Book Title: Talk On Vivek Chudamani
Author(s): Chinmayanand Swami
Publisher: Chinmay Publications Trust

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Page 56
________________ 49 life, Śraddha is so unavoidable, how much more it should be so in my attempt to understand the suggestive beauty, the indicative message and the implied meanings of the pregnant words of the Scriptures and of the teacher. सर्वदा स्थापनं बुद्धः शुद्ध ब्रह्मणि सर्वथा। तत्समाधानमित्युक्तं न तु चित्तस्य लालनम् ॥२६॥ sarvadā sthāpānam buddheh śuddhe brahmani sarvathā tatsamādhānamityuktam na tu cittasya lālanam 26 सर्वदा • Always, स्थापनम् - engaging, बुद्धेः - of the intellect, शुद्धे ब्रह्मणि - in the pure Brahman, सर्वथा - in all conditions, तत् - that, समाधानम् - tranquillity, इति - thus, उक्तम् - it is said, न तु - but not, TRT1774 - the oscillations of the intellect. Samadhan (Tranquillity) is that condition (experienced within) when the mind is constantly engaged in the contemplation of the Supreme Reality in all conditions; and it is not gained through any amount of intellectual oscillations. There are everywhere in this country pseudo-Vedantins walking the path of false practices who have come to believe that a certain type of mental living is a Vedantic sadhak's trade marks! These misguided people have been more a bane to the Indian culture than those who, in utter ignorance of our philosophy, have condemned it from the house-tops ! Generally in any country the atheist or the vehement critics do attract the general people towards an independent enquiry into the main text-books, but when we find that the so-called men of our culture, living the values of life supposed to have been advised in the traditions of our country, behave as low despicable creatures of crumbled values, necessarily the ordinary man of average intelligence comes immediately to a decision that there is something fundamentally wrong with that tradition. It is the lip-vedantins and pseudo-seekers that have damaged our edifice of Perfection and Truth more than a Ghazni or an Aurangzeb. They did break the idols; but by this the idols had become almost mudpieces. It is the half-cooked Vedantins and seeming Bhaktās


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