. 962 dharmeNa gamanamUvaM gamanamastAgavatyadharmeNa jJAnenA(na)vApavA viparyayAdISyate baMdhaH 1 bhanyacca gacchatastiSThato vA(s)pi jAgrataH svapato(s)pi vA manaH parahitaM yasya yasya so(s)kSayaM svargamaznute 2 iti zrIsamyaktvakaumudIkathAnakaM saMpUrNatAmagamat saMvat 1867 pramANe zAke 1733 pravarttamAne mahAmAMgalyaprade mAsottamamAse jyeSThamAse zubhe kRSNapakSe dvAdazyAM 12 tithau ravivAsarAnvitAyAM prathama. prahare(5)lekhi pustakamidamm(m) | zrIma' dudayapura 'nagare mahArAjA dhirAjamahArANAji cchrI 5 zrImadbhImasiMhajidvijayarAjye // etc. Ends ( Comm.) - fol. 962 valI kayoM chaI cAlatAM baiThatAM adhanA jAgatAM sUtA athavA manamai hIyAmai citavai te manuSya akSamukhamokSapad pAmai 2 Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Buy The Sveidmbara Works 209 iti zrIsamyaktakaumudIgayabaMdhadigaMbarAmnAyAM kathA saMpUrNamagamat saMvat 1867 kRSNapakSe dvAdazyAM 12 tithau ravivAsarAmvitAyAM prathamaprahare bhalekhi pustakaM idamm(m ) etc. N. B. - For further particulars see No. 801. 890 samyaktvakaumadI Samyaktvakaumudi bAlAvabodhasahita with Balavabodha No. 811 1892-95 Size-103 in. by 4g in. Extent - 112 folios; 6 lines to a page; 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devana garl characters; this MS. contains the text and its interlinear Tabba; the former written in big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; practically same is the case with the Tabba except that it is written in comparatively smaller hand-writing; this Tabba is written in columns rather than in a continuous line; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the righthand margin%3; white paste used for corrections; fol. 1a blank; condition very good; both the text and the Tabba complete. Age - Samvat 1856. Begins (Text) - fol. 18 // e60|| zrIjinAya namaH // zrIvarddhamA(mA)namAnamya etc. as in No. 810. Begins (Comm.) - fol. 10 // 60 // zrIvItarAgAya namaH // zrIvarddhamAna cauvIsamA tIrthakarane namaskAra karIne etc. Ends (Text)- fol. 112a dharmeNa gamanamuddhaM etc. upto so'kSayaM svargamaznute 2 / as in No. 810. Followed by iti zrIsamyaktakaumudIkathA saMpUrNa // sakalapaMDitaziromaNIpaM zrI / 5 / paM / jinasAgaragaNI tatsISyaH paM / jInasAgareNa lipikRtaH 'skaMbhatIrtheH' saM0 1856 bhAsADhasudi 2 dine mAtmA) ...27 [J.LP.] Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [812 210 Jaina Literature and Philnsophy Ends ( Comm.) - fol. 1120 cAlatAM asatA'thavA jAgatAM (sU)tAM piNa manameM hiyAmeM ciMtave te naramokSasUSa pratepAMmase eha sAmane iti zrIsamyaktakaumudadhimakathA sNpuurnnH|| N. B. - For additional details see No. 801 and 810. samyaktvakaumudI catuSpadI Samyaktvakaumudicatuspadi (samakitakaumudIcopai) (Samakitakaumudi-copai) No. 812 __268 1871-72 Size - 103 in. by 4: in. Extent -- 33 folios; 17 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough and whitish; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and tolera. bly good hand-writing; borders indifferently ruled in two lines in black ink; space between them coloured red; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. 1a blank; in the left-hand margin, the title is written as TTE dAsanI caupaha: complete; 8 stories in all in Gujarati. Age-Samvat 1664. Author-Is he iJayamalla? (He is mentioned in Jaina Gurjara Kavio Vol. III Pt. 1, p. 822). Subject - Narration illustrating the right faith and for that eight exam. ples are mentioned in this work. For comparison Jagadu's Samyaktva-maim-caupai and Jayamalla's work dated V.S. 1652 may be consulted. Begins - fol. 16 namo yarI(ri)hatANaM / zrIgurubhyo nama / AdijiNesara AdiI deI / cauvIsaiM jiNavara praNamiI / sarasati suguru namI caupai / bolisahuM smkitkomdii||1|| dulahau samakita dasa diTAta / samakita viNa navi sIjhaI aMta / dAna sIla tapa bhAvanA jeha / samakita viNa sava pada nahI teha / 2 etc. Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8131 The Svetambara Works 11 Ends -fol. 336 samikitakumadInI savi ktthaa| bhAi kahI anukrami suNajo jatthA / jiNadata seTTi pratthama dRSTAMta / arahadAsa nija nAri kahata / / jayaseNa / 1 / somaakuNmrii| 2 / somazarma / 3 / sumitrA gunnbhrii|| padamasirI / 5 / sAgara / 6 / sUradeva / 7 / e Ai nAma saMSiva / 3 / iti shrii(s)mikitkumdiicrii| maiva sUraguramuSi sunnii| bhaNai guNai je mana sudha / ghari baiThA sthAi nava nadhi / 4 / saMvata / 1664 / varape laSataM / RSiSImajI Reference - Is this work noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio ? sAgarapreSThikathA Sagarasresthikatha No. 813 1310 (32) 1886-92 Extent-fol. 33bto fol. 34a. Description-Complete. For other details see mUladevakathA (Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 2, No. 491 ). Here this story is numbered as 32.: Author - Not known. Subject -A story of Sagara, a merchant in Sanskrit poetry. He was very greedy. Consequently he suffered heavily in this world and was born as a hellish being. Cf. an anonymous work having this very title. Begins -fol. 330 lobhe taptAyasIbAMbhaH / kaNA yAMti guNAkSayaM / prApya lIbhAdiha kezaM / sAgaro durgatiM gtH||1||etc. Ends - fol. 34a sovaste gRhvaasvirktH| sAdhucAritramathAd gunnsktH| - tIvratapAkSipitAmitapApaH / sotha vidyadivaM / samavApa / / 12.. Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 212 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [814 iti lobhe sAgarazreSTikathA // iti kumArapAlapratibodhasAroddhAraH // cha / Reference - This Ms. is not noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 429). sArazikhAmaNarAsa No. 814 Sarasikhamanarasa 1495 1887-91 Size - 97 in. by 4} in. Extent -7 leaves ; 15 lines to a page; 56 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrAs: small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; space between the pairs coloured red; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; there is a square with vertical diagonals drawn in red ink in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; fol. 7b blank; red chalk used; strips of paper pasted here and there; condition on the whole very good; complete; composed in Samvat 1546. Age - Pretty old. Author - Upadhyaya Samvegasundara, pupil of Jayasundara of Vada Tapa gaccha. Subject - Usual Sermons on Jaina ethics like Abimsa, abstaining from night meals, and drinking of unfiltered water etc. Bugins -- fol. 1a OM pUjyArAdhya paM0 zrIamarahaMsagaNigurubhyo namaH / zrI jIrAuli' pAsanAhaprabhu kerA pAya / 9 praNamau ekacitta thaI lahI sugurupasAya / 1 mAtA sarasati devi kahanai eka suvacana maagu| je kavirAja bhArAhiie teha va(ca)laNe lAgauM / 2 dhyAu zrInavakAramaMta cauda pUravasAra / varNavatAM eka jIbhaDIe navi lahI pAra / 3 Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8151 The Svetambara Works 213 jasa kIrati jeha niramalIe jysNdraa(r)j(je)| saMveganidhiguru gaNadhaDUe mArAdhau teha / 4 / sArasISAmaNa na(ta)Nau rAsakhasyUM(?)rasa paannii| te bhaviyaNa tujhe sAMbhalaue : avicala phalajANI 5 etc Ends -- fol. 76 tAsa pATi dIpaI guNabhUri / gacchapati zrIjinasuMdarasUri tayajaNi niramala gaNadharUe / vijayarAji jeTha nai je sohara nirupamaguNi je jagamana mohai uva jjhAya zrIjayasuMdara gurue / 20 tAsa sIsa guru lahI pasAya / zrIsaMvegasuMdara uvajhAya raciu rAsa guNa saagbhuue| panarasaIaThatAla (1548) saMvacchari / mArgasira dazami guru dini / mAtuSisure nita jinamala jayakarue 28 iti zrIsArasISAmaNarAsaH / samAptaH / cha // zubhaM bhvtuH| ch| klyaannmtuH||ch|| Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 66-67). sArazikhAmaNarAsa Sarasikhamanarasa 176 No. 815 1872-73 Size -93 in. by4g in. Extent -- 7 folios; 17 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. Description -Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters%3 small, fairly legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand marging in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank; fol. 70 blank; fol. 4th missing; otherwise complete%3; each and every fol. more or less worm-eaten in the margins; condition on the whole good; composed in Sam. vat 1548. Age -- Not modern. Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1816 214 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Author - Samvegasundara. Begins - fol. 14 // * // zrI'jIrAuli 'pAsanAha prabhU kerA pAya etc. as in No. 814. Ends-fol. 7a dharamahaM ciMtAmaNi etc. upto maMgala jayakarU e 354 as in No. 814. This is followed by the lines as under:iti zrIsArasISAmANirAsa samAptaH // saMpUrNamiti likhitaM gaNicaMdravijayena / 'zrIpazca'nagare Then perhaps in a different hand we have :vIrojaMpai goyama jai ko vihuravaNikaM kasI karai dhIvarajAlasamANaM pAvaM dukhaM anaMtamavi 1 ko vihu aggi jalaM tI sIyala siMcaNei ulhavai ukaraDi aggidahaNaM goyama kuTThInaro hoi 2 // 2 koDi 51 lASa dADhI masyakanA roma 99 lASa bIjA sarva mIlane 3 // kohi romarAjI. N. B, - For other details see No. 814. sArazikhAmaNarAsa Sarasikhamanarasa 1666 No.816 1891-95 Size -11 in. by 4g in. Extent-12 folios%3; 13 lines to a page%3; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva. nagarl characters with occasional qars; big, perfectly legi. ble, uniform and good hand-writing; borders mostly ruled in three lines in red ink; dandas written in red ink; foll. number. ed in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; strips of paper pasted to it and to foll. 24%; and 203 yellow pigment used for making corrections; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; edges of several foll. gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; composed in Samvat 1548. Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 817] The Svetambara Works 2015 Age - Pretty old. Author-Samvegasundara. Begins - fol. 10 AUM|| zrIgurubhyo nmH|| brevIsamu zrIpAsanAha prabhu kerA pAya etc. practically as in No. 814. Ends - fol. 12. panarasaI bhaTTatAla (1548)saMvacchari / mAgasiri sami guru dinamAnuSa . nitya nitya jayamaMgalakarUpa / 79 // iti zrIsArasISAmaNarAsa // samAtA / miti / bhadram // shriirstuH|| // zrIH chH||2|| zrIH shriiH|| N. B. - For further particulars see No.814. siMhavyAghrakumArakathA Simhavyaghrakumarakatha No. 817 1310 (30) 1886-92 Extent-fol. 31b to 320. Description-Complete. For additional information see mUladevakathA (Vol. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 2, No. 491). Here this story is num bered as 29. Subject - A story of Simhavyaghraha-Kumara. He gave up anger and that made him happy. Begins -- fol. 31 * athAvakSyau gururdharmarakSAyai viduSA russaa| tyAjyAyattAM sRjan duHkkhaM / siMhavyAghravadabhute // 1 etc. Ends - fol. 32a mAtmaniMdanaparau bhavabhItI / dIkSitau zamaratau muninAtau / nIrudhomi ghaudAraguNAyo / mRtyumApya samayeyagatau yaaN|| 39 krodhatyAge siMhavyAghrakumArakathA // cha / Reference - This Ms. is not noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I). Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 216 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [818 siMhAsanadvAtriMzikA Simhasanadvatrimsika No. 818 163 1866-68 Size - 12g in. by 7g in. Extent - 41 folios; 11 lines to a page ; 37 letters to a line. Description - Foreign paper with the water-marks Smith and Meynier Fierme, and a brand of a crown tough and bluish Devanagari characters; bold, very big, legible and good hand-writing ; borders not ruled; numbers of foll. mostly entered twice as usual; fol. 7th not numbered even once; yellow pigment used; complete; cloth-bound. Age - Modern. Author - Not mentioned. Subject - Famous Lokakathas i, e. 32 stories about Vikramaditya told in Sanskrit in the court of king Bhoja. The lion-throne of Vikramaditya had 32 dolls, each gave one story and hence the title. Begins - fol. la // zrIgaNezAya namaH // // anNtshbdaarthgtopyoginH|| pazyati pAraM nahi yasya yoginaH / / jagatrayAzeSatamovinAzakaM / jyotiH paraMta tat(ja) jayati prakAzaM // 1 // Ends - fol. 41b tato rAjA prAha / nAhaM yAMcAM ku / na ca me kenApi prayojanaM / tatastAH prAhuH / bhojarAja yA kazcit etat shriivikrmaadity...| caritraM devAMganAsaMvAdasuMdaraM paThiSyati zroSyAti vAcayiSyati tasya(1)ti kIrtilakSmI sakalasaukhyAprApti bha(bha)viSyatIti varaM datvA devAMganAH svarga jagmuH / / zrIbhojaladhimekhalAyA sakhaMDazAsanazciraM rarAja lkssyaa|| iti siMhAsanadvAtriMzikA sasA(mA)tA // zrIkRSNArpaNamastu / Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 191 The Svetambara Works 217 siMhAsanabattIsI Simhasanabattisi 1496 No. 819 1887-91 Size - 103 in. by 4g in. Extent -- 47 folios; 18 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Devanagari characters, small, thick, legible and good handwriting, borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; fol. 1a blank; fol. 2nd slightly torn; fol. 470 practically complete; borders of the 1st fol. coloured bluish. Composed in 1678 in Gujarati poetry. Age - Samvat 1772. Author - Samghavijaya. Subject - Stories narrated through the medium of each of the 32 dolls of the Lion-throne of Vikramaditya in the court of king Bhoja ; Gujarati version. Begins-fol. 1b sakala maMgala dharma dhuri dAna dayA satyameva / namo niraMtara jagagUrU anaMtacovisI deva / 1 // etc. daMDa paMca jiNeM vasi kIyA dharimo mastakachanna / siMghAsaNa iMdri mokalibho batrIsa pUtalIyuta // 38 // etc. Ends-fol. 11b iti siMghAsaNabatrIsI trIjI pUtalIkathA samAtA / Ends-fol. 47a puNyabaMdha suNatAM huve bhaNatAM hui sujANa / jayazrI vaMchita suSa lahe lahe nara koTikalyANa 1 81 // iti siMghAsaNabatrIsI zrIvikramArkaguNakIrtilatAdvAtriMzatipaMcAlikAkathA suSabodhacopai dvAtriMzatpUtalIkathA smaaptaa| ___saM. 1772(?) kArtika zu0 7 ravau liSataM / Reference - For comparison the following works may be consulted :. siMhAsanabatrIsI composed by pupil of Jayasagara in V.S. 1616. by Hirakalasa, V.S. 1636. by Samgha vijaya -28 [J.LP, Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 218 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [820 For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio Vol. I, pp. 235-38. siMhAsanabattIsI Simhasanabattisi 1496 No. 820 1887-91 Size - 10% in. by 43 In. Extent -- 47 leaves; 18 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Modern paper with water-marks; Devanagari characters; handwriting clear, bold, legible and uniform; borders and edges ruled in triple and single red lines; yellow pigment used for corrections%3; red pigment frequently used; complete. Age-Appears to be old. Author - Samghavijaya. Subject - Same as in the preceding entry. Begins -- fol. 10 zrIjinAya namaH // dUhA // sakalamaMgala dharmadhuri dAna dayA satyameva / namo niraMtara jagagUru anaMta covIsI deva // 1 // siddha save nita praNamIi lahII sayala jagIsa / tribhuvanasiramuguTamaNI bhayabhaMjana jagadIsa // 2 // paramAtmA paramesaru amalajJAna anaMta / nAtha niraMjana sAMIsave akalaje bhagavaMta // 3 // etc. tihAM pratapo vikramacarI paraupagArI bhUpAla / bhAsa phale jagi tehanI jeha suNe caritra rasAla // 79 // puNyabaMdha suNatAM huve bhaNatA huvIi sujANa / jayazrI vaMchita sukha lahe nara koTI kalyANa / / 80 // Ends - fol. 474 jayazrI vaMchita suSa lahe lahe nara koTikalyANa // 81 // iti saMghAsaNabattIsI zrIvikramArkaguNakIrtilatAdvAtriMzatipaMcAlikAkathA suSabodhacopaI / dvAtriMzat pUtalIkathA samAptAH / kArtikasudi praravau liSitaM // zrIrastuH // Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 821] The Svetambara Worke 219 siMhAsanabattIsI Simhasanabattisi No. 821 857 1895-1902 Size -10g in. by 41 in. Extent - 118-1-1-1 -115 folios; 9 to 12 lines to a page; 36 to 40 Jetters to a line. Description-Country paper thin and white; Devanagari characters%3; ___ bold, big, clear and good hand.writing%3; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; red chalk used; white paste too%; several foll. worm-eaten; foll. 1-24 numbered twice as usual; fol. 35th falsely numbered as 36th; hence the following numbered as 37, 38 etc; fol. 65th also numbered as 66th ; so the succeeding as 67, 68, etc; fol. 110th also numbered as 111th; hence the following numbered as 112, 113 etc.; complete; composed in Samvat 1624. Age - Not quite modern. Subject - 32 stories narrated through the medium of the each of the 32 dolls in the throne of Vikrama in the court of king Bhoja%B Gujrati version. Author-Hirakalasa, pupil of Harsaprabha of the Kharataragaccha. He has composed Samyaktvakaumudi-rasa. Begins-fol. 1a bhArAhI zrIRSabha prabhu yugalIdharma nivAra / kathA kahuM vikrama taMNI jasu sAko vistAra // 1 // etc. Ends-fol. 1180 svAmodalIhu~ satha saimukha mAna boDIyo bhApaNe ji sAstra sAthaihe vimilito tehani rtii| thAMpaNo e carita sAMbhala jiya mAnava dAna / bhApai nija kara te puNyapasAyai muSIya thAyai ridvi pAmai bahu paraI / iti zrI kali 'yugapradhAnadAnAdhikArazrIvikramarAyazrIbhojanareMdra siMhAsaNabattIsI cri...| Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 220 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1822 Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 235-238) siMhAsanabattIsI Simhasanabattisi 1667 No. 822 1891-95 Size - 94 in. by 44 in. Extent - 81 leaves; 16 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description-Country paper%; Devanagari characters%3; handwriting clear, bold, legible and uniform; borders and edges ruled in * triple and single red lines; yellow pigment used for corrections; red pigment frequently used; complete. Age-Samvat 1899. Author-HIrakalasa. For other details see the preceding entry. Begins - fol. 16 zrIgottamAya nmH|| dUhA // bhArAhI zrI haraSi prabhu / yugalAdharma nivaari| kathA kahuM vikramataNI jasu zAkavistAra // 1 // zAkau barati yaudAnadhI donabaDau sNsaar| vali viseSi jiNa sAsaNaha bolyAM paMcaprakAra // 2 // bhanaya supAtrAM dAMna vihuM pAmi moraka saMjoga / bhaNukaMpA kI rati uciti e bihu~ dAne bhoga // 3 // fol. 350 iti zrIsiMhAsaNabattIsIcaritre rAjA zrIvikramAditya utpAtte bhoja bhane jayA prathamakathAputalI prathamakathA kavitaM saMpUrNa // Ends - fol. 816 manavaMchita re te nara nai niti thaaisii| vRtako rati re saMpada tiha ghari aaisii|| ghara dIghau re iNi pari rAjA bhojana i|| devaMgata re saha yai yaha tIsara ginai // 30 // chaMdaH saragi nai puhatIsavi devNgnaa| bhojarAja tava bahu na suNI sabhAjaNa raSi nijamani gayA nijAni ki shuu| Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8231 The Svetambara Torks pAliyata rAja aSaMDapUhavI bhojarAjA ApaNau / bhAU pahutai sudagati puhatauM dAMna phalabhogavidyaNauM // 31 // yataH dAnenaM prApyate lakSmI dAnena prApyate yshaa| dAnanaM prApyate sauSyaM yathA bhoja narezvara // 32 // harikIyau vikramacaritra sa izraThAvIse hasiloka bhaNai guNai iha rati parati tiyAM naravaMchitathoka samastazloka // 2800 // iti zrIsiMhAsaNabattIsI saMpUrNaH / saMvat 1899 jeThavUdi 12 liSata 465 siddhacakramAhAtmya Siddhacakramahatmya [zrIpAlakathA] [ Sripalakatha] No. 823 1882-83 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent - 12 follos; 15 lines to a page : 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough, tough and greyish; Jajna Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs3; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design; edges of each and every fol. more or less gone; foll. are slightly worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; abridged edition of Ratna. Sekhara's work. Age - Not quite modern. Subject - Story of Sripala narrated for depicting the prowess of the Siddhacakra in Prakrit verse. Begins -fol. 1011 arihAI navapayAi jhAittA hiyayakamalamajjhami / sirisiddhacakkamAhapyamuttamaM kiMpi jaipemi // 1 iha jaMbU 'hIve dAhiNa bharaha 'imajhamakhaMDe bahudhajakaNasamiDo 'magahA' deso patthi / Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 222 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [824 ___ tatya 'rAyagihaM' varaM puraM atthi / 'vaibhAra 'giriparasarapaesaM jatya vIravaratitthaM samuppannaM etc. Ends - fol. 120 sirivIrajiNo vihu diNayaha vva kuggahapayaM nivaarNto| bhaviyakamalapaDi bohaM kuNamANo viharai mahIe // 3 eso navapayamAhappasAra siripaalnrvridkhaa| nirNata kahatANaM bhaviyANaM kuNau kallANaM // 6 // siddhacakkakathA // Reference - It seems that this work is not noted in the Jinaratna kosa (Vol. I). sItAcaritra Sitacaritra (sIyAcariya) (Siyacariya) 177 No. 824 1872-73 Size - 114 in. by 44 in. Extent - 61 folios; 15 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, fairly