________________ INTRODUCTION xiii Parikh, the editor of Tarkatarangini, to write as follows: "From Tarkatarangini it can be assumed that perhaps he (i.e. the author of Tarkatarangini) might have written one more Tippana (i.e. in addition to Nyayasiddhantadipa-Tippana) on the work of Raghunatha Siromani." This is the reason why, when we found the manuscript of Gunaratna's Sukhabodhika Tippanika, we thought it must be Siromani-Tippana. But our examination of the manuscript failed to justify our hope. So, the question as to whether or not Gunaratna wrote siromani-Tippana remains open. (4) Padarthakhandana : While discussing the question as to whether abhava is identical with or different from its adhikarana and pratiyogi, Gunaratna says: sesayuktih Padarthakhandane (p. 514). Does this mean that Gunaratna has written a work having the title "Padarthakhandana' ? Or does he refer to Siromani's work having this title ? (5) Nyayasiddhantadipa-Tippana : The Nyayasiddhantadipa is a Navya-Nyaya text written by Sasadharacarya. And Gunaratnagani has written a commentary, called Tippana, on Nyayasiddhantadipa. Prof. Parikh considers this Gunaratnagani to be identical with Gunaratnagani, the author of Tarkatarangini. But Prof. B. K. Matilal considers them to be two different persons. In support of his view he gives the following reasons : (a) "The Tarkatarangini of Gunaratna abounds in references to almost all the important late (i.e. post-Gangesa) Navya-Naiyayikas such as Jayadeva Paksadhara, Raghunatha, Bhavananda, Haridasa, Krsnadasa and . Yajnapati. Almost in every page some important post-Gangesa author was quoted. But I have been unable to locate a single reference to Sasadhara or his Nyayasiddhantadipa. It is, on the face of it, improbable that if the same author had written another important commentary on a Navya-Nyaya text like the Nyayasiddhantadipa, he should be silent about it altogether in his apparently larger work." (b) "Our Gunaratna's commentary (Tippana) on the Nyayasiddhantadipa, on the other hand, does not contain any reference to any post-Gangesa Navya-Nyaya author. In fact, it does not contain a single reference to even Gangesa. The only other Navya-Nyaya author, besides Udayana, mentioned in Gunaratna's Nyayasiddhantadipa-tippana, was Sundala 1. Nyayasiddhantadipa with Gunaratna's Tippana, Ed. B. K. Matilal, Introduction, p. 23