________________ xiv INTRODUCTION (Sondada) Upadhyaya. Sundala or Sondada, as we all know, was an important pre-Gangesa author whose view was contested by Gangesa in his Tattvacintamani. It would thus be odd again to assume that a NavyaNyaya author of the 17th century would be silent about Gangesa while he wrote a Navya-Nyaya commentary." (C) "Besides, I have examined myself the Anyathakhyativada section of Tarkatarangini along with Gunaratna's NSDT on the Anyathakhyativada chapter, and from this comparative study I am forced to conclude that these two sections on the same topic could not have been written by the same author." And, in addition, we draw the attention of the readers to the fact that Gunaratna, the author of Tarkatarangini, respectfully remembers his Maithila pandit from whom he learned Navya-Nyaya but Gunaratna, the author of Nyayasiddhantadipa-Tippana, does not follow this practice. As the author of Tarkatarangini and that of Sukhabodhika Tippanika are identical according to us, we conclude that Nyayasiddhantadipa-Tippana is not the work of Gunaratna, the author of Sukhabodika Tippanika. So, we have to find out an answer to the question as to who this Gunaratna, the author of Nyayasiddhantadipa-Tippana, is. He should be a learned Jaina monk belonging to 14h century A.D. Therefore, Matilal identifies him with Gunaratna (c. 1343-1418 A.D.), the author of Tarka-rahasya-dipika, a commentary on Saddarsanasamuccaya of Ac. Haribhadra. But we reject "Matilal's view because Gunaratna, the author of NSDT calls himself 'vacanacarya' and 'gani', while Gunaratna, the author of Saddarsanasamuccayatika calls himself "suri'. To escape from this difficulty one may say that Gunaratna, the author of Saddarsanasamuccayatika composed NSDT prior to his earning the title 'suri'. But in that case Matilal's view that Gunaratna, the author of Saddarsanasamuccayatika, studied Sasadhara and commented upon only four chapters of NSD after he had finished his Saddarsanasamuccayatika gets shattered to pieces. In support of our view we point out that Gunaratna in neither of the two lists of Nyaya-Vaisesika authors, supplied by him in his Saddarsanasamuccayatika, men1. Ibid, p. 23. 2. Ibid, p. 23.