Jaina Literature and Philosophy
Extent – 8 folios; 16 lines to a page ; 35 letters to a line.
Description – Country paper very thin, tough and white; Jaina Devanagari characters; small, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled indifferently in three to four lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank, so that it forms a design; a bit of paper pasted to fol. 8b; edges of several foll. worn_out ; condition on the whole tolerably good; complete; ending on foll. 8a composed in V. S. 1571; 5 Dhalas in all; 258 verses. This MS. contains in addition, some Gita which begins on fol. 8a and ends on fol. 8b. This latter work, it seems, is written in a different hand.
Age - Old.
Author - Melā Sanghapati (?) pupil of Munisundara Surl.
Subject Story of Sudarśana in Gujarati poetry. It illustrates the prowess of chastity.
Begins fol. 14 ए ॥ ६० ॥
Ends - fol.
पहिलउं प्रणमि सु अनुक्रमिए जिणवर चडवीस । पच्छइ शासनादेवताएतीहं नमउं सीस । समरी अ ( सासिणी ) सारदेए सानिधि संभारउ । आगइ पालउ प्रतिपनूं ए कवि सिउ पकारहु १
त तूठी तत क्षण भणइ ए हुं भविसु अंगि । श्रेष्टि सुदर्शनतण रास रचिज्यो मनरंगि || etc.
'तप' गच्छ गुरु गोअम समाए । मा० श्री श्री मुनिसुंदरसूरि सुणि० || नामि सवि सिद्धि संपजइ ए । मा०
दरीय पणासई दुरि । सुणि० ॥ ५२
तास तणई सेवक रचिउ ए । मा० रास रूडउ ह्रदयरंगि सुणि० थापिडं सील सोद्दामणभए । मा० आनंद ऊपजद्द अंगि सुणि० ५३ संवत पनर एकोत्तर (१५७१) एमा० । जेठह चउब्वि विसुद्ध । पुष्य नक्षत्र गुरुवारिसिउं ए मा० चरित्र पुद्दविदं प्रसिद्ध सुणि० ॥ ५४ जांल गइ 'मेरु' महीधरू ए। मा० जां जल सायरपूर सु० । शीलसुदर्शन गाई ए । मा० हुंती डंप गनीधूलि सुणि० ॥ ५५