uniform and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; numbering of the verses, their dandas etc. mostly written in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins%3; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 6103 in the left-hand margin, the title is written as zItAca: in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design%3 condition very good except that the last fol. is slightly torn and that edges of a few foll. are partially gone; complete. Age-Samvat 1600. Author - Unknown. Subiect - Life of Sita, wife of Rama narrated in Prakrit verso. Page #236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 824] The Svetambara Works 223 Begins -fol.10 AUM|| zrIgurubhyo namaH // kamanahakatijaleNa vakhAliya deha suNimmalA Tuti / narasuravisayapaNayA jesi te jiNavare namaha // 1 // varavayaNavAridhAriniyaraM jassA vi yati bhviynhaa| bappIha yanvabhavvA namAmi taM vIrAjiNamehaM / 2 etc. Ends-fol. 61a abhakkhANa vivAgasUyagamiNaM saMvegasaMsAharga samvesi pi jalANa vimRyakara sosappasaMsAyaraM / kiMcIrAhavalakkhaNehi sahiyaM laMkAhivaNaM tahA sIyAdevimahAsaIya cariyaM saMSevau sAhiyaM / nAUNaM paribhAviUNa hiyae sannaM imaM savvahA / abhakkhANamasaMkhadukkhajaNaNaM vajjeha bhagvA jnnaa| sIlaM savvaguNANa bhUsaNakaraM nivvANasaMpAyarga / khaMDijjaMtamalaM kalaMkavikalaM rakkheha nicca thaa| evaM sIyAMcariyaM vajjariyaM seNiyassa naravaiNo / jaha goyameNa taha maha sUrIhiM niveiyaM kici // cha / iti zrIsIlavratAdhikAre mahAsatIzrIsItAcaritraM dharmakathApavitraM saMpUrNamiti / bhadraM bhUyAt / / zrI // saMvat 1600 varSe caitravadi 11 / buddhavAsare dhaniSTAnakSatre / sAhi0 serasahirAjye zrI 'alavaragaha 'duggeM liSApitaM riSiDUMgarA tat siSya -riSimedA tena liSApitaM sukIyArthe / liSitaM paM0 makuMda| zubhaM bhavatu leSakapAThakayoH yAsaM pustakaM dRSTvA / tAdRzaM liSitaM mayA / yadi zuddhamasuddhaM vA mama doSo na dIyate ||1||ch / bhannapRSTakaTigrIvAstabdhadRSTi adhomukha kaSTena liSitaM zAstraM / jatnena pratipAlayet // bhAhamAnapI sakIyaM / mahavA mANaM na kijae pimma mANiNi ekathaMbhovinagayaM dANa vajjhati // 3 // Reference - This work is mentioned along with other anonymous works in the Jinaratnalcosa (Vol. I, p.442). Page #237 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 224 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [799 sItAcarita Sitacarita (sIyAcariya) (Siyacariya ) 825 No. 825 1899-1915 Size -- 104 in. by 4f in. Extent -8 folios ; 20 lines to a page; 54 letters to a line. Description - Country paper very thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrA8; small, quite legible, fairly uniform and tolerably good hand-writing i borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; complete; 465 verses; condition very good; the last two or three lines written in a later and different hand, Age -- Old. Author - Bhuvanatunga Suri. Subject - Life of Sita. Begins -fol. 1a ||AUM|| jassa payapauma nahacaMda junhajalajAlakhA liyamAlAI tijayaM pi suIjAyaM taM muNisuvvayajiNa namiuM // 1 tijagacamakkArakaraM / muNisuvvayatitthaladdhamAhappaM / sIyAmahAsaIe / carikaM kittemi lavamittaM // 2 etc. Ends - fol. 80 nAUNaM paribhAviUNa hiyae samma imaM svhaa| abbhakkhANa asaMkhadukkhajaNayaM vajjeha bhagvA jnnaa| sIla samvaguNANa bhUsaNakaraM nivvANasaMpAyarga // pheDijjaMtamalaM kalaMkaviyalaM rakkheha nizca tahA // 64 sIlaM guNasavaNasaMbhUya / varapavaramANaMdakAraiyaM / sIyAcariyaM siribhuvaNaogapayasAhagaM houM // 465 // iti sIyAcariyaM samattaM // cha // yAvanveSaH phaNIbhirvahati vasumatI yAvadAdityacaMdrAbudyotete nabhorjagati vijayate zAsana janamatra / Page #238 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 826] The Svetambara Works (i) te nimnagAbhirghanarasanivadvai yAvadaMbhodhayo ( 5 ) mI / tAvanaMdyAdihedaM sakalabudhajanaiH pustakaM vAcyamAnaM // Then perhaps in a different hand we have :bhukte sma bhojanapare zayate sma zete janmApi mAmanu bhavAn na karoti kimanyat / tyaktvA kramaM yadi karotu suralokalobhaM / sApatnyajaH prakaTitaH kimayaM vikAraH // 2 yadrAmaM priyanaMdibhUmipa purA ( s) raNye vareNyAsanaibhaktyA pAraNakaM vyadhApayadabhUddinyatrajastrakSaNaM / tasmAd rAjyamavApya deza viraticAritramapyadbhutaM | lebhe durlabhamokSa saukhyama'khilaklezakSayAt tadbhave // 3 // bhadraM // cha // zrIH // Reference -- For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 442 ) . For quotations see Patan Cat. I, p. 136. sItAcarita No. 826 Size - 10g in. by 4 in. Extent - 110 folios; 12 lines to a page ; 46 letters to a line. Author - ( Rai ) canda. Subject 225 Description -- Country paper thin, rough, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; numbers of the verses, their dandas, some words etc. written in red ink; in the left-hand margin, the title is written as sItAcaritra; fol. 10 blank ; so is the fol. 110b; edges of some of the foll. gone; condition on the whole good; com - plete; composed in Samvat 1773; Gatha 2415; yellow pigment used for making corrections. Age - Samvat 1790. Life of Sita in Gujrati verse, Sitacarita 898 1892-95 ...29 [J. L. P.] Page #239 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 226 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [826 Begins -- fol. 10 // OM // zrIjinAya nmH|| dUhA / / praNamuM parama punIta nara / varadhamAna jinadeva / lokAlokaprakAsa ts| karai samakitI seva // 1 // tasa ganadhara gotama pramuSa / dharamavaMta dhanapAta / tina sevaI bhavijana sadA / vilai mohatamarAti // 2 // caupaaii|| kavibAlaka yaha kaunauM khyAla / hasau matI budhivaMta visAla / rAmajAnakI guna visNtr| kahai kauMna kavivacanavicAra // 3 // deva dharama gurukauM siranAi / kahai caMdachattama jaga maai| paraupagArI parama pavitta / sajjanabhAvabhagatikai citta // 4 // samakari Adi aMta adhyarA / asati Adi aSyara kari praa| e samaruM paragyAdAtAra / sItacarita citakarahu(?) udAra // 5 // etc. Ends - fol. 110a saMvata satarai terotarai( 1713) / magasira graMtha samApati krai| sukala pakSa tithi hai paMcamI / bhApau jANa kumati jiNa dhamI // 18 // jiNi apanI nija ridhi pahacANI / so cinamUrati aatmgyaaNnii| pragaTayo sahaja sudhArasa hoI / ghArasamai vArasa nahi koI // 19 // kathA suNI zravaNe avadhAra / rahI yAda soM liSI vicAra / bhUla cUkayA maiM jo bhaI / aura vanAi naI kadhu kaI // 20 // somata viharau tuma budhivaMta / kahyau vahuta vighaTai ju sidhaMta / ina sava pasaradhImata karI / vANIkasa hiradAmai dharau // 21 // uttama puruSa taNI e vAna / bhayamukati na jisava parajAta / jo saba rAga doSa para harai / mukativadhUkuM vaha nara varai // 22 // rAga doSa tyAgai jo jIva / avinAsI suSa lahai sadIva / tA suSa kaukabahUM nahI aMta / dhyAnamAMti deNyau bhagavaMta // 23 // jiNa bhASyA nijANI mAMhi / sahajai rAga doSa kachu nAhi / suNai guNai cita jo rAma mAgha / thiti pUgAvina nAhi uSA(?)va // 24 // kAliSeta udimabhavabhAva / harai nahI kari koTi upaav|| epAM cau samavAi saThIka / kArija hoi loha DailIka // 25 // iti zrIsItAcaritra saMpUrNa // saMvat 1790 varSe arkavAsavAda( ? )liSataM lAlacaMdajIti zrIrastu shrii| Page #240 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 827] The Svetambara Works 227 Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio Vol. I. sItArAmacatuSpadI Sitaramacatuspadi (sItArAmacopai) (Sitaramacopai) 861 No. 827 1895-1902 Size - 103 in. by 4g in. Extent -106 folios; 13 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devapagari characters%3 big, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing%3B borders ruled in three lines in black ink; all the four extreme edges bounded by one line in red ink ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins%3; fol. 1a blank; one blank fol. attached to the last fol.; strips of white paper pasted to the last fol.; a piece of white paper pasted to fol. 1a; the first and last few foll. very much worm-eaten; condition tolerably fair ; complete; 9 khandas in all; the total extent 3704 slokas (gathas ); composed in V. S. 1687 at Medata. Age - Samvat 1697. Author - Upadhyaya Samayasundara. He has mentioned here his four works which were composed prior to this work. For his additional works see his collected works published from Bikaner by Agarchand Nahata. Subject -- Life of Sita. Begins - fol. 10 AUM|| svasti zrIsuSasaMpadAdAyaka arihaMta deva / kara joDI tehanaI kruN| namasakAra nitameva // 1 // nija gurucaraNakamala namuM / trihi tattva dAtAra / kIDIthI kuMjara kIyau (?) / e mujha nai upagAra // 2 // sapalaM sarasati sAminI eka karuM aradAsa / mAtA deje mujjha naI / vAsU vacanavilAsa // 3 // Page #241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 228 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1827 saMbaprajUnakathA sarasa 1 pratyeka buddhaprabaMdha / naladavaMdatI 3 mRgAvatI 4 / capaI cyAra saMbaMdha // 4 // bhAI taMbhAvI tihAM / samayAMdIdhau sAda / sItArAmasaMbaMdha paNI / sarasati kare prasAda // 5 // etc. Ends -- fol. 106a sItArAmanI caupaI / ehanai Agraha karI kIdhI re| desa pradesai vistarI nyAnavRddhi likhAvatAM lIdhI re // 23 sI0 // zrI kharatara 'gaccharAjIyA / zrIyugapradhAna jiNacaMdo re| prathama ziSya zrIpUjyanau / gaNi sakalacaMda sukhakaMdo re // 24 sI0 // samayasuMdara ziSya tehanA / zrI upAdhyAya kahIjai re / tiNa e kIdhI caupaI / sIjaNa sAsaNa sa lahIjai re| 25 sI0 // vartamAna gacchanA dhaNI / / bhaTTAraka zrIjinarAjo re| jinsaagrsuuriisru| bhAcArica adha(ghi)ka divAjo re // 26 sI0 e guru nai supasAu lai / e caupI caDI paramANo re|| bhaNAM suNatAM vAcatAM / huyai ANaMda koDi kalyANo re // 27 sii| sarvagAthA // 355 // iti zrIsItArAmaprabaMdhe / siitaadinykrnn| 1 sItAdIkSA 2 lakSmaNamaraNa 3 rAmanirvANa / 4 laSamaNarANavasItAgAmibhavapRcchAvarNano nAma navamaH khaMDaH smaaptH|| sItArAmanI caupaI / saMpUrNA // prathamakhaMDe / 45 / dvitIyakhaMDe 192 // tRtIyakhaMDe / 168 / caturthakhaMDe gAthA 198 / paMcamakhaMDe 248 SaSTakhaMDe 444 / saptamakhaMDe 312 / aSTamakhaMDe / 323 // navamakhaMDe gAthA 351 // sarvarSaDagAthA // 2414 // graMthAnaM 3704 // sIH // saMvat 1697 varSe poSa sudi 2 sukavAre // zrI kharatare 'gacche zrIvA0 zrIrAjakalazajI tasya zikSaNI sAdhvI kamalasuMdarI tasya zikSaNI sAdhvI dayAsuMdIrI tasya zikSaNI prabhAvatI lipIkRtaM bhAtmA arthe / bhA ... mmdhye|||| zrIH // kalyANamastu [:] // shriiH|||| Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 355-365). The MS. written by the author himself is in the Bbandara of Agra. Ramagiri raga, Bangalo raga, Parajiyo raga, Dhanyasri raga Marani raga, Malbara raga, Khambhavati raga and Paddhati metre etc. are mentioned in Jaina Gurjara Kavio on pp. 360-363. - - Page #242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 828] sItArAmacatuSpadI No. 828 The Svetambara Works Sitaramacatuspadi 819 1899-1915 Size-93 in. by 4g in. Extent 123 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description-Country paper tough and white; Devanagari chara. cters; big, clear and good hand-writing; borders not ruled; edges of the first few foll. slightly damaged; foll. 1a and 1270 complete. Age - Samvat 1850, Saka 1715. Author - Samayasundara. Begins - fol. 16 svasti zrIsukhasaMpadAdAyaka arihaMta deva / kara joDi tehanaI kruu| namaskAra nita seva 1 // etc. bhAI tu bhAvI tihAM / samasyAM dIdhamao sAda / sItArAmasaMbaMdhapaNa / sarasati kareM prasAda // 5 // etc. Ends-fol. 1226 zrI SaDatara 'gachanA rAjIyA zrIyugapradhAna jiNacaMdA re / parathama siSya zrIpUjyanA gaNi sakalacaMda suSakaMdo re / / 20 sI0 samayasuMdara sISya tehanA zrIupAdhyAya kahIjeM re| tiNe e kIdhI copaI sAjaNamANasa salahIje re // 25 sI. vartamAna gachanAdhaNI bhaTTAraka zrIjinarAjo re| jinasAgarasUrIsarU bhAcArana adhika divAjo re // 26 sI0 // e gurune supasAuleM e copai caThI paramANo re| bhaNatAM suNatAM vAcatAM hoye ANaMda koDa kalyANa re // 27 // sI0 iti zrIsItArAmaprabaMdhe zrIrAmasItAlaSamaNa ityAdi pItAmAjJAibanavAsaH sItArAvaNaharaNa sItAlaMkArAvaNagRhe etc. zrIrAmasItArAsa navakhaMDaI samApti / sarvathaIne 2415 pra0 / Page #243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 230 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [829 samApti saM. 1850 zAke 1715 jyeSTha zu0 2 somavAsare lipIkRtaM zrI Esparadt at . Toaster to N. B. - For further particulars see No. 827. Sita-rama-catuspadi : sItArAmacatuSpadI No. 829 282 1871-72 Size - 102 in. by 41 in. Extent - 84 folios; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters big, fairly legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled mostly in two pairs of lines and at times in one, in black ink; sometimes the space between the pairs is coloured crimson ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the left-hand margin, the title is written as etarth 34EUR; a piece of paper of the size of a folio pasted to fol. 1a; condition on the whole good, yellow pigment used for making corrections; the MS. ends abruptly; so this wrok goes up to the 3rd verse after the completion of the sixth dhala of the 9th khanda; the extent of the pine khandas is as under Khanda I foll. 10 to 70 II 132 13a 18a 18a 252 252 VI 350 52a VII 610 VIII 616 726 726 7a III 356 52a Age - Pretty old. Page #244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 830] The Svetambara Works 231 231 Begins -fol. 10 e 60 // svasti zrI suSasaMpadAdAyaka arihaMta deva / kara joDI tehanai karuM / namasakAra nitameva // 1 nija gurucaraNakamala namuM / trieha tatvadAtAra / kIhIDIdhI(dhI) kuMjara kIyau / e muja nai upagAra // 2 etc. as in No. 827 Ends -- fol. 840 e kahI chaTThI DhAla / ke0 / samayasuMdara vAMdanA / karai tIrthakaranaI trikAla / 21 keNa sarvagAthA 320 // dUhA / hivai sItedra tihAM rahai / sukha bhogavatau sAra / bAvIsa sAgara bhAUrcha / pUru karai apAra // 1 // tIrthakarakalyANa ke / bhAvI karaha aneka / ucchavamahacchava AtathaNA | vArU cittaviveka / 2 / (321) tihAthI bhavinai pAmisyai / uttama kuli bhavatAra / tIrthakara vasudatta tasu / desyai dIkSAsAra // 3 // (322) etc. N. B. -- For additional information see No. 827. sItArAmacaritra macaritra 897 No. 830 1892-95 Size - 9f in. by 4 in. Extent-26 folios; 13 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Deva. Dagari characters big, quite legible, fairly uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs indifferently coloured red; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; these numbers are surro. unded by small designs; unnumbered sides decorated mostly with a small disc in red colour, in the centre; the numbered, in each of the two margins, too; at times, instead of the disc there are various other designs; in several cases foll. have stuck Page #245 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 232 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1831 together probably because there is gum in the ink used; condition very good; all the four edges are coloured red; complete; extent 1001 Slokas. Age-Not modern. Author-Not known. Subject - Life of Sita and that of Rama her husband in Gujarati prose. Begins -- fol. la e60|| zrIvItarAgAya namaH // atha udAraNazIyalaprastAvyaM iheva 'bharatha 'Setre / 'mithalA' bhAya nagara jyAM / ngeriirirthghmiesmidhaa| caurAsI cuhttaa| bahatari pAvaTA / aneka vAvaDI / phkrnnii| Upara rata laagaa| mahAdaha khaMDo khalI etc. Ends - fol. 260 etAni purabakramakritAni zrIrAmanai riSa kaau| e krarma alapa mAtra rahyA te udayapragaTIyau babhUva / e pramAratha jANivau krarmaphalAhiSyaMta jANivau isau jANanai dharma kA jaya / jima sarvamaMgala hettvaa(?)t| yntr| dharma thakI dhana saMpajaya / dharmalIlavilAsa / saraga upavarga dharma ima milai pujai vaMchita bhAsa 1 iti zrIsItArAmariSacarata saMpUraNa samAptatoH // graMthAgraMtha 101 // zubhaM bhavatu [:] // klyaannmstu[:]|| cha / Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio Vol. I. sImandharasvAmivijJapti (sImandharasvAmIvInatI) No. 831 Size -- 104 in. by 44 in. Simandharasvamivijnapti (Simandharasvamivinati) 368 1871-72 Page #246 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 831] The Svetambara Works 233 Extent -- 3 folios ; 11 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good handwriting: borders ruled in three lines in red ink; numbers for the verses, their dandas etc. written in red ink; foll. numbered 'in the right-hand margin; in the left-hand margins titles are written as maMdharasvAM , and madhara0; edges of all the foll. more or less gone; condition on the whole good; complete; fol. 30 blank there is some space kept blank at the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well. Age - Pretty old. Author - Premavijaya, co-pupil of Ratnabarsa. His additional works are as under : 1. bhAtmazikSAbhAvanA V. S. 1662. 2. dhanavijayapaMnyAsarAsa 3. zatruJjayastavanA (mAdinAthavinatirUpa) 4. sItAsatI-sajjhAya. Subject - A prayer to Simandharasvamin, one of the 20 Tirthamkaras who are alive in Mabavideha. The request is communicated through the moon. Begins - fol. 10 e 60 // DhAla bholIDA re haMsA viSaya na raaciih|| e dezI DhAla // zrI zrImaMdhyaraM suNo muja vInatI / bhavasAyarapAra utAro jii| tribhovanatAraNau se mujha nai milyA / bhAvAgamaNa nivAro jii| zrIzrImaMdhyara suNo muja vInatI // pAcalI // 1 // etc. Ends-fol. 20 caMdAbhAI ! suNo mujha vInatI / mAhArA saMdesA savi lejyo jii| zrIzrImaMdhyara AgAli tume valI / jaI nisa ghalAM kahaijyo jii| dUri prihrii| shriivijysensuuriisraaji|| vimalaharaSa vAcaka varUM / paM0 ratnaharSabaMdhu premavijayani / zrImadhyara jina suSakarU // 33 // -~30 [J. L.P.] Page #247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 234 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [832 iti zrImaMdhyarasvAMmanI tavanaSatrIsI saMpUrNaH // 11 // Reference - For extracts and additional MSS, see Jaina Gurjara Kauio, sImandharajinastavana Simandharajinastanavana (sImandharasvAmIvInati) (Simandharasvamivinati bAlAvabodhasaha with Balavabodha 730 No.832 1899-1915 Size -108 in. by4g in. Extent - 25 folios; 4 lines to a page; 28 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with rare TATATS; this MS. contains the text and the interlinear Balavabodha; the former written in very big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing: same is the case with the latter except that it is written in smaller hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two, in red ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; so is the fol. 25b3; edges of a few foll. slightly gone; the text complete; 125 verses in all and 11 dhalas; Balavabodha ends on fol. 2343; so incomplete? Age-Samvat 1777. Author of the text - Nyayavisarada Nyayacarya Yasovijaya Gaai. For his life and works see Yasodobana. Author of the Balavabodha - Same (?) as above. Subject - A request to Simandharasvamin. For details see Yasodohana. Begins ( Text) - fol. 10 e 60 // svAmi sImaMdhara vInatI // sAMbhalo mAharI devare / tAharI ANa hu~ sira dharUM AdaraM tAharI sevare // 1 // kugurunA vAsanA pAMsamAM / hariNaM pari je pa(pA)myA svAmI0 lokare / tehaneM zaraNa tujha viNa nahIM // Talavale bApar3A phokare // 2 // etc. Page #248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8331 The Svetambara Works 233 Begins (Balavabodha)-fol. 16 he zrIsImaMdharasvAmI tume mAharI vInatI sAMbhalo deva ka tA zrIdevAdhIdeva etc. Ends - fol. 240 svA. ima sakala sukhakara duritabhayahara vimala kSaNaguNadharo prabhU ajara amara naridavidita vInavyo sImaMdharo nijanAdatarjita meghagarjita dhairyaniji(ji)tamaMdiro zrIvijayadevasUriMdapaTadharazrIvijayAsaMhasurIsaro zrInayavijayabudhacaraNasevaka jasavijayavAcaka jaya karo 125 Ends (Balavabodha)-fol. 22b eka chai tujha upari rAga mAharo mana vacana kAyAI krii|| tehatuM mAha muktirUpa tarU vRkSa nehano kaMda te pAMmIne tujha prati // tujha sariSo anyadeva huM na gaNuM jo sukha0 devatA naraka0 manuSyatehanA vRMda mileM toipiNa 16 svA0 iti zrImahopAdhyAyazrIjasavijayagaNinA kRta zrIsImaMdharajinastavana saMpUrNa zubhaM bhavatu saMvata 1777 nA varSe zAke 1642 pravarttamAne mAhamAse vidapakSe trayodasI somavAsare laSitaM sakalapaMDitaziromaNipaMDita zrI zrI 5 zrI zrI saubhAgyavijaya taziSyagaNizrIvRddhivijayataziSya celAvastA liSitaMH / zrAvikAsaMghaviNapaThanArtha / zrI sUrati 'baMdire zubhaM bhavatuH // shrii|| rastuH // klyaannmstuH|| zrIH // cha // zrI // cha / leSaka pAThayo ciraM jayatu / shriiH||ch ||shrii | etc. yA zaM pustakaM dRSTA / tAdRzaM laSitaM mayA yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA mama doSo na jAyate // zrI // cha // zrI // cha / zrI ||shrii ||chH|| etc. Reference -Published in Prakaranaratnakara (Vol. III) and in Sajjana Sanmitra (pp. 299-309). For extracts and additional MSS. of the text see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 38-39). sukumAlarAsa No. 833 Size - 10 in. by 33 in. Sukumalarasa 1669 1891-95 Page #249 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy Extent-29 folios; 17 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very good handwriting; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; yellow pigment used for making corrections; condition very good; complete; nine cantos in all; the extent of each of them is as under: Canto foll. 236 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Composed in 1769 V. S. Kaumudi, a Prakrit work, quoted on fol. 15a. 99 " 99 .. .. 