live for long in peace. As regards our relations with the obstructionists, we should not forget that the tender sapling that would flourish among rocks must proceed by adapting itself to its environments, seeking, by gentle humility and meekness, to grow under the fostering care of the rocky giants that surround it, till, thus protected from sun and wind and rain, it is able at last to defend itself against all foes. The analogy is, however, not quite to the point, for with her teeming millions India is more like a roaring torrent rapidly approaching what may be termed the cross-roads of destiny, so that it already is something in the nature of a powerful factor in Imperial politics. Whether it become a tower of strength to the great empire to which it is anxious to be affiliated, or ever remain a source of trouble and weakness to it in the hour of danger and need, depends on the wisdom of the men who are entrusted with the work of building and upkeep of Britain's power. For your own part, however, whether British statesmen win your hearts by a liberal policy of goodwill and fair play, or prove themselves unsympathetic and unfriendly towards your legitimate ideals and aspirations, you must always keep the example of the young sapling before you, so that you should be always growing and growing strong, whoever the men in charge of Imperial affairs and whatever their policy towards you.
A strong body, a strong mind and a strong will added to hard work and industry will, then, suffice to usher a millennium of Peace and Plenty which you should aim at introducing under the aegis of the Union Jack, taking it not merely as the flag of a great sea-faring nation that now holds you in subjection, but as the Standard of Union for all races of men, that is, as the Victory Banner of the great Brotherhood of all those noble souls who live on true Jaina principles whatever be their outward denomination and garb. I wish that you should be the people to take up this Standard of Peace and Joy and to carry it to all the races of men on earth, marching not in the wake of fire and death with which the standards of great nations are nowadays so much associated, but in that of Duty and Dharma, as the messenger of our Lord, Paramatman Mahavira, to spread the joy-giving gospel of Life-AHIMSA PARAMO DHARMAH (non-injury is the highest religion)-to every nook and corner of the World.
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