६० angabahya. The former is again twofold-vasyaka and Avasyaka-vyatirikta.
The latter is again classified as kāliku and utkalika. Thus Pannṇavaṇā is Angabahya, Avasyaka-vyatirikta and Utkalika. Nandi does not contain any reference to Aliga and Angabahya. In the latter part of the Agama age the interrelation between Anga and Angabalya was determined. Accordingly, Prajñāpană turns to be the upanga of Samaväyänga. On what basis this interrelationship was determined is a matter of research. It would have been all the more intelligible if Prajñāpand had been recognised as Upanga of Bhagavati. Author and the Period of Composition
Pannavana is the sum and substance (nibsyanda) of Drstivada.
infer that its subject-matter has been derived from Drstivdda. Its author is Arya Syama 2 He was the 23rd in lineage from Acarya Sudharmasvami He was a powerful vacaka in the tradition of the lineage of vacakas. He flourished in the 4th century of Vira-nirvana.
The date of composition of Punnavand is probably between the year 335 and 375 of Vira-nirvana. Nandi mentions the 'Mahaprajñāpand' which is now extinct. Both Mahaprajñāpand and Prajñāpanã are independent works. It cannot be said definitely whether the former is the progenitor of the latter or the latter contains any new topic. Among the twelve upangas, Prajñāpand holds a unique position. We can guess from this that it was composed at the period when the Purvas were passing into oblivion and their remaining portions alone were in memory Şatkhaṇḍāgama too came into existence at such a period. The remaining upangas were composed in the period subsequent to the composition of Prajñopand. All this conjecture has been made on the basis of their subjectmatter. Umäsvāti flourished in 5th century of Vira-nirvāņa. His Tattvärthasūtra mentions the sutra "arya mlecchaśca", which must be based on the first 'pada' of Prajñāpand. The clearcut idea and definition of 'drya' and 'mleccha' appearing there is net to be found elsewhere. On this basis Pannavana precedes the period of Umäsväti.
Many commentaries of Pannavaṇā are available. They are as follows:
1. Pradeśa-commentary
2 Trtiya pada-Sangrahani
3728 133
Jain Education International
Haribhadrasüri Abhayadevasūri
1. Nandi, 73-77
2. Prajñāpana Vr, patra, 47/1, aryasyamo yadeva granthantareşu asaliga pratipädakam gautamapraśnabhagavannirvacanarupam sūtramasti tadevägama bahumanataḥ pathati.
Prajñāpana Vr. Patra, 72; bhagavan āryasyamo'pi itthameva sütram racayati.
3. Tattvärthasūtra, 3/36
8th Cen. First half of 12th Cen.
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