woman is the spiritual nature that is at present destitute of divine attributes. She is the one that is bidden to rejoice, for she shall soon bring forth the glorious divinity and the infinity of divine attributes, on the acquisition of Right Faith. Thus, Isaac and Ishmael stand allegorically, for two different types of men, the former representing those who are promised the Crown of Glory by Life, on perfection in respect of Faith and Knowledge and Conduct, and the latter, the ordinary humanity that are characterized by ignorance, and live after the flesh. These types are also referred to in the ninth chapter of the Epistle to Romans, from which I quote the following:
6. “.... for they are not all Israel which are of Israel. 7. “Neither because they are the seed of Abraham, are they
all children : but, in Isaac shall thy seed be called. 8. "That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are
not the children of God ; but the children of the promise
are counted for the seed." Read literally, that is, in the historical sense, it will be absurd to say that all the children of Israel are not Israel, or those of Abraham, not the seed of Abraham ; but from the spiritual standpoint, the allegorical reading is fully in harmony with the teaching of Truth with which alone is Religion concerned. We also read in Galatians (chapter iii. 29) :“And if ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed, and heir
according to promise." It is needless to say that the Jewish allegorists, both before St. Paul's time and afterwards, held exactly the view which he takes of the life-story of the great patriarch.'
This brings the subject of this evening's lecture to an end, though naturally there is a very great deal more to be said on every point that has been touched upon and there are numerous points that have not been touched at all today. The result of the scientific study is before you; you now know what Religion signifies. But it is also possible that you do not agree with me in one or more or all of these particulars. I, too, do not expect, nor could reasonably be ex. pected, to carry conviction into every heart at once. You will, however,
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