taina Literature and Philnsophy [748 शालिभद्रचरित्र
Śālibhadracaritra अपचूर्णिसहित
with Avacūrni
1343 No. 748
1887-91 Size — 104 in. by 48 in. Extent - 19 folios; 17 lines to a page; 67 letters to a line.
Description - Country paper thin and white; Devanāgari characters
with occasional q1ts; small, legible and good handwriting; red chalk and yellow pigment used; an edge of the first fol. slightly worn out; presents an appearance of a 1997&t
MS.; both the text and the commentary complete. Age - Fairly old.
Author of the Text – Dharmakumāra.
Author of Avacūrni - same as per the last two entries.
Begins (Text )- fol. 12
stterauen: etc. as in 743. Begins ( Comm.) - fol. 1a
MUSIC SET etc. as in No. 743, Ends ( Text) — fol. 196
JEGO Gawor etc. as in No. 743 upto salariga i Ends - (Comm.) fol. 196
भोगावलीं ग्रंथं पठंति । ५५ प्रिय सखी। ५८ । १३३४ वर्षे । इत्यवचूरि Å. 887811
This is followed, in a different hand, by the lines as under :
पं. श्रीगुणसोमगणिशिष्यपं० श्रीविनीतं शिष्य पं० रतनं परत छह । N. B.- For further particulars see No. 743.