29 Ends fol, 296 " Age - Pretty old. Author Begins - fol. 16 Subject A story of Sukumala. - 99 wr " d. "9 99 "" 16 to 3b 36 to 76 39 Amaravijaya, pupil of Vijayaraja (?) Suri of the Tapa. gaccha. Is he the author of Parsvanathastuti ? 76 to 11a 11a to 14b 146 to 17a 17a to 18b 186 to 22a 22a to 26b 266 to 296 // zrIparamAtmane namaH // atha zrIsukumAlacaritra likhyate dUhA / OM nama sikau dhyAna ghari urapuramai nitameva sidhasAdhaka sAdhU jayai saba devanakau deva 1 praNamuM paMceiSTavara riddha siddha dAtAra vidhanaharana maMgalakaraNa bhavajIvanahitakAra 2 etc. [833 gurupadapaMkaja namata sadAI amaravijai suSa dAI jI rAza yau gurudevasAI caDhatI daulata pAI jI 11 ji0 Page #250 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 834] The Svetambara Works varatamAMna jiNabhakta virAjai paMDita pUrA chAjai jI vAMNI jAsu saghana ghana gAjai vaSatA vara siratAjai jI 12 ji0 satiraisai neU gata (1769 ? ) varasai posa terasa sita darasai jI sahara ' Agarai' sahusuSasarasai zrAvaka jiNabhrama parasaijI 13 ji0 cAratacarita caDhayau paramAMNI Atamaparahita jAMNo jI jAM laga 'meru ' mahI zasibhAMNau varatau graMthakalyANau jo 14 ji0 bhaNasI suNasI je jiNavAMNI bhAva adhika dila AMNIjI samakitacita lahasI bhaba prAMNI suSasaMpata saha nAMNIjI 15 ji0 237 iti zrIsukumAlasvAmicaritre yasobhadrAdikSAgrahaNa yasobhadrasuriMdradattavRSabhAMkitakanakadhvajamokSagamanaM sarvArthasiddha ahimeM ( miM ) dravibhUtavarNanau nAma navamaH sargaH 9 sukumAlacaritra saMpUrNa saMvat 1802 varSe mitI bhAdravAvada 4 dine liSatA' himatAsara ' madhye gulAlacaMdreNa // 1 // zrI Reference-For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio. sukRtasaGkIrttana No. 834 Size - 10g in. by 4g in. Extent - 19 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line. Description Sukrtasankirtana 1421 1887-91 Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the righthand margin ; fol. 19b blank except that the title sukRtasaMkIrtanakAvyaM etc. written on it; yellow pigment used for making corrections; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so as to form a design; edges of the last fol. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; 11 sargas in all; the extent of each of them is as under : Page #251 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 238 Jaina Literature and Philnsophy 18 III Sarga I foll. 1a to 30 3ato5a 5a to 60 to 8a 8a to 90 VI 9b to 110 VII 1la to 120 VIII 12b to 14a 14a to 16a 16a to I7b 170 to 19a Age - Pretty old. Begins - fol. 1a e60|| zrIjinAya // sAdhujanenAbhAjanavidhau vAsaH kuTIkoTare / IX XI netre na keshoccye| arthaH sUcitanavyakAkhyaracane graMtho na haste punaH zrImana saMprati me gRhe(5)pyabhinavA prauDhA dazA vartate // 1 etc. fol. 16 e 60 // zrIvezmavisayamaya etc. as in No. 835. Ends - fol. 19a sphUrjatpenAvali etc. upto yAvajagavaMdatAM // 401 pr0|| as in No. 835. This is followed by the lines as under : iti sukRtasaMkIrtanamahAkAvye sakalasaMkIrtanakIttano nAma ekAdazaH sargaH ||ch / 12 zubhaM bhavatu // kalyANamastu ||ch // zrI N. B.- For further particulars see No. 835. - sukRtasaGkIrtana No. 835 Size 134 in. by 5} in. Sukstasankirtana 415 1879-80 Page #252 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 835] The Svetambara Works 239 III >> Extent-29 folios ; 10 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters%3; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders not ruled; red chalk used; foll. num. bered in both the margins%3edges of the last fol. partly gone%3B condition on the whole good; complete ; 555 verses; 11 cantos in all. The extent of each of them is as under: Canto I foll. 1a to 30 II 30 to 60 6bto 9a IV 9a to 110 110 to 14a 14a to 160 VII 16b to 194 19a to 216 216 to 24a 24a to 27a 27a to 290 Age - Not modern. Author-Arisimha Suri. The author of 4 verses at the end of each of the 11 cantos is Venikpana' Amaracandra. For his life and works see my introduction to Padmananda-mahakavya. VI VII IX Subject - Eulogy of the good deeds of Vastupala in Sanskrit. This work commences with the description of Capotkata (Cavada) genealogy. Begins -- fol. la zrIsarvajJAya namaH // shriiveshmvismymyprblprtaap'shraapotkttaa'nvyvnaikhrinreNdrH| bhAsIda'sImacaritaH paritaptazatrumalArpitA hi nalino vanarAjadeva // 1 // yatkhaDgakhaMDitavirodhizirodhiraktazrotazvinIbhirudadhividadhe sarAgaH / yenAdhunA(5)pyaruNatAM bhajatastadaMkasaMparkato'rkazazinAvudayakSaNeSu // 2 // etc. Page #253 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 240. Jaina Literature and Philosophy [836 Ends - fol. 29a sphurjatphenAvalIvalapitonvAjakallolamAlA lIlAlolajaladhivalayavyAjato vastupAla / krIDatyetA raNabhuvi bhavatkIrtipaH staMbhatIrtha'prAMte prItIstabakitarasAH zaMkhaDuvirttayazca // 39 // vizve( 5 )sminnarasiMhakovidakRtaprauDhaprabaMdhAdbhutazrImaMtrIzvaravastupAlayazasI pIyUSapuropame // pate harSavazAdazeSavibudhairAsvAditA ye mitha: saMkrAMtyAkSaNalabdhasivivibhave yAvajagannaMdatAM // 40 // prtiH||41|| iti zrIsukRtasaMkIrtananAmnI mahAkAvye ekAdazaH sargaH cha cha cha cha cha / zrIH // zrIH // zrI // zubhaM bhavatu // kalyANamastu // lipI: saMpUrNa // Reference - Published by Jainadharma Prasaraka Sabha as No. 51 of its series in V. S. 1974. For additional MSS. see Jinaratna. kola (Vol. I, p. 443). sukRtasaGkIrtana Sukstasankirtana 411 No. 836 1880-81 Size - 104 in. by 41 in. Extent - 13 folios; 19 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description -- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagar! characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines of black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design; fol. 13b blank except that DA0 16 pra052 written on it; the MS. seems to have been exposed to fire; a portion from a margin to the right is gone in the case of seve. ral foll.; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete ; 11 cantos in all, The extent of each of them is as under ; Page #254 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 837] 241 The Svetambara Works foll. III x XI Capts 1a to 2a 2a to 3a 3a to 4a IV 4a to V 5a to VI 6a to 7a VII 7a to 8a VIII 8a to 9a IX 9a to 100 100 to 12a 12a to 13a Age - Samvat 15 (16th century). Begins-fol. 1a e60||AUM namaH sarasvatyai // zrIbezmavismaya etc. as in No. 835. Ends - fol. 13a sphUrjatyenAvali etc. upto yAvajaganaMdatAM // 40 // etc. as in No. 835. This is followed by the lines as under : pratisagai prabaMdhesminnarisiMhavinirmite imaanykRtctvaarikaamyaanymrpNdditH|| 41 iti sukRtasaMkIrtananAmni mahAkAvye ekAdazamaH sargaH // cha / zrIH zrIH // saMvata paMcadazabhASAdi 10 vaM pravarttamAneSveSTamAse kRSNapase // catuIsI cAso ma pu0 likhita // N. B. - For other details see No. 835. sukosalacatuSpadI Sukosalacatuspadi [sukosalacopai) (Sukosalacopai) No. 837 1560 1891-95 Size - 103 in. by 4g in. Extent - 6 folios; 9 lines to a page; 30 letters to a line, ...31 [J. LP.] Page #255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 242 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [837 Description -Country paper thin, rough and whitish; Jaina Deva. nagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used, foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and the unnumbered sides as well; in the left-hand margin, the title is written as sakosalanI copaI: edges of some of the foll. gone; condition on the whole good; complete (?) Age - Pretty old. Author-Sadhu Munisara. Subject -- A story of Sakosala (?) Begins -- fol. 16 ||AUM zrIvItarAgAya nmH| sahaM ( ? )gura(ru)vayaNa sAMbhalIjI huu mani ANaMda guNa samarUM hu tehaMnA jIvAcchirohiNavaMda guNe kariu ghau avivala bhAMNa nAri dUhavyau bhatighaNuMjI kopyau nahI yalagA sujANa guNe kariu thau avicala bhANa 1 emAMkaNI 'kanakapurI' nagarI bhe(bha)lIjI vIradhavala vihAM rAya kamalaprabhA rANI satIjI sakosalau sutajAya 2 etc. Ends - fol. 60 sAlibhadra dhanau kivanau mUladevakumAra dAna - viseSi para gaTa huA mAlavesara avatAra re 4 husI0 ehaka jAMNI rUyaDA prANI kIjai punyaruSA i sAdhu munisaraeNi pari boli dIdhauM / lAmi bhAire 5 hsiiyH|| Reference-Cf. sukosolanI copAi (V.S. 1761 Kanhaji and one by Amaravijaya in V. S. 1907. kIrtidhara sukosalaprabandha composed by Mana in V. S. 1617 may be dealing with the story of Sukosala. sakosalanI copaDa by jagana (jaganAtha) in V. S. 1761 (auto-copy in Jaina Gurjara Kavio Vol. III, 2. p. 1406) Page #256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 838] sukRtasAgara [ jhAJjhaNaprabandha ] No. 838 Size - 99 .. 101 in. by 48 in. Extent 36 folios; 14 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent q8TS; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; bits of paper pasted to some of the foll.; edges of several foll. partly worn out; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; eight Tarangas in all. The extent of each of them is as under: Taranga " " "" 99 99 The Svetambara Worke Age Pretty old. I II III Begins fol. 1a || 0 || IV V VI VII VIII Sukrtasagara [Jhanjhanaprabandha ] foll. "" 99 1. .. " d. .. 650 1884-86 1a to 5b 56 to 96 kalpadrava iveSTaM vaH kurvaMtu parameSThinaH / puSpapallava kiMjalkacchadaSaTpadasuMdarAH // 1 243 9a to 13b 136 to 19a 19a to 236 236 to 26b Total extent 1456 verses in Sanskrit. fol. 366 blank except that po0 104 prati 9 written on it. 266 to 296 30a to 36a Author - Ratnamandana Gani, pupil (?) of Nandiratna. Subject - A story of Jhanjhana, son of Prthvidhara (Pethada). An abridgement by this very author is Prthvidharaprabandha. Page #257 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 244 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [839 vidyAbIjAnijA neyA nemuSAM dAtumudyatA // makSamAlAcchalAddhatte pANau sA pAtu bhAratI // 2 shriisomsuNdraacaarypttttpuurvaadihelyH| tejazvino jayaMti zrIratnazeSarasUrayaH // 3 After ten verses we have :tataH pRthvIdharAneka prabaMdhojjvalamauktikaM // 1 kubai sukSetravRSTihetuM sukRtasAgaraM // 14 // etc. Ends - fol. 360 zrIdeveMdramunIMdrapamukuTazrIdharmaghoSo gurustatpAdAbjapArAgapavitazikhaH pRthvIdharo dhIsakhaH / tavaMzAMbaraDaMbaraghutipatiH zrIjhAMjhaNazcetyabhU. dutkRSTA jagadaMgaNe tripuruSo mUrttava devatrayI // 31 // pUrNa: pArvaNa somasuMdaraguNasyAnaMdiratnatrayI - dIprazrIgurudharmaghoSacaraNadvaMdvArAvaMdAlinaH // prauDhAvaMticiratnamaMDanamaNe: zrIpethaDasya zrutiH / svAdiSTaH sukRtAdisAgara iti khyAta...bAMdhAM bhavat // 31 dRSdhaH zrIgurumaMdiratnacaraNAMbhojAlitAM bhejuSA / vidyaamNdditpNdditprbhusudhaanNdairdossiikRtH| taMdrAtItavinItanaMdivijayaprAduSkRtAdyapratigraMthaH sadbhirayaM marutparimalanyAyena vistIryatAM // 33 iti zrIyugottamaguru - zrIsomasuMdarasUripaTTAlaMkArazrIratnazeSarasUri vineyapaMDitaprakAMDanaMdiratnagaNicaraNareNuratnamaMDanaracite 'maMDanAM 'ke sukRtasAgare zrIpethaDasuta - zrIzAMjhaNa - prabaMdhakathano nAmASTamastaraMgaH // cha / graMthAya 1456 // cha / zubhaM bhavatu // cha / // cha / Reference -Published by Jaina Atmananda Sabha in its series as No. 40 in V. S. 1971. For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 443). See Buhler III No. 168 and Peterson III No. 650. Sugupakumarakatha 899 suguNakumArakathA No. 839 Size - 101 in. by + in. 1892-95 Page #258 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 839] The Svetambara Works 245 Extent - 5 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two thick red lines superimposed on black lines; the space between these lines coloured yellow; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin%3 in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design%3 in the left-hand margin%3 the title is written as suguNakumArakathA; complete; condition very good. Age - Old. Subject -- A story of king Suguna endowed with four kinds of intelli gence told in Sanskrit prose. Begins -fol. 10 // 6 // dharmAd dhanaM dhanata eva samastakAmAH / kAmebhya eva sukhamiMdriyajaM samagraM / kAryArthinA hi khalu kAraNameSaNIyaM / dhammoM vidheya iti tatvavido vadaMti // bhato(s)sminnasAre(5)pi saMsAre sAraH zrIjinadharma eva / tadArAdhanAtmano vAMchitasiddhirbhavati / buddhicatuSTayagrAhiNaH / suguNakumArasyeva / tat suguNakumArakathAnakaM / yathA etc. Ends - fol. 56 iti mitrakumArAya svasvabhavopArjitakarma zrutvA / dharmaparA jAtA munimabhivaMdya / mahatA mahotsave nagarapravezaM kRtvA / samitra saguNarAjA dharma rAdhayati / zrIjinadharma ciMtAmaNimivArAdhya ve(vai )dehe sisi // iti sugunnkumaarkthaaH|| Reference -This work is noted in Jaina Granthavali on p. 262 and in Jinaratnakota (Vol. 1, p. 444). Page #259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 246 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 840 sudarzanacaritra Sudarsanacaritra 1174 No. 840 1891-95 Size -- 114 in. by 5} in. Extent - 53-6+2=49 folios; 9 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough tough and whitish; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used to mark out the numbering of the verses and puspikas; foll, numbered in both the margins; fol. 1a blank; so are foll. 33a, 349, 352, 362 and 37a blank; but the continuity is maintained; fol. 536 too blank; fol. 16 repeated twice; the first fol. repeated written in comparatively smaller band, in the left-hand margins, the title is written as Ugait; yellow pigment used for making corrections; strips of paper pasted to fol. 536; condition on the whole good; foll. 2 to 6 missing; so incomplete ; eight paricchedas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Pariccheda I foll. 16 to 60 (?) 66 (?) to 11a 110 to 172 17a to 210 V 210 to 280 280 to 382 VII 38a to 440 VIII 440 to 530 Black ink applied for making redundant letters illegible; vide foll. 8a;, 132 and 146. Age - Not quite modern. Author - Sakalakirti. Subject -- Life of Sudarsana Sresthin in Sanskrit verses. Begins -- fol. 10 88011 * HA: feet :11 namaH zrIvarddhamAnAya dharmAtIrthapravartine trijagatsvAmine'naMtazarmaNe vizvabAMdhave 1 III TV VI Page #260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 841] The Svetambara Works agrajAya jineMdrAya vRSabhAya vRSAtmane vRSabhAMkAya ciddharmma mahAtIrthakRte namaH 2 etc. Ends-fol. 52b ityeSA (S) mayA stuto guNagaNaivaMdyazvaritre muhubhaktyAtI sulobhinAri vijayI siddhiM gato yogirAT / dadyAnme vidhinAzamuttamamRti mokSaM ca duHkhakSayaM / cidvRttavizudvidAn nijaguNAn vIyaM nijaM muktaye // 44 sudarzanAkhyasya mahAmuneH kRtaM muktyai caritraM zikRtsupAThanaM susUriNA yat sakaladikIrtinA tad yAMtu vRddhiM vibudhairmahItale // 45 sarve tIrthaMkarA jagatrayanutAH zrIbhuktimuktipradA / siddhAH siddhikarAH satAM ca maMgalaM // 46 ye paThati nipuNAH sucaritraM pAThayaMti va parAn zivasiddhaye / zRNvate ( S) vidhinedama doSaM zrayaMti zubhataH sukhakhAniM // 47 sarve piMDIkRtAH zlokA budhairnavazata ( 900 ) pramAH / caritrasyAsya vijJeyAH zrIsudarzanayoginaH // 48 iti zrI sudarzana caritre zrIsudarzana mahAmunimuktigamanavarNano nAmASTamaparicchedaH // 8 // saMvat 1631 varSe phAguNa zudi 2 zukre zubhadine mahArANA zrIpratApasiMhavijayarAjye zrI' gajeMdrapurI pArzve caturgaticchedanInagarImadhye bhaTTAraka zrIjinacaMdra tatpaTTe bhaTTAraka zrIprabhAcaMdra tatpaTTe maM0 zrIdharmmacaMdra tatpaTTe maM0 zrIlalitakIrti tatpaTTe maM0 zrIcaMdrakIti upadesAt stadAmnAye idaM zAstraM sudarzana caritraM liSApya jJAnAvaraNIkarmmakSayanimittaM // jJAnavA (n) jJAnadAnena nirbhayo ( 5 ) bhayadAnataH annadAnAt sukhI nityaM nirvyAdhI bheSajAdU bhavet // 247 Reference For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 444). One of them is dated V. S. 1654. sudarzana zreSTharA No. 841 Size - 103 in. by 42 in. Sudarsanasresthirasa 1670 (a) 1891-95 Page #261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 248 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Extent - 8 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line. Description - Country paper very thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled indifferently in three to four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design; a bit of paper pasted to fol. 8b; edges of several foll. worn_out ; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; ending on foll. 8a composed in V. S. 1571; 5 Dhalas in all; 258 verses. This MS. contains in addition, some Gita which begins on fol. 8a and ends on fol. 8b. This latter work, it seems, is written in a different hand. Age - Old. Author - Mela Sanghapati (?) pupil of Munisundara Surl. Subject Story of Sudarsana in Gujarati poetry. It illustrates the prowess of chastity. 1 Begins fol. 14 e // 60 // - Ends - fol. [841 pahilauM praNami su anukramie jiNavara caDavIsa / pacchai zAsanAdevatAetIhaM namauM sIsa / samarI a ( sAsiNI ) sAradee sAnidhi saMbhArau / Agai pAlau pratipanUM e kavi siu pakArahu 1 ta tUThI tata kSaNa bhaNai e huM bhavisu aMgi / zreSTi sudarzanataNa rAsa racijyo manaraMgi || etc. 