Muni Dharmasi has composed stabaka (tabba or bälävabodha) on it in Gujarati. The abundance of commentaries reveals that this canon was studied very frequently.
Sthananga mentions four angababya prajñaptis, of which the first is Condroprajhapti and the second is Süryaprajñopti, Kasayapahtuda also mentions them in the same order." As the name connotes, the first prajñapti deals with the moon while the second one deals with the sun, so they are named as Candraprajñapti and Süryoprojñapti respectively.
Subject Matter
The list of agamas contains both these agamas-Candraprajñapti and Süryaprojhupti. Nandi's Agama-list too tells of Candraprajñapti as Kalika and Süryopropri as Urkalika." The cause of this distinction demands investigation. The former is not available at present but for a very small portion of its beginning. We come across some manuscripts entitled Candrup aftapti and Süryaprajhapti but their text throughout is identical except the initial sutra. Acarya Malayagiri has composed commentaries on both of them, and they are almost identical The general impression prevailing at present is that Candraprajñapt is not at all available these days. Whatever is available is Suryaprajñapti alone. Dr. Walter Schubring has put forward a conjectureSüryaprajñapti, from its 7th påhuda onwards, ascribes more importance to the moon and the stars, so we imagine that Candraprajhapti begins from the 10th pahula. But in the absence of the whole subject-matter of Candraprojñopti, Schubring's conclusions cannot be taken as authoritative outright. Even then there is much room for consideration.
Malayagiri's commentaries are available on both-Candraprajñapti and Suryaprajñopti. The commentaries are identical and whatever their difference is has been noted in the Appendix. According to Jinaratnakoša, the granthagra of the commentaries of these águmas is 9500 and 9000 respectively. Bhadrabahu's Niryuktis meation the Niryukti on Suryaprajñap 1, which was, however, not 1. Thānam, 4/189.
2 Kasayapahuḍa, Chapter I-"pejjadosa vihatti", p. 137
3. Nandi, 77,78
4. Schubring: The Doctrine of the Jaina, p. 102
5. Jinaratnakosa, p. 118
6. Ibid, p 452
7. Avasyaka-niryukti, gathä, 85
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