How many doctors have the expertise commitment, time & resources to consider the quality of each request for abortion in appropriate depth?
How many requests for abortion have been granted which are really the result of depression or pressure from spouses, partners, or relatives? How many women experience lasting psychological harm & psychiatricillness as result of abortion whih was really someone else's choice.
In VAE life at stake is full human being while in abortion it is not.
Strict guidelines would forestall any slide down empirical slope which ensure that 1) each request was properly checked 2) diagnosis & prognosis were confirmed. 3) alteratives were fully investigated. 4) Patients suffering were truly unbearable? But how? 5) Ensure that request is truly voluntary. How to know considered & informed wishes of the patient, or result of pressure from relatives?
Doctor who intentionally shorten the life of patient whether terminally ill adult or child with Down's syndrome is killing. It matters not whether shortening is brought about by an act or an omission by withholding treatment or food, water, or warmth is no less wrong then injecting a lethal injection. Any conduct which is intended to shorten a patients life whether as an end means to end with whatever motive is killing.
Worthwhileness of the patients' life is below quality threshold because of disease injury disability. This valuation of human life that certain lives are not worth living, life of incompletant patient such as elderly, woman with advanced dementia & death would be benefit is wrong in ending life.
Mary is suffering from coronary disease & advanced Alizheimer conductive is terminal, disease is progressive & irreversible she is likely to suffer further heart attacks & to die within weeks. even then it is wrong to kill.
Dr. Vitalism) explains he thinks that human life is an absolute good & that it should be preserved at all costs regardless of the expenses of medical treatment or pain, discomfort whether patient is young or old able-bodies or disabled curable or incurable. It is always unethical to shorten human life or fail to try to lengthen it He advocates long live vitalism, keep everyone alive."
Dr. Quality of life) views at opposite ethical pole to these of Dr. V. states human life is not an absolute good but only an instrumental good that end is leading a worth while life. If mental disability deprives the individual of the ability to think rationally. A human being who lacks
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