Book Title: Tattvartha sutra
Author(s): Umaswati, Umaswami, D S Baya
Publisher: Agam Ahimsa Samta Evam Prakrit Samsthan

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Page 238
________________ GLOSSARY : XXV U : Upavāsa - Fasting for a day. Upayoga - Consciousness, the essential attribute of the living (soul). Ürdhva - Upwards, upper. Uccagautra - High status Ucchavāsa - Exhalation. Uddyota - Ilumination. Upabhoga - Recurrent enjoyment. Upabhoga paribhoga parimāna vrata - Vow limiting the use of enjoyable objects both - onetime and recurrent. Upabhogādhikatva - Excessive repetitive enjoyment. Upabhogāntarāya – Obstru-cted repetitive enjoyment. Upacāra - Customary, formal. Upacāra vinaya - Formal respect. Upadhi - Non-essential encumbrance. Upādhyāya - Preceptor, teacher of canonical learning. Upagraha - Satellite. Upakāra - Favour. Upakarana - Equipment, instrument. Upakaranendriya - Instru mental organ. Upapāta - Sudden manifestation. Upapāta janma - Birth by sudden manifestation. Upaśama - Subsidence. Upaśamika - Subsidential Upaśānta (Kasāya, moha) - Subsided (passion, delusion). Upasarga – Torment. Upasthāpana - Reordain--ment - an expiation. Urdhva vyatikrama - Violation of the limit of moving in the upwards direction. Urdhvagati - Upwards motion. Urdhvaloka - Upper worlds or heavens. Usna parīsaha – Heat affliction. Utkrsta - Excellent, maximum. Utpāda - Origination. Utsarga mārga - The path of renunciation. Utsarga samiti - Vigilance in disposal. Utsarpinī kala - Ascendent time cycle, progrssive time cycle. Uttama purusa First person, noble person. Uttara – Following or subUttara prakıti - Sub-types. Uttaraguna - Secondary attributes. V . Vācanā - Lesson given by a preceptor or teacher. Vacana gupti - Controlled speech. Vacanaduspranidhāna Improper speech (A flaw of Sā māyika vrata). Vadha - Slaying, hurting. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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