656] The Svetambara Works
25 वसुदेवहिण्डी (द्वितीय खंड) Vasudevahindi (Khanda II)
254 No. 656
1873-74 Size - 101 in. by 4g in. Extent - 133 folios; 15 lines to a page; 54 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and greyish; Jaina Deva.
nāgari characters; small, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in three lines in red ink; red chalk properly used; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin; on fol. 10 the title is written in the left-hand margin as वसुदेव हिंडि द्वितीय खंड; in other cases वसुदेवहिं and ranly as वसुदेव; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so that it forms a design; yellow pigment used for making corrections; fol. 1a blank; edges of some of the foll. slightly gone; condition on the whole good; complete so far as it goes; total extent 17800 (11000+6600 )
ślokas. Age - Pretty old. 18th century. Author-Dharmasena Gani. He has composed 71 lambhakas. Subject - Wanderings of Vasudeva narrated in Prakrit prose. The story
of the entire work is devided into 3 Khandas having their extents 11200, 6609 and about 1000 respectively. The first was composed by Sanghadāsa while last two by Dharmasena Gaņi. Jinabhadra Gasi has mentioned this work in his Visesaņavai., In the Jinaratnakosa (Vol. I, pp. 344-345) it is said as
under:Begins - fol. 10
॥६०॥ ॐ नमः सर्वज्ञाय॥ जयत्यनेकांतकं वीरः । अथेदमारभ्यते द्वितीयखंडं । जयइ नवनलिणिकुवलयवियसियवरकमलपत्तलडहत्थो। उसनो(मो)सनावसुललियमयगलगइललियपत्थाणो।
जयइ य पणयपुरंदरणहपहाहसितंभूसणत्थामो etc. Ends - fol. 1330
उञ्चल्लं ... तुं दो पुणो विवेढे इतेत्तियं चेव जहवंदोतह उज्झे धम्ममधाम्मणप्यल्लेहतेहिं भणियं सुहु भणमि तुमं । किंतु अम्हं आभोगकयं पुण्यं वा
दिदँ । अणाभोगकए णत्थि दोसो । छ ।। ..4 [J. L.P.]