'tapa' gaccha guru goama samAe / mA0 zrI zrI munisuMdarasUri suNi0 || nAmi savi siddhi saMpajai e / mA0 darIya paNAsaI duri / suNi0 // 52 tAsa taNaI sevaka raciu e / mA0 rAsa rUDau hradayaraMgi suNi0 thApiDaM sIla soddAmaNabhae / mA0 AnaMda Upajadda aMgi suNi0 53 saMvata panara ekottara (1571) emA0 / jeThaha caubvi visuddha / puSya nakSatra guruvArisiuM e mA0 caritra puddavidaM prasiddha suNi0 // 54 jAMla gai 'meru' mahIdharU e| mA0 jAM jala sAyarapUra su0 / zIlasudarzana gAI e / mA0 huMtI DaMpa ganIdhUli suNi0 // 55 Page #262 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 842] The Svetambara Worke 249 sIlahiM sivasukkha saMpajjai e / mA0 sIla lagai nava nidhi / suNiH / sIlihiM sura sAMnidha karaI e / mA0 sIlihiM zuddhi prasidhi / suNi0 56 Ends -- fol. 8a zIlihi' ucchava nitu navAya / mA0 zI lihiM koDikalyANa sunni0|| sIla lagai kahIi kisiuMe / mA0 pAmIla paMcama ThANa sunni0||57 zIlaprabaMdha je sAMbhalaya e / mA0 te naranAri madhaMna / sunni0|| sudarzana riSi kevalI e / mA0 caturvidha saMgha suprasaMna // 58 iti zrI zreSTisudarzanarAsaH // saMghapati melAkRtaH // shrii|| Reference -- For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 42-43). Sudarsanasresthirasa sudarzanazreSThirAsa No. 842 1497 1886-92 Size -10g in. by 5 in. Extent - 5 folios; 18 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and gree yish; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uni. form and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in black ink; numbers for the verses, their dandas and names of the topics and the last three lines written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; a piece of paper pasted to fol. 1a; fol. 1a blank; some of the margins decora. ted with small designs%3; condition on the whole good%3B complete. Age-Samvat 1624. Author - Mela Sanghapati. Begins - fol. 1a // 60 // zrIvItarAgAya namaH // pahila praNamasuM anukramie jiNavara covIsa pachi sAsaNidevatAe teha nAmuM sIsa 1 ...32 [J.LP.] Page #263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 250 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1843 samarIya sAmaNi sAradA e sAnadisaMbhAro bhAgi pAlyo prati ehanu e kaho suSakamAro 1 to uThI tatakSiNa bhaNe ehuM bhAvisu agi seTha suMdarasaNa taNo rAsa raciyo manaraMgi 'jaMbU'dIvi 'bharaha ' etc. Ends -fol. 50 'tapa 'gacchaguru goimasamo e mA (5) zrImuSasuMdarasUri nAmihisirva saMdhi saMpajai e mA0 dUrIya paNAsae dUri 48 su. tAsu taNo sevaki racyo e mA0 rAma(sa) rUDo hRdayaraMgi thApyo sIla sohAMmaNo e mA0 bhANaMda upaji agi 49 saMvata panara ekotare (1571 ) e mA. jeThahicothahi sudha puSpa nikSitra guru vArasU e mA0 cAritra pohavi prasidha su. 57 jo lagi 'meru' mahIdharu e mA0 jA lagi sAyara pUra sAlasUdarasaNa gAiyo e mA0 jA lagi sasine sUra 51 je nara sIla he niramalA e mA nAri vAhiyA mUla be kara joDIya kavi kaheyamA hu~ tehanA paganI dhUli 52 su0 sA lahi sivasuSa saMpajie mA0 sIla lagi nava nidhi sAli sura sA nidhi kari e mA0 sayali sahu prasiddha 53 sIli uchava nita kari e mA0 sA(sIlahi koDi kADalyANa sIyala lagi kahIya kisUM e mA0pAmIya pAMcamI ThANa 54 su. sIla prabaMdha je sAMbhale e mA0 nara ni nArIya vRMda dhana sudarasaNa riSa kevalI e mA0 caturvidha saMgha suprastanAM 55 suNa sudarI caturvidhasaMgha prasana iti sudarasaNaseTharAsa samApta Reference - For additional details see No. 841. N. B. - For other details see No. 843. sudarzanAkathA (sudarisaNAkahA) Sudarsanakatha (Sudarisanakaha) 649 1895-98 No. 843 Size -97 in. by41 in. Page #264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8431 The Svetambara TVorks 251 Extent -- 167 folios; 12 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrA; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; foll., dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; strips of white paper pasted to fol. 1a and 10; a few foll. slightly torn; condition on the whole good; complete; the total extent 4500 Slokas; corrected by Samayamanikya. Age-Samvat 1840. Author -Devendra Suri, pupil of Jagaccandra Suri. Subject - Story of Sudarsana in Prakrit. For comparison the follow. ing works may be consulted :sudarzana(muni)caritra by brahmanemidatta " caritra ., sakalakIrti , vidyAnanda , vizvabhUSaNa (apabhraMza), nayanandina Begins-fol. 16 // 60 // OM namaH // zrIsuvratajineMdrAya // vaMditu... jiNaM / sudarisaNA e puraMmilaruyaccha / jaha ... liyA vihAro / karAviu kiMpi taha vutthaM (cchN)|1| jaha tIi paDhamajamme vijayAkhayarI imA ... umappo jahamAsaMti jiNagihe pUyaM dadalu puliyegaa| 2 / etc. Ends - fol. 1676 tappayabhattA jagacaMdasUriNo tasiM dunni vara sIsA / siriMdovaMdamuNIMdo tahA vijayacaMdasUrivaro / 51 / iya sudarisaNAi kahAM nANa tavaccaraNakAraNaM paramaM mUlakahAnuhumacchA lihiyA deviMdasUrIhiM / 52 / parasasthA bahurayaNA dogagvaharA suvblNkaaraa| sunihi bva kahAMga sAnaMdau vivuha ssiyA suire / 4055 // graMthAgraMtha 1500 // Page #265 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 252 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [844 akSaramAtrapadasvarahInaM vyaMjana saMdhivivajitarepha / sAdhubhireva mama kSamitavyaM ko na vimuhyati zAstrasamudro (1) / zrImad'vRhattapA'gaNanAtha zrIsUrasuMdaragurUNAM / ziSyo zodhayadetA pati prayatnena samayamANikyaH / 1 / zrIsudhAnaMdavibudhAdhIzvarazrImahIsamudravAcakeMdraprasAdAdiyamazodhi // 1 // saMvat 1840 varSe zAke 1705 pravarttamAMne mArgazira vadI 14 so Reference - This MS. is not noted in Jinaratnakosa but some other is mentioned there (Vol. I, p. 444). sudhana-madana-kathA Sudhana-madana-katha 1310 (35) No. 844 1886-92 Extent-fol. 35a to fol. 36a Description - Complete; 66 Sanskrit verses in all. For other details see mUladevakathA (Vol. XIX, See. 2, pt. 2, No. 491). Here this work is assigned No. 35. Author - Not known. Subject - Story of Sudhana and that of Madana. They point out the importance of donation given to the deserving person. Begins - fol. 352 asti dkssinndigbhaage| ziro(5)laMkArasaMnibhA / zrImadakSiNamadhuretyAkhyAtA purI purA // 1etc. Ends-fol. 36a zrutveti sadguragiraM madano mahebhyo / dAnAdhidharmanirataH savizuddhabhAvaH / bheje vrataM ca sudhanasumaneH kadAcit kAlakramAdaghamRtau divamApa tustye // 66 // iti sudhanamadanAyoH kathA // dAne supAtrasya // cha / etc. Reference -- This work is not noted in Jinaratnakota (Vol. I). Page #266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 846] The Svetambara Works 253 sundararAjakathA Sundararajakatha 1288 (0) No.845 1884-87 Extent - fol. 10deg to fol. 13b. Description - Complete; 169 verses in Sanskrit. For other details see Dhanamitrakatha, Volume XIX ( ii )1 No. 296. Author - Not known. Subject - Story of Sundararaja written with a view to emphasizing the ___value of fila (chastity). Begins-fol. 100 nirAkAMkSayAmAtu kartavyAkAMkSayA yataH / bhakticchalena devasya pratyutAzatanA bhavet // 1 // tathAjhaTabyAmekatra girigvhrmdhyge| zivasya pratimA vaitye vyaMtaraNAstyadhiSThitA // 2 // etc. Ends - fol. 110 pAlayitvA samaM rAzyA gRhivratamakhaMDitaM / avasAnaM zubhadhyAnaH kRtvA bhanyaM divaM yayau // ( 169) suMdararAjJaH zIle kthaa| Reference -In Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 441) Sundaranrpakatha is noted but not this work. subAhucaritra No. 846 Subahucaritra 77 (35) 1880-81 Extent-fol. 153b to fol. 175a. Description - Complete. For additional particulars see Agamikavastu. vicarasaraprakarana (Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, No. 133). Here this work is noted as No. 35. Author - Not known. Subject - Life of Subahu, in prakrit prose and Poetry. Page #267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 254 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [847 Begins - fol. 153a namo vItarAgAya atittha bharahavAsaMmi nayaraM nayarANa uttama, hastisIsaMtu nAmeNaM vaNavA samAulaM, tessahastrANa bhAgemi udyANaM samaNIraha, puyatkaraMDaganAme socAu gahumamaMDiyaM // 2 // Ends - fol. 175a nagaraMmi va usattapure kSullakaraMDatu tattha udyANaM taMmiya muhammajJAkkhA rAyAya vaNA vAhAnAma / devIsarammahattANa putra ushnNdivrkumaaraa| siridevIyA mukko paMca sautsamma uvaroho // so vijavA dujaNaha // 4 // jahayasuvAhRtAheva samvavu navaraM mahAvidehe punvabhave puMDaragiNIe / vijaunAma kumAro teNeya rilAhi uni titthayaro / jagabAhunAmeNa / tattopatidvasadvA e / bhadANayabhAveNaM savva jANe dhajahasubAhummAdiya loyA maNuyattaM savvahaM jAvamokkhAti // subAhucariyaM samattaM gAthArarU jAtA zloka 276 // cha / ch| subAhucaritra Subahucaritra [subAhusaMndhi] [Subahusandhi] 1671 No. 847 1891-95 Size 10 in. by 44 in. Extent - 4 folios; 13 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, brittle and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; all the edges of almost every fol. coloured red; foll. numbered in the right-hand marging in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design ; yellow pigment used for making corrections; strips of paper pasted to some foll; edges of one or two foll. partly gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; 89 verses in Gujarati, composed in 1604 at the instance of Jinamanikya Suri at Jesalmer. Age - Not modern. Page #268 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 848] The Svetambara Works 255 Author Upadhyaya Punyasagara, pupil of Jinahamsa Suri of the Kharatara gaccha. Subject - Life of Subahu in Gujarati. Begins - fol. 1 // 60 // paNamiya pAsa jiNesara kero / payapaMkya surataru adhikaro / jasu samaraNi sIjai varavANI / te guru suyadevI mani ANI // 1 // vIra jiniMdai gyArama agai / sohama bhAgali sukhaduSa bhaga ( Na ) i / sukhavipAka bIjai suyakhaMdhacha / dasa ajjayaNa taNai para baMdhai / / 2 / / etc. Ends fol. 48 savata solacaDotara (? 1604 ) varasai / ' jesalameru' nayari subhadivasai // zrIjinahaMsa sUrigurusIsai / puNyasAgara uvajjhAya jagIsai // 88 // zrIjinamANikasUri Adesai / subAhucarita bhaNiyau lavalesaha / pAsa pasAyaha e riSi dhuNatAM / riddhi siddhi thAuninu ( tu ) bhaNatA // 89 // iti zrIsubAhuRSisadhiH // sapUMrNaH // zrI // cha // Reference For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, p. 188). subAhucaritra No. 848 Size -- 98 in. by 4g in. Extent - 7 folios; 13 lines to a page; 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible and very fair handwriting; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; yellow pigment used for making corrections; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and Subahucaritra 1498 1887-91 Page #269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 256 Age Author Jaina Literature and Philosophy [848 unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank; each and every fol. is partly worm-eaten, fortunately only in the margins; condition on the whole good; complete; com - posed in Samvat 1716 at Cakrapuri in Gujarati language. - Not modern. Gunasagara, pupil of Gajasagara. Is he the author of Candanabala copai ? Subject - Story of Subahu. Begins fol. 10 // 60 // - zrIsAradAyai namaH // zrIgajasAgarasUrigurubhyo namaH // duhA vIrajanezarapaya namI samarI goyamasvAmi brahmasutA AI vIna Apu vacana abhirAma / 1 / etc. Ends - fol. 7a 'vidhi' pakSi re sumatisAgarasUrIzarure / tAsa pATi gaNadhAra / giruDa re zrIgajasAgarasUrIvarUre 'vidhi' pakSi gacchi siNagAra / 12 eha prANa tAsa pATi re jayavaMta guNi Agalure / punyaratnasUri sujAe || mahAvrata re pAlai paMja AcAra siuM re / Ugi abhinavu bhANa / 13 / e0 gajasAgara re sUrIsIsa jagi jANIi re / guNasAgara kahiyuM caritra / bhaNasi re guNasi je bhAvika rI re / jIDI te pavitra / ehavA0 / 14 / ' cakrApurI' re raciuM kavita sohamaNure / zrIAdinAthasAnaMdhi / maMDala re / jihAM sasi ravi ugamai re / tihAM rahiyo eha prabaMdha | 15 | eha vA0 // saMvata re caMdrakalAI jANayo re / municaMdravarasa mAsa / Aso re sudi zrIjiM ravivAsari re / bhaNatAM pUgai Asa / 16 e6 vA0 kalasa / e vIra vANI punya prANI viti bhANI je karai / nava nidhi aMgaNi karai krIDAlachita sahelAM varai / dAni dAridra dUri nAsaha / vAdhai kIrati teha taNI / maMgala ta ghari nitya hoi / saMpadA jayakAriNI // 17 // iti subAhucaritraM samAptaM // Page #270 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8491 The Svetambara Works 2.52 Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio? sumitracaritra Sumitracaritra (sumitrakumAra rAsa) [Sumitrakumararasa ] 51 No. 849 1877-78 Size -94 in. by 4g in. Extent - 16 folios; 15 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagarl characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; danlas written in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand marging in the lefthand margin, the title is written as sumitra ku. rA. in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections%3; fol. 1a blank, so is the fol. 160; condition very good; complete; composed in Samvat 1567 in Gujarati language. Age-Samvat 1653. Author - Dharmasamudra Gapi, pupil of Vacaka Vivekasangha and descendant of Jinaharsa Suri of the Kharatara gaccha. Subject-Life of Sumitra. Begins - fol. 10 // e 60 // paNami sumaNAvayaNa taNu karI / pahilau paDhama jiNaMda / jasu payapaMkaya pUjatAM pUjaI parimANaMda // 1 // jagamaMDali jasu nijapai / yogIsara ikacitti / sA sAradasaMdhuNAvi kari / viracisu sumitracaritra / 2 / etc. Ends -- fol. 156 bho bhavIyaNaM ima saMbhalu / dAna taNai paramANi / iha bhavi para bhavi sukha saMpajai / sAsaya sukha zivANi / 28 / -~33 [J. L.P.] Page #271 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 258 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [850 saMSepaI e maMdamiti / pabhaNyu e vRttAMta / caritra zrIsumitraha taNuM / suNayo zraddhAvaMta / 29 / DhAla tripadInu // suvihita 'paratara 'gacha virAjai / rayaNAyara jima guhiru gAjai / zrIjinasAgarasUri / 30 / tAsu paTTi guNarUpihi suMdara / girUmA gaNadharazrIjinasuMdara / buddhi karai surasUri / 31 / tAsu paTTAlaMkAra manohara / zrIjinaharSasUrIsara zrIjinagoyamasvAmi / 32 / tAsu paTTi guru saMpai sohi| zrIjinacaMdasUri jaga mohaa| dohaga nAsai nAmi / 33 / vAcaka vivekazaMgha laghusIsa / pabhaNai zrIdharmasamudragaNIsa / ANI buddhi vicchaMda // 34 // saMvata panarahasi satasahai (1567 ) / 'jAura 'nayara pAsa saMtuTui kIuM kavita aannNdh| 35 / dharaNaI dharai jA seSa phaNiMda / jAM gayaNaM gaNi tapai diNaMda / zivasiri rohaNikaMta / 36 / gurupasAi e bhaagmvaannii| caritra racyu paramAratha jaannii| to lagaicira jayavaMta / 337 / iti dAnaviSaye sumitrakumArarAsa saMpUrNa / samAptaM / saMvata 1653 varSe posasudi 6 budhe laSitaM // zrI Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, p. 117). sumitracaritra No. 850 Size -98 in. by 4g in Sumitracaritra 650 1895-98 Page #272 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8511 The Svetambara Works 259 Extent - 17 folios; 18 lines to a page; 34 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible and tolerably fair hand-writing; borders ruled in two thick lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and upnumbered sides as well, some space is kept blank, so that it forms a design; in the left-hand margin, the title is written in various ways such as sumitra, sumitracaritra and sumitrakumaracaritra; edges of some of the foll. gone, condition on the whole tolerably good; complete so far as it goes. Age - Old. Author -Dharmasumudragani. Begins -fol. 1a // 6 // paNami sumaNavaya taNu karI / pahilaM paDhama jiNaMda / jasa payapaMkaya pUjatAM / pUjai prmaannNd| jagamaMDala jasa niu japai / jogIsarai kavitti / sA sArada saMthuNavi kari / viraci / susarasa kAvata / etc. as in preceding entry. Ends - fol. 176 bhavyajIvapratibodha / nava rasa desaNi / mAragayauvidasai e| pAlI pUru bhAu / karama vichoDIya / sivapuri jaI vasai e // 29 // duuhaa| bhobhavimaNaM ima saMbhalau / dAMna taNauM parimANa / iha bhavi saM(sa)vi suSa saMpajai / para bhavi uttama gama // 30 // shriiH|| N. B.- For additional information see preceding entry. - - surapriyarAsa Surapriyarasa 1499 No.851 1887-91 Size -10% in. by 44 in. Extent -8 folios%3; 12 lines to a page; 36 letters to a line, Page #273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ "360 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [8 Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jajna Devapagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible and tolerably fair hand-writing; borders indifferently ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; in the centre of the numbered and un. numbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design%3; fol. 8b blank; some of the foll. slightly worm-eaten; some have their edges partly gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; composed in Samvat 1567 in Trambavati (Cambay). Age-Pretty old. Author-Lavanyasamaya, pupil of Samayaratna, and descendant of Somasundara Suri of the Tapa gaccha. Subject - Life of Surapriya who attained omniscience. Begins-fol. 10 // 6 // dUhA // 'rAjagRha ' rulIbhAmaNu / 'mugadha ' desi sinngaar| puhatA svAmI vIra jiNa / zreNIka haraSa apAra // 1 // rUpa kaNaya maNi ke ramu / triNa gaDha deva racaMti / cihuM dasi chana sohAmaNAM / siMghAsaNa jhlkti| (2) etc. Ends -fol. 8a saMvata panarasa tasaThaha (1567) / bhAso sudi ravivAra / raciu cariu ci(ca)ritri sohAmaj / 'naMbAvatI' majjhAri // 99 // zrIrthabhaNasupasAu lai / rAsa raciu manaraMgi / 'dUhA' baMdhaI bAMdhIu / ulaTa ANI aMgi / 100 / 'tapa 'gaccha guru goyamasamu / somasU(suMdari(ra)sUrirAya / samayaratana suhagurajayu / praNamI tehanA pAya / 101 / kAI kaviti kelavaNa / kAMI sAsamavicAra / gAyu surapriya kevalI / gurusarasati AdhAri / 102 / iti suraprIyarAsa samAptaH // RSisUravarddhanaliSitaM / zrI guDI' pArzvanAthAya nmH| Reference For extracts and additional MS. see Jaina Gurjura Kavio (Vol. I, pp.75-76). Page #274 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 852] The Svetambara Works 261 Surasundaricatus padi (Surasundaricopai ) surasundarI catuSpadI (surasundarIcopara) No. 852 Size - 10 in. by 42 in. Extent - 22 folios; 15 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. Description -- Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, fairly legible and tolerably good hand - writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the righthand margin; fol. 1a blank; this MS seems to be exposed to rain; condition very good; complete ; 4 khandas and 40 dhalas in all ; the total extent 900 slokas; composed in V. S. 1736 at Benatata in ; and based upon Silataranginl. (1) amara sena-vairasena - copaha (2) AloyaNa-stavana V. S. 1754 Age-Old. Author Dharmavardhana (Dharmasimha), successor of Vacaka Vijayaharsa of the Kharatara gaccha. His 8 additional works are as under : (3) caturdaza-guNasthAna- stavana V. S. 1729 ( 4 ) 1500 1887-91 dazArNabhadra copar3a (5) vIrabhaktAmara ( bhaktAmara stotra - pAdapUrti ) V. S. 1736 (6) afrit V. S. 1729 (7) zanizvara vikrama copar3a (8) samavasaraNa vicAragarbhitastavana Subject - -Story of Surasundari and Amarakumara in Gujarati. Begins fol. 10 // OM // zrIgurave namaH sAsaNa jehana bho salahiyai Aja pratyakSa pramANa jagaguru vIra jidinaiM praNamuM ulaTa ANi 1 jehanai sAdha saMvegadhara huA va (ca ) vada hajAra / sahasa chatrIse sAdhavI jJAnakriyAguNadhAra 2 etc. After a few verses bhAgama mAhi aneka chaha ehanA guNa adhikAra surasuMdarI suSa lahmA suNijyo te suvicAra 8 etc. Page #275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 262 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1853 Ends-fol. 22a dharamazIla jiNai sA...dhA racau vimala navakAra saMbhAsyau jI surasuMdarIiM sarvasamAsyau nija Atama udhIsyau jI eka 6 zIlataraMgaNI graMthanI sASai e caupI abhilASai jIdhana je zIlaratananai rASai bhagavaMta iNa paribhASai jI eka 7 . saMvata satara varasa chatrIsai (1736) zrAvaNa pUnima dIsahajI eha saMkAo su jagIsai suNatAM sahu mana hIsai jI eka 8 gaNadhara gotrai gacchapati gAjai jinacaMdasUrI virAjai jI kSI benAtaTa 'pura suSa sIjai copI karI hitakAjai jI eka 9 vimala kirIta vAcaka vaDabhAgI vimalacaMda yazakAmI jI vAcaka vijayaharaSa anugAmI dharmavarddhana dhamadhAmI jI 10 eka e upadeza hIyai mai ANI puNya karai je prANI jI bhAvI lAchaha milai AphAMNI sAcI sadaguruvANI jI eka0 bAramI DhAla kahI gha(ba)huraMgai cauthai SaMDa sucaMgai jI jinadhrama zIla taNai subha sAMgai bhANaMdalIla umaMgaijI eka 12 iti surasuMdarIsatI copaI samAtA prathamakhaMDe DhAla 8 dvitIye 11 tritIye 119 caturthe 12 sarvagAthA 619 / / zlokasaMkhyA 900 zreyo(s)stu kalyANamastuM sakalapaMDitaprakAMDapaMDita gaMgakuzalaziSyapaMDita-zrIsaubhAgyazIlagaNinA varNavinyAsIcake 'zivapurya' Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavia (Vol. II, pp. 342-343). surasundarIcatuSpadI Surasundaricatuspadi (surasundarIcopai) (Surasundaricopai) 1673 No. 853 1891-95 Size -94 in. by 43 in. Extent-60 folios; 9 lines to a page; 25 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish ; Jaina Deva. nagarl characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines and all the four edges in two, in red ink; numbering for the verses, their Page #276 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 854] The Svetambara Works 263 dandas, puspikas and some words written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the left-hand margin, the title is written as surasuMdarIcaupaI and at times as surasuMdarIcau; 8 piece of paper seems to be pasted to fol. 14; same is the case with fol. 60b; both the foll. 1a and 60b blank; complete; 4 Khandas in all; the extent of each of them is as under : Khanda foll. 22 " Ends fol. 596 1 I II III IV surasundarIcarita No. 854 99 "D Author Dharmavardhana. Age Samvat 1790. Begins fol. 16 || 0 || dUhA // aram et acita etc. as in the preceding entry. "2 16 to 12b 126 to 29a 29a to 40b 41a to 60a dharamasIla jiNa etc. upto ANaMdalIla umaMgai jI // e // 13 // as in No. 859. This is followed by the lines as under : iti sIlaviSaye surasuMdarIcaupai samAptam // saMvat 1790 varSe // : // N. B. For further particulars see the preceding entry. Surasundaricarita 84 1898-99 Size 10 in. by 48 in. Extent 18 folios; 16 lines to a page; 40 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, fairly legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in Page #277 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [854 red ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of a few foll. gone; condition on the whole good; complete; composed in Samvat 1644 in Gujarati in 20 Dhalas in various ragas. Age-Samvat 1679. Author - Nayasundara, pupil of Bhamumeru Gani of Vada Tapa gaccha. His additional works are as under : prabhAvatI-rAsa v.S. 1640 rUpacaMdakuMvara-rAsa V.S. 1637 zadhuMjaya-uddhAra v.s. 1638 nala-damayantI-caritra V. S. 1665 zIlazikSA-rAsa V.S. 1669 For a detailed account of this author the reader may refer to M. D. Desai's introduction published in Ananda. kavya-mahodadhi, Mauktika VI. Subject - Story of Surasundari. Begins - fol. 10 e // 60 // zrIgurubhyo namaH // rAga