of personhood are not developed enough, aware enough, intelligent enough to be considered people, but resemble in some respect more like person, being genetically human having human facial & physical features, detectable brain activity, or capacity to survive outside uterus.
Seven months fetus has powerful protective instinct as small infant, is also more person like, than very small embryo. It is somewhat more like person can apparently feel & respond to pain & has rudimentary form of consciousness its brain is quite active Nevertheless it is not fully conscious even infant of few months can't reason or communicate messages & he has no self awareness. Even fully developed fetus is less person like than average Mature mammal so rational person must conclude that if right to life of fetus is based upon resemblance to a person can't have more right to life.
Right to life on basis of person likeness has no legal restriction but potentiality that when fetus is nurtured & developed will become person gives right to life. It is fact cant be denied that fetus is potential person has life & destroying life is unjust for reasons like going trip to abroad or figure of woman may get spoiled. It is indecent for woman & immoral to abort after plantation of embryo.
Abortion may be granted in case of 1) before implantation 2) woman's life is threatened 3) In case of rape 4) In case of multiple pregnancy or disability 5) to reduce no of fetuses in uterus i.e. selective termination as invoking right to kill fetus to control one's body means carry out a selective reduction of pregnancy i.e. to destroy one or more fetuses, in order to give remaining fetuses a better chance to life & create space for other fetus.
Elhical issues are same in multiple pregnancy spontaneous conception or infertility treatment less person like than is the average mature mammal so rational person must conclude that if the right to life of a fetus is to be based upon its resemblance to a person can't be said to have any more right to life. Even a fully developed fetus is not person like enough to have any significant right to life on the basis of its person likeness. No legal restriction upon the stage of pregnancy in which an abortion may be performed can be justified on ground that we should protect the rights of older fatus.
It is unjustified & indecent for woman to obtain abortion just for a trip to Europe would be immoral & should not be permitted.
If fatus is nurtured & developed will become person gives right to life. You can't deny the fact that an entity is a potential person has right to life & destroying is unjust.
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