Book Title: Tattvartha sutra
Author(s): Umaswati, Umaswami, D S Baya
Publisher: Agam Ahimsa Samta Evam Prakrit Samsthan
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Angabāhya - Para primary Annapāna - Food and drink. canons.
Antara - Difference. Angopānga - Body parts, Antarālagati - Motion of a soul Primary and secondary canons.
in the interval between death Anagāra - Household reno
and rebirth, transmigratory uncer, ordained ascetic.
motion. Andaja - Born from an egg.
Antarāya - Obstruction. Anu - Smallest indivisible Antardhāna Disappearance.
particle of matter also called Antarmuhūrta - A time period Paramānu.
upto 48 minutes. Anuvrata - Minor vows.
Anubhāva/ anubhāga bandha – Anuvratadhārī - Observer of
Intensity bondage. minor vows.
Anucintana - Mental reflection. Anābhoga - Natural or Anujñāpita pāna bhojana - involuntary.
Eating after showing the food Anācāra - Misconduct.
to the senior ascetic and Anādara – Disrespect.
receiving his/her permission. Anādi – Beginningless.
Anukampā – Pity, compassion. Anāhāraka - Foodless.
Anumodanā - Approval. Anākāra-Unformed, formless.
Anumodita - Approved. Anangakrīdā – Unnatural sex.
Anupreksa - Reflection. Ananta - Infinite, unending, Anuttara - The ultimate. eternal.
Anuttaravimāna - The ultimate Anantānuka - Infinite particled.
heaven. Anantānubandhi - Infinitely Anyadısti prasámsā - Praising bonding.
other faiths (which may be Anapavartanīya - Which cannot
false). be changed, Immutable.
Otherness, Anarthadanda - Unnecessarry or
seperateness. unproductive punishment.
Apāna - Exhalation. Anaśana - Fasting.
Aparatva - Identification. Anekānta - Multifaceted, many Aparigrhītāgamana - Sexual ended, tolerant of differing
intercourse with an unmarried views, non-absolutist.
person of the opposite sex. Anindrīya - Mind, feeler.
Aparigraha - Non-attachment Anista - Undesirable.
towards possessions. Anitya - Temporary."
Aparyāpta – Undeveloped. Anivetti - Indulgence.
Apavāda – Exception. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only

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