kedaaru|| mAdidhara mana karavA e / bhAma bhavodadhi taravA e| bharavA e / bharavA e sukRtabhaMDAra bhalI pariha e|| [1 // ] bhavIyaNa bhagata dharavAe / karama kaThina tarajaravA e| varivA e sivasuMdara sayaMvara varai e|| 3 trUTaka // (1) etc. Ends-fol. 180 sola cuMgAli (1644) varaSi vArU / jeSTa zudi tryodshii| tiNI divasi uttama aDuvi zASA / siddhi yogi mani hasA // 9 // e carita kIdhauM sAra lIdhauM / puNyanuM phala jeha / surasuMdarIguNa sAMbhajI / anumodayo sahU teha // 10 // e saMbhali suSa upAji / savi pApa jAi duuri|| kara joDi kavi nysuNdro| iMma bhaNi ANaMda hmari // 11 // iti zrI surasuMdarIcupaI saMpUrNaH // // saMvata 1679 varSe bhAdravA sudi 9 bhaumecelAkRSNAkena lakSataM 'navA. nagara' madhye jAma zrI zrI Page #278 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 855] The Svetambara Works zrI zrIjasAnIvijiyarAjye ciraMjIvI // zrIkalyAMNamastuH // zrI jaya jagadaMbe namaH || zrIrastuH // // munijJAnavijaya paThanArtham // Reference-For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 261-262). On p. 262 the date of composition of this work is given as V. S. 1646. - 265 susaDhakathA No. 855 Size 10 in. by 43 in. Extent14 folios; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design; in the left-hand margins, the title is written as on foll, 16 and 14b in the left-hand margins at 23 af x is written; yellow pigment used for making corrections; a portion from the lefthand margin worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; the last two lines written in a later hand. Age Samvat 1564. Author Not known. Subject Story of Susadha in Prakrita poetry extracted from Mahanisiha, a cheyasutta. Though he practised penances, they were lacking in yatana (careful attention). The following works may be consulted for comparison of the story : Susadhakatha 1247 1884-87 g in Prakrit verses, anonymous. gan in Prakrit verses, by Devendra Suri. susaDhacaritras anonymous. -34 [J. L. P.] Page #279 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 266 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [856 susaDharAsa by Samayasundara. susaDharAsa by Jianavimala Suri. Begins -- fol. 1a e 60 // ahaM // suTaThu vi tavaM kunnto| jayaNavihUNo na pAvae siddhaM / susaDho gva lahaI dukkhaM / kiM puNa jIvo tava vihUNo ? // 1 akSarArthaH / / sugama' // bhAvArthoM jnyaanaadvseyH|| taccedaM / rAjagihe guNasilae etc. Ends - fol. 146 evaM visuddha jayaNA parivajiyassa / nivvujjuyassaM vi tave susaDhassa samaM / riMcholi mujalatarANa duhANa socA / tA bho kareha jayaNaM viydhmmkmaa||521 yatanAviSaye chedgrNthotsusddhkthaaH||1|| saMvat 1564 varSe titha jyeSTa zudi 1 ravau paMDita zrI 5 Then in a different hand zrIjJAnasAgaragaNicaraNAraviMdacaMcarIkeNa gaNiharSasAgareNA 'kabara 'purIyacitkoze svazreyo(s)) muktA ciraM naMdatAdaca (ca)drArka Reference - One work named as Susadbacaritra is published by the Jaina atmananda Sabha. Is it the same work as this? For additional MSS. of this anonymous (?) work see Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 448 ). See the following MSS. also: Buh. III, No. 142. Buh. II, No. 386. Bhan. V, No. 1247. Kalh No. 1345. susaDhakathA Susadhakatha (susaDhakahA) (Susadhakaha) 1348 No. 856 1887-91 Size -10 in. by 41 in. Extent - 10 leaves ; 13 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Page #280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 856] The Svetambara Works 267 Description-Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with rare T ars; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; yellow pigment used while making corrections%3; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the left-hand margin the title is written as susaDhakathA; fol, 10b blank; corners of some of the foll. gone; condition on the whole tolerablygood; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; complete. Age-Not modern. Author - Not known and different from preceding also. Subject - A narrative of Susadha in Prakrit. He practised many penances but they were lacking in yatana (careful attention). Begins -fol. 14 e60|| 'rAyagihe' guNasilae samo saDho annayA jiNo vroi| jaiNo(5)jahaNo dharma / parisAmajjhe pruuvei| jayaM care jayaM ciTTe / jayamAse jayaM sa e / jayaM bhuMjato bhAsaMto pAvaM kammaM na baMdhaI / (2) jo puNNa jaiNArahiu / susaDho tavaM carei bahuyaM pi / so ghore saMsAre / aNorapArei bhamai duhiu / 3 / etc. Ends - fol. 10a jai puNa goymaasusddho| bhuMjato AukAyamiha neva to jaMto paramapayaM jiNavara ANAi saMhutto / 2 kiMca mAsaM dumAsakhamaNaM chammAse jAva loiiyaarisinno| mAyAvaNAi punva / kuNaMti jaMti vva caraNaM ca paDhamadiNa dikkhiyassa vi jaiNo jahaNAilakkhimaMsevi . naya ayai taM jamhA khalu svamadamajhayaNAgha parihIrNa evaM yatanAsahitaM tapazcaraNaM kArya / evaM susaDhakathA sNkssiptaaH||1||ch||||shrii zrI shrii|| ch| Reference - This MS. along with many more of the anonymous work of Susadhacaritra is noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, P.448) Page #281 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 268 Jaina Literature and Philnsophy [857 susaDhacatuSpadI Susadhacatuspadi (susaDhacopAi) (Susadhacopai) 902 No. 857 1892-95 Size - 9; in. by 44 in. Extent - 69 folios ; 13 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description - Country paper very thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters; big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the righthand margin; fol. 69b blank; white paste used on fol. 694%3; condition very good; complete; composed in Samvat 1737 in Akabarabada in Gujarati. Age - Samvat 1818. Author-Jinadharma. Subject - Story of Susadha based upon Mahanisiha. Begins -- fol. 1a zrIgaNezAya namaH duuhaa| pAsa jinesara praNamiyai sAnidhakArI sAmi dharaNIdharapadamAvatI pratadina karuM praNama 1 vara dIdho padamAvatI sevakavanai suSakAra 'kiDIthI' kuMjara kIyau girUmao e upagAra 2 After two verses we have : mahAnisItha siddhAMtamai sarasa susaDhasaMbaMdha kiNahI kAraNa kaviyaNe racyo nahI parabaMdha 5 etc. Ends -fol. 680 susaDha taNI atisuMdasU re mujha siSya nAma murAri tehanai kari devI tumhe re araja eha avadhAri 11 da0 catura joDAI caupaI re zrIjinadharmasUrIsa jayavaMtA jaga jANIya re vali sau koDi varIsa 1980 Page #282 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8581 The Svetambara Works 269 ridhUtale tasu rAjamaha re saMvata satarai saitIsa (1737) 'makabarAvAda' kIdhI amhere AlamagIra adhIsa 13 da. satkaMThI dui sASi (?)bAre muhapatI muddaDai bAMdhi catura suNAvau caupaI re saparo svara beu sAMdhi 14 ya0 kahijyo vAta vaNAi kahare jyu rasa upajai jora / kevaTanI mAMhe kalA re dhUDikara dhAna Dhora 15 da. kajjala te hi jaThI karIre tehIja kajjalanetra tehIja vIjasuSetra maI re tehI jaU paraSetra 16 da0 sataraha sUkta ihAM sahI re dUhA gAhA deSi catara vAMcijyo caupaI re prathama e karisaM peSI 17 da. hui satha paMca hattaradvi(?) haDAre saDa teraha pacavIsa gAthA sagalI maI giNIre dezI satpANUdIsa 18 da. graMthAgraMtha e graMtha naure solai sai padya sarva akSaragiNaNA jo giNau re batIsa akSara sarva 1990 sahasa aDhAi siloka cha re pratyakSara parimANa prasidha rahau e caupaI re bhUyatala jAM(? nAM )sasi tAMNa 20 iti zrIsusaDhacaupaI saMpUrNA // zubhaM bhavatuH // leSakapAThakayoH // 1 // saMvata 1818 varSe phAlaguNamAse kRSNapakSe paMcamItithau zanivAsare zrI 'dezaNoka'madhye bhaTTArakajaMgamajugapradhAnazrI zrI zrIjinabhaktisUrijIziyavAcanAcArya zrImANikyasAgarajIgaNiziSyapaM / tatvadharmalivIcakre // 'desaNoka 'grAme caturmAsI kRtA // zrIrastu // 1 // zrIH // // zrIH // zrIH // // shriiH||||shriiH|| Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio. susaDhacaritra Susadhacaritra 1332 No. 858 1884-87 Size - 101 in. by 41 in. Extent - 15 folios; 11 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; big, quite Page #283 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1270 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [858 legible, uniform and good hand-writingborders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; dagdas and numbers for some verses written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin: fol. 1a blank; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; some of the foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; composed in Samvat 1593. Age - Pretty old. Author - Brabma (Vinayadeva Suri), pupil of Parsvacandra Suri. For his life and additional works see Jaina Gurjara Ravio (Vol. I, pp. 156-158 and Vol. III, pt. 1, pp. 606-613). Subject-Story of Susadha. This occurs in Mahanisiha etc. Begins - fol. 10 e||60 // 1 suSakara zrIjinazAsanarAya / vIra jikidaha praNamau pAya / zrIgurucaraNaI nAmI sIsa / susaDhakathA bhASivA jagIsa / 1 etc. Ends -- fol. 152 cautha chaTTha mAsa kkhamaNa / pramukha sayala tapasAra / jina bhAnyAsau Acarau jima pAmau bhavapAra / 50 / zrIpAsacaMdasUriMdavara / caraNayugala paNAmavi / brahmaziSyi e varNavyau / susaDhacaritra saMkhevi / 51 / mahAnizIthaI ehanu chaI saMbaMdha vicAra / mapara graMthi dIThau ji vali tihathI e uddhAra / 52 / bhuvanagrahazaracaMda (1593 1) mitavarasi kAu dhari raMga / bhaNau guNau maMgalakaraNa jima hui sukha abhaMga // 253 // iti susaDhacaritravarNanaprabaMdhaH // cha // zrIrastu // cha // zubhaM bhavatu // ch||shriiH||ch|| shrii|| po. 68 pra. 19 g| dIptivijayasya Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, Pt. 1, p. 606). Page #284 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 860] The Svetambara Works 271 sUrarAja-madanAvalI-kathAnaka Suraraja-Madanavali-Kathanaka 1201 (0) No. 859 1887-91 Extent - fol. 14a to fol. 164. Description - Complete. For other details see Parvatithivicara (V. P. XIX, sec. 2, pt. 2, No. 377). Author - Not mentioned. Subject - A story of Suraraja and that of Madanavall. It suggests the importance of gandha-puja, a kind of worship by fragrant objects. Begins-fol. 14a yo'vajJAttanmunIMdrANAM martyarUpo mRgo hi saH / iti lokaprabodhArtha lokokto go hi so'bhavat // 1 // mArimAmmaTe thAi so kalibhA jima mU paDauM / alachiki aggali thAi kamaciNukAnhuI ubhaNai // 7 // paNamaha taM nAbhisurya suvaiyaMkaMtalo aNasahassaM / kamalakalaMba virAyai nahanivahaM jassa payajulaM // 1 // atraiva 'bharata 'kSetre 'vaitADhaya' parvate 'gajapura 'nagare vidyAdharasvAmI sUrarAjA rAjyaM karoti / tasya zrutamatI nAma bhAryA anyadA tasya (syA) garbhe devalokAt cyutvA samyakadRSTI ko(s)pi devo'vatatAra / etc. Ends-fol. 160 ataH saMsArakAraNaM mohaM tyaja / dharmaviSaye udyama kuru / iti kevalimukhAt pUrvabhavaM zrutvA vidyAdharo vairAgyavAn dIkSA jagrAha / tapastaptvA zivaM jagAma / madanAvalyapi kevalaparyAya paripAlayitvA bhanyajIvAn pratibodhya mokSaM jagAma / iti gaMdhapUjAviSaye madanAvalI kathAnakaM // 1 // Reference -This work is not noted in Jinaratnakosa Vol. I. saindharathIya mahAkAvya (zrIpAlacarita) No. 860 Size -- 114 in, by 44 in. Saindharathiya Mahakavya (Sripalacarita ) 1333 1884-87 Page #285 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 278 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [860 III V Extent - 53-1-1=51 folios; 15 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and whitish; Jaina Deva pagari characters with occasional glats; sufficiently big. quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; in the interlinear space foll. are numbered in the right-hand margin ; red chalk used; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; foll. 14 and 30 missing; otherwise complete; pine cantos in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Canto I foll. La to ja II , 70 to 140 (?) 14a (?) 190 , IV , 190 to 250 256 to 30a (?) VI 30a (?) to 36a VII 360 to 406 VIII 400 to 460 , IX 466 to 536 For examples of antarlapika, bahirlapika, luptamadhaya. ksara etc. Author - Jayakalisa, pupil of Jayaratna Suri. Subject -- Story of king Sripala in Sanskrit poetry. Begins - fol. 1a 11 2 II ETA: sftchcha II zrImAn zriyaM dizamu(tu) nAbhibhavo hariNya - zailAdhirAja iva gairakakAMtakAMtiH / zazvatsudhAsanavitAnaniSevitAM zritaM 74: 1 gafam agaftr: 11 etc. Ends -- fol. 526 78887: 278pcteftarariranga : FACTURA TA: 1 kiMcicchAstrapravINo jayakalizaguru sveSTadaveprasAdAt / Page #286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 861] The Svetambara Works 273 cakre caMcaccaritraM caturajanadhanAnaMdakAri pravINaiH saMzAdhyaM garvahInaiH kharasamadaneSvadasaMkhyAMka (1560 ) varSe // 69 prodbhUtAdbhutakAMtakautukavatI vArtA sudhAsAriNI zekAvarddhitalokamAnasamudA rAme (5)bhirAmopame / pUjyazrIjayaratnasUrisuguroH za(zikSA(pyA)mu(Nu)nA nirmite / kAvye saiMgharathIyabhUpacarite saggoM bhavatvaMtimaH // 72' iti zrIzrIsaiMdharaMdhIyamahAkAvye pUjya - AcArya - zrIjayaratnasarizakSa - AcArya - zrIjayakAlizasUri - viracite zrIzrIpAlabhUpAlacarite bhavAMtaravArtAkarNanadIkSAgrahaNa-tapaH karaNa-zrI zrIpAlasvargArohaNa-zrI zreNikAdipuraH zrIgautamazrImahAvIrAdibhirasya tapaso mahimaguNavarNano nAma navamaH sargaH // zrIbhavatu // kaarkvaackyoH|| graMthAgraM kAvyasaMkhyA 1213 // zrIH // N. B. - Only this MS. is mentioned in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 452 ). 634 saubhAgyapaJcamIkathA Saubhagyapancamikatha No. 861 1899-1915 Size -101 in. by 4g in. Extent -- 6 folios ; 10 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; white pigment profusely used on fol. 4b; foll. numbered as a rule, in the right-hand margin ; some, in both; yellow pigment used for making corrections; edges of some of the foll. gone; condition on the whole tolerably good ; complete. Age - Old. Subject - A narrative of Varadatta and Gunamanjari. This narrativo is also named as under - kArtika zukla - paJcamI-mAhAtmya-kathA, kArtika zukla-saubhAgya-paJcamImAhAtmya kathA, jJAnapaJcamImAhAtmya, varadattaguNamaArokathA, jJAnapaJcamIkathA. paJcamIkathA ...35 [J.LP.] Page #287 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 274 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1862 Begins -fol. 1a ||shriijinaay namaH // paMDita zrIuttamazIlagaNigurubhyo namaH // jJAnaM sAraM sarvasaMsAramadhye / jJAnaM tattvaM sarvatattveSu nityaM / jJAnaM jJAtaM sarvamArga pradarzitaM / tasmAda(d) jJAne paMcamI vo nidheyaa| tathAhi jaMbU'dvIpe 'bharata 'kSetre / 'padmapuraM' nAma nagaraM vartate / 1 etc. Ends -- fol. 66 pitrA rAjyaM dattaM / pitA paralokaM sAdhitavAn / sUgrIva rAjJa / caturasIti shsraaH| putrI jAtAH / prAMte kevalajJAnaM cArItra sahitaM / sarvAyuH / varSalakSamekaM / kevalaM prapAlya muktiM gataH / itthaM kArtikazudi paMcamI vrdttshreshri(sstthi)| saubhAgyapaMcamInAMmanA kathAnakaM / saMpUrNo yti|| // zrIrastu // // sUbha bhava // Reference - This MS. is not noted in Jinaratnalosa ( Vol. I, ). saubhAgyapaJcamIkathA Saubhagyapancamikatha 1305 No. 862 1887-91 Size -91 in. by4g in. Extent-5 folios ; 14 lines to a page; 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters%3; big, quite legible, uniform and very good handwriting; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in both the margins; white pigment used for making letters illegible; in the left-hand margin the title is written as jJAnapaMcamIkathA; fol. 5b blank; complete; condition very good. Age - Not quite modern. Begins -fol. 10 // zrIjJAnAya namaH // jJAnaM sAraM sarvasaMsAramadhye jJAnaM tatvaM sarvatatveSu nityaM Page #288 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 863] The svetambara Worke 275 jJAnaM jJAnaM sarvamArgapradarzi tasmA(da) jJAne paMcamIvAvidheyA 1 tathAhi 'jaMbU' dvIpe 'bharata 'kSetre 'padmapura 'nAma nagaraM vartate sUravIra vyatikrAMto'jitasenA(?)nAma rAjA babhUva etc. Ends - fol. 5a tadA kalAbhyAsaM kRtvA stokadinAni caturdaza vidyA yo(?)SayitvA viMzativarSayuvarAjaM kiMcinnyUnaM trAzIlakSapUrva rAjyapadaM pAlayitvA ekalakSapUrva kevalaM pratAlya muktiM gataH // iti zrIkArtikazudi paMcamImahAtapaviSaye varadattaguNa maMjarIkathA samAptA / / shrii|| Reference - It seems that this MS. is not noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I). For additional information see the preceeding entry. sthUlabhadraguNaratnAkara Sthulabhadragunaratnakara (? guNaratnAkarachanda) (? Gunaratnakarachanda) 70 No. 863 1898-99 Size - 94 in. by 47 in. Extent-21 folios%3; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper very thin and greyish; Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrA; small, legible and fair hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; fol. 1a and 21b blank; slips of paper pasted to fol. 1a; some foll. partly torn e. g. the 16th ; edges of the 21th folio slightly worn out; complete; 4 Adhikaras in all; com. posed in V.S. 1572; granthAna 1,000 Age - Pretty old. Author - Sahajasundara pupil of Ratnasamudra of the Upakesa gaccha. For his additional works seo mAtmarAja-rAsa V.S. 1582 ilAtIputra-sajjhAya V.S. 1570 Page #289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 276 Saina Literature and Philosophy 1864 RSidattA-rAsa v. S. 1572 kAyApurapATaNa-sajjhAya jambUbhantaraGga-rAsa C. V. S. 1572 nindA-sajjhAya paradezI rAjAno rAsa v. s. ? yauvana-jarA-saMvAda ratnasArakumAra-caupaha (rAsa) V.S. 1582 zukarAjasAhelI Subject - Life of Sthulabhadra in various metres in Gujarati language For comparison see the following works sthUlabhadracaritra by Siladeva Jayananda Suri Begins -- fol. 10 zazikaranikarasamujjvalamarAlamAruhya vizvasA devii| vicarati kavijanahRdaye sadaye saMsArabhayahariNI // 1 // etc. ANI nava nava baMdhaM nava nava chaMdeNa navanavA bhaavaa| guNaratnAkarachaMdaM vanisu thUlibhahassa // 18 // etc. Ends-fol. 11a 'pADala'puri sigaDAla sabala maMtrIsara bhaNIe / naMdarAya naramukuTa subhaTa sakIrati suNIi / thUlibhaddathirimanna koza yuvati jiNi taarii| caMdrakalA nikalaMka sadA zAsani jaya kArI / vayarIviyoga bhAva viharaNa riddhi siddhi syaa| lIlAvilAsa sarasaMraMga diu karu sahijasuMdara mayA // 81 // iti zrIthUlibhadrachaMdasi guNaratnAkare (caturtho'dhikAraH) smaaptH| Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kario (Vol. I, pp. 121-123). Here on p. 121 the title of this work is noted as "Gunaratnakarachanda'. Page #290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 864] The svetambara Works 27 sthUlabhadraguNatnAkarachanda Sthulabhadragunaratnakarachanda (? guNaratnAkarachanda) (? Gunaratnakarachhand ) 403 No. 864 1871-72 Size -10% in. by 47 in. Extent-18 folios ; 15 lines to a page; 45 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, rough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters%3 small, quite legible, uniform and good hand. writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 1a blank; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, some space is kept blank so that it forms a pattern; in some cases this space is decorated with small designs in red colour; edges of some of the foll. worn out%3; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; 4 Adhikaras in all; extent 1000 Slokas. (On fol. 1a ekasahastram viMzatiH is written in pencil). Age -- Old. Author - Sahajasundara. Begins -- fol. 10 ||AUM|| zi(zaza(zi )karanikarasamujvala etc. as in the preceed. ing entry. Ends - fol. 180 'pADala 'puru sagaDAla etc. upto sahajasuMdaramayA // 85 // This is followed by the lines as under :iti zrIguNaratnAkaramahAcchaMda caturtho (5)dhikArasaMpUrNa / shriirstuH|| graMthazlokasaMkSA // 1000 // zrorastuH // cha // cha / zubhaM bhatu // paM. zrI 5 zrI vivekaharSagaNiziSyahIrajIlikhitaM / pravattaNIsa zrIvivekazAMtigaNinI celI gurAM paThanArtha zubhaM bhvtuH| N. B.