on a foundation of solid truth. The truth is there in each and every one of them, but hidden behind the veil of allegory, metaphor and symbolism, and in places also under misconception and inexactitude of thought. Jainism differs from them in this that it possesses a true and comprehensive explanation of the entire subject. It furnishes an explanation of every department of the great Science of Religion which would be fully acceptable to the most critical intellect of the day. Amongst the other creeds, Vedanta teaches more or less the same doctrine of the soul being its own God, though it differs from us in certain other respects, especially with regard to its conception of a solitary soul. Next comes Buddhism which is the doctrine of " negation” or “voidness.” It does not, of course, recognize any permanent being or thing, and its nirvana is an empty concept. But it, too, endorses the teaching as to transmigration and karna. Of the remaining creeds, modern Christianity furnishes us with as good an instance as we can think of of a doctrine misunderstood. I am sure that the early Fathers of the Christian Church of the first three centuries after the birth of Christianity did possess the key to a true interpretation of their Faith. The more I have thought over the problem, the more convinced have I become that Christianity has a great deal in common with Jainism, notwithstanding the erroneous interpretation put upon its fundamental tenets by the modern Church. Here I may call your attention to a thoughtful observation of Schopenhauer, the great German philosopher of the last century. This erudite scholar has expressed himself to the following effect :
Whatever we may say or think to the contrary, Christianity has the Indian blood in its veins.' While reading the Bible I could not help being struck with the close resemblance between our twenty-four Tirthamkaras and the four and twenty Spiritual Elders of the Apocalypse. In this brief survey of the different religions, now prevailing in the World, it has not been possible for me to go into detail, or to give reasons for my opinions, but I feel certain that Jainism alone can furnish the “ Key of Knowledge” which will unlock the hidden secrets of these other religions, which, as I have said above, are all grounded on truth, though generally misunderstood. You will find renunciation of desire enjoined in each and every
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