Jaina Literature and Philosophy
( 760
This is followed by the lines as under :- as in No. 757.
इति श्रीशुकराजकथा ॥ ग्रंथशत ५०० N. B. - For additional information see No. 757.
Sukarājacaritra [STEVESTITE ]
[Sūdāsāhelirāsa ]
906 No. 760
1892-95 Size - 10 in. by 44 in. Extent - 4 folios; 15 lines to a page; 42 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Devanāgari
characters with occasional 78HTTS; sufficiently big, quite legible and tolerably good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; red chalk used; foll. num. bered in the right-hand margin ; in the centre of the num. bered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; a portion of each and every fol. worn out, so far as the left-hand corner is
concened ; condition on the whole good; complete. Age - Not modern. Author - Vācaka Sabajasundara, pupil of Upādhyāya Ratnasamudra
Gapi of Upakeśa gaccha, His additional works are noted
as under in Jaina Gurjara Kavio (Vol. I, pp. 121-129 ):Subject - Story of Sukarāja on the prowess of Puộya '. (1) Forty
V. S. 1570 (2) - (3) 291-TT-TU-HFAR (?) (4) fargi(1) WICHTI-TTA
V. S. 1582 (2) # COITTA
V. S. 1572 (3) T TIA
V. S. 1572 (4) real amat ra