- For further particulars see the preceeding entry. - - - Page #291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 118 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 866 sthUlabhadraguNaratnAkara Sthulabhadragunaratnakara chanda 781 No. 865 1895-1902 Size - 104 in. by 44 in. Extent - 11 folios; 20 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. Description - Country paper very thin and white; Devanagari characters; small, clear and fair handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; edges of several foll. slightly worn out; almost all folios more or less worm-eaten; fol. 11a blank; complete. Age - Samvat 1670. Author - Sahajasundara. Begins -- fol. 16 zazikaranikara upto sarasvatI devI as in the last but one entry etc. Ends - fol. 11a e 'gf etc. upto get 1681 This is followed by the lines as under : iti zrIthUlibhadraguNaratnAkarachaMdaH smaaptH| saM. 1670 bhAdra0 va 2 ravivAre likhitaM dhArasI SaDA'grAme RSi karmasiMhena N. B. - For additional details see last but one entry. sthUlabhadracaritra Sthulabhadracaritra No. 866 301 A 1883-84 Size - 10in. by 4 in. Extent - 25 folios; 13 lines to a page; 37 letters to a line. Page #292 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 867] The Svetambara Works Description - Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Devanagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; bold, big, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; foll. 1a to 25b blank ; edges of the first two folios slightly damaged; yellow pigment used; complete; 685 Sanskrit verses in all. Subject Life of Sthulabhadra well-known for his strength of character and chastity. Age - Not quite modern. Author Jayananda Suri, pupil of Somatilaka Suri of the Tapa gaccha. Begins - fol. 16 vIro varyazriye vo'stu jineMdro jagadardhinataH / rAgAdirodhako vizvabodhako buddhaviSTapaH // 1 // zrIvIrazAsanAM bhojabhAsanaikanabhomaNeH / sthUlabhadramunIMdrasya caritraM kimapi bruve // 2 // etc. 279 Ends - fol. 250 evaM zrIsthUlabhadrapravaramunipateH puNyalAvaNyamUrteH / sarpaskaMdarpa ... raprakaTapaTujayaprAptasuprAjyakIrteH / etaccitraM caritraM kRtasukRtijana zrIjayAnaMdasiddhiM / zazvadbhamyatrajAnAM prathayatu paramAM zuddhazIlapravRddhiM / / 685 // iti zrIsthUlabhadracaritraM samAptam // Reference -- Published by Hiralal Hansaraj, Jamnagar, 1910. Also published in the D. L. P. F. Series, no 25 in A. D. 1915. For quotations see Peterson Reports V. p. 216. For an additional MS. with different opening lines see B. B. R. A. S. Vols. III. IV. p. 453. In Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I, p. 455 ) other MSS. are mentioned. sthUlabhadracaritra No. 867 Size - 10 in. by 4g in. Sthulabhadracaritra 653 1884-86 Page #293 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 280 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [ 868 Extent - 14 folios, 18 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, very rough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters with occasional gehiats; small, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in both the margins; yellow pigment used for making corrections; fol. 140 blank except that itet 689 38 is written on it; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank; each and every fol. more or less worm-eaten; condition tolerably good; complete; extent 800 slokas. Age - Old. Author - Jayananda Suri. Begins -- fol. 12 g 80 || TA: sitereta II at affere atseg etc. as in the preceding entry. Ends - fol. 140 get sit etc. upto yg tagterre II c 11 as in the preceding entry. This is followed by the lines as under : iti zrIsthUlabhadracaritraM munIdrazuvizIlaguNa saMpUrNa // cha graMthAnaM 800 zubhaM bhavatu zramaNasaMghasya // zrIH N. B.- For additional information see the preceding entry. sthUlabhadracaritra Sthulabhadracaritra 909 No. 868 1892-95 Size -107 in. by 41 in. Extent - 20 folios; 25 lines to a page ; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with frequent yahlats; big, quite legi. ble and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two Page #294 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Svetambara Works 869] 281 pairs of lines in black ink; the space between these pairs coloured red; dandas written in red ink; fol. numbered in the right-hand margin; fol. 206 blank; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; marginal portions of several foll. partly worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably fair : complete. Age - Pretty old. Begins - fol. 12 g 2011 TA: 1 stardista 1 aftet afferu at( s ) I II etc. as in the last two entries. Ends - fol. 200 ga frEE etc. upto gafas: 116 11 as in the last but one entry. This is followed by the lines as under :iti zrIsthUlabhadramunIMdracaMdracaritraM // zuvizIlaguNapavitraM samAptaM zubhaM bhavatu // SiteThurEERT II ll streg Illlll N. B. - For further particulars see the last two entries. sthUlabhadracaritra Sthulabhadracaritra 1350 No. 869 1887-91 Size -- 101 in. by 43 in. Extent - 13 folios ; 18 lines to a page; 47 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and greyish; Devanagarl charac ters with qgHETS; small, legible and good hand-writing; bor ders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk used; complete. Age - Not quite modern, -36 [J. L P.) Page #295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 282 Begins 1 fol. 1a Jaina Literature and Philosophy vIro varyazriye vosstu etc. as in the last three entries. Ends-fol. 136 evaM zrIsthUlabhadra etc. as in the last three entries. N. B. For further details see the last but two entries. - snAtrapaJcAzikA No. 870 Size 10 in. by 4 in. Extent-9 folios; 18 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; the last two foll. written on foreign paper blue in colour; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, fairly uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in reddish ink; red chalk profusely used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; on fol. 9, in the left-hand margin, the title is written as pUjApaMcAsikAsUtra; complete. Age-Samvat 1867. Author Not known. Subject Several narratives connected with various sorts of worship given in Sanskrit verse. Herein the following names occur:dhanasAra, madanaka, pAlcha and zreNika. For Comparison see the following works : snAnapaJcAzikA by 91 .. 97 Begins fol. 19 || 0 || 22 "" d. zubhazIla C in V. S. 1805 dharmavimalasUri anonymous [870 Snatrapancasika 240 1871-72 natvA prathamasArvAdizrIvIrAMtimabodhidAn zanaganfarai a&(cu )umifiaiueaa ? Page #296 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8711 The Svetambara Works jineMdrAcI sadAbhAvAt kurvANA bhavyamAnavaH ihaiva labhate saukhyaM saMtatiM dhanasAravat 2 etc. Ends - fol. 98 Reference tato'tyarcanAM kurvan madanaH zaMkhanaMdanaH gameSyati dIvUM prApa kramAt mokSamapahRtaM 8 iti madanaka jinAdhipAcayAbhAvAt kRtayA bhAvinAmidda yAMti kuSTAdayo rogA pAhalabhUmIpateriva 1 pUnaH zuddhabhAvena kartavyA pUjA zrImajjInezituH zreNikakSmAbhuje cAnnaM puMsAmuktisukhArthinA 1 iti zroNika iti zrIpUjApaMcAsikA samAptA sN(:)| 1857 jyeSTa vadi 9 zrI ' sthaMbhatIrthe ''li (khi) rAjeMdra svArthe // lebakavAcakayo( : ) zubhaM / It seems that this MS. is not noted in Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I ). However, see Report Bhandarkar V No. 1252. haMsapAlakathA No. 871 Extent - 6@ to 7b. Description 283 Author - Not known. Subject Begins For other datails see Manicula Kumara Katha infra 1310 (a)/1887-91. Hamsapalakatha 1310 (b) 1887-91 Ends - fol. 29a A narrative about the prowess of chastity in Sanskrit prose. - fol. 10 OM // saMsArajala hijANaM dANaM virayaMti ye supattANaM / narasurasivamuhaThANaM / lahaMti te haMsapAlamva // 1 // sarve dIkSAM lAcA / muktiM gatAH // iti kSullakakumArakathAnakaM samAptaM // cha // zubhaM bhavatusa Page #297 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 284 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [872 haMsarAja-vatsarAja-kathA Hamsaraja-vatsaraja-katha [camatkArakathA] [Camatkarakatha] No. 872 365 A 1882-83 Size -103 in. by 4g in. Extent - 14 folios; 22 lines to a page; 55 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva nagari characters; very small, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; foll. numbered in both the margins; some of them in left-hand margins; the title is written as haMsa. baccharAja caritra; haMsa0 vaccharA. caritraM etc. edges of a few foll. gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; five vibramas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Visrama I ___foll. 1a to 20 2b to 30 36 to 70 IV 7a to 96 90 to 145 II III Age-old. Author - Rajakirti, pupil of Ramalabha Gani. Subject -- Story of Hamsaraja and that of Vatsaraja in Sanskrit prose. Begins - fol. 1a // zrIpArzvanAthAya nmH| smRtvA zrIbhAratI devIM / natvA ca zirasA gurUn / camatkArakarI kA / gadyabaMdhena karomyahaM // 1 // zrIpaMcaparameSTinamaskAramahAtmyaM bho bhavyalokAH / bhAdaraM kRtvA zrUyatAM / etc. Ends-fol. 146 su(zuddha vratAni pAlaya( yi )tvA samyaktayA dharma bhArAdhya jinoditaM aMte anazanenArAdhanayA mRtvA devau jAtau prathamadevaloke / kiyanavAMtare tu siddhisaukhymvaapstH|| Page #298 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1873] The Svetambara Works 285 iti zrIhaMsarAjavaccharAjakathAyAM gadyabaMdhe rAjyAdivarNano nAma paMcamo vizrAmaH // 5 // vAcanAcArya - zrIratnalAbhagaNiziSyeNa / / vI. rAjakIrtinA ayaM gadyabaMdhaprayAso vihitaH / yadasmin viSaye asuddha bhavati / tatvidbhiH saMsodhya / zrI' kharatara 'gacche vA0 ratnalAbhaziSyeNa kRtaH prayAso(5)yaM // vA. rAjakIrtigaNi paM0 guNanidhAnabhrAtRlakSmIratnalipI kRtA / Reference - In Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, p. 458) this Ms. and Jaina Granthavali (p. 237 ) are noted 52 haMsarAja-vatsarAjakathA Hamsaraja-Vatsaraja-katha No. 873 1877-78 Size -93 in. by 41 in. Extent-23 folios%3; 13 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, rough, tough and white; Jaina Deva nagari characters with rare pRSThamAtrAs; small, fairly legible and tolerably good hand-writing;'borders ruled in two pairs of lines in red ink; foll, numbered in both the margins; in the mar. gin to the left, the title is written as haMsAvalInA cupaI 0; in the cen. tre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some place kept blank so that it forms a design; fol. 1a blank; every fol. is slightly worm-eaten; edges of the first fol. partially gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; 4 khandas in all; composed in c. 1513; at the end of every khanda the word - Asaita' occurs. Age - Samvat 1659. Author - Asayata. Subject - Story of Hamsaraja and that of Vatsaraja in Gujarati ___verse. Begin -fol. 10||AUM|| OM namaH zrIsarasvatyai nmH|| bhamarAvaI saMmANa // pratyakSapramANaM // avaranayarANaM // pura' paTTaNapayaThANaM' // bhayaThANaM vIrabAvanayA // 1 // bat it formes as well, th is slightlu Page #299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 286 Jaina Literature and Philosophy paI // ziSarabaddha dasa sahasaprAsAda || kanakakalasadhajanaravainAda // 'godAvarI 'nu nirmala nIra / puru' paThANa ' basaI tasu tIra // 2 // etc. " Ends -- fol. 236 dharmalAbha avicala zarma // jai puNya chAMDaDa pApaM ji karma // deva ArAhu jiNavara nAma // duSa taNau je pheui ThAma // 30 // avara deva'jaDa pUjai pAya / jiNa pUjai deha nirmathAi // jiNavara boliu dharma te karau / / pAya reu jima ilAM harau // 31 // [874 guNavaMta gurupAya aNasaru | muktipurI mAMhe aNasaru // puraya ' pahiThANa 'yAdavavaMza // varNavAyA vatsarAja naha haMsa // 32 // sakala loka rAjA raMjanI / kulayugakuthAuttai vAvanI // gAhA duru vastu caupaI // sujisyaI pyAri banIsai jUbhalI triNa saha visAla / tINA mohamAyA jAlA / suNatAM doSadarIdra saviTalahaM // bhaI asAita tiha aphalAM phalaI // 34 // iti zrIhaMsavatsakathAyAM caturthaSaMDa samApta saMvat 1659 varSe bhadravA sUdi 9 dine riSi - zrI udayacaMdra ziSya RSimanoharaliSataM / ' nAdasamA'madhye Reference For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 46-47). haMsarAja - vatsarAjacatuSpadI ( haMsarAja vatsarAja- copaI ) No. 874 Hamsaraja-Vatsaraja-catuspadi ( Hamsaraja-Vatsaraja-copai Size - 11 in by 44 in. Extent - 30 folios; 14 lines to a page; 44 letters to a line : 1383 1886-92 Description Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand - writing; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; dandas and Page #300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 874] The Svetambara Works 287 some words written in red ink ; most of the foll. numbered in both the margins; the 10th, in the margin to the right; fol. 10 blank; in the left-hand margins, the title is written in various ways such as rAja, sarAja, and haMsarAja ; edges of a few foll. gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; 4 khandas in all; composed in V. S. 1680. in Gujarati language. Age - Pretty old. - Author Jinodaya Suri, pupil of Jinatilaka Suri of the Kharatara gaccha. Subject Story of Hamsaraja together with that of Vatsaraja. narrated for illustrating the fruit of merit. - Begins fol. 18 // OM // zrIgaNezAya namaH // // zrIsarvvajJAya namaH // // haMsarAjavaccharAjarI copI liSyate // AdIsara Adai karI / cauvIsei jiNaMda // sarasata mani samaruM sadA / zrIjayatilakasuriMda // 1 // sadagurupayapraNamI kari / pAmI guru Adesa / punya taNA phala bolasuM / kahisyuM huM lavalesa // 2 // etc. Ends fol. 30b zrI ' kharatara 'gaccha guNa nilau jI / zrI jinatilakasUrirAya // e // moTA moTA bhUpatI jI / praNamadda jehanA pAya / 6 / e0 / eha prabaMdha suhAmaNa jI kahai zrIjinA ( ? no ) dayasUri / bhai guNai zravaNai suNai / tihAM gara AnaMdasUri // 7 // e0 // cyAri SaMDa caupaI karI zrIsaMgha suNivA kAja / puNya sahu suSa pAMmIyai / haMsa anai vaccharAja // 8 // iti zrIvaccharAjahaMsarAcaupaI saMpUrNaH // Reference Published by Bhimshi manek. For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, p. 511-513). On p. 512 the lines following 'guNanilaDa jI' are : zrIbhAvaharSa surIMda gaccha corAsI paragaje jI sAdhu mAMhe muNIMda // 6 // tasa pAr3he mahimAnilo jo zrIjayatilaka sUrirAya / 7 / Page #301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 288 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [875 mahoTA mahoTA bhUpati jo praName jehanA pAya // 1 // sevala saula aisIo same jI Aso zuddhi rvivaar| vijayadazamI e saMthuNyo jI zrIsaMghane sukhakAra / 8 / haribalacaritra [navarasasAgara] No. 875 Haribalacaritra [Navarasasagara] 654 (a) 1884-86 Size -10% in. by 4g in. Extent-23 folios. Description - Country paper thin, somewhat brittle and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing: borders ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll, numbered in the right-hand margin; white paste used for corrections; edges of each and every fol. more or less gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; comp. lete%3; 90 graMthAna, four khandas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Khanda foll. 1a to 1b , 60 to 12a III " 12a to 170 , 17b to 230 This MS. contains in addition a fragment of vasudevacaritra which commences on fol. 230 and ends on the same. Age - Samvat 1609. IV Author-Pandita Kusalasamyama, pupil of Kulahira of the Tapa ___gaccha. Subject --Story of Haribala in Gujarati. Begins - fol. 14 // AUM|| zrIgurubhyo namaH // pahilau paNamau pAsa jiNa / 'jIrAula'nau rAja / vaMchita phala Apai sadA / sevai surapatirAya / 1 Page #302 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ The Svetambara Works guru goyama gaNadhAranau / garuu lIjai nAma / jasa nAmai jagi pAmiyaI / ATha siddhi abhirAma // 2 // After two verses we have :zrIsarasatisupasAu lai / navarasasAgara nAma / huM prabaMdha haribala taNau / bolau atimabhirAma 7 // etc. Ends - fol. 23a haribalacaritra taNau navi pAra / paDhatAM guNatAM harSa apAra / dUhA gAhA vastu caupai / navarasa sarasa kathA e kahI / / 76 bhaNai bhaNAvaha je nara nAri / tiha ghari nava nidhi maMgala vyaari| ThAmi ThAmi nitu jayajayakAra / Rddhi vRddhi pAmaI anivAra / 77 'tapa' gachi guru avicala bhANa / mAnaI tasu SaT darzana maann| jaMbUgoyamasAmisamAna / zrIhemavimalasUri mahimanidhAna // 74 tAmu sIsa paMDita kuladhIra / bIjA baMdhavaM zrI kulahIra / zrIguNasIlaI sohAmaNA / jasu agii dIpaI guNa ghaNA // 79 teha guru pAmI vaMcana visesa / haribalacaritra raciu lavalesa / sAMbhAlatAM savi pAtaka TalaI / bhaNatA manaha manoratha phalaha / 80 / cAri paMDa caupaTa causAla / cauthau SaMDa hUu suvisAla / kusalasaMjama paMDita ucaraI / e bhaNatAM saMpati vistarai // 681 iti navarasasAgaranAmni haribalaprabaMdhe caturthapaMDa samAsamiti / zubhaM bhavatu // // saMbat 1609 varSe zrAvaNamAse zuklapaSe / dasamyAM tithau / shnivaasre| zrI'maladhAra 'gacche // u.zrI zrI zrI zrI kSemakirti // tat sikSaupA0 zrI 5 dhanakIrti / tasikSa munisubhakIrti // liSitaM // zrI AgarAka(?)savAmadhye // pAtisAhazrIsalemasAharAje // // yAdRzyaM pustake dRSTaM / tAdRzaM likhitaM mayA / yadi zuddhamazuddhaM vA / mama doSo na dIyate // zreyAMsi bhUyAMsi bhUyAsu graMthAgara 901 zubhaM bhavat // kalyANamastu / / zrerastu ||chH|| Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 129-130. On p. 129 this work is named as 'harivalanI rAsa'.. 1.37 [J.LP.] Page #303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 290 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [876 haribalacaritra Haribalacaritra 913 No. 876 1892-95 Size - 9 in. by 4 in. Extent - 25 folios; 15 lines to a page; 38 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white, Jaina Devapagari characters with occasional pRSThamAtrA; sufficiently big, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the righthand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank; edges of a few foll. gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; four khandas in all; the extent of each of them is as under :Khanda foll. 1a to 7a 7a to 13a 13ato 19a 19a to 250 A portion of the last line blurred by applying black ink. Age-Samvat 1946. II III IV Author-Kusalasamyama. Begins - fol. 14 AUM|| namo vItarAgAya // dUhA // pahilU parNamU pAsajiNaM / 'jIrADAlI' nu raay| munaM vaMchata Api sadA sevi saranara pAya // 1 // guNa gotma guNaM dhAran / garUu lIji nAmaM / jiNi nAmi jaga paamiih| ADizadhi abharAmaM // 2 // etc. Ends - fol. 250 haribalacararitra taNu nahI pAra / paThatA guNatA saNaMtA sAra / dUhA vasta bhanikapai // navarasasAgarapUsaTUzI // 67 // bhaNi bhaNAvi je nara nAri / te dhari nava nadhi maMgala cyAri / ga(ThA)mi ga(ThA)mi ati jayakAra / radhi vRdhi pAmi bhanivAra // 18 // Page #304 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 877] The Svetambara Works "291 'tapAgaccha garU avacalabhANaM / mAni paTa darazaNaM jasa aannN| jaMbU goyama svAmi samAni zrIhemaMvamalasUri mahimaM vidhAnaM // 69 // tAza sIsa paMData kulavIra / bIjau baMdhava zrIkuladhIra / zrIguNAMzIli sohAmaNA / jasu aMgadIyi guNaM ghaNA // 70 // te gura pAmI vacanaM vasezi haribalacaratra raciu lavaleza / sAbhalatA zavi pAtaga Tali / bhaNAM nAmana manoratha phali // 1 // cyAri paMDa cupaTa cuzAla / cuthau paMDhaha kasavisAla / kuzalasaMyamayaMuta ucri| e bhraNaMtA saMpati vastari / / 72 // iti harabalaprabaMdhanavarasasAgaracuturtha SaDA samAtA / yAvallavaNasamudrA / yAva nksstrmNddto| yAvat bhAskaracaMdro tAvaSTi pastakajayAti // 73 // sa0 1946 zrAvaNavadi N. B. - For additional information see the preceeding entry. haribalaprabadha Haribalaprabandha 1384 No. 877 1886-92 Sixe -- 10 in. by 34 in. Extent - 7 folios; 20 lines to a page; 48 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devana gari characters; small, fairly legible, rather close, uniform and good hand-writing; borders ruled in three to four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; edges of four foll. sligbtly gone, otherwise the condition is very good; complete; composed in Samvat 1592 in Gujrati verse. Age - Samvat 1645. Author - Rajaratna Suri, pupil of Sadhuharsa of the Kharatara gaccha. He has composed narmadAsundarIrAsa in V. S. 1695. Subject - Story of Haribala which points out the prowess of animad. Page #305 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 292 Begins - fol. 1 // OM // Jaina Literature and Philosophy Ends - fol. 7b kamalavadana 'vimalA 'caladharaNI / paNa RSabhadevasuSa bhaNI / samarUM sAdhuharaSa uvajjhAyA / jasu nAmahaM mati AnaMdathAi / 1 haribalarAsa No. 878 Size - jIvadayA jiNa sAsaNisAra / pAlatAM tirii saMsAra / jIvadayAviNa vrata igyAra / ko ( pho ) kaTa ima bolai jinasAra // 2 etc. ' kharatara 'gaccha guru goyamasamavaDi vivekaratanasUriMda | tAsu sIsa zrIsAdhuharaSa guru jasu paya namaI naridaM / ( 36 ) vAsu sIsa zrIrAjaratanasUri jIvadayAphala jANI / bolai ApaNa mana ANaMda amIya samANI vANI // 31 saMvata panarava bANU (1592 ) vachari Adari Aso mAsi / sAnidhi saMgha taha e kIdhauM niyama na taNai ulhAsi / ( 38 ) tapai yaNa jAM bhAMNabhavika jana jA lagi sasihara sUra / tA lagi jinasAsaNi jayavaMtI jIvadayA bharapUra // 32 // [878 iti zrIjIvadayAviSaye haribalaprabaMdha samApta // saM 1645 varSe mAhadi 