Se ven't 1 Chapter
3 394049, Jaghanyapatra, Layman with right belief but not
with vows,
Thcsc thccc with right bele arc called 397 Supatras, good donccs, and those who arc with proper cxternal conduct but without eal right bclief arc F1 Kupatras, deficient donces Unworthy donccs (Apatras) are those who have neither proper csternal conduct nor real right belief There is no merit in giving them anything
There is also a U11 Karuna-dana, or ft of compassion to anyoncmain or non-Jaina, human or sub-human being, who is in need of it. This charity is of 4 kınds
1 SET, Ahara, Food 2 silafu, Ausadh, Medicine.
*74, Abhaya, Reassuring the frightened, or removing their
cause of fear 4 PT, Vidya, Knowledge