The Svetämbara Works
Extent — 3 folios ; 11 lines to a page; 35 letters to a line. Description - Country paper thin, tough and white; Jaina Deva.
nāgari characters; big, quite legible, uniform and good handwriting: borders ruled in three lines in red ink; numbers for the verses, their dandas etc. written in red ink; foll. numbered 'in the right-hand margin; in the left-hand margins titles are written as मंधरस्वां , and मधर०; edges of all the foll. more or less gone; condition on the whole good; complete; fol. 30 blank there is some space kept blank at the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well.
Age - Pretty old. Author - Premavijaya, co-pupil of Ratnabarşa. His additional works
are as under :
1. भात्मशिक्षाभावना V. S. 1662. 2. धनविजयपंन्यासरास 3. शत्रुञ्जयस्तवना (मादिनाथविनतिरूप)
4. सीतासती-सज्झाय. Subject - A prayer to Simandharasvāmin, one of the 20 Tirthamkaras
who are alive in Mabāvideha. The request is communicated through the moon.
Begins - fol. 10 ए ६०॥
ढाल भोलीडा रे हंसा विषय न राचीह॥ ए देशी ढाल ॥ श्री श्रीमंध्यरं सुणो मुज वीनती । भवसायरपार उतारो जी। त्रिभोवनतारणउ से मुझ नइ मिल्या । भावागमण निवारो जी।
श्रीश्रीमंध्यर सुणो मुज वीनती ॥ पाचली ॥ १॥ etc. Ends-fol. 20
चंदाभाई ! सुणो मुझ वीनती । माहारा संदेसा सवि लेज्यो जी। श्रीश्रीमंध्यर आगालि तुमे वली । जई निस घलां कहइज्यो जी। दूरि परिहरी। श्रीविजयसेनसूरीसराजि।। विमलहरष वाचक वरूं । पं० रत्नहर्षबंधु प्रेमविजयनि ।
श्रीमध्यर जिन सुषकरू ॥ ३३ ॥ -~30 [J. L.P.]