Jaina Literature and Philosophy
Ends fol. 7a
संवत चऊद पंच्यासीयइ ए । विरचिय चरीय विलास । ए अचल वधामणुं ए। भणह गुणइ जे नरनारि । फलीइ मन तणी आस । ए अचल वधामणुं ए॥ ६९ ।। वीरप्रभुसूरि गुरु गुणिनिलु ए। सीस हीराणंद तास। ए मचल वधामणुं ए । विद्याविलासह चरी०भए । भतिहिं सोहामणूं ए॥७॥
इति श्रीविद्याविलासपवाडउ सपूर्णः लिखितं संवत १६४२ वर्षे - 'सोहा' नगरे पं० सकलचंद्रगणिना । स्वोपकृते ॥ कल्याणं भूयात् ॥ श्रीः N.B. - For further particulars see No. 689 supra.
328 No. 692
A 1882-83 Size-91 in. by 4g in. Extent -7 folios; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanāgarl
characters; big, thoroughly legible, uniform and very beautiful hand-writing; borders neatly ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; yellow pigment occasionally used for making corrections; each and every fol. more or less worm-eaten; condition on the whole tolerably fair ;
complete. Age - Old. Author-Gunakarasuri of 'Caitra' gaccha. Subject - Narrative of Vidyāsāgara illustrating the prowess of devo.
tion to Jina. Begins - fol. 1a
ए ३०॥ श्री जिनाय नमः॥ गुरुर्देवो गुरुस्तीर्थ गुरुर्माता गुरुः पिता गुरुबंधु गुरुमित्रं गुरु स्वामी गुर्मुह १ etc. .