________________ INTRODUCTION Badha, as also a commentary thereon. Thus it is both a commentary on Tattvacintamani and a subcommentary on a commentary of Tattvacintamani (of course covering the concerned portion). We can definitely say that the commentary Gunaratna comments on is not the one either by Mathuranatha or by Raghunatha Siromani. It is because many pratikas are not from them. But we are not able to identify positively that commentary which Gunaratna comments on. Pratikas from Tattvacintamani are clearly indicated by 'iti mulam' and those from the commentary by iti tika'. Sometimes we find pratikas without such indications. Moreover, in the first half of the Sukhabodhika it is not clearly stated that 'now the Sukhabodhika on the mula (i.e. Tattvacintamani) starts (atha mulam)', whenever the Sukhabodhika on the mula begins, or that 'now' the Sukhabodhika on the tika starts (atha tika)' whenever the Sukhabodhika on the tika begins. But in the second half of the Sukhabodhika we do find such clear statements and hence there is no possibility of confusion there in the second half of the Sukhabodhika. And it is note-worthy that Gunaratna stops commenting on the commentary from ‘निबन्धे तु हेत्वाभासानां फलद्वारकं लक्षणम्' in Tattvacintamani (p. 561). Authorship There flourished many authors having the same name Gunaratna. But we know only two Gunaratnas who have written works dealing with Navya-Nyaya - one the author of Tarkatarangini', a sub-commentary on Govardhana's Tarkaprakasika, which is itself a commentary on Kesava Misra's Tarkabhasa, and the other the author of Nyayasiddhantadipatippana (=NSDT)2. Our author (i.e. the author of Sukhabodhika Tippanika) is not identical with the author of NSDT for several reasons which we shall discuss afterwards under the heading of "Gunaratna's (Sukhabodhika-author's) other works.' But he seems to be identical with the author of Tarkatarangini for the following reasons : 1. Edited by Prof. Vasanta G. Parikh in L.D. Series, No. 124, L.D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad, 2001. 2. Edited by Bimal Krishna Matilal in L.D. Series, No. 56, L.D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad, 1976.