Book Title: Zum Begriff Der Substanz Im Vaisesika
Author(s): Wilhelm Halbfass
Publisher: Wilhelm Halbfass

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Page 25
________________ Substanz (dravya) im Veisepika 165 Abkürzungen: NBh NDI ND: NK NM NS NV1 Nyåyabhâsya, s. NDI, ND The Nyåya-Darshana. The Sūtras of Gautama and Bhåşya of Våtsyåyana, with two comm.... ed. GANGANATHA JHA and DHUNDHIRAJA SHASTRI (Benares 1925; Chowkhamba Sanskrit Ser.). Nyāyadarsana of Gautama, with the Bhåşya of Våtsyāyana, the Vårttika of Uddyotakara, the Tătparyaţikå of Vacaspati, and the Parisuddhi of Udayana (Vol. I - Ch. I). Ed. ANANTALAL THAKUR (Darbhanga 1967; Mithila Inst. Ser. Ancient Text 20). Nyåyakandali by Sridhara, in: Bhashya of Prasastapáda, together with the NyĀyakandali ..., ed. V. P. DVIVEDIN (Benares 1895; Vizianagram Sanskrit Ser. 6). Nyåyamañjari of Jayanta Bhatta, ed. 8. N. SUKLA, 2 vols. (Benares 1934/36; Kashi Sanskrit Ser. 106). Die Nyåyasūtras. Text, Ubersetzung ... von W. RUBEN (Leipaig 1928; repr. Nendeln 1966; Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Mor. genlandes 18/2). The Nyāyavårttikam by Udyotakara Mitre, ed. V. P. DUBE (Cal. cutta 1887–1914; Bibliotheca Indica). Nyāyavårttika, 8. ND. Prasastapädabhâsya, 8. NK. Prasastapadabhasyam ... with comm. Sūkti by Jagadisa Tarkalank&ra, Setu by Padmanabha Misra, and Vyomavati by Vyomasivācārya, ed. GOPINATH KAVIRAJ (Benares 1924-1930; Chowkhamba Sanskrit Ser.). Tattvasangraha of Acărya Shāntarakṣita, with the comm. Paxjika of Shri Kamalashila ... ed. DWARIKADAS SHASTRI, 2 vols. (Varanasi 1968; Bauddha Bharati Ser. 1-2). The Vaibesika Sūtras of Kanada ... transl. by N. SINHA (Allahabad 1911; Sacred Books of the Hindus 6; enthält auch den Sanskrittext der Sūtren). Vaiseşikasūtra of Kanāda, with the comm. of Candrinanda, crit. ed. JAMBUVIJAYAJI (Baroda 1961; Gaikwad,s Oriental Ser. 136). Vyomavati (von Vyomasiva), s. PB. NV: PB РВ? TS Vg: V8 7. Summary The paper analyses the functions, ambiguities and paradoxes of the Vaiseșika concept of drarya in a context, which is both systematic and historical and, to a certain extent, includes problems and conceptual distinctions developed in Western thought about 'substance'. Special atten. tion is paid to the role of dravya as substratum and qualificand and to the implications of the sense in which it can be said to 'have' qualities (guna). The cosmological roots and the changing connotations of this relationship are scrutinized; and the twofold perspective of dravya as ásraya and as dharmin is related to two different levels of thought and discourse in


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