207 The King Jitaśatru heard that the Lord of Three Worlds had come; he went in haste with his retinue to pay homage to him. Ananda also went on foot to the feet of the Lord of the World. After hearing a sermon that was like a mouthful of nectar for the ears, Ānanda bowed to the feet of the Master of Three Worlds and, high-minded, took the twelve-fold householder's law.
He gave up women except Sivanandā; and gold except the four crores of gold each in deposit, et cetera. He renounced herds except four herds; and he gave up land except five hundred ploughs. He gave up carts except five hundred carts each used for foreign traffic and for home use. He renounced other boats except four boats for foreign traffic, and four for home use. He gave up cloths for cleansing the body except a fragrant red one; and abandoned toothcleaners except a green liquorice stick. He renounced other fruit except the milky myrobalan and ointment except the oils made of one hundred and one thousand ingredients. He gave up other powder except fragrant sandal powder and other bathing except with eight pitchers of water from an auștrika. He gave up all other clothes except the two linen garments; and other unguents except those of sandal, aloes, and saffron. He gave up flowers except a wreath of jasmine and the lotus; and all ornaments except ear-ornaments and name-rings. He gave up the use of incense except olibanum and aloes; and other pastry except ghệtapūra176 and khandakhādya.177 He renounced beverages except kāșthapeyā178 and boiled rice except kalama179 and soups except black gram,
176 254. According to PH, this is the present ghebar, which is a sweetmeat made of wheat flour, sugar, milk, cocoanut and ghi, which is MW's definition of ghstapura. Some nuts, or additional trimming, may be placed on top.
177 254. Hoernle, Uv. n. 34, takes this to be the modern pūrī; but that does not seem likely. An ordinary pūri does not have sugar. The word is not in PH. MW defines it merely as dainty.'
178 255. A decoction made from pulse. 179 255. A kind of the best rice. PH.
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