Nineth Chapter
2 971, Prichchhana, Questioning Inquiry on a Doubtful point 3 Then, Anuprcksha, Reflection or mcdiention on what is read
reru, Annaya, Mcmorsing and proper recitation 5 strani Dharmupadocha, Lecturing or del cring sermons
Bahyabhyantaropadhyoh. reytu, Viltsurda guing up atrichment to nordly objecus is of 2 kinds ) i n , Bahyu Unadhi Ol excernnl (things 2
. Ahn, antara unich Ol internal thungs las the passions, etc)
SUTRA 27 THE TRITTANTS 77717-ty' FREE Uttamasamhananasyajhngcachintanirodho
dhyanamantarmuhurtat. 2, Dhyama, Concentration is contining lone's thought to one (particular object ) (In a man with high-class constitution of bonc, nerics, etc1f, the first 3 out of the G 477 Samhananas, it lasts at the most for, 1 c,l upco one 11 Antaranuhurta, (1 c.48 minutes minus one Te, Samsia)
SUTRA 28 - मातंगधर्म्यगुपनानि ॥ ८ ॥
Artaraudradharmashuklanı (It is of 4 binds ) 1 SRITT Artadhyana, Painful concentration, monomania, 2 am Rudradhyana, Wicked concentration on unrightcous
Sain, etc 3 har, Dharmadhyana, Rightcous concentration 4 7792415, Shukladhyana Pure concentration. 1 C, concentr 1
tion on the soul,