________________ . xii INTRODUCTION In his Sukhabodhika Tippanika at the end of the section on avayava Gunaratna writes : 3a4art: #4141: ! Hagurf & antiquis falcat I This means that he completed the commentary on the section called avayavagrantha in Krsnadurga (= P24'16). As has been already noted, he learned Navya-Nyaya from Maithila pandits whom he respectfully remembers in his works on Navya-Nyaya. Gunaratna's (Sukhabodhika-author's) Other Works (1) Tarkatarangini : We have already established the identity of Gunaratna, the author of Sukhabodhika with Gunaratna, the author of Tarkatarangini. As stated earlier, Tarkatarangini is a sub-commentary on Govardhana's Tarkaprakasika, which is itself a commentary on Kesava Misra's Tarkabhasa. Tarkatarangini employs the technique and terminology of Navya-Nyaya while discussing important problems of Nyaya-Vaisesika logic and metaphysics. Yet its language is simple and explanation lucid as it is mainly written for the use of students, especially for Gunaratna's favourite monk-student Ratnavisala. In Tarkatarangini Gunaratna quotes from or refers to Vatsyayana, Udayana, Bhavananda, Paksadhara Misra, Sanatani Pandita, Ratnakosakara, Haridasa and Krsnadasa. This evinces his mastery over Navya-Nyaya. At the end of the exposition of Asamavayikarana he calls himself "are(fa) ashusiufor:". (p. 64) (2) Saradipika (Kavyaprakasatika) : Gunaratna, a pupil of Jinamanikyasuri of Kharatara Gaccha, completed a voluminous commentary called Saradipika, of 10,500 sloka measure, on Kavyaprakasa on the seventh day of the black half of the month of Jyestha in V.S. 1610 (= 1553 A.D.). Like Tarkatarangini, this commentary too was composed by Gunaratna for his monk-pupil Ratnavisala. This information is available in the manuscript of the work, preserved in the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune'. Therein the following verse occurs : विलोक्य विविधाः टीका अधीत्य च गुरोर्मुखात् / काव्यप्रकाशटीके यं रच्यते सारदीपिका // (3) Siromani-Tippana : In Tarkatarangini at two different places readers are asked by its author Gunaratna to consult Siromani-tippana. This led Prof. 1. greufo Hiffa, H RT PTG sfera, 474, aktoret, g. 834 2. Tarkatarangini, Ed. V. G. Parikh, p. 81 and p. 90.