10 budhavAsare lakhitaM zrI' kharatara 'gacchIya paM0 rAjahaMsagaNInA zi. bemakalazena muninA saha paM jayanidhAMnamitreNa Reference For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, fol. 1, p. 632. Here the work is named as haribala mAchI copas and the date of composition is given as V. S. 1599. Haribalarasa 656 1895-98 * 10g in. by 48 in. Extent - 71 folios; 16 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; sufficiently big, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and Page #306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .618] The Svetambara Worke edges in one, in red ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin%3; fol. 1a blank; edges of the first and last foll. partly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; composed in V. S. 1810 a Simana, at the request of Narasimha Dhanaji in Gujrati verse; yellow pigment occasionally used for making corrections, Age-Samvat 1842. Author - Labdhivijaya, pupil of Kesaravijaya and Amaravijaya. __His additional work is jambUsvAmIno zaloko / Subject - Story of Haribala, a fisherman. It points out the import ance of compassion towards living beings. Begins - fol. 10 ||AUM|| zrIgaNezAya namo namaH dUhAH prathama dharAdha jagadhaNI prathama zramaNa paNieha prathama tirthakara jagajayo prathama guru pabhaNeha 1 vizvasthitikAraka prathama tAraka vizvanu dyota - dhAraka atizaya Adijina kAraka bhavanidhipota 2 After 10 verses we have :jIvadayA thakI pAMmIo harIbala macchIrAya tAsa saMbadha suNatA thakA saghalAM pAtika jAya 13 rAsa sarasa suNatAM thakAM je ko karizI vAta tehaneM tazavalaMbha taNAM sama diyo chaMsAta 14 etc. Ends - fol. 710 suddhaparaMpara sohamataSate' pragaTayA hIrasuriMdAre tasa sISya dharmavijaya dharmadhIri dIye jU sAradacaMdA re 19 su. tasa siSya paMDita dhanaharSa jJAMnI sumati sadA cita mAMni reN| tasa ziSya paMDita kuzalavijaya kavI pratibodhyAM anumAnI reM 20 su0 tasa bhrAtA gaNi kamalavijaya subhajJAna vijJAnamA linA re tasa zIsa paMDita lakSmIvijaya guruM saMvegarazamAM bhInA re 21 su0 tasa zisa paMDita do guNI jJAtA kesara amara do bhrAtAreM tasa paMDita kiMkara labaddhivijaya kaheM gyAre ullAseM viSyAto re 22 su0 Page #307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [879 se(zI)lAMgaraNa saMvatsara dasAke 1810 mahAsudi bIja budhavAre re haribalanAM guMNa jIvadayApara gAyA meM eka tAre re 23 su. zrI tapa' gacchanabhadiNamaNI soheM zrIvijayadharmasUrIsoreM tasa gaNadharata rAjyameM racio mAyAmeM machivizesAre 24 su0 'vAvi 'vida re zrIajitaprasAdeM rahi sImAMNAvAse reN| rANA zrIgajasiMghane rAjye rAsa racyo meM ulAze re 25 su0 haribalanAM guMNa suNatAM pAmeM jIvIta sudhI saNamAMNa re DhAla pacavIzamI cothe ulAMzeM labaddhi kahe guNaSAMNa re su0 260 . DAla ugaNasAThisAtasyai dUhAM haribalacaritrathI bhAMSyA re sAThAtrika sahasra zloka aikAvana graMthAgraMtha e dASyA re 27 su0 . gyAtA bhugatA dAtA sArUM sabaMdha racyA meM vArUMraM halu bhAkaramI je hasye sIvA mAnasya saghalI e vAcA re 28 su0 . cauviha saMghaneM maMgalaM hojyo dina dina lachi meM bhalajyo re haribalanI pari saMpadA lahijyoM labaddhinI vAcA e phalajyo re 29 su0 sarvagAthA 1000 iti zrIharibalarAsa saMpUrNa saMvata 1842 varSe bhArAdi 10 guruvAsare zrI ........ li. Reference - Published by Bhimsimanek in V. S. 1945. For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. III, fol 1, pp, 44-48). haribalarAsa Haribalasasai 54 No. 879 1877-78 . Size - 104 in. by 4 4 in. Extent - 37 folios; 14 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagar characters, big ; perfectly legible, tairly uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines in vermiltion colour ; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand marginia few, in both; fol. 1a blank; edges of some of the foll. partly gone; condition on the whole good ; complete; composed in Samvat 1726 at Khokharo in Gujrati verse. Page #308 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8791 The Svetambara TVorks 295 Age - Samvat 1780. Author - Jitavijaya, pupil of Jivavijaya of the Tapa gaccha. Subject - Story of Haribala, a fisherman. It is based upon Pratikra mapasatravrtti. Begins - fol. 10||AUM|| dUhA // suSadAI samaraM sadA / 'purisA dANI' paas| jagavallabha jinavara nmuN| mahAni pUrai paas|1| bhAdikaraNa AdIsarU / mahimA 'meru 'samAna / zrI zatrujaya' bheTatAM / vAdhA adhiko vAna Retc. fol. 10 pAMce tIratha praNamIiM / paNamI sarasatI mAya / haribalarAsa racaM havai / sadagurunaI supasAya 10 / etc. Ends-fol. 37b hIravijayagurugacchapatI sIsa saMyamaguNabharImA re varasiMghaRSi paMDita bhalA upazamarasanA darImA re 13 gu0 sIsa siromaNi tehanA jIvavijaya guru rAyA re haribalariSinA bhAvasyuM jItavijaya guNa gAyA re 14 gu0 bhASA bhuja saMyama (1721?) varSe saMvata saMkhyA dIdhI re poSa zudi bIja zanivAreM haribalacopar3a kIdhI re 15 gu0 * poSaro' nagara sohAmaNo tihAM ruDA zrAvaka zrAvI re tAsa hajUra copai karI sahusaMghane mana bhAvI re 16 guNa. paDikamaNAsUtravRttimAM bhASyo e adhikAro re jItavijaya vibudhe kahmo e saMbaMdha vistAro re 17 suNe suNAveM bhAvasyuM tasa dhari lIlavilAso re sakala saMgha taNI sadA pUro saMkhesara bhAso re 18 guNavaMto haribala ghaNuM // iti zrIharibalaRSicopai samAptAH / liSItA ca saMvat 1780 varSe ___ bhAso zudi 11 ravau zrI' sthaMbhatIrthe ' munizrIhastisAgareNAleSiridaM svavAca nArthamiti anyArthamiti punyArthamiti kalyANakoTayo bhavaMtuH zrI zrI zrI zrI Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, pp. 246-248). Page #309 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [880 296 Jaina Literature and Philosophy harivAhanakathA Harivahanakatha 1385 No. 880 1886-92 Size - 101 in. by 4g in. Extent - 5 folios ; 20 lines to a page ; 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish ; Jaina Deva. nagari characters; small, perfectly legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in two lines, in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; red chalk used; fol. 50 blank; edges of each and every fol. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; complete. Age -- Pretty old. Subject-Story of Harivahana, son of king Mahisena. Told in Sans krit prose. His mother's name is Moniprabha. He took diksa and was born in Sarvartbasiddhi. Begins-fol. 10||AUM|| dharmaprabhAvajaMtUnAM / jAyate sukhamuttamaM / prAptaM nareMdraputreNa / harivAhananAmati (?) // 1 dRSTAMtamAha // ihaiva 'bharata'kSetre / 'bhogAvatI'nagarI mahIseno rAjA rAjyaM karoti / maNiprabhA rAjJI / prANavallabhAstayo harivAhana nAma kumAro dvAtriMzalakSaNe lakSyato(s)sti etc. Ends -fol. 5a ___ guro girAmiti zrutvA vimalavAhananAmAnaM sutaM rAjye nivezya bhAryAyukto da(dI)kSAmagIcakAra dhanaMjayo(5)pi tathaiva dIkSAmayAcita kevalyAha adyApi tava bhogaphalamasti iti zru( ? tvA )harivAhanarAjarSi kSAmayitvA vimalavAhanarAjAnaM lAtvAnagamadhye jagAma atha tasya rAjaRSina navapraharA'naMtaraM mastake vedanIya samutpannA sA dussahA kevalinA bhArAdhanA jIvarAsikSAmaNaM kAritaM jammaM dukkhaM jarA dukkhaM rogANi maraNANi ya / maho du(ka)khoghasaMsAre jattha kIsaMti jNtunno| 1 / Page #310 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 881]. The Svetambara Worke 297 krodhAta nyAno bhavati manujo mAnato rAsabha syAt aheNei tirayagaI ruddajjhANeNa gammae nararya dhammeNa devalogo / siddhigai sukkajhANeNaM // 1 zamitapApo sarvArthasiddhi yayau yaH trizaMtU sAgarANAmAyurastIti vijJeyaM tat zrutvA 'mahAvidehe' kSetre sadguro zrIzImaMdharasvAmiApAva dIkSA lAtvA [momokSaM lapsasi anaMgalekhA()pi sAdhvIpArzve kriyAtapazcaraNAdikaM kurvati mRtvA devatvaMmavApa kiyadbhirbhavaiH samanoharaiH gatvA mokSaM yAsyati kathabhenAMnu(?)karNakoTare kRtvA / vivekibhiH prANaiH dharmaNi viSaye socama kAryaH // 1 iti zrIdharmaviSaye harivAhanakathA saMpUrNAH // Reference - For additional MSS. see Jinaratnakasa (Vol. I, p. 460 ). harivAhanacaritra Harivahanacaritra 914 No. 881 1892-95 Size - 101 in. by 4g in. Extent - 15 folios; 18 lines to a page; 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, brittle and grey; Jaina Devanagari characters%3; small, quite legible and tolerably good handwriting; borders ruled in three lines in black ink; red chalkused; some of the dandas written in red ink; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; edges of each and every fol. more or less gone; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; composed in Samvat 1703 in Ujjayini at the instance of Damodara; some letters are blurred by applying black ink ; vide fol. 155%; fol. 15b blank except that in a later hand is written harivAhana copaDa; on fol, 140 letters are so written that some sort of design is formed. Age - Samvat 1765. Author -Jhanjhanji Rsi. Subject - Story of Harivahana, a king. For comparison see Hariva hana-rasa composed by Mohanavijaya in V. S. 1755 he Samgama giri pandava). See Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. II, p. 430). ...38 [J.LP.] Page #311 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 298 Jaina Literature and Philosophy Begins fol. 10 // OM // zrIgurubhyo namaH || dUhA // viharamANa jiNa vaMdIyai // dhuri sImaMdhara svAmi // saparivAra sahuna namuM || atisaya je abhirAma / 1 / zrI AdIsvara Adi de / cauvIsai jiNarAya / gaNadhara zramaNa satI saha / zrutadevI bahubhAya // 2 // etc. bhaviNa sujyo bhAva dhari // harivAhanaguNavRMda // samagati sIlasu nArinara || pAmIjai ANaMda // 11 // etc. Ends - fol. 15a sAdhu taNa guNa gAI yaha saMpati lahiyai sAra karamacaMda gura suSakarU nai dAmodara pyAra bahuppAra haraSa apAra dAmodara taNaIM Agraha karI saMvata satara tijetaraha ( 1703 1 ) e caritra raciyo cita dharI 'UjeNi 'puri AnaMda setI saMgha sahumanibhAI yaha suSa saMpadA munajhAMjha pAMmaI sAdhu taNA guNa gAI yaha 4 [882 iti zrIharivAhanacaupaI samakatisIlaviSaye RSi zrI zrI jhAMjhaNajIkRtiriyaM pUjyazrI zrI jI tatprasAdAt pUjya zrI zrI zrI jI tatprasAdAt pUjya zrI zrI jI tatprasAdAt tat siSya RSi liSataM AtmArtha saMvat 1765 varaSe kArtikavadi 14 dine katakavAra zanivAre liSataM ' thanesara 'madhye zrIrastu leSakapAThakayo bhadraM bhavatu kalyANamastu sarvadA zrI zrI zrI // zrI // cha // zrI Reference - It seems that this very MS. is noted in Jaina Gurjara extracts are given nor Kavio (Vol. II, p. 466 ) . Neither additional MSS. mentioned. harizcandrakAna No. 882 Slze - 10 In by 4 in. Extent - 17 folios; 13 line to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description Hariscandrakathanaka 1334 1884-87 1 - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters with BATIS; big, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of Page #312 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ '883] The Svetambara Vorks 299 lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. aumbered in the right. hand margin; almost in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank; there is a hole in this space; edges of a few foll, gone; some foll. slightly worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete. Age - Old. Subject -- Story of Hariscandra in Sanskrit verse. Begins - fol. 1a AUM|| nama srvjny|| zrUyate hi purA loke / zrIma' dikSvAku 'vNshbhuuH| udAracaritaH sattve harizcaMdro mahAnRpaH // 1 // tathAhi // astyantra bharate '(5)yodhyApurIva prAMsukojvalA // prAsAdamaMDanAnAtyairabhibhUtAsatIva yA // 2 'sUrya 'vNshbhvaakssmaapprvRttojjvldyshaashriyaa| jAtachatrA mahaisvayaM dadhAti nagarISu yA // 3 etc. Ends - fol. 17b rAjA(s)tha zrIharizcaMdrastatprabhRtivizeSata dayAlurjagadAnaMdastyaktavyasanakautuka // 68 'zakrAvatAra 'tIrthasya sarvajJasya kRpAnidhe zrIvRSadhvajadevasya paryupAsti parAyaNa // 69 divyazaktiprabhAveNa gaganakrIDanAdika maharddhi darzayan / loke pAlayAmAsa kAzyapI // 70 iti harizcaMdrakathAnakaM samAptaM // Reference - It seems that this M$. is not noted in Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I). harizcandraprabandha No. 883 Hariscandraprabandha 1565 1891-95 Size - 10% in. by 4 in. Page #313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 300 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [883 Extent - 8 folios; 16 lines to a paye; 42 letters to a line. Description-Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, fairly uniform and good handwriting; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; condition very good; complete. Age - Samvat 1608. Author - Bhavaka, pupil of Gunamanikya of the Brahmana gaccha. Subject - Story of Hariscandra (Haricanda ) in Gujarati poetry. Begins -- fol. 14 ||AUM|| sarasati sAmiNi vInavU / tribhovanajananI mAya / racauM prabaMdha haricaMda taNau / vANI tahma pasAya // 1 kRpA karu majha svAminI / vaMchitadAyaka devi / eka manu nitau lagU / sadA karUM tajha seva // 2 etc. Ends - fol. 86 eha prabaMdha zravaNi zruNi / bhaNasi je naranAri / teha dhari nava nidhi / aMgaNi pAmi suSa saMsAri // 69 ......haricaMdarAjA cuupaI prabaMdha sapUrNa // saMvat 1608 varSe posa sudi 8 some // celIsidhA laSyatu / zrIsAradAi nmH||shriiH|| zrIH / / Then in a different hand we have : mATI adari parI niipnii| bijaraMga aagaasii| tIna puraSa suvi lUdhI / achaha loka jANai 'masa 'vAsI / jamaNa jimaha nIra aahaari| calUnalIi A dittttii| mahau pUchaNa kapaDA diitaa| Apai nI galakari bai aTTI // 2 // doti / / Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 171-172 and Vol. III, pt. 1, pp. 633-634. Page #314 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 884] harizcandra caupa No. 884 The Svetambara Works 1 Size 10g in. by 48 in. Extent - - 51 folios; 13 lines to a page ; 32 letters to a line. - Description - Country paper somewhat thick, rough, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; big, quite, legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the righthand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, some space is kept blank; fol. 10 blank ; so is the fol. 516 ; yellow pigment used for making corrections ; all the four extremities are coloured red; edges of a few foll. gone; condition on the whole good; complete ; 38 dhalas in all; the total extent 1251 Granthagra slokas (Gathas 808 only ); composed in S. V. 1679. Age - Samvat 1717. Author - Yasasvata (Jasavanta ) Gani, pupil of Hemamandara. Subject -- - Story of Haracandra, a king. Begins fol. 1 OM // Haracandra-caupai 1564 1891-95 te paMDiyA je virayA virohe / te sAhuNo je samayaM caraMti / te saMtiNo je na calati dhame ( me ) / te baMdhavA je basaNe havaMti // 1 // dhUri dUhA // subha mati Apo sAradA / sarasavacana sarasatti / brahamAMNI suhu vidhanahariM / bhalau kare bhArati // 1 // cavIse jinavara caturA nAma huvai nava nidhi / zrIgautama gaNadhara sadhara / sadA karo sAnidhi // 2 // 301 AdIsari jina udayakari / sAMti jiNaMda suSavAsa / niramala mati yo nemi jiNa paratA pUro pAsa // 3 // vighanaharo zrIvIra / jiNa / sukhasaMpadadAtAra / paMcatIratha jaga para gaDA / praNamuM praisamasAra // 4 // Page #315 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [885 'Saratara 'gannanAyaka paro / jaMgama jugaparadhAna / zrIjinasiMghasUrIsarU / namIya i saguNanidhAna // 5 // vinayavaMta vidyAnilo / gaNi harinaMdana gAi / guru supasAyai gAisuM / raMgaha haracaMdarAha // 6 // etc. Ends-fol. 500 gaccharAja jinasiMghasUri guru / shriihemmNdrsiis|...... jasavaMtagaNi kahaha jayavaMtA ho / vidyAguru sujagIsa // 6 guNa. bhAvasuM jeha bhaNai guNai / sAMbhalai je susskNd| sivasuSa tehanai saMpajai / ima bola dUho jaina mugaTa bhANaMda // 7 guNa. iti zrIsattasAhasaviSaye rAjAzrIharacaMdacopaI samAtA // saMpUrNA // duuho|| nAma ThAma gurudeva aru / aSyara je lopaMti / te nara janami janami lagai 'kuMbhI' naragi paDaMti // sarvagAthA 808 // sahachaha // prakSepazloka 81 chai / / sarvaDhAla 38 chai // prathAgraMtha sarvazlokA 1251 chaha // subhaM bhavatuH kalyANamastuH lesskpaatthkyoH|| saM(va)ta 1717 varSe bhAdrapadamAse kRSNapakSe ekAdazItithau maMgalavAsare zrI 'mAgarA'nagaramadhye lipIkRtaM pratirIyaM // vidvajjanAbhiH samyaktayA vAcanIya / pravartanIyaM ca / saMsodhanIyaM prattiriti // // duuho|| kRpAvaMta hiva kRpA kri|| vAcejyo suvicAra / jima prarayAsa e mAharo / saphalo hui saMsAra // 1 // saMpUrNa // Reference - It seems that this work is not noted in Jaina Gurjara Kavio. harizcandrarAsa Hariscandrarasa 393 No. 885 1871-72 Size - 10g in. by 4g in. Extent - 38 folios, 15 lines to a page : 45 letters to a line. Page #316 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 885] The Svetambara Works 303 Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing ; borders not ruled; red chalk used; foll. num. bered in the right-hand margin; fol. 38b blank; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete; Gujarati verse; composed in Samvat 1703 ? Age - Samvat 1711. Author - Labdhivijaya, disciple of Gunaharsa of Tapagaccha. Subject - Story of Hariscandra husband of Taramati. For comparison the following works may be consulted:- . harizcandra-rAsa composed by dharmadeva in V. S. 1554 , a pupil of guNamANikaya harizcandra-coyaha hIrAnandanasUri between V.S. 1670&1674 harizcandra-rAsa kanakakuzala in V.S. 1697 kanakasundara in V.S. , prema-copaha v. S. 1858 ___ , sahajakIrti v. S. 1697 prema-rAsa jinaharSa v. S. 1744 prema Begins -fol. 14 ||AUM|| OM namaH // duhA zrIzaMSezvarasvAmi tuM vighanaviDAraNa deva bhayabhaMjaNa bhagavAn tuM jagajAgaya svayameva 1 devasavemA dipato tribhuvaNatAraNahAra samayuI sukhaghaI sAmibhA tumhanaI karaM juhAra 2 bhAvaThibhaMjana bhayaharaNa tAraNataraNa samarastha azaraNasaraNa amoghasuSa deI mujha e paramattha 3 etc. Ends-fol.38a sattara saiMbiDottaraiM (1703 ?) varaSai vaizArSi vadi bhAThama AditavAre kavikSaNa iMma bhASaI racyo rAsa rasiMkarI samatIrasamaya eha thira thApi nima manaho tima vIi bhANI deha 14 jaya 2 zrIharicaMdacaritra caMga suNatAM vaiMrAgI je naranAri huuM nahiM navi puNyavibhAgo te magasela pari sahIjI jANavAM naranAri tAsa kisyo upadesa ho te bhArI saMsArI 15 Page #317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jaina Literature and Philosophy [886 jo jinazAsana dhira rahaI jAM 'meru' mahIdhara jAM uDuMgaNa jA uMDuMgaNeza jo jagaI diNakara tAM e rAsa rasikamani ramo raMgarasarItI suNi sivagati syu saMta ho karayo jhAjhi prItA ja 16 je nara nAri puNyavaMta vaiMrAgavicakSaNa dayAdAna mani jeha naI je hoI zubhalakSaNa te SaTapaMDamaMDita bhaNo e haricaMdano rAsa labadhivaMta budhivaMta ho pAmo sivapuravAsa 17 jaya 2 iti zrIharicaMdarAsa saMpUrNa saMvat 1711 varSe bhAdrazudi 11 dine rAnera'madhye lkhitH|| Reference - For extracts and additional MSS. see Jaina Gurjara Kavio. Harisena-Srisena-rasa hariSeNa-zrISeNa-rAsa No. 886 364 A 1882-83 Size -- 91 in. by 4 in. Extent - 16 folios; 17 lines to a page ; 52 letters to a line. Description - Country paper somewhat thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters%3; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; numbers for the verses, their dagdas and some lines or so here and there written in red ink; yellow pigment used for making corrections; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the lefthand margins the title is written as hariSeNazrISeNarAsa; in the centre of the numbered and unnumberd sids, as well, there is some space kept blank so as to form a design; smalls trips of paper pasted to some of the foll.; marginal edges of several foll. 'partly gone%3; condition on the whole tolerably good; com. plete; composed in c. V. S. 1650; the last line written in a later and different hand; three khandas in all; the extent of each of them is as under: - khanda I foll. 1a to 7a 70, 12a III 12a, 160 II Page #318 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 886] The Svetambara Works 305 Age - Old. Author - Dhanyavijaya, pupil of Anandavijaya (?) Subject - Story of Harisena and that of Srisena, They point out the importance of modesty. Begins - fol. 10||AUM|| OMnamaH siddhaM // zrIgautamasvAmine nmH|| sarasatipaya praNamI sadA / je jagi pUre bhAsa / jasa prasAdi kavijanavarA / bolai vAgavilAsa // 1 // ima sarasati praNamI karI / samarI siddha anaMta / cauvIsaha tIrthakarA / te samaru bhagavaMta // 2 // puMDarIka goyama pramukha caudasai bAvanna / te gaNadhara maMgalakarA / thuNI karuM subha mana // 3 // zrIgurupadapaMka(ja)valI / praNamuM matiulhAsa / jasa prasAdaI huM karUM / hariSeNa-zrISeNa-rAsa // 4 // etc. Ends-fol. 160 avara guNa bApaDo vinaya mahimA vddo| vinayaguNa bhaviyaNa ciMti bhaanno| vinayathI surapadaM vinayathI zivapadaM / hariSeNa bhAI dRSTAMta jANo / vaMdi re0 // 97 // zrI tapa'gacchadhaNI ANaMdavimala guNI / sUrasama sUri tptejdiiph| zrIvijayadAnagurupaTTaparabhAkaraM / harivijayasUri bhuvana jIpai / vaMdire0 // 98 // tAsa pATi vijayasenasUri rAjataI / vimalaharaSa uvamAya kerA ANaMdavijayabudhasIsa mahimAnidhi / gAIyA guNadharApunya mere vaMdi re|| 99 nayara DIsa'i rahI rAsa rUDo rciu| sodhayo budha jana kUu koii| nita bhaNaI nita guNai nita suNai tehanai / dhana vijaya kahe maMgala hoi / vaMdire vaMdire vaMdi yogIzvarA // 200 iti zrIvinayadharmaviSaye zrIhariSeNazrISeNarAsake tRtIyapaMDa samAptaH // Then in a different hand : g| narottamAvijayasya pratiH -39 [J. L.P.] Page #319 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 306 Jaina Literature and Philnsophy [888 Reference - This work is mentioned in Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, p. 296). But no extracts are given there. Even no additional MS. is mentioned. hAlikakathAnaka Halikakathanaka 1201 (b) No. 887 1887-91 Extent -fol. 16a to fol. 170. Description - Complete. For additional details see Parvatithivicara (Vol. XIX, See 2, Pt.2; No.377). Author - Not mentioned. Subject - Story of Halika and Visnusrl. It points out the importance of naivedya-puja, a kind of worship. Begins-fol. 16a Dhobaijjo nevajaM jiNapurau bhattinibbharamaNeNa / so nara sivasukha lahai nArA haliya parisucca // 1 // Tovai bahubhattiAU nevajaM jo jiNiMdacaMdANaM bhuMjai so varabhoe devAsuramaNuyamAhANaM // 2 // bhatraiva bharatakSetre 'kSemA' nAma ngrii| tatra sUraseno nAma rAjA / etc. Ends - fol. 170 tataH kumudarAjJA uktaM / tata sAdhu bodhito'haM / adyaprabhRti mamApi jinadharmaH zaraNaM / iti putraM pratibodhya devaloke devaH saMprAptaH / jinanaivedyaphalena suranarasaukhyAni anubhUya saptame bhave mokSaM yAsyati / iti naivedyapUjAviSaye hAlikakathAnakaM samAptaM // // Reference - This work is not noted in Jinaratna kosa Vol. 1. Hirasaubhagya with Sukhavabodha hIrasaubhAgya sukhAvabodhAsahita No. 888 Size - 9} in. by 47 in. 834 1899-1915 Page #320 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 888] The Svetambara Works 307 Extent - 349 folios; 3 to 6 lines to a page; 14-17 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin and white; Devanagarl characters with occasional pRSThamAtrAs; small, clear and good hand-writing: borders ruled in four lines in black ink; it is a Furet MS; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll 1a and 3490 blank; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; about a quarter of the second fol. gone ; foll. 17, 152-159 torn to a smaller or greater extent; several foll. worm-eaten; some badly; both the text and the commentary complete. Age - Fairly Old. Author - Pandita Devavimala Gani (Tapa Gaccha), pupil of Simha. vimala Gani is auther of both the text as well as the autoexplanation. Subject - Life of Hiravijaya Suri. The text is explained by means of an auto-commentary in Sanskrit named as Sukhavabodha. Begins (Text) - fol. 10 zrIciMtAmaNinAthAya namaH // OM namaH // zriyaM sa pAAdhipatiH pradizyAtH sudhaashnaadhiishvtNsitaaNghriH| jaganididhyAsucaritrimUrti yatkIrtirAsItridazastravaMtI // 1 // Begins (Comm.)- fol. 10 zrI ciMtAmaNi pArzvanAthAya namaH OM namaH / / zrayAzrIjayamaMgalaikanilayaH saMkalpakalpadrumaH / bhUyAd bhUrivibhUtaye sa bhagavAn zropArzvaciMtAmaNiH / bhavyAnAM dazadigbhuvAM praNamatAM manye nihaMtu tamo bibhrANA dazatA babhuH kramanakhA ysyaarbhbhaasvsvissH||1|| zrI ciMtAmaNi 'pArzvamIhitakaraM ciMtAmaNIva nRNAM / siddhizrIpariraMbhiNaM praNidadhe vizvatrayonAyakaM / saaNdraanNdmrNdsNdrhdbhojnmliilaalsaaN| haMsIvad vidhinA punaH pravidadhe vAgvAdinIdevatAM // 2 // svopajJahIrasaubhAgyakAvyasyAvyAsazAlinI / kurve vRtti vidagdhAnAM gityathavivodhikA // 3 // Page #321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 308 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [889 Ends-fol.349a yaM prAsUta zivAkkha(khyA )sAdhu maghavA saubhAgyadevI punaH zrImadrodidasiMhasIhavimalAtevAsinAmanirbha tabAhIkramasevidevavimalavyAvarmite saMmadAt sargaH saptadazo babhUva carite zrIhIrasUriprabhoH 292 iti paMDitasIhavimalagaNiziSya - paMDitadevavimalagaNiviracite hIrasaubhAgyanAmni mahAkAvye zrIzatrujayAcala - zatrujayAsiMdhUttaraNA jayapArzvanAthAyAzakaraNotAgamanAnazanapUrvakasvarlokagamana - zrIvijayasenasUrigaNaizvaryakathanatatpaTTapUrvaparvatamArtaDa - zrIvijayadevasUri saMprati 'tapA'gaccharAjyAdhipatyapravartanadarzano nAma saptadazaH sargaH cha zrI zubhaM bhavatu // // atha prshstisuutrm| zrIpatiriva sNpdbhi| zrIpatinAmA vizAradeMdurabhUt / dikkumbhivad babhUvuryasyASTau pNdditottNsaaH||1|| vairAgyaila( lI )bdhibhirapi bhAgyaussaubhAgyavaibhavairadhikaiH / yasya samo na paro'bhUd bhAnoriva ko'pi tejobhiH // N. B.- For additional particulas see No.896. hIrasaubhAgya Hirasaubhagya sukhAvabodhAsahita with Sukhavabodha 1432 No. 889 1891-95 . Size - 103 in. by 4: in. Extent - 217 folios; 19 lines to a page ; 76 letters to a line. Description - Country paper tough and white; Devanagari characters with pRSThamAtrA6%3 small, legible and good hand-writing: borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; fol. 1a blank except that the title is written on it; yellow pigment used; marginal notes occasionally written; both the text and the commentary complete; a strip of paper pasted to fol. 2176. Age - Not modern... Author of the commentary-Devavimala, the author himself. Page #322 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8891 The Svetambara Works 309 Subject - The text with its auto-explanation in Sanskrit. Begins (Text)-fol. 16 OM nmH| feri a graffagfa: etc. as in the preceeeding entry. Begins (Comm.)-fol. 10 zrI ciMtAmaNi 'pArzvanAthAya nmH| OM nmH| // zreyaH zrIjayamaMgalaikanilayaH etc. as in the preceeding entry. Ends ( Text)- fol. 216b sthemAnaM gAhamAno balamathanapathe yAvadAttAnapAdivitkallolamAlAvilikhitadiviSatpaddhatiH siMdhukAMtaH yAvat rAjAvajanmAtmajajaladhivadhUpUrvadevapratIpakSoNInAthastravaMtImihiratanuruhAvAhinIsaMgamazca // 211 yAvadvizvavyavasthAkRtikRtirajanI vAsarAvujihAte / tAvatrailokyalokatridazamaNisadRk pArzvadevaprasAdAt / zrImadviddhanmaheMdvairanudivasamidaM vAcyamAnaM pramodAt / dvaitIbhAvaM dadAnaM jagati vijayatAM hIrasaubhAgyakAvyam // 212 yaM prAsUta etc. as in the preceeding entry. upto vijayadevasari (in the colophon, followed as:) puraMdarasaMpratigaNarAjyapravartanavaNano ath: etc. as in the same Ends (Comm.)-fol. 216a matha prazasti / zrIpatiriva saMpadbhiH etc. as in the preceeding entry upto st. 19; combines sts. 7 and 8 into one and drops the 9th to 20th and practicially dropping stanzas 21 and 22 in the preceeding entry winds up the work in the st : kalyANavijayavAcakavRMdArakarAjamukhyaziSyeNa / dhanavijayavibudhavidhunA zodhitamiha vijayatAM suciraM // 17 // iti hIrasaubhAgyakAvyaprazastiH // zrIrastu // N. B. - For additional details see the preceeding entry. Page #323 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ $10 Jaina Literature and Philosophy (890 hIrasaubhAgya paryAyasahita Hirasaubhagya with Paryaya 1387 No. 890 1886-92 Size -- 101 in. by 44 in. Extent - 180 folios; 7-8 lines to a page; 50 letters to a line. (text) 8-9 , 54 ,, , (omm.) Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters whith occasional (Hats; this MS. contains the text and its commentary as well; the former written in small, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; practically same is the case with the commentary except that it is written in slightly smaller band-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; yellow pigment used for making corrections; foll. numbered in both the margins; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; red chalk used; fol. 12 blank; so is the fol. 1800 blank except that the title I T AR etc written on it; each and every fol. more or less worm-eaten; some very badly; condition on the whole fair; both the text and commentary having 17 cantos complete; the extent of each of them is 4192 and 5557 slokas respectively; in canto 14 there are 305 veres. Last2-3lines-? Age -- Quite old; 18th century about. Author - Not mentioned. Subject - Explanatory meaning of the text " Hirasaubhagya" kavya in Sanskrit. Begins (Text) - fol. 16 zrI ciMtAmaNi'pArzvanAthAya namaH foret er grafferala: etc. as in No. 834 / 1899-1915. Begins ( Comm.) - fol. 16 ___ zrIpArzvanAthaH lakSmI dadAtu deveMdrazekhanitakramaH trailokyadikSuH gaMgA & uterqafa eigiasarmarogfart: etc. Page #324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 890] The Svetambara Works 311 Bads (Text)- fol. 179b sthemAnaM gAhamAno balamathanapathe yAvadauttAnapAdiviskallolalekhAvilikhitadiviSatpaddhatiH siMdhukAMtaH zrImadUpAMgajAdivatividhumadhukRccunyamAnAMhipana - stAvajjIyAt sakammAM tyaja munimathavA pArzvadevaprasAdAt 210 iti paM0 devavimalagaNiviracite zrIhIrasaubhAgyanAmni mahAkAvye 'zatrujaya 'yAtrAkaraNAnaMtaraprasthAnazajayAsiMdhUttaraNA jaya // Then in a bigger hand-writing we have : pArzvanAthayAtrAkara-tanmahimavarNana- dvIpasaMghasaMmukhAgamanocatanagarapavitrIkaraNa-saMlekhanArAdhanAvidhAnAnazanapUrvakasvarlokagamana-zrIvijayasenasUri-gaNaizvaryA zIvadivarNano nAma SoDazaH sargaH / / saMpUrNa caitatkAvyamajAyata zrIpArzvanAthaprA(pra)sAdAccira naMdatu graM0 305 sUtra sarvasaMkhyA saptAdazaH sargaH graMthAnaM 4192 zubhaM bhavatu // Then in a smaller hand :zrImattapAgaNavibhorvarasUrirAja / koTIrahIrAvijayAbhidhasUrinetuH / ziSyeNa kIrtivijayAbhidhavAcakena / muktA pratiH zubhakRte zrutaratnakoze // 1 Ends (Comm.) - fol. 179b sthiratAM avalaMbamAnaH gagane dhruva uttAnapAdasya rAjJo'patyamiti taraMgAvalI samAli(gi)tAkAzamArgaH ratnAkaraH sUrizriyA kalito yo rUpAdevItanujanmA zrIvijayadevasUri apare(5)pi municaMdrAstairaiva bhramaraizcaMbyamAnaM caraNakamalaM yasya saH tAvatkAlaM sarvotkarSeNa pravarttatAM sapUrvavyAvarNitasvarUpaH kammA nAma vaNigmukhya[:]stasya naMdanaH zrIvijayasenasUrirAjaH zrImazcitAmaNipArzvanAthaprasAdAt 210 zrI iti ch|| . iti zrIhIrasaubhAgyakAvyasya katicitparvAyAH iti SoDazaH // sargaH // sNpuurnnH|| graMthAnaM 738 // cha // zrI // cha / vRttisarvasaMkhyA paM0 5551 sUtravRttisaMkhyA sarvamIlyata // 9745 - zrIH // ch|| shrii|| Reference -The text alang witht the author's comm.(3) is published in the Kavyamala Seriesat Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay in A. D. 1900. Page #325 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 312 Jaina Literature and Philosophy [892 huNDakakathA TabbAsahita Hundakakatha with Tabba.. ___1321 (e) No. 891 1886-92 Extent -1ol. 17b to fol. 210. Descripiton - Both the text and its explanation complete. For addi. tional details see situatii supra. Author of the text-Not mentioned. n of the Tabba -Not mentioned. Subject - The story of a thief named Hundaka along with its explan. ation in Gujarati. This story illustrates the prowess of Navakara' mantra. Begins-fol. 170 atha huMDakacaurakathA pApiSTacaurakA ca yatprAptaM ca surAlayaM mahAtmyaM tatra maMtrasya yathAta huMDakena ca 1 etc. Begins (Tabba)- fol. 17b (atha havai huMDakacaurakathAnaka liSyate arthataH // ) Text atreva bharate varSe mathureti mhaapurii| prAkAragopurArAmA kUpavApisaroyutA // 2 // Ends -- fol. 21a ekacittaparo bhUtvA padaika parameSTijaM dhyAtu devatvamAmoti yathA cauraNahuMDike 48 iti navakAraviSaye huMDikacaurakathA saMpUrNaH // 5 Ends ( Tabba) - fol. 21a etalai huMDakacorakathA TavArtha sNpuurnnH|| Reference - This work is not mentioned in Jinaratnakota( Vol. I). holidhUliparvakathA [holikAreNuparvacaritra No. 892 Size -11 in. by 51 in. Holi-dhuli-parrva-katha [Holilikarenuparvacaritra ] 571 1884-86 Page #326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 892] The Svetambara Works 313 Extent -- 33 folios; 12 lines to a page ; 36 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagarl characters; big, quite legible, uniform and very good handwriting; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one, in red ink; yellow pigment used for making corrections; foll. num. bered in the right-hand margin; marginal notes occasionally written; fol. 1a blank; a bit of paper pasted to fol. 5a; condition on the whole very good; complete ; 7 Adhyayas in all; the extent of each of them is as under Adhyaya foll. 10 to 4a II 4a to 7 7b to 15a IV 15a to 216 216 to 230 230 to 27a VII 27a to 336 Out of the seven puspikas the last is written in red ink. - III V VI Age-Samvat 1877. Author - Pandita Jinadasa. Subject - Story pertaining to Holi-parvan and Dhuli-parvan. Of these two parvans the 1st is on the full-moon-day of Phalguna and the 2nd on the following day. Begins - fol. 16AUM||1 zrI jinAya nmH|| zrIsanaM nAbhisUna jineMdra bhaktyA baMde mohaballIgajeMdraM // svAtmajJAnaiH sadazIbhUtakheMdra lakSmyA yuktaM kAmapanadvijeMdra // 1 // sarmANaM kalpaballI kavInAM bhUyo natvA sAradAM pAradAM ca // saMsArAbdherbhagyalokAnukUlA nityAM baMdyAM dAyinI sanmatezca // 2 // sabai devaiH saMstutAM caMdramukhyaiH nAgeMdrAdyaiH saMnutAM pUjitAM ca // ...40 [J.LP.] Page #327 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 314 Jaina Literature and Philosophy 1893 matyairloke cakrimukhyaiH kimukta prAjyenAyAM vAcayAgocarAM ca // 3 // satyAcArAn gautamAdIn gurUMzca sANAM maMgalAnAM ca dAtRn // vakSye holIparvaghUlezca parva samyagdRSTenirmalatvAya svasya // 24 // etc. Ends -- fol. 33a jinAgArayute ramye 'navalakSa 'pure zubhe // bAzinA jinadAzena paMDitena sudhImatA // 57 // dRSTA pUrvakathAmekapaMcAzazlokasaMyutAM // pure 'sarapure' zAMtinAthacautyAlaye bare // 54 // 1608 vasurkhakAyazItAMzumite saMvatsare tathA / jyeSTamAse site pakSe dazamyAM zukravAsare // 59 // akAri graMthaH pUrNo()yaM nAmnA dRSTiprabodhakaH / zreyase bahupuNyAya mithyAtvApohahetave // 60 // etc. trivArkhibasu( 843 ? )saMkhyairanuSTupazlokaH pramANatA graMthasyAsya suvidvadbhirjinadAzaiH kRtA svayaM // 70 // iti paMDita-zrIjinadAsaviracite holIreNukAparvacarite darzanaprabodhanAmni dhUliparcasamaya-dharmaprasastivarNano nAma saptamo(s)dhyAyaH samApta / 7 / graMthAma 843 // kathaM kathaM labdhavibhUtayo yadA bizaMti vaizyAM nijmaanmNdire| kathaMcidevAbhravimuktabhAsvato bhavaMti no tIvratarA kathaM na // 9 // saMvat 1877 kA caita sudi 5 paMDita-vaSatarAmeNa lipIkRtaM chijya-riSada dAsavAcanArtha / / Reference -- For additional MSS. see Jina-ratnakosa (Vol. I, P. 463). holIrajaHparvakathA TabbAsahita No. 893 Holirajahparvakatha with Tabba 917 1892-95 Size -10g in. by 51 in. Page #328 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8931 The Svetambara Works 315 Extent-10 folios: 8 lines to a page; 38 letters to aline. , 56 , Description-Country paper thick and white; Devanagari characters%3B big, legible and good hand-writing%3; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; this MS. contains both the text and its explanation in Gujarati written in a very small band and above the correponding portions of the text; both complete; the text foll. numbered as usual; fol. 1a blank; composed in V. S. 1822. Holika-caritra is composed by Bhattaraka Vadicandra. Age - Samyat 1822. Author - Bhattendrasagara Gaai pupil of Dhirasagara Gani, pupil of Vinitasagara, successor of Bhavasagara of Tapa gaccha. Subject -- The Sanskrit text deals witk Hollrajahparvan. This is explain ed in Gujarati in the Tabba. It is called Dhuleti to and Dhulapadavo; also. Begins (Text)- fol. 1b zrIvarddhamAnamAnamya surAsuranatakramaM / vakSye holiraja-parva saMbaMdhaprArthitajana [:] // 1 // etc. Begins (Comm.)- fol. 10 zrIvarddhamAnasvAmIneM namIne sura je devatA asura je vidyAdhare namita caraNakamala kahIsa holIrajaparvano varNana saMbaMdhavistAra lokasate 1 etc. Ends (Text) - fol. 10b dvidavAvasucaMdrebde mArgazIrSe supakSake / dazamyA kavivAre'hni ligi(pi?)cakre kathAmimAM // 33 // etc. surAsuranarA yeSAM vaMdaMti caraNakrama / teSAM zrIdharmasUrINAmAjJAtaM(ta: ?) prApyate mayA // 35 // zrImadUvIrasudharmajaMbuprabhave paTTAvale zAlinI / yatrAdau vija(la)sattapAkhyagaNapazrIzrIjagaccaMdrat / tadgacche suvidItanirmalaprabhAdhArI shriidhrmprbhuH| rAjate mahimaMDale dinapativattejadhArI sa ca // 36 // zrIbhAvasAgaragurostatpaTTe shriiviniitnaamaakhyH| tacchiSyapravarapaMDitanAmA zrIdhIrasAgaragaNiH // 37 // . Page #329 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 316 Jaina Literature and Philosophy tacchiSyo'stika... drASyagurUNAM caraNArcitocitaH / carataM holIraja: parva likhitA zrI ' vidhyakA 'khyapure // 38 // iti horIkathA saMpUrNA / ( Comm.) saM. 1822 varSe mRgasirasudipakSe dazamI zukravAsare lipyo kathA eha etc. caritra holI kathA karI jana sodha jyo bhUlacuka kavi ho jyo sodhajyo zrI guruprasAdAt // Reference For comparison of the text the following works should be consulted : Size - holikAkathA (hutAzanIkathA ) by jinasundara published by Hiralal Harusaraja. holikAkathA ( anonymcus) ( begins. RSabhasvAminaM etc.) paNDita su (? zu) bhakaraNa by 99 holikA parva- kathA holI - rajaH - kathA holI - raja:- parva-kathA 99 holI prabandha Mitra VIII, p. 160. holI parvakathA TabbAsahita No. 894 " [894 by by by ,,, anonymous works by mAladeva ( MS. dated V. S. 1670) bhAvaprabhasUri puNyasAgaragaNi (V. S. 1485 ) Reference - For additional MSS. of the text see J. B. B. R. A. S. ( Vol. III-IV. p. 454 ) and Jinaratnakosa ( Vol. I,p.462 ). kalyANakIrti. For Holikavidha see Holirajahparvakatha with Tabba 394 1871-72 * 102 in. by 4g in. Extent -- 9 folios; 4 lines to a page; 32 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; this MS. contains the text and its interlinear Tabba written in several columns; each of these columns is bounded by a line in red ink; so the text written in big, quite legible, uniform and good hand-writing; practically Page #330 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 894] Subject The Svetambara Worke same is the case with the Tabba except that it is written in comparatively smaller hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines and edges in one, in red ink; foll numbered in the right - hand margin, fol. 1a blank ; numbers for the verses, their dandas and the last line written in red ink; condition very good, except that edges of one or two foll. partly gone ; complete. Age - Samvat 1799. Author Of Sanskrit Text -- Punyaraja Gani, pupil of Jayacandra Suri of Tapa gaccha, Author of Tabba not known. - Exposition of two parvans viz. Holiparvan and Dhuliparvan. They are non-Jaina festivals. Begins (Text) - fol. 1b // // OM // zrIgautamAya namaH // praNamya samyak paramArthadezakaM // zrIvarddhamAnaM bhuvanaikanAyakaM // janaprabodhAya mayA (S) bhidhIyate // holIrajaH parvakathA yathAzrutaM // 1 // etc. 317 Begins (Tabba) -- fol. 10 // OM // zrIgautamAya namaH namaskAra karInai samyak prakAra bhakti sahita paramArtha kahitAM navatasvAdika vastunA dezaka deSAunahAra ehavaf etc. Ends (Text ) - fol. 8a holIraja: parva sudhA pravRttaM jJAtvA zubhArtha na budhairvidheyaM zreyo (S) thibhiH zrIjinadharma eva sebhyaH samaste(s) pitasiddhihetuH // 32 // yataH bhAyudIrgha vapuraparujaM rUpamanyAsarUpakAMtiH kIrtirbalama vikala buddhiratyaMta zuddhA iSTAvAptirmanujadanujasvargasAmrAjya saMpat puSyollAsaH zivamatha phalaM dharmakalpadrumasya // 33 // Page #331 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ [894 -318 jaina Literature and Philosophy evaM zrIvarasomasuMdaragurU zrImat 'tapA 'gaccharATa ziSya-zrIjayacaMdrasUricaraNAMbhojaprasAdAda / yaM / saMbaMdhaH kila punyarAjagaNinA holIrajAparvaNoH saMdhaH zaradaMtiratnazaradi (1985) prAjJaizviraM vAcyatAM // 34 // kathA saMpurNa // prAjJapaMDitaloke cirakAlasUdhIvAMciiM caMdrAzca nidhihastAnde'sthe nabhaHsaptamIbudhe holIcaritre stabukaM kAtyAdivijayo(5)likhat // 35 // iti zrIhutAsyanikathA saMpUrNa // saMvat 1799 varSe mahA sudi 10 paDhe liSitaM zrIrastaH Ends ( Comm.) - fol. 8a ima zrIsobhAyuktazrIsomasuMdarasUrinAmeM guru zrI tapa'gacchanA rAjA gacchanAyaka tehona ziSya zrIjayacaMdrasari nAmeM AcArya tehanA caraNa kamalanA prasAda thakI eha saMbaMdha adhIkAra nizcaya punyarAjagaNii holInA rajaHparvako saMdabhyoM racyo saMvat kahe , zarakahatAM pAMca daMti ratnaka0 e sarada varSe racyo saMvat 1485 varSe aMkAnAM vAmato gtiH|| Page #332 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _