religion, in one form or another; in some explicitly, in others, by necessary implication. It is in Jainism alone that full stress is laid on its daily practice. This one instance, in my opinion, will suffice to show you that the truth is there in every form of religion, worthy of that appellation, though its import is fully realized by those alone who possess the true key of interpretation. This key, I claim, is possessed by Jainism.
Jainism explains,--and that in accordance with the most rigorous rules of good reason, --that every soul is essentially divine, and can become a Paramatman (God) if it chooses to exert itself in the right direction. It is true that it has to renounce the sense-enjoyments which the world affords, but it is not a renunciation of anything valuable, nor of anything worth clinging to. It is essentially and truly a renunciation of limitations ; it is a giving up of base and worthless substitutes ; it is a disclaimer of the things and relations and attachments, which actually tend to weaken us, and which prevent us from a realization of the joyous state of blessedness and bliss which is the nature of our souls. Should we be sorry to renounce the beggar's bowl of sense-attractions, if its throwing away would lead us to the possession of the untold wealth of perfection and joy in our own self? Ye, followers of the great Tirthamkaras, this is what your noble and ennobling Religion teaches. This is what your birth in the creed demands. Your past karmas were sufficiently pure to secure for you the present birth in this glorious creed ; you are already on the high road of Renunciation. Should you not gird up your loins for further çonquests, and march fearlessly, bravely and resolutely on the path already opened out and illuminated by the worshipful feet of the Great Masters ? Let ine repeat that the birth in a Jaina family is the sign of the soul having already attained to a certain state of practical Renunciation. A Jaina's life, from the very moment of his birth, is one of giving up. He is born under circumstances which render the task of giving up easier of accomplishment. Ahimsa is the easiest of attainment by you, and this is a great advantage over your fellow-beings. Look around you, not despisingly, but pityingly, if you will, at other communities, see how steeped most of them are in himsa in its various forms. Are you not placed above them ? How hard it is for them to give up the animal